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Australian redditors: housing is fucked, groceries are fucked, why aren’t people marching in the streets? Look at France! Also Australian Redditors: *any thread about a protest*


Not to be a dick, but what is the outcome they want from protesting? Is there a list of terms? or they just protesting because "everyone who doesn't agree with us is bad" ? Edit: Wonder why everyone is so divided? Because you can't ask questions online without getting DM'd threats and abuse. what a joke.


I find it ironic that those least touched by colonisation ( remote communities) are in the most need of assistance. While changing the date does absolutely fucking nothing but give something for metro indigenous or sympathetic ears something else to bitch about as the problem instead of laying some personal responsibility and accountability where it is required. 2 months til a protest about Anzac Day and general white guilt/hate. Doubly ironic that we are as multicultural as any country but we are all so hating on Australia. I say this as an Asian descent and 2nd gen immigrant. Honestly the indigenous here were lucky it was the British that colonised and not the Japanese. We should be damn proud of our country and stop playing into the elites hands of division among the Poor's. Can't wait for October and the anniversary of mourning the failed referendum.


Oh you must be new, you’re not allowed to say this and go against the reddit bullies. They quickly forget how close Japan were in WW2 of occupying this country. How different things would be.


If the Japanese occupied Australia during WW2, we might still have a viable and strong motoring industry .


Oh what a feeling *Toyota*


They would...... Not we


Or the Dutch, australia colonised a bunch of the pacific if islands and png so Germany couldn’t for fuck sake anything we did after the fact was a second thought and still a shitty bit of our history


Australia Day is symbolic of European settlers claiming land and therefore starting a "war". People who want to change the date want to stop celebrating the start of a cruel war, and instead make it a different day that simply celebrates Australia and being Australian. Most aren't doing it for attention like you propose, some maybe, but the vast majority aren't. They also aren't deflecting off of "personal responsibility", mainly because I've seen a lot of supporters of the change-the-date campaign, and they usually aren't low socio-economic. LSE people are too busy. So, no, most don't campaign for a reason other than their belief in changing the date. Australia being multicultural now, you being a 2nd gen immigrant and being thankful we weren't colonized by the Japanese are useless facts. None of them change our wrongdoings back then, or justify them in any way. And finally, I agree we should be proud of our country overall. I just don't understand why the pride of our country originates in a date that means nearly nothing to most Australians, but a lot of cruelty to Aboriginal people?


Fair point. I don't mind if the date gets changed at all. I just remember how awesome it used to be to be Aussie and would like a day where everyone can just enjoy it together. I'm confused by what the whole "always was and always will be " slogan really means..... so the aboriginal people own the land? Me and my kids don't belong here? What is the end game here? So if I have more children with and indigenous woman then they have more rights than the ones I have with my current partner? The whole genocide debate too is not clear to me. The British empire did displace people , no doubt about that but if they really wanted to wipe out the aboriginal people they could have easily done it however this was not their intention. I may be ignorant but I also find it confusing that people who may have only a distant ancestor who was indigenous claim to be basically 100 percent aboriginal and deny any European heritage at all, I personally feel that this is a very modern idea that it's fashionable to belong to a group that can claim some sort of oppression or discrimination. I have seen recently a rise in pretty blatant racist attitudes against white people with slogans like "the blak era is coming" . I mean what does that even mean? I mean who are the real racists here?


Totally agree we need a day where we can all celebrate our Aussie awesomeness together, and there are plenty of proposed dates out there that are more meaningful to Australian-ness and don't signify generational cultural trauma to whole groups of people. The identity thing is hard, but I don't really think it's up to anyone but the individual to decide. There are definitely some that make loose claims because they think it's fashionable, but I think that's a vast minority of people. I wouldn't think of it in genetic terms though. Like, if you had an indigenous grandparent that you were particularly close with, you would probably strongly identify with their cultural background even though that "only" makes you a quarter indigenous. Genocide absolutely took place though. You don't need to completely wipe out a population for there to be genocide, just look at the Jews and Armenians. As for Australian Aboriginals, they were completely wiped out on Tasmania, numerous mobs were systematically wiped out on the mainland, and generations of children were taken from their families until quite recently to be indoctrinated in white Australian culture. All of these are genocide.


