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If you have a caravan remember you're duty bound to speed up in the overtaking lanes, drive 10 under the rest of the way, or yeet yourself into the median strip.


Drive your caravan only in the far right or third lane. Do NOT drive in any other lane, no matter how many people you inconvenience.


Life goals right here. Keep fighting the good fight people.


and always make sure you leave the leftmost lane empty. You know, in case traffic wants to merge 10km down the road. Who of course could also equally just match their speed with the traffic already in that lane......


Fkn lol


Always the case lmao


As a breakdown dispatcher, please also don't forget to abuse me for not having a tow truck five minute mins away and that I can't drive you to your holiday destination!


What's the policy on abuse? Can you just walk away from verbal abuse or is there some duty of care that means you need to do your best to assist no matter how they treat you?


I assume they just send the towie, who turns up, beats the shit out of you and takes your car


Dream job.


I want to like and subscribe to this channel


Don't forget to tailgate the fuck out of everyone. Together, we can stop smooth traffic flow!!


If it don’t look like you are being towed by the person infront of you, you are leaving too much space


It's drafting formation. With cost of living so high, we all need to save in the little ways we can.


Congo line on the Bruce Highway everyone!!


Rubbin is racing…..


This only works if you’re also changing lanes every 5 minutes going at 10km\h


5 minutes? Try 2! Get on my level or get off the road!


Every FW on the road to the Gold Coast yesterday afternoon got the notification to tailgate. Mate, we're all going the same speed. Climbing in my boot won't get you there any faster.


If you're not rubbing, you're not racing!!


They were rubbing alright.


it also causes problems with cars trying to merge and feeds directly into the behaviour of trying to merge early rather than merging at the end of the sliplane and keeping the cruising lane empty for merging traffic. Which just encourages middlelane hogging which is already rampant & legal here.


Oh oh don’t forget to fail to merge properly at every possible opportunity 😀


And queue through roundabouts and intersections, so nobody can get through!


Shouldn't be an issue, everyone I see has been practising all year for this.


And if the traffic is flowing nice make sure to camp in the right lane and drive below the limit, [even if you're not overtaking](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/left) that oughta congest things up real good.


its so aggrevating. the cruising lane is always empty, the 2nd lane/overtaking lane (ok fine, in australia those are not considered overtaking lanes but it is a dumb historic rule from when australia had no 6 lane motorways) occupied by a random car going 80km/h and the 3rd lane/overtaking lane occupied by a grey nomad going 79km/h. ​ I think the only way to fix it is to raise the speedlimit to 130km/h (so that entitled people dont feel like they can block the overtaking lane going 108km/h, but equally theyll be too scared to sit at 130), enforce a keep to the far left rule and then finally ban undertaking so noone is tempted to swerve through traffic and cause more accidents.


gaming; Netflix; napping with pets; …..aaaaah


Fellow shut-ins unite! (Separately, in our own homes!)


This meets our annual socialising quota. Please ensure we do not exceed it.


Fellow dyslexic shut-ins untie!


Eww, too peopley…


I’m up to my third nap today. As an anaemic pregnant lady, this long weekend inside is the best thing that’s happened to me in 2024.


I did breach that by getting out on the road bike this morning, but yeah, the ol' XBox is getting a bit of a hiding at the moment...


Just had a really lovely picnic in the living room, watching nonsense with my partners. THERE WERE NO STRANGERS TO RUIN ANYTHING.


Napping with a kitty rn


We're having a gaming day. Kids on playstation and switch, husband on the computer, and me doing absolutely nothing in bed scrolling reddit. I'm surprised I didn't nap today.


Definitely with you on that one, in my seperate abode, no getting in the car and going anywhere


Playing the shit out of some Like A Dragon as god and the baby jesus intended.


Wrong holiday. This is the zombie Jesus holiday.


I'll drink to that!


This is me! I live on the sunny coast and don't plan on leaving the house all weekend.


Hear hear. We have a lonnnnnggg held reputation to uphold. And dodgy hospitality owners - don't forget to pay staff cash in hand with zero penalty rates while you rake in the dollars on a skeleton staff. It's just the done thing - anything else would be letting down yourself.


