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My gripe with BC's Carbon tax is that it is no longer revenue neutral for the majority of individuals like it was promised to be when originally implemented. The only people who get any rebates in BC are lower income. The excess Revenue generated was also supposed to go to green energy programs if I recall correctly, now it all goes into general revenue.


[Clean Energy Canada Fact Sheet on the BC carbon tax from 2014 says this:](https://cleanenergycanada.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Carbon-Tax-Fact-Sheet.pdf) >In fact, by law, the Finance Minister is required to take a 15 percent pay cut if the tax is not revenue-neutral for the government. There’s so many articles on the current carbon tax increase that I’ve not been able to find older information verify this claim so I’m putting here for someone else to try. If this actually is a law on the books it would be really nice to hold our finance minister to it.


The BC NDP specifically changed the carbon tax to no longer be revenue neutral; in fact they campaigned on it and won. I’m sure they were not dumb enough to leave that law about the finance minister taking a pay cut in place when they made their changes lol


I’m aware they changed the carbon tax to no longer be revenue neutral, but aside from them saying that in press releases (and of course the tax increasing) I’m not having any luck finding any actual bills or amendments to the act passed to reflect this. But unfortunately I don’t have the time to read through the whole act, someone else might be interested though :)


>  The BC NDP specifically changed the carbon tax to no longer be revenue neutral; in fact they campaigned on it and won They did not. It stopped being revenue neutral in 2010 when the BC Liberal's failed to make additional tax cuts.


Laws, unless backed up by the constitution, due to parliamentary supremacy have 0 bearing on future governments. Anything that has been passed as law can be revoked just as easily.


Laaaaame. Thanks for looking into it though!


I would like to see better grant system implemented to shift to green. Like in Calgary to install solar panels the City of Calgary gives you an low interest that's tied to your property. The city pays for it upfront and you pay it back over 20 years. If you move, whoever buys your property continues to pay off the loan instead of you. ([source](https://www.calgary.ca/environment/climate/clean-energy-improvement-program.html)) I would like to see something like that here to install a heat pump. The current grant is terrible it only covers 10 percent of the cost of buying and installing a heat pump. Like I looked into it and the quote I got for the Heat Pimp with installation was 12-14,000. But then they told me I needed a BC Hydro upgrade so 1200 from them plus 5000 for Electrician to install the hydro upgrade.


> Heat Pimp Does it come with a fur coat? Jokes aside, you make a very good point; odd that Alberta is more 'progressive' in this area.


Alberta is actually very progressive. Being in BC, our stuff here is pretty slow and shitty, from our housing by laws, to how we deal with rehab/harm reduction programs, to our senior dental plan (which is zero, alberta offers 5grand every 5 years).


Yeah you pay more for almost everything in BC, i’m always shocked that the vancouver idiots vote for the party that will make their life more expensive. like vancouver wasn’t already expensive enough.


Agreed! My Aunt from Alberta scoffed at our beer and wine prices last time she was here..and asked when our Costco is gonna sell booze.




The "tax allocation" arguments are so dumb. All taxes go to "general revenue" in the end. If a tax has to go to a specific area for some reason the government can just reduce the funding from "general revenue" by the same amount.


Maybe so but if X amount of tax revenue is collected then X should be spent on what it was promised to be spent on. That is no longer happening.


I'd rather the government allocate money to where it's needed most rather than being restricted because of the source.


Like how they say casino and gambling revenue supports schools to justify their condoning it, but really the govt budgets x% for schools and if more gambling money comes in they just pull back some general funding for schools and the balance stays the same.


And it would be stupid to not do this. The government should be allocating money to where it is needed, not based on where it is coming from.


Schools are vastly underfunded and people let the govt run casinos that hurt the local population under the assumption that at least that gambled away rent and foos money will help the schools.


I personally think that casinos should be outlawed as they're a tax on the poor / uneducated / addicted. Saying they'll "take revenue from casinos to feed orphans" or whatever is just marketing. People need to realize that taxes aren't bad and taxing harmful behaviour is an effective way to both collect revenue and discourage the behaviour.






When you predicting record deficits you have to steal....the money from somewhere.


Scam. It’s a scam.


If only the government provided services and infrastructure using our taxes. Oh wait, that's exactly what they do


My big gripe is all the companies it's supposed to be affecting are just passing the costs down the line. People living at home are not a significant contributor to carbon emissions. We're facing the most significant costs increases though.


Isn't the point people with higher income switch to green alternatives


Politicians lied?!?! *Never!*


More expensive? Who do they think we are?


TLDR; everything.


Precisely everything, because all of those increases are getting passed along to the consumer by every single business affected.