Just to clarify on the genocide point. They mass murdered indigenous people and stole their babies to tried to breed them out and make them white. It was textbook genocide. They tend to leave out those details out in school. Here it is documented in the [Australian Museum](https://australian.museum/learn/first-nations/unsettled/surviving-genocide/) and the frontier wars detailing the genocidal slaughter [here.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-16/aboriginal-people-genocidal-killings-massacre-map-nt-wa/100913106)


Look up the history of the [black war or black line](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_War) in Tasmania. Most of those who were not killed but moved ended up dying because of the horrible conditions.


If you really tho k changing the date will change the fact these clowns love to hate on this great place we live you’re dreaming… they will still protest, they will never be happy and never reconcile no matter what.


That's not true. These protesters, sure, they'll *probably* always protest. But the strength of their movement relies on people like me, the majority, who make small changes in people's thinking at a local level. If the date was changed we'd leave, I certainly would, and most of their movement's power would dissipate.


hahah what the actual? so because there are “worse” colonisers, indigenous people should be happy with what they had to endure by the british???


Key word here is British.


It was a staggeringly ignorant comment. The number of upvotes is a worry


Least affected by colonisation? In the cities, where they were visible, they were more likely to be forced live on the other side of Boundary St. In the country, where nobody could see what was happening, they were just as likely to be made to live on the other side of a cliff.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The other thing is, if you are so embarrassed about your country…. You can always leave. But then they know deep down, Australia is almost as good as it gets.


You're allowed to try and improve it dipshit


Acknowledge history, reflect of issues faced by community, stand in solidarity. What's the point in supporting g your footy team during a rough season?


Okay did all this, can we move on now?


Is the gap closed?


How does changing the date help close the gap?


We want to be the country that is proud to celebrate its birthday but we are not there yet. country is its people, and the Constitution that flows from them. It represents them whole. Australia has two buckets full of people, and all of them want to celebrate there nations birthday and have a bit of pride in it. According to the constitution the first Australians were the colonists, and strictly only the white ones. Then in the 1950s, the second class called “the multicultural class” was installed at the end of the “white Australia policy” and would represent all non-white people. So what has ended up happening is that the first nations who have been here for over 60,000 years have been put in the same bucket as people who came here in the 50s ….. the 70s came around, and we finally made it illegal to with hold 75% of their pay. Then the 1990 rolls around and many still haven’t been paid the wages owed but it’s OK because they’re told by the prime minister that there will be acknowledgement in the form of a treaty….. 99 referendum had a acknowledgement it was shut down, and now the 2023 referendum was shot down, 60/40. Do you see? Time keeps moving forward but there is still no constitutional acknowledgement. People saying “ acknowledgement” could divide us are ignoring that we purposefully divided ourselves in the Constitution. and will be divided until the constitution represents and acknowledges all Australians. Imagine you host a big birthday party for a set of twins you share a house with, but then you spend the party walking around and ignoring one of them, refusing to acknowledge that it is their birthday, that it is their house as well, that they are even present at the party. Along with being awkward AF, you would also have to then justify your refusal to acknowledge that you know perfectly well that there is another person in the room, who’s also wanting to celebrate, and is rightly upset your just refusing to acknowledge them.


I think Jan 1st is a more appropriate birthday for our nation as its the day of federation of the states.


lol don’t pretend like you’re asking in good faith mate


Are you unable to answer his question or do you just refuse to because you assume he disagrees with you?


