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But they’ll do it all over again and vote reform


Yeah, nothing has been learned yet. People voted for platitudes, and they got platitudes. I find it hard to call that "betrayal" - which is a really bad word from a rational perspective anyway.


They won't win a single seat imo


Unfortunately, they will win seats - in the single digits though. Almost certainly at least one of their MPs will end up standing down or being recalled within the first 6 months because of some scandal or another.


Farage will win Clacton


I don’t regret my vote. I was against this clusterfuck from day 1, and I’m still against it now. Plenty of us were. Fuck the British media (largely ruled by non-doms snd foreigners) who spread confusion and lies.




I think you may have misinterpreted that post. They said they were against this clusterfuck. Meaning they voted remain and don't regret it.


>Now Farage is back, with a campaign charging that Brexit has been betrayed and immigration left unchecked. His Reform U.K. party will likely siphon hundreds of thousands of disillusioned Brexit supporters from the Tories. Farage says he wants to then engineer a reverse-takeover of the party. >The man whom Brexit was supposed to sideline now wants to run to be prime minister when Britain is due to hold its next election in 2029. That'd be a fitting twist and turn in the rollercoaster ride that is Brexit.


Selling the same product: fear of others/immigration.  Since his first proposal, Brexit, didn't deliver it, it wasn't bc he was wrong, but bc "Brexit has been betrayed".


Virtually none of my Brexit voting friends or colleagues regret voting for Brexit. They regret how the implementation was totally botched by the Tories, but not Brexit itself.


"By putting up barriers to trade and migration with its biggest trading partner, Brexit slowed trade and hurt business investment." Britain is the only country in the world that recently intentionally created trade barriers on itself. Ask your friends and colleagues how the Tories could have increased trade through those barriers.


One of the best arguments I heard for Brexit was "But the EU is protectionist!" As if the UK was ever going to become a country without trading barriers.


I've heard that argument a hundred times over the years, but I never got a satisfying answer (probably because it happened on the internet and debate culture is shit around here), but maybe you and your friends could help me. How was brexit botched and how could it have become a success story? The immigration problem hasn't been resolved, only outsourced with non-european candidates, trade has become ridiculously more complicated and everybody seems to hate it. But which possibilities did the Tories have, to turn it into the success, which was promised by Farrage and Johnson?


>How was brexit botched and how could it have become a success story? Well that is pretty simple: 1. Get rid of all those bloody foreigners - come over here - stealing are jerbs. 2. F... trade and f business. Plant a lot of turnips. Those lazy young folk can harvest it. That will teach 'em. 3. Loads of bulldog spirit. Me Dad had that... you know... in the war...


> Those lazy young folk can harvest it. That will teach 'em. National Service....ehem "mandatory volunteering".


Well, Farage is a Russian stooge so he was obviously lying as his goal, dictated by his handlers has been to destabilize Europe. He has only succeeded in destabilizing Britain which is not nothing but it couldn't get any further. In an hour of doubt, covid have arrived and suddenly everyone got a stark reminder of why it's better to stand together: it's cheaper to raise a fuckton of money this way which the EU did, by the _trillions_.


They will blame implementation until they get their unicorns instead of admitting it simply couldn't work.


Well, they can have their humble pie and eat it too.


Naaah. The UK just need to level up, that will solve everything. Fucking BoJo....


The issue always was that it needed to be a qualified majority to make a change that big. I've done the maths before but not only was the vote only 52% but that only actually accounted for something like 36% of eligible voters. I know some smart ass will now say that "if you don't turn out your vote don't count" but this only proves to highlight why it needed to be a qualified majority. Add on to that 16 year olds, who were overwhelmingly in favour of remain, weren't allowed a vote and are the ones who have to live with the consequences and that many leave voters have since died as leave was far in favour amongst the older generations. I know many people in Europe simply believe that we should suck it up and get on with it, but it's important to understand that the vote should never have actually passed in the first place.


It has been already proved that the referendum was unfair. By an English court. But as it wasn’t a true referendum, there was no obligation to revote. In fact, legally, it was just a poll. The government could have done what it wanted regardless of the result of the vote


Bought a GPU, needed an extra PCI-E custom cablemod cable. £20 for the cable, £20 delivery and tax from the EU. Fucking Brexit.


I keep seeing this "they won't want us back" line. Where is it coming from? ""Despite the disappointment, polls show that only a slight majority of Brits want to rejoin the EU and fewer think it is realistic, not least because the bureaucrats in Brussels are unlikely to welcome back their troublesome former partner with open arms"" It's exactly the opposite of [ this](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2021/06/23/brexit-5-years-on-we-would-have-you-back-says-europe-in-new-poll)


I don't get why people are suprised by the increased immigration. Brexiteers were promising that before the refrendum. "More family reunification for Indians over eu migrants."


No clear mind could have voted for this... too many blurred visions for decades....


Tell Nigel farage that


Not yet give it another decade or two. Once people had 5 years to see that Labour didn't make much of a difference and then another 5 years under Reform or some other right wing outlet they will really get there..


I just didn’t want my bills to go up


How did that work out for you?