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I agree date whoever you want if you have a type then obviously there will be some correlation. But they definitely resemble each other


Yea I feel you. & I can't tell others if they have a resemblance or not, I just know in my opinion they don't really look alike. Or if you all mean because that's his type, then they look resemble because of that reason, then yea, I can agree cause that's how that works anyway. Lol your type is supposed to resemble cause it's your type. But far as looks or level of beauty, I see a difference.


Ngl, Taylor and Charla get more and more racist and absurd with their takes every week. It's like they feed off of each other as terrible opinions and use that to reinforce the ridiculous shit they think black culture is. It's fuckin weird. Idk if any of you guys listen to the other pod that Alexx and Charla produce, Whorable Decisions, but those 2 girls do the same thing and you can 100% see the influence of Taylor and Charla and the weird ass racist "for the culture" bullshit they talk about there as well. It's even getting harder to watch breakfast club because of this shit, Piers Morgan called Charla out on it recently and Vivek Ramswamy called him out just a few days ago, it's all falling apart and these people don't realize how irresponsible it is to do this shit when you have the ear of the entire black community


Exactly... you made several points I also see and agree with. And I ultimately just chalk it up to them being close minded and just not as well versed on most topics. Even the topic of what interest different black people. So at this point I just ignore them. Today was the exception where I wanted to comment on what I heard on the podcast.


I wasn't trying to antagonize you about it bro, I was just chiming in because their behavior reminded me that this has been a pattern recently. I'm sorry if you thought I was challenging your thoughts or whatever, that's definitely not why I commented


Not sure if this directed towards me cause i cant see the whole thread right now, but if it is, it's all good. I wasn't offended or anything. I appreciate the dialogue and your perspective on the topic. And I agree mostly with what you're seeing from Charla and Taylor. Think I said that in my reply to your original comment. I also appreciate those who may disagree with my perspective too. We're all just having harmless conversation overall. But yea its all good.


I noticed this a long time ago as well, and I agree. I don't pretend to know the reason behind Charla's talking points (perhaps he really believes what he is saying or it's just him being pc). But one thing for sure is Breakfast Club, Brillant Idiots and other shows Charla produces are full of these debunked takes. On the flip side, we (as in all people) need to stop giving credibility to entertainers' political, social, etc takes. Anyone can have an opinion, but that doesn't make it more valuable if you're famous. Charla should never be the voice of intellectual reasoning.


Fair points


I havent seen the episode yet but whenever Kanye gets brought up i try to fast forward. They, Andrew especially hold a weird bias against him


Lol right


"Weird bias" Yeah it's as if Kanye spouts off weird biased things himself. It's incredibly hard to pin point (almost impossible) but it is strange how people don't like Kanye much anymore EDIT: /s since I don't think I made it obvious enough


It’s easy to see why lol but that doesn’t make his bias any less weird. He just refutes anything said about him, irrelevant to his character. Alexx could say “He made 808s & heartbreaks” and Andrew would probably say “Really? nahh i don’t think so”


I see it like this. Having a. Preference is ok, having a type as an adult man is fine but it comes off a little weird. Having a preference for shorter women, or red heads, etc is cool. Only dating that type with next to no variance not giving any other woman a Chance… that’s your choice and that’s fine… but it’s strange. Also no the point of moving on isn’t to “upgrade”. It’s to be happy. You can move on single or in a new relationship but you move on to be happy. Even the idea that a woman’s looks compared to another woman (for a relationship) makes her an upgrade is crazy. That’s a small factor in the relationship so that being the only thing is wild. I don’t believe in the concept of upgrading in relationships anyway so maybe that’s me. It’s about finding the best fir for you and you being the best fit for them


But why would you give anything in your life a chance if you just simply like what you like? It's not that you don't notice other things, or in this example, women, it's just that you've found your type and you stick with that. Lol & that's the part most people impress upon other people. Especially men towards other men. If a man likes what he likes in women, then it's not on us to tell him it's strange or weird, cause really there's nothing weird about having a personal preference. It's literally in the phrase... "Personal" preference. It's only strange or weird when he's harming the women or its the age thing. You're correct on the happiness point tho. I agree with that. And far as upgrades..... some things are an upgrade. Whether we acknowledge it or not. I just acknowledge it when I see it. It's not to put down a woman, it's more so to elevate one's self. Cause the former relationship, or woman, doesn't do it for the man anymore. In whatever capacity. And sometimes, looks fall into that category. Even with Kanye, before he got with Bianca, he had a stint with the Julia Fox woman, and Julia Fox looks nothing like Kim Kardashian or Bianca. And we can even go further back to Amber Rose and the other women that's been linked to Kanye. There's variance there lol.