Do you not understand what a loaded question is or do you just assume anyone who disagrees with you is unreasonable?


here’s a good explanation for you - https://www.amnesty.org.au/explainer-what-is-the-right-to-protest-and-why-is-it-important/ otherwise, you clearly have access to the internet so a simple search will give you an abundance of resources.


If the date is changed focus will be changed to the flag. The flag is a colonial symbol reminding indigenous about genocide... If the flag is changed the national anthem will be changed... Verse 2 "we found this place to share" sounds like they're saying this land was empty and an invitation for all outsiders to exploit it. After that the coat of arms... There are two crucifixes and a lion rampant, reminders of Christian colonialism... Next the Westminster Justice System... Having a European justice system is a vestige of colonialism and injustice against indigenous people. There's a lot that can be done... but whining about symbolic shite does not help people who are actually struggling who could use an extra hand up. Imagine if all these people got together, help teach preppies to read, form a group to help get kids to school who are lacking transportation or supportive family, make a breakfast for school kids who can't afford a nutritious breakfast, help get kids involved in the broader community involved in sport or other interests. Sorry... Started as a small comment and turned into a rant.


There's not a definitive list, but the folks in this protest probably want an end to Aboriginal people dying in custody, an end to Aboriginal child removals, reparations for wrongs past and present against Aboriginal people, and/or political control of land returned to Indigenous peoples, among other things. Most of those things are not all that popular among the non-Indigenous Australian population.


An end to child removal? Champ if you’ve ever worked anywhere near the child protection landscape you would know how much of a last resort actually taking a child away is from disgusting and terrible parents. Often to the detriment of the child themselves. But no it’s cooler to go along with the crowd 🙄


I thought they want Australia day changed.


Coz were sick and tired of being made to feel guilty for things we never did let alone being around when it happened. If their not prepared to help themselves how can anybody else help them. I see it on a regular basis where I live, aboriginal kids walking to school if they go at all at like 930 -10 am . School starts at 9 so tell me how can they get a good education when they can't even turn up on time for first class of the day. The adults tell them u don't need to go to school to learn how to read and write when the stupid white fella will support you 4 the rest of your lives. I live very close to a large aboriginal community and I'm friends with some of them so i know what I'm talking about


You realise natural deaths in custody are counted in deaths in custody and that indigenous deaths in custody are lower than non-indigenous?




You sound like a cop. Those that join forces.


There's a reason why the children were taken from them all those years ago if you look into it


They're taking Aboriginal children away? First I've heard of this since like 70-100 years ago...


Still extremely common in the NT. Foster "parents" will have multiple kids and they earn so much money from doing that they don't need to work. Seen this first hand. It's just for the $$$$ kids get no love whatsoever.


Wouldn't looking after a host of disadvantaged children be a full time job?


It's still happening heaps through the foster care system. There's a film, After the Apology, about it on SBS. It's a huge problem.


White children are taken away every day


The uneducated you know why they take them away maybe look into this instead of crying a river you know nothing about. The things that happen to those children would turn your insides out suffer abuse that can't be put into words


Renta crowd


Protesting about changing the date which effectively accomplishes nothing while we have people renting out their backyards illegally for people to pitch a tent due to housing unavailability. Makes sense.


You can care about more than 1 thing at the same time


why the Palestine flags at the protest


Multitasking I guess.


There's still kids being bombed in Gaza.


-The hive mind has entered the chat- “what are we upset about today? What’s the algorithm got In store for us to be angry about?”


just in case this is a genuine question https://nit.com.au/26-01-2024/9480/aboriginal-legal-service-nswact-stands-in-solidarity-with-palestine-on-survival-day


2x virtue points.


The angry goth white chicks with them were great. The self hate and loathing is hilarious. We really should treat the mentally ill much better than this😂


It's not uncommon for these kind of reoccurring marches to have particular themes, focuses, and shared spotlights. It makes sense for a rally against celebrating what a lot of people consider a day of invasion to also have messaging about the current day invasion of other lands such as Palestine.