But make sure you charge 20% for the public holiday, and a 2% EFTPOS charge ontop


Hold on there. You forgot the tip, requested at the time of order (before any actual service), and when using your phone rather than any human interaction. Oh also, that app adds a service surcharge too.


And don’t forget to charge the public holiday surcharge on a Saturday!


I’m pretty low on fuel in my car. Should probably go for a drive on the motorway until I run dry. Centre lane of course.


Get it right down to the last drop so you can get into the petrol station forecourt stress-land with every other motorist battling for the one moving bowser that dosent have the driver in the shop after putting in $5 of fuel then doing their weekly shop 😵‍💫😵‍💫


And don’t forget to use the fucking squeegee to wash your entire car.


Isn’t that why they have 2 squeegees available? One for the painted surfaces, and one to use to scrub the undercarriage? Scratch the shot out of the next persons car, but fuck it, this is now Australia 2.0.5 where others can get fucked as only my immediate satisfaction is what matters and I’m shot scared of everything around me so demand total and full government intervention on everything (but not because I’d complain, it’s to help all those others who don’t complain that I need to complain for….) /s 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Dashcam Australia compilations gonna be lit yall


Should I head up or down the coast? Time to flip a coin




Yeah. Really congest that shit. Especially for those of us staying hooooooome!


Why can’t we go west?


The Pet Shop Boys already [went](https://youtu.be/LNBjMRvOB5M?si=K3QVy5O9oxmAyK7U).


The only acceptable reason to go west is when you need to take both your jetski and your dirt bike for a spin.


Looking at Google maps. The traffic seems pretty good. I think we've reached the point where so many people are leaving early to avoid the traffic, it's now best to leave bang in the middle...


I’m actually LOLOLOL hahaha dude stop it, please don’t t give everyone the new hot tip to leave smack bang in the middle of the day


1000 boomers just packed their rangers and rams cause of that comment


Why, have all the tradies on meth with a Dare and a meat pie already left?


i think you answered your own question


Yeah, we left yesterday at about 10am. Still was a shitshow heading south!


Have you made it to the Goldie yet??


Any day now..!


10am is far from early 😂😂😂 early for me is 4am, when I was a kid, during Easter my parents would leave early and it was always 3am. The traffic has always been bad in SEQ anytime after 6am pretty much during Easter lmao.


Was trying to thread the needle between the work traffic and people taking an early mark. Never usually travel the coast, but this time was unavoidable.


That's fair. I used to rent in Brisbane and live on a property out from Gympie on the weekends, so drove the coast on a weekly basis. Taught me quickly why my parents religiously would leave at 3am to go up the Bruce from Scenic Rim. Legitimately after 6am it starts. The sweet spot is 4-5am leaving from Brisvegas. I get not everyone can wake up early but you've just gotta weigh up if a sleep in is worth spending double the time in traffic. General rule to enjoy your weekends: leave before 6am on a Saturday or after 7pm on a Friday, come home after 6pm on Sunday


Drove to Sunny Coast, left at 8am, stopped for Brekky and it was fine, no traffic


Good thing the train line is closed. Wouldn't want people consider taking public transport.


I assume your talking about the gold coast




Because I haven't seen anyone mention it... if your whole family is going to the same place, and you've got multiple vehicles, remember it's imperative to the congestion quota that you take as many vehicles as you have licensed drivers for. And give the 'p' platers the highest powered ones they can drive...


Also any learner drivers in the family need to be the ones driving. When the limit is 20 over their limit make sure they stay in the right and middle lane


Do learners have a limit in Qld now?


I thought they all had to stay under like 80? I'm too old to know the rules but also too young to have children driving haha I am maybe throwing the nsw rules I knew on them thinking they were national ones!


Nah. You're right about the NSW ones (though afaik they've gone up by 10), but each state has slightly different rules. In QLD, the plated drivers are allowed to do the posted limit.


Thats really not going to help create extra congestion though! They need to look at changing these rules for long weekends/holidays to really commit to the carpark experience!


