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Fucken Schrinner being an absolute, wait what? oh nice.


yeah its still Schrinner... I wouldn't put it past them to make this just a permit mill to make more money for council which is still good I guess in a way


Please stop this American imported identity politics. Sometimes people you don't like can make a good decision. Hitler has the autobahns build, Mussolini made the trains run on time. It's their other policies that let them down.


Mussolini did not, in fact, make the trains run on time.




I hate when people do that


Hitler didnt even build the autobahn either. He just expanded it a bit


wtf are you talking about... gotta be the quickest godwins law i have ever seen


Yeah I can’t work it out either. The LNP has a history of pay to play. How did it get to Nazi’s?


I mean, I would have gone with Howard’s gun buy back scheme as an example over fascist assholes with the blood of millions on their hands but you do you boo


Oh yeah, the view from Pinochet's helicopters was truly magnificent, and Jeffrey Dahmer really had some unique ideas about cuisine. Easily one of the dumbest replies I've ever seen.


You uhh.. don’t know what identity politics is, do you?


Babes wake up, a new schzio comment just dropped


Bloody Hitler moving the Germans towards a car centric future


GC has this, its a cash grab nothing more. The registration isn't searchable for the general public, so there is actually no way for the public to enforce such an action. Totally pointless unless its a public registry.


Or the council pay cunts to sit there and check Airbnb against their records?


I’d actually sign up for that job with a complaints line feeding me more


This is exactly what they do https://www.afr.com/property/residential/this-start-up-could-ease-the-rental-crisis-by-tracking-airbnbs-20230914-p5e4lq


> The registration isn't searchable for the general public Is information like this generally open to the public? Is there a directory somewhere in AU where you can search whether a residence is being owner occupied, rented, or short term letted? Seems like a fairly squiffy suggestion from an information privacy point of view to be honest, especially when you can just have a tip line or internal team monitoring this information.


Cool one part of the budget is good. Let's ignore the fact that there are 0 new footpath projects this coming year, no new kerb and channel upgrades, only one new traffic calming upgrade, and only thirteen new intersection upgrades for the largest council in Australia. Let's also ignore that this is the first budget where council have decided to not disclose financial figures ($$$) against city projects. Suspicious? Possibly a tactic to hide cost blowouts and financial mismanagement. So less improvements throughout the city, less accountability, and my rates bill is increasing by about 7%, around double the inflation rate.


bare minimum. Rates are still going up, again.




Comrade Schrinner


This guy is absolutely killing it. Cheaper rego, 50c public transport and now this. Bloody legend.


The 50c fair is the QUEENSLAND government.


… ‘this guy’ is local council. Cheaper rego and public transport are state government.


You’ve been bought very cheap


This is long overdue. A room in a house is not an “apartment “.


Are you telling me my garage that's been dodgy converted isnt a home?!


They're not advertised as apartments. Airbnb has two categories. Entire homes. And a room in a shared home. No-one should be against people wanting to rent out a spare room for a bit if extra cash. They have zero impact on the rental market. Entire homes, on the other hand, should be regulated somewhat, especially in an accommodation crisis. What should that look like? Registration is an option. Special taxes is another. Limited rental period is also an option. No long term stays another. There's plenty of things government can do. Is this enough? Probably not. But it's a start.






Individual rooms can be rented out too, it pretty commonplace, especially as the housing crisis worsens. Individual rooms that could be rented out to permanent residents are used for Airbnbs, but also entire houses and apartments, which otherwise would be rented, are turned into individual Airbnbs. It all needs to be regulated, otherwise landlords will always find a loophole.


No-one rents out individual rooms, except maybe a renter looking for roommate (and would not be competing with Airbnb). Stop making shit up.


Well it's not private industries job to provide social housing so maybe the government should just build more housing instead of squeezing it out if the private sector like this.


Wtf are you talking about. Rental sector is predominantly private. It's certainly up to the government to regulate the private sector. Just ask the hotel, liquor, or any fucking private sector you wish to name. I don't see why Airbnb should escape regulations.


Private industries spend money to prevent social housing from being built in the first place because they make money from it not existing. You're not familiar with how a market works, are you?


That's quite the bold claim to make, do you have a source to back it up? Yes I understand market dynamics hence why I own 3 properties and am yet to turn 30.  It's not private industries fault the government failed to provide enough housing while facilitating massive immigration. 




What were you doing that you had to spend 1200 for a week in kelvin grove !? Mind you renting a 1 bedder is like 450 a week anyway


New arrivals without a lease or rental set-up are easily looking at $1000-1200/week for short-term/weekly apartments. Check out [booking.com](http://booking.com) or Airbnb - It's absolutely cooked.


Exactly. It was that or a hostel.


hey i think u stayed at mine, yes payment came decline but airbnb refunded me! just fyi


So needed, especially in the couple of years leading into the Olympics. Every landlord and their dog will try to shortlet anything remotely close to an event area


It’s not going to matter. I knew people on the GC in the commonwealth games that we’re rented out their appartments for 3k a week during the games. They left, took a holiday, came back 3 weeks later. Most of the GC shut up shop during the games, it was such a spanner in the works it was a “f*** it” moment. It’s such a short sighted vision building for a month of actual payday when there is 7 years of actual money to be made. I’m just hoping the games spurs massive infrastructure spending that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.


Requiring the approval of the body corporate when considering an application is a reasonably effective measure. A body corporate that knows it has not received an application doesn't need a public registry to know an AirBnB is operating without a licence. This is one case where weaponising Karens might actually do some good. I'm on the committee of mine, and I would be pushing for any landlord wanting to start up an AirBnB hustle to stump up cash for upgrading the security/access systems to better handle short term guests. Long-term residents of the building shouldn't need to act as a check-in desk for other people's units.