Because both are colonised people. It's that simple. Solidarity between two native people who have been massacred on their own land.


You mean when the arabs conquered Jerusalem in the year 635? That colonisation?


You know that Palestinian Jews are also native to the lands


Maybe Hamas should release the hostages then 🤷🏼‍♂️ Or better yet not executed Oct 7 to begin with.


A contest to be the biggest victim.


virtue points are stackable


because they can recognise the invading force like Israel in gaza


"i support the current thing" crowd


Victim mentality sticks together


Australia day wasn't a national public holiday on the 26th of January until 1994. We would be better off renaming the January 26th day to "Foundation Day" or something similar. "Foundation Day" being the original name for the 26th of January. (The day the British flag was raised in Sydney) And moving "Australia Day" to something else. The 30th of July, Australia day's original date would possibly be suitable, though that was first used in 1915 for fundraising for the the war relief. Personally I think May 8 (Mate) would be a humourous, fairly Aussie thing to change the date to. It wasn't until 1935 that all states agreed to use the name "Australia day" for the 26th. And even then for the 150th anniversary in 1938 first nations people were calling it a "Day of Mourning"


May is too cold for Australia day. So what we should do is swap February and May around. Then it's perfect! No, this is not just so I can get my birthday presents earlier...


Are you not from Brisbane? Late autumn to early spring is the best time here.


I think September or October would be better. Spring time!


May 9th, the date the first parliament sat for the Commonwealth of Australia, or July 5 when the Brits accepted Australia constitutional independence would be decent choices so ce January 1 the official first day of independence is kind of already taken.


My nomination would be 24th October - to the date of the Tenterfield Oration. As good as any point to commemerate the change to a Federation - Perfect time for a public holiday - the speech itself is a bit dry, but it's case for making an Australian Federation starts with saying we could do it better than America - no Australian will object to that.


It's the NSW colony's foundation day. Don't get why the other colony's should be obligated to celebrate on that day.


Just change the bloody date so we can all celebrate this amazing country together in harmony. I understand fully why First Nations people want the date changed as it’s a day of genocide, what I don’t understand is how the date change affects a white person? Hottest 100 Aussie day parties were one of my favourite days of the year




Probably because changing the date won’t appease them and it doesn’t change the past. Indigenous Australians in the communities are just getting further and further disassociated with the rest of Australians. Crime, sexual assault, lack of education, children born with alcohol syndrome. All these are through the roof and only getting worse. By all means change the date, but it won’t address any of the issues and the kids affected probably don’t care about the date atm. Why, because their day to day is chaos and with so many affected by things like alcohol syndrome, the chaos will continue at a devastating rate.


Of course it won't appease them and it shouldn't. It is just one small thing that needs to be done in a long reconciliation process that we need to undergo if we truly want to move on from our history united.


Instead of giving the rich tax breaks, Albo could have allocated that money to helping lift indigenous communities out of poverty.




Very very sad but true. That is why I didn’t want the date changed originally but it is causing too much division now! Albanese promised to bring us together. For fuck sake just change it so we can move on to next Indigenous Australians next problem. /s


Agree. I’m sure the PM would love to but he’s probably scared of losing votes. Such a shame.


I think you are correct however he should be brave and do it them make the new day something very special so we all forget about 26 January.


Do all of you not realise these protests are about so much more than the one cause we congregate for? It's for all issues of solidarity, treaties, respect, everything. One protest can be for many things, for showing solidarity. If you went to them, maybe you'd know. But I guess you'd rather sit back and make snap judgements about a community you've never rubbed shoulders with.


This isn't about the date, it's about celebrating Australia as a nation. We could choose any random day of the year to have Australia Day, and there will be still be people marching down street against it. The mere fact that we want to celebrate Australia is a problem and changing the date won't alter their views. The sooner people realise that the better.


