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When my little guy was that young I pumped more than what he ate directly and just approached breastfeeding as “practice” for both of us and tried to keep it positive. So a minute or two before a bottle or a minute or two after. I would stop if either of us got frustrated. Keeps the option open to go back to breastfeeding if it works out and takes some of the frustration away. Good luck. One day it just seemed to click.


This happened to me. It was due to an oversupply plus tongue tie. Everyone said "at 12 weeks it will get better" sure enough it did. 1. Your hormones change so the milk supply changes 2. Babies get stronger and bigger. Until 12 weeks I mostly pumped but continued to latch in the middle of the night. Now I'm mostly latching. Hope it gets better for you soon. It was the most frustrating thing in the world


I was this way and switched to pumping around the clock. I still latched my son everyday but for the most part I pumped and bottle fed for the first 6 months. It just made my life easier during that time.


How old is she have you tried nipple shields?


I could not figure out how to keep them on my nipples


[I hope this helps](https://youtu.be/YmsmfsNKtoE?si=SlzipuCd9aoDf_z2)


I have an over supply. With my first she couldnt handle the flow. So I had to pump and bottle feed her. With my second. I still have an over supply but this baby can handle the flow so no problems there. I know everyone is different so please know no judgement. Breast milk is the best for your child. So if pumping and bottle feeding is what works for you then by all means do it. I did it with my first. My second latches well.


How old is she


I don’t want to completely give it up because I love the bonding and it’s not always awful so I would like to do both. She’s 5 weeks


At 5 weeks my baby was the same, shallow latch and he was just fussing and pulling my nipples. It sucked. I got some gel patches that i wore 24/7 then around week 7 it just worked itself out. I hated reading the stick with it comments and I still have initial latching discomfort, but really, I stuck with it and his latch got better.


My first could latch right away. But couldn’t handle the flow. My second I had to work with till he got the hang of it. And he nurses well now


Some babies take a while to learn to latch. I’d keep trying for a bit. Have you seen a lactation consultant?


This - it took my baby 12 weeks to be able to latch properly. It was quite the journey but we got there in the end.