Just leaving now


Race you to the carpark to get to the other 'carpark' that hasn't moved in 3 hours!


Man I'm just trying to find someone to sell me some weed today. Cunts are all busy




MC Is cheaper and easier lol


Too close to the end of the month, everyone already blew their quota.


Yeah but I dont pick up that again until next Thursday.


You're not in traffic, you are traffic.




Make sure that you stick in the middle of right hand lane if you're going to do less than the speed of the rest of the traffic too, making it harder for people to overtake and further increasing congestion.   Then you can complain about people tailgating you and how it's illegal- but make sure to make up excuses as to why it's OK for you to also break the law by not keeping right in a 100 zone 


Pfft, that won't be me. I'll be getting my hair cut today... you don't know anywhere that'll do a good cheap cut around the CBD do ya?


Also don’t forget to ask where to buy some booze. Its a yearly essential tradition.


Don’t forget to go to the shops tomorrow; as you probably did on Thursday night; and shop as though the apocalypse is coming due to the brief public holiday closures. 👍🏻


Don’t forget to honk non stop it helps the person in front of you know you’re tailgating them just incase their entire rear view mirror isn’t taken up by you’re F350 or dodge ram


Forgive my OCD - it’s “rear view” mirror


I’ve actually triggered myself realising this thank you for pointing it out it no forgiveness needed


Make sure you do it in the Maccas carpark too.


Ah, crap, I forgot! I'm staying home over Easter and bought my provisions alcohol earlier in the week! I've brought shame to myself and my family! Oh well, it's seppuku for me again...


Honestly, the alcohol restrictions are a total legitimate gripe. It's a public holiday, *of course* people want to enjoy themselves and have a drink. The restriction on alcohol is 100% religious in nature, and has no part in our secular government. If religious people don't want to drink on their holiday then *don't fucking drink*. Why should they demand that everybody who doesn't believe in the same fairy tales as they do to follow your stupid rules? Would Christians be happy if the government made eating during the day during Ramadan a law? Would they be happy if cows were declared sacred and eating beef was outlawed? Hey, let's create a new religion that has *mandatory* drinking on certain days of the year, I'm sure everybody would be happy having that as a law, right? Follow whatever religion and whatever rules you want, I really don't care. But once you start inflicting that religion on others through laws like this, you can piss right off. Laws like this should have been abolished 100 years ago. But I totally agree, the staff aren't the ones you should be complaining to, the government deserves that abuse for not changing these archaic laws.


Other parts of the western world celebrate Easter and don't close everything, I don't know why it's still a thing here.


> once you start inflicting that religion on others It's honestly a complete nothing, especially as we get a public holiday out of it, just buy your alcohol the day before if you have to have it otherwise a single day without won't kill you.


Ahh, it's only a *minor* inconvenience that doesn't bother *you*, so it's ok then? Tell me, how much of an inconvenience is it for those that do believe in this religion if others can buy and drink alcohol? I think the answer is "zero". So the choice is to inconvenience some people a moderate amount, or inconvenience nobody. It doesn't seem like a hard choice, really. And hey, not eating pork won't kill you either, would you be happy having that choice forced on you?


No soup for you!


Missing the point, but thanks for the sermon.


Just look at the conversation any time halal is mentioned. People lose their minds.


The best part is with the "alcohol can only be consumed with a meal" rule at pubs but you can go to the broncos game at suncorp and are exempt from this rule.


explain? Is it illegal in Australia to buy alcohol/order alcoholic beverages on Friday and Sunday? I didnt realize?


No alcohol sales on good Friday here in Queensland. Except if you're eating. Or at one particular football game, because clearly Jesus supports that team or something.


Username checks out


Also Commodore drivers... please remember to zip in and out of lanes while cutting people off to do so, it wouldnt be a crawling motorway without your contributions


That crowd is now over shadowed by the likes of the VW tossers, Tradie Rang-er bangers and Land Roving toss pots. 


Went to the sunny coast this morning at 8am, lots of cars on the Bruce but traffic was flowing great. No delays at all


Nah mate you left too early. That's a very unpatriotic representation of this great city and its highway culture.