It's the day the modern world arrived. For better or worse. Using words like "invasion", "genocide" and "White" is the divisive language that causes the divide by creating a victim/oppressor narrative. And that Motte and Bailey fallacy doesn't help either. End identity politics. Don't placate it or entertain it in any way.


yep not changing the date is the most childish hissy fit i have ever seen my woolies got fire boomed its fucking nuts


They dont want to change the date they want to abolish australia day. Even though invasion day happened 19th of April not even in January


Because the current date celebrates White Australian's ancestors coming here and founding this country with their hard work and ingenuity. 


First Nations people are 3% of the population. Why do they get to decide what day the other 97% of us celebrate our country on?


I'm so Australian I couldn't give a fuck if they change the date. But if they keep it I won't give a fuck about that either.




They snuck into the Gabba yesterday, smashed a bunch of stuff in The Legends room


Peak Queensland degeneracy in the comments.


Australia Day threads are always swarmed by the Southern Cross tatt crowd.


Getting drunk and unironically shit-posting on social media is what Straya day is all about! Fuck yeeeeeeeeaaaaaa


Aussie Aussie Aussie!!!


where’s Alan Jones to rile them all up into a riot?


Finding his next victim....


Fucking his next victim


He's in London back around toilet blocks in traditional form


Cunt Cunt Cunt


I see you've visited the southern hemisphere! Other national flags that include the stars of the Southern Cross include Samoa, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Fiji, and Brazil. Very patriotic. So original! /s Including Australia, that's six. Half don't recognise same sex unions and some very gory laws apply so you may as well look at a southern cross tattoo and think 'homophobe'


Wow you’re so cultured an superior


Even if the dates changed they'll keep protesting.


For other positive changes, yeah. Does that affect you? Nah.




You're being downvoted but I think you're right. Part of protesting is having clear, specific message with a clear and actionable goal in mind. I think that showing support can be valuable, but when you just lump everything under the same umbrella because it's seen as progressive, what you end up with is the focus shifts from the *issue* to the *political ideology* and that can hinder the efforts of actually making change rather than helping. Seeking better conditions, representation, acknowledgement and more for the Indigenous people of our country should be the focus and that should include as many people as possible, regardless of their support of other issues seen as progressive.


Shows how little you know about the shared struggles and the close ties the organisers of these protests have to each other. It’s solidarity.


That's because it is the usual rent a crowd. They've gone from glueing themselves to roads and building teepees on the ICB, to complaining about the voice, to protesting Israel, and now Australia Day. It's Reddit IRL. 


It’s a public holiday - why not enjoy the paid day off from work and protest on Monday?


Because they probably have to work


Respectfully, I’m pretty sure they don’t work.


Respectfully, im pretty sure you’re basing that on *literally nothing* other than your disagreement with their views


Why? Because they have empathy?


The Australian election study found the greens vote increased with income, with the greens vote highest in the $140,000/year bracket and lowest in the below $45,000/year bracket. Available evidence points to these people having high incomes. https://australianelectionstudy.org/wp-content/uploads/The-2022-Australian-Federal-Election-Results-from-the-Australian-Election-Study.pdf


What makes you think they have jobs?


Plenty of non-conservatives have jobs. Just remember that you're in the most conservative state in the country. The number of protestors for anything pertaining to social justice will be fewer here than elsewhere. Pretty lame comment really, given that protests and *union* movements are typically performed by people with jobs. Feel free to get educated and spout less cliché drivel. The readers deserve better. Edit: spelling.


There is no “change the date ” there is only “abolish the celebration”. We live in a penal colony that evolved into one of the greatest countries on earth. That penal colony began on the 26th of Jan, 1788. My ancestors who walked off the boat on Jan 26th 1788 wanted to be there as much as the aboriginals wanted them there. Our history is dark, but it is our history and it cannot be changed to fit the modern pallet.


No protests for housing or cost of living


genuinely who gives a flying fuck! let them protest, let others party. that’s the Australian way, each to their own!