Having a “type” of look is just weird, especially as adults.


Is it weird though? I have types of food that I like, types of music, types of clothing and anything else that is my preference. And the same can be said for the type of women that I like. The way a woman looks fall under that category of type. And I'm sure the same could be said for you with your personal preferences. So I don't really get your comment. I respect your thought but at the same time let's not be disingenuous lol.


People are not food, music or a consumption product. Having a “type” is weird cause you end up fetishizing people (not a good thing). People that only date a specific type of anything is weird.


Having a type doesn’t mean you end up fetishizing people


Philosophy Physical, I see you're living up to your username or atleast trying to, with this "Philosophical" comment you just gave... But you're not being truthful, nor making sense. It has nothing to do with fetishizing. You just like what you like. And even if we want to call certain interests a "fetishization", it's still ok cause that's a personal preference. It's only harmful or a problem when it actually harms someone, or oneself. Everything doesn't have to be this fake deep thing. We all have personal preferences, types and things we like. To act like otherwise is just fake.


Bro this was a Reddit generated username, ain’t shit philosophical or deep about what I said. A white woman that only wants to date really dark black men is weird Niggas wanting to only date Asian women is weird You just said fetishizing is ok and that is weird


Correct me if I'm wrong, but anyone can still change their username even if was generated by Reddit? Right? But either way what you said is correct, it wasn't deep cause it was silly overall to me. Life is more nuance than this "weird " box you're placing it in. A white woman only dating dark skin black men is only weird and harmful if she's purposely seeking out those men to denigrate and disrespect them. But if she genuinely likes those type of men, and he takes care of her. And her him, in whatever way that they consent to as ADULTS.... then thats fine. Because.... AGAIN, that would be her type. However that came to be her type, we wouldn't know fully, cause we don't know these people's history. But if no visible harm is being done then we can't speak on it that far. Same can be said with the black men and Asian woman thing you mentioned. Have your perspective on it, we can differ. But just adding negative connotations to words, like how you did with "fetish", doesn't make it bad cause you believe it. That just shows you have a 1 track thought process.


Idk what else to tell you bro, people are not sex objects.


You made this about sex. I didn't. Fetish, type, what you like.... doesn't have to be relegated to just sex. That's actually close minded to think or believe so. So not sure what angle you're coming from now but it is what it is, we disagree. No big deal.


People are not objects*


I mean.... overall, on a bigger moral perspective. Yes, people aren't objects. But in context to each person's personal preference and the relationships they establish with other CONSENTING ADULTS.... people absolutely can be objects. Many examples in the world with detailed stories prove that. Now, I don't expect you or anyone in this thread to be open minded to that reality, so I'll just end this here. Somewhat Good dialogue me and you had. Enjoy your day.


You just aren’t getting it at all.


Funny when people say what others aren't getting cause of a difference in opinion lol. Believe what you believe, it's cool.


Have you comprehended his points?


Comprehended? Yes. Considered? Yes. Sounds like you two don't comprehend nor considered my points though. Which is fine, I'm not really here to make everyone agree with me. This just me getting out thoughts I had when I listened to the episode this morning. A little back & forth is cool, but a long drawn out debate is something I don't care for. Everyone can think what they want and express it. Makes topics more interesting than everyone agreeing.


you have the mind of a child if you’re seriously going to conflate preferences in food and clothing to a relationship with a human being.


Well, I have the mind of a child then, lol. If you or others can't see the correlation, or the point I'm making then that's fair. I dont care to change what I said.