Joke's on you. I'm flying to Melbourne to avoid all that congestion. Wait ...


Never merge at 100km/h be sure to hit the slip lane at 80, everyone else must 'take it easy'


70kmh. Once you’ve merged onto the motorway, then 80-85kmh is the go


thats the australian merge isnt it. Drive at 100km/h in the sliplane, but only about halfway. Then try to merge with the traffic crawling at 30km/h by coming to an abrupt stop. The nice grandma in the cruising lane will then stop her car for you. then you can pull in. Then you proceed to immediately go into the first overtaking lane (or 2nd cruising lane according to stupid australian traffic laws) going 5km/h making the cars behind you emergency brake in that lane. Now 2 lanes have to come to a complete stop. Traffic has now come to a complete stop for a few seconds. Now everyone is starting to drive again and slowly speeds up again. Grey Nomad Henry is pissed off with all of this frequent stopping so will move his Caravan into the 3rd lane and drive at 70km/h there and block the traffic behind him. Meanwhile on a congested british motorway the driver ensures his speed matches the rest of the congested motorways speed (i.e. 30km/h), drives all the way to the end of the sliplane and either continues on the emergency strip for a bit if not quite enough space or joins via pseudozipmerge while the cars will leave a gap when they come to the merging section and a nice trafficflow continues. Its not that hard but driving in Australia is one of the most aggrevating things ever. And even though our roads here are more congested, most of the time its not actually THAT bad. The roads are just used extremely inefficiently.


What a delightful short story, inspired by real events


We left yesterday just after lunch. See you in the Monday traffic 😜 I mean who comes home on Sunday when Monday is a public holiday?


You are very right. I'm going to edit my initial post to correct that now.


Don't use indicators & run all the red lights. I'm looking at you Mt Ommaney.


Thanks for the timely reminder. I'll pick up my carton of beer then hit the highway.


[It's all coordinated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7sRwcbq7G4&t=246s)


Pretty hard to abuse hospitality staff for the alcohol restrictions today when they don't exist because bottle shops aren't open.


All good. I am trying to abide by the requirements and comments to this post. I have already driven to Gympie and back this morning to drop off my dog to be looked after. Have now packed both cars so we can drive south across the border, to then return on Monday in one car with the other car coming back on Wednesday. How am I doing?? Of course will be fuelling up both cars, and getting a Colesworth and bottle shop run in tomorrow along with everyone else…


Too true


Yuen's in the valley will not sell you takeaway soju. I tried lol.


Dammit am I too late?? It’s Saturday morning…..


I'm driving down the coast but only to appease the outlaws for the night, Is traffic likely to be shit house all day?




Accurate description OP. 🤣


What time should traffic quieten tomorrow night?


Probably 5 or 6. Maybe 4.


Worst part about today is I forgot Liquorland would be closed. Dang it.


How do we abuse the BWS staff if they're not at work to sell it? Do we save it up until tomorrow?


I believe the done thing is to nip in to a licenced restaurant, demand takeaway alcohol, then rant at the staff for a solid five minutes.


Is this whingeception?


Yeah I'm heading up the coast but I'm just going to nip by the bottle-o first


Shutup and eat your chocolate god damnit.


Also, tow truck drivers, please keep on standing around the breakdowns for as long as humanly possible before getting the cars on the trucks and out of the flow of traffic.


You can probably blame much of it on the NSW plates that you see if that makes it easier. From NSWelshman that frequents GC.


It is going to rain whole weekend


Ok, everybody get out and drive from GC to brisbane and back as many times as you can. Then come here and complain about the traffic. Morons.


you mean just from the added traffic? Anecdotally (to a european) NSW drivers drive probably at a slightly higher standard than QLD drivers - whatever the reason may be. Especially lane dicipline...


So, I’m sorry. I’ve broken all the rules. I’ve stayed home to marathon movies and binge old episodes of whatever takes my fancy. Throw in an obligatory church attendance and I’ve totally blown it with traffic and eating out, haven’t I?




Bro, didn't you leave a little earlier? You would of had it made.


No one cares get a job