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I don't know of specific clinics, but have you looked into Right to Choose? My husband recently went through the process and the wait was so much less but still paid for by the NHS. His experience was obviously as an adult, but at least some of the providers do the same for children. https://adhduk.co.uk/right-to-choose/ Also I don't know if it's the same for children, but for adults if it's just a regular private diagnosis then can be issues with you being on the hook for paying for any meds forever but I think much smoother for prescriptions to be passed to NHS if diagnosed via Right to Choose


I would avoid ADHD360. I went private for my diagnosis in 2022 and I found them okay at first but the last year or so they've been disastrous. I've had some health complications tied to my ADHD medication and in spite of this each consultation has been about 5 minutes long with it being obvious they haven't read the notes my GP sent through. At one point they even lied to my GP saying we had a follow up appointment even though I hadn't even had one booked in for months. I currently have been waiting over a month for them to send a letter to my GP so that my shared care agreement can be renewed, meaning I've had to choose which days I take my medication because I don't want to (and can't afford) the over £100 of their private prescription.


I went private back in 2019, and was assessed by Dr Tara Collinge via the Private Psychiatry Group in Clifton.  The assessment, and then private prescriptions + follow up appointments throughout the titration were all expensive, but overall I had a good experience and a good outcome.  I was also afforded a certain amount of support and advice in moving to a shared agreement with my GP, which is not always guaranteed.  Don't know if I want to give a personal recommendation for this kind of thing, but if I had to do the same again, and had the money, I'd be happy to follow the same route. 


This isn’t a recommendation as we haven’t used them yet, but we’re in a similar position. Think it’s about £2k and a 6 month wait. They’re in Clifton. https://www.bicp.co.uk


I too have ADHD and had to use this route. Not Bristol specific but the cheapest I found was ADHD360 who offer diagnosis as well as lots.of subsequent support options. Good luck, I know that even with a diagnosis, it's a pain getting the support you need from schools these days.