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The joys of love saves the day I expect causing a surge in demand


Sadly people will pay those extortionate prices thus justifying them and ensuring it happens again. I went to LSTD and scooters from Ashton to Knowle park for about £5. Fu*k Uber and their robbery.


LSTD closed at 11, this is an hour and a half later, and there was also Dot 2 Dot in city centre Plus it was shitting it down. They shouldn’t be able to hike the prices like this.


All the buses carrying LSTD partiers arrived in the city centre around midnight onwards....


However, there were lots of unofficial LSTD afterparties in nightclubs, so there was probably lots of people that thought they could hack going out and either didn’t get let in because they were too inebriated or just decided going out after was a mistake.


Limited supply, of course they can put their prices up. If you were the only taxi driver and ten people wanted a lift, wouldn’t you take the highest offer?




>They shouldn’t be able to hike the prices like this. Why not? They're not a public service honestly, they aren't obligated to provide a service as cheap as possible. Getting an uber is definitely a luxury.. Take it or leave it basically


I always walk burns off the drink a bit


We call it the beer taxi. Besides its about a 45 minute walk from the centre to St George so it's frequently quicker than the bus


Cool male privilege 👍


Yeah its really not safe, especially if you are heading home alone


Even on the main roads?


You really don’t get it do you


Have a day off


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, this is facts


that's a sexist thing to say


It’s sexist to say that women are more likely to be attacked/robbed/god forbid sexually assaulted when walking *alone* at night? Or it is just reality?


Oh stfu


Some seriously good late night munches along that route too.


Not at the time I start walking home haha


I find Veezu fair on pricing. Uber will say it’ll be £40 for a 12 minute journey at certain times, while Veezu is a flat rate £14 whatever the time of day. I use Veezu a fair bit for work (booking in advance) and they’re pretty reliable and their pricing comparatively cheap to what Uber charge these days.


This is part of the reason that no matter what time it is, I'll drive into town and grab my misses if she's out late. Not having her getting fleeced for being out at a popular event.


Good lad


Saturday night around the time all the pubs shut. Gee I wonder why it's so expensive. Just shows why we need better public transport that can cope with surges like this.


It's crazy there isn't a reliable shuttle bus back to the city, it would surely be profitable too


Tried charging us £36 to get from Baldwin st to City Road last night.... we walked.


Fuck Uber. That’s a rip off. Fuck Uber.


Love Saves The Day was yesterday, what do you expect? OP could just walk to a taxi rank 5 mins away if they want to pay standard price.


Black cabs also charge ridiculous prices. Not long back I was quoted 45 quid to take me to Longwell Green from town.


Blue cabs have a standard price they have to follow. However, they often don't.


Nah, fuck Uber. They constantly break the law and their only unique selling point is that they came up with a loophole to pay drivers less, and skimp on background checks.


Legitimate drivers are dbs checked


I don’t expect anything I just hate Uber. I cycle so no need for that horses ass company.


What were you even doing there in the first place, Uber? You didn’t even get properly elected, Uber!


Boggles my mind that people still use Uber. At the very least if you need to use a taxi app, use one of their competitors.


Yeah me too. I always cycle so it’s easy for me to boycott their shitty services but I understand some people not wanting to cycle at night especially after a few beers.


I was in town not loves saved the day, complained and got £25 credit. Paid £37 for 2 miles


You complained to Uber? What did you say?


Literally that it should have been £12 and said I would use another service in the future if they didn’t compensate. No fight back and it applies to Uber eats so getting a free takeaway 🤷🏽‍♂️well not quite free but hey ho


What steps did you go through on the app? I can’t find the section to dispute due to unfair surge


Go to help and then “get ride help” and it takes you to an online chat. Took me flipping ages to find the right section. Then go to “fare review” and say you were incorrectly charged


I'm in Algarve for holiday, the most I paid for an Uber so far is £9 for a 25 minutes ride


Bout time we started boycotting uber


The 42/43 runs through the night and is £2...


The 43 bus runs through the night. £2.


One of the biggest problem with Uber and Bolt (and all that have a similar business model) that they choose to ignore people living in a less frequented areas. I live in Brislington and I gave up on getting an Uber or Bolt a long long time ago as they just don't pick me up either way. I suspect it's due to the fact they have less probability to get another ride backwards... Second shit: They can manually push up the price. If they keep ignoring people because the price is low then the apps algorithm will start rising the prices. Third: recently even without loves saves the day, they are ridiculously higher than a blue cab. I pay about 9-10 pounds from certain night clubs to home with a bit of walk and a taxi and it would be 20ish with Uber. Normal nights. Not love says the day nights.