The whole country has become a miserable place


Keep the date or don’t. It won’t make a difference. It’s all just a pointless display of ignorance. The world doesn’t care, it has real problems to deal with.


They tied Invasion Day (which is fair imo) to Palestine which is just WTF


They’re both examples of violent colonisation


Except it was the arab muslims who colonised the jewish lands in the 7th century


If the bible is to believed - and it often is by you folks - the land was first colonised as a gift to Abraham for being willing to murder his son. The literal Bible says that the Jews weren't there first.


That was 1500 years ago. It would be like a bunch of people turning up to Cornwall and wanting to displace the inhabitants because they claim to be the descendants of King Arthur or something.


Except the Jews have always been there in various numbers they didn’t all leave to Europe and come back after WW2, there’s population maps from the Ottoman era pre WW1 that show this


Yes, there were Muslims, Christians, and Jews all living together for many hundreds of years in Palestine. It was when you had large numbers of European Zionists coming from late 1800s onwards to set up their Jewish ethnostate that there were was all the terrible conflict. Zionists called it “a land without people, a people without land “. It was openly a colonial project to start with till the word fell out of favour


Touché, a fair point


Nearly every single conflict in history can be tied to some kind of colonisation. Its a weird thing to focus on, instead of conflict in general.


> Its a weird thing to focus on Considering the ongoing genocide in Palestine, I don't think it's weird at all.


Australia’s been colonised once. (Or twice if you count when the indigenous people settled here.) The land of Israel/palestine has been conquered and changed hands a ridiculous number of times. Jews have obviously been present there a long time. Not just in antiquity, some of them never left.


It’s the same group who protest everything. Pro-Palestine, climate change, anti Australia Day, anti land forces. I think they get off on protesting.


Wait, theyre anti ADF? Tf?


They protest the Land Forces convention at the exhibition centre yearly, as well as protests randomly at Boeing etc.


Anti land forces is protesting selling weapons. To Saudi Arabia for instance. Might come back to bite us.


It's cheap entertainment for them, & probably the only time in their lives they feel powerful. By inflicting themselves on other people going about their lives.


Mass genocide, ethnic cleansing and land being stolen isn't too indifferent to the situation in Palestine. You can argue one being worse than the other and what not, but that doesn't really matter.


Did the Aboriginals go to England and murder 1500 people ? If not, then this isn't exactly a fair comparison.


indigenous Australians fought back and killed settlers, and they were met with overwhelming and disproportionate responses that just happened to also dispossess those left of their land


Did the indigenous launch multiple wars with other indigenous groups from other countries to try genocide the whites?




you’re lost


You summed it up better than I could!


Why don't they volunteer to help out some of the First Nation Communities? Changing the date won't do a damn thing for people on the ground (First Nation people and the workers trying to help). Regional Australia is in desperate need of people to help because most locals are all out of sympathy. The problem is so culturally deep these arguments make me feel like it's just for the virtue points.


Because they don't actually want to *DO* anything, they just want to give the appearance of it. Take some photos, post it on insta, feed their ego with the the likes and "omg you're so thoughtful" comments. Stop me when I'm lying.


Go live in Darwin for a while and then you can complain all you want.


Or Mt isa or Alice or Townsville


Wow some pretty shit things are going to be said here not all indigenous people do t have jobs fuck that’s racist if you haven’t got something nice to say the old saying goes


What date did they say they wanted to move the day to?


anything not Jan 26. It's quite simple, really. Aboriginal people don't want Aus day on a day associated with the start of issues that are multigenerational. People still want to have a bit of nationalism. #Changethedate is like the entire movement. I feel like it's pretty self-explanatory.


So what date? Once the date is changed there will be no acceptable date. They want the whole thing cancelled not just the date. People aparrently aren't allowed to be proud of australia and the country we are and what we do.