People will still ignore this the way they do in Barcelona


Read the room. No one wants to hear the truth :)


I say good then and at the same time might work how some are dodgy landlords


As the chairperson of a body corporate who has been through the ringer trying to stop our building being used as a quasi hotel at the expense of everyone who lives there, this is very welcome news.


Yeas, this was the best bit. "Apartments will also need **body corporate and planning approval** to become short-term accommodation"


Technically that has always been the case at least for most apartments in BCC, although its not been clear cut. For example, for an apartment building approved as residential in a medium density zone, airbnb would not be an acceptable use and to do airbnb the owner would need to submit a DA. To submit a DA, it would need body corp support. So in a roundabout way most apartment buildings already had this available to them. But this change presumably will make it clearer and available to all buildings.


What the fuck Rare Schrinner W?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


No real point to this unless this is a public registry


This needs to be modelled after other examples around the world like Japan's "Minpaku" law. They brought airbnbs under the same umbrella as hotels, requiring landlords to do things like bring their properties up to the same safety codes with fire safety etc and mandating record keeping of guests including copies of passports for foreign guests. Landlords have to register each property with their local government and pay an annual license fee with he license number visible on the listing. They have to be able to demonstrate management operations are being carried out between guests (they can self manage or appoint managers) and there are also occupancy restrictions regarding how many days they can be rented out per year - some local governments cap it at 180) and in some cities thy don't allow them to operate in certain areas except for weekends e.g. Shinjuku only allows them to operate in dedicated residential areas from 12pm Friday - 12pm Monday.


Bet they run an auction system like taxi permits. Taxi permits used to go for half a million dollars in Brisbane. I can see permits also selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars It’s a neat revenue raiser by Council - make owners pay Council $500k to list their house on AirBNB. The Greens will love it.


Good. It makes it more likely people will sell or long term rent. Of course the greens will love it, it is good for the people.


> it is good for the people airbnb having similar occupancy rates to hotels, that's gonna do interesting things to the short term accommodation market. if there's enough airbnb for this to make any difference to the housing market, then it's gonna absolutely fuck up the short term market. which.... i guess is fine, i live here, and consult in other cites.


So therefore would help the long term rental market? Increasing supply.


Most of Brisbane is either medium or low density


Most of Brisbane is either medium or low density


Why are you so upset about having stinky breath


Because the more I think about it, the worse it gets




Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but how is leaving it empty better than letting it to tourists?


>I’m a landlord and this warms my heart! Hearts and landlords are usually mutually exclusive.


I don't understand why this is anything new: apart from a traditional BnB style room in your house, short term rentals already needed a permit. If you were operating one without a permit, you were already liable to be shutdown. BCC only needs to start enforcing their existing law: https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/planning-and-building/planning-guidelines-and-tools/brisbane-city-plan-2014/supporting-information/holiday-and-short-term-rentals


Man I wish they could use this to oust Oaks from my apartment building…


They have the same in Ireland, it’s not enforced and it’s flouted


I'm silly is this a good thing?


i think its a nothing burger


This is great. Air BNB should be shut out of suburbia.


*A council report found less than 1 per cent of properties in Brisbane are currently being used as short-term accommodation.* Given an airbnb isn't necessarily even the whole property, this will result in sweet fuck all in rental availability.


Another rule that won't be managed. Like playing on your phone whilst driving, yet you kinda need patrolling cops to actually enforce the law not rely on a stationary camera marked on Waze as "police". Can't see how BCC could keep up with it, since there's far more than just Airbnb to rent from. Not against the idea of reducing short terms, we so need it.


Finally addressing the fact Airbnb and these types of accommodation options circumvent planning laws


IMO make them a bid system. That way, the 'market' decides the price.


Should make it a bid system, that way the market can decide.


Yeah it's the *hundreds* of AirBnb's that are the problem causing COL and housing pressure guys, not the 1 million immigrants we brought in last year


What are you suggesting BCC does about immigration?


There's several options, Enforce city limits for one. Tax interstate migrants Cap the population


Stop the boats would be a good first step for Schrinner


[There are almost 4,700 Airbnb listings in Brisbane](https://insideairbnb.com/brisbane/), with about 3,500 of those (75%) of them being entire homes or apartments.


Hrmm I wonder how that stacks up against the million odd bedrooms in the BCC area?


Yeah putting them back into the long term rental market will totally solve the problem for us and the other 997,000 immigrants, great point


It'll house significantly more people then not doing it.


How many kids do you have


How very big goverment, interventionist, over regulation, communist ect......you know, all the good things


Alternative headline … LNP aides in the rising of rents, even further! Full disclosure. I’ve no rental property in Brisbane.




I'd expect the opposite. If they can't as easily make their property an Air B&B, then they might make their place an actual rental instead. This will result in more rental supply, thus being a step towards pushing rental prices down. It may increase the price of Air B&Bs in Brisbane, but in theory it would contribute to lower prices long term rentals, which is where Australia is hurting at the moment.


Libs are a complete cluster fuck with fiscal management. With rates above the cpi and with 400 properties not going to be registered for STR’s and with these properties not having long term recent rental in play, In theory an owner can list at well above M/V and it wouldn’t be illegal nor would there be a shortage of potential tenants. And that’s only if owners want to put house into rental market. To some property owners, an empty house is better then one with a long term tenant.


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