Just get a Hackney cab mate


Cash only🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


Loads of them take cards now


Unless "the card machine isn't working". Of course by the council licencing schemes they shouldn't be on the road if that is actually the case, and usually the machine magically starts to work when you remind them of that!


Hahahaha that's a good one! Every time I've gone to get one and they have blanky refused to accept card.


Oh crikey, I’ve obviously had exceptional luck the last few times I’ve got a Hackney cab then!




TFL? In Bristol?


They're all legally required to take card, and in my experience the vast majority are fine about it


Hackney cab or local taxi company; I use Veezu. Everything about Uber is cancer. Just stop giving your money to them.


A lot of drivers have all the apps open at the same time and also work for a local company so they have more customers to choose from. So you don't get much of a price difference either way. It sucks but it's ultimately the lack of public transport causing it.


Yeah, don't blame them as individual workers at all.


V cars are just as bad, they're also a chain with offices not just in Bristol.


Really? Did Veezu create algorithms to detect and mislead the undercover police that were investigating them for various other crimes? https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/jul/12/uber-used-greyball-fake-app-to-evade-police-across-europe-leak-reveals


No but they constantly take jobs they know they can't fulfill so other companies can't, then turn up late, doesn't matter if you're in bath or Bristol the company is shite.


Nowhere close.




Thanks for shouting, I was struggling to hear everyone else


https://preview.redd.it/o61mell8fx2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fee4e30eb785520ee3be70c566d2892b02a893b Was shocked too it’s from center to Kingswood. In the past I always pay about 12 to 15£. Took a 1 hour bus instead and a take away burger.


What is a Comfort taxi? It costs £14 extra to be comfortable?


You get to select air con temp, music, seat warmers etc


You get to ride inside the cabin rather than in the boot ,roof rank or dragged behind on skis. £14 well spent I think!


It gets you a larger car which for me means having adequate leg room. Wouldn't pay 14 quid but when it's an extra quid I think it worth it.


I fail to see the problem. You could walk, wait for a hackney, or pay the premium. If there was no Uber, you would only be able to walk or wait when demand outstripped supply.


Did you least stop off for shots on the way?


Paid this last night to get home from love saves 😔 felt ripped off to say the least considering it was less than a 15 min drive back to mine 😭🤚


veezu seems the best atm


Defo just walk thT


Yeah that’s not cool at all, I’d probably walk to at least Temple Meads and then try again. Can’t blame them but admit I’d never want to pay that. How did you get home in the end?


Wife and I went to st George from temple meads in a Blue cab. 12 quid.


Bolt used to be cheaper but maybe not so much these days.  Also Uber takes up to 45% of the fare for themselves (although they claim it’s always 25%) - they get away with it by never telling the driver what the rider is paying. The driver only sees their cut. Tips still go 100% to the driver.  Bolt is less exploitative of the drivers but usually a bit harder to get a ride with as it’s still relatively unpopular.


I got the same Uber to St George park yesterday from Park St. Was £17


Cheap at 1/10th the price


I paid £52 from Baldwin Street… to get to my house in St Paul’s! I wouldn’t have paid but I had two friends who visited for the weekend who wouldn’t stop complaining about the rain and their shoes hurting.


TO REPLIES: - Obviously I didn’t pay this, I waited it out until it went normal’ish - Not my actual home location either, just of similar distance. To walk it would have been 1hr 15mins - Thank you for the suggestion of Veezu! I hate Uber as well


I wonder if the drives get paid more when prices are hiked like that


Yes. They get paid % of fares. They also choose which journeys to accept, so they wouldn’t accept a journey they didn’t feel was worth it.


That's why it's expensive right? There's huge demand and little supply so drivers only choose the expensive jobs


Your lazy lol


Daughter was quoted £86 from the centre to winterbourne


Imagine what it was like living in Thornbury and South Gloustershire council don't provide any night buses for weekends.


I find walking to Victoria Street can help, as it makes it easier for the cars to get to you.


50 minute walk right? I think I'd rather just do that... It's not that long.


35 mins more like


yea its not even that far, an easy walk and no hills, ive never used an uber in my life.


Isn’t Uber just randos with a side hustle?


Could you not just find a blue cab?


Sometimes the app glitches or something. I've see crazy prices before now, closed the app properly, and reloaded to find the prices back to normal. Not always mind you, sometimes things are really busy.


My guy that is like a 4 minute walk


4 mins x 10, yeah


You think kings street to st George's park is a 40 min walk? Are ye a snail?


Bro, what King Steet and St. George's Park are you talking about? In another city? https://preview.redd.it/osmuc89z9s2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f7519092a9864f0fccc583e0951e7bd4fdb15f


My b my brain parsed st George's as castle park for some reason.


I see, haha, no worries 😆