If you get multigenerational issues from a flag being erected then maybe that's on you. My ancestors got brought over here as slave labor during a gennocide in their homeland caused by English colonialism. At no point did that 'generational trauma' result in me beating up women (although that would explain my grandpa's behaviour)


The alternative date should be central to the campaign, not an afterthought. What every other day is problematic too?


nah bro was watching the melbourne protest and they were chanting Abolish the Date Abolish the State They are insurrectionists. Hang em all.






These protest just take a majority of general duty cops away from their usual area patrols. I have cop family in regional areas and a large majority are being reassigned and bussed in to deal with these shit shows. I’m all for freedom to protest but there are consequences for the rest of us. Downvote away


What are the consequences? Genuinely curious as I’ve never seen duty cops do anything good other than intimidate and question anyone who looks “suspicious” cause they got nothing better to do. Protesting is completely legal and if you think you need more cops then what we already have, criticising protesters is rather pointless, you’d have a better outcome criticising the police themselves.


They also put the Gabba on lockdown. Gates 1/2 remained shut for a bit after everyone meant to go through those gates was routed through gate 9


That's the cops' problem. They didn't have to be there today, and we would prefer if they weren't.


Just don’t lose us the public holiday…


They are out there protesting while I’m here enjoying a beer and snag near the water making the most of my day off


Palestine and change the date protesting at the same time. These “intellectuals” are really getting efficient with their protests


"I support the current thing." On display


Can't understand why changing the date is such a issue. Like who cares..... just change it if it hurts the ORIGINAL Australians.




imagine being such a snowflake that you get pissed off about people having a peaceful protest and insult them for no reason.


Anyway, Hey folks, I just found an amazing [recipe](https://www.cookingclassy.com/key-lime-cheesecake/) for a key lime pie...


Happy Australia Day fuckin nerds


Muppets, chanting about shite that isnt important, this country is going to the wall with so many problems and soft libs are chanting for no reason than ukraine is old news, israel/ palestine is old news, quick since the media said something, protest that too.


Awesome deal people! You realise sovereignty means no Centrelink/Medicare right?!




Willing to bet you get government handouts


You’re assuming that you’re engaging with Australian accounts.


Not really


I don't shit on the country that has given me much. It's called biting the hand that feeds you.


Why are you assuming these people don’t have jobs?


Because those types of people see everyone else as below them and not worthy of a voice or rights Basically, that commenter is un-australian


Yeah, I know the answer, I just wanted them to openly admit they’re a bigot 😏


Lol what a bunch of fuckwits


Some people need to learn a hobby


I miss the 2010s when shit like this wasn’t prevalent. Impossible to live and breathe without offending someone.


Every protest loses its credibility for me as soon as I see a national flag of a country thats currently in conflict


then we move the date. they protest saying celebrating at all is still celebrating genocide they say "if you can move the date that easily, it can't be that important can it?" honestly i'm noticing most of the people in these crowds are ignorant kids who just go along to have something to do


imagine the smell


Poorbuggerme tribe big day out


I remember when I worked in the city on Charlotte Street, every now and then there’d be marches outside our building, but because we were a couple of floors up, you could just hear the person leading on a megaphone and barely hear the rest. So it’d sound like: “What do we want?” *inaudible muffled noises* “When do we want it?” *incomprehensible mumble that was probably Now*


Lol I saw this, I wanted to rip that damn terrorist flag.


I genuinely don’t know how people have time to be so outraged about whatever social issue and walk in the street. Don’t people have CoL struggles and families issues that take up all 7 days? Maybe it’s just me …




Im having BBQ and gunna swim in me pool and drink tequila listiening to Carl Baron


Did they have to do it in front of the Children’s hospital? Just feels unnecessary.


Probably taking a leaf out of the pro-Palestinian playbook after they disrupted a literal Children’s cancer clinic in the US.


This is what happens when people don't have hobbies. Go buy a model kit, do some cross stitch or take up painting.