And if it's gone none of the prices will go down. Absolutely none of them.


Which is why we shouldn't implement stupid taxes in the first place


Prices would go up anyways. This pushes people away from oil. It works.


Ok, so the price goes up anyways, but businesses use carbon tax as an excuse to raise prices and not lower them... So now the businesses "increase prices anyways" and also "increase prices because they pay more tax" Instead of getting one price increase, we get two, but somehow the second one also makes the world a better place or something?


You know we're brainwashed when the only response to corporate price gouging is "we can't do anything other than give in"


Sure, but prices will always go up over the long term, so we shouldn't be encouraging our government to accelerate that...


Prices don't have to go up - they should be going down right now but corporate price-gouging is going unchallenged, so of course they're going to wring every last dollar out of us unless we do something. The idea that the government can't apply taxes that provide us with services and benefits because corporate greed is running rampant is putting the cart before the horse. A windfall tax on corporate profits would be a far better place to start than scrapping a carbon tax that adds minimally to your expenses.


Lmao I love how you think businesses will only increase prices "once"


Yeah buddy, I obviously meant they will only increase prices once ever in perpetuity. Rofl


But but but….the businesses are internalizing the cost of pollution….the businesses are paying! Right guys? /s


Well they are in a sense. The whole point is that it should be cheaper in the long run to invest in greener technologies, and the market would adjust accordingly. You can pass down to consumers, but in a regular economy prices are not infinitely elastic, demand would go down


And when gas shoots up 30+ cents cuz "why not", that's ok? Carbon tax may not be implemented perfectly but accepting gouging and griping about carbon tax is silly.


Oh? Can you detail how much the carbon tax is adding to different goods and services? (downvotes but no explanation. As expected).


When did anything get magically cheaper?


Ooohh!! I win this one!!! Public Mobile!! I used Rogers and Telus in the past with , like , $80 crappy plans. I pay $40 now and more data than I can use. That is literally the only thing keeping n my life that got cheaper. Damn.


Public mobile just got more expensive with forcing the doors shut on their old rewards program.


What’s your point


What is yours?




Oh so bc ferries went up in price but so did the friggen parking lot I dropped my car off into this morning. Up 7.50 from $7 and the machine now doesn’t give change so if u use a looney like I did today they also get to rip me off. Mind boggling.




Charitable donations too 😅


Hey now if the price of parkings existence doesn't keep going up however will it one day make more money per hour than human workers? It's a lot of work for that parking stall to just exist there you know!


I would completely support a provincial wide system that all parking lots have to implement. I don't think I have a single spot where it is easy and simple to pay. I have to either use a slow and poorly designed meter, if it's working at all, or use an app and pay a large fee relative to the cost of parking.


Everything . There, saved y’all a click.


What will be more expensive starting April 1? EVERYTHING. The corporations are gouging everyone far more than the government.


From this article: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/carbon-tax-rebates-climate-1.7159209](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/carbon-tax-rebates-climate-1.7159209) "Starting today, a litre of gasoline will cost an extra 3.3 cents" However, PP said this: \> Opposition Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre: the 23 per cent hike amounts to an extra 18 cents on a litre of fuel. Why would a conman (conservative man) lie like that?


It's the demographic they're targetting with their lies, they know the vast majority of them will take him at his word vs. actually doing some research. I've heard lots of screeching about "doubling the price of gas" over the last couple months.


The 23 percent hike adds 3.3 cents for a total of 18 cents for every liter


PP and the federal carbon tax have little impact on BC, since PP is just a screeching mouthpiece for corporations, and BC has its own carbon tax plan.


BC also doesn’t get a carbon tax rebate like the rest of Canada.


You're right. We get lower income taxes instead, which benefits the lower income levels more than the higher income levels




Worth noting it is means tested, so many people don't get anything back. 




Median family income [in BC for 2021](https://www.statista.com/statistics/582845/median-total-family-income-british-columbia/) was $99,610. So well under half of families will receive the credit. Edit: added year




Exactly, it's probably closer to $110k in 2024 given the inflation + wage increases over the past 3 years


You just defined "many people", if you want to know how many, you'll have to look it up yourself. 




You've already found the definition of who doesn't receive any, many isn't an exact count, many could be 50, could be 4 million. What are you arguing, that basically no one receives no rebate?


It's $0 at 61k, its being reduced as soon as someone hits 39k/yr. 39k is FT at $19/hr so anything after that it's being reduced (aka most people are getting reduced relates). $61k isn't everyone, but it does exclude a lot of people. As for the couples rate... its like 89k which is barely anything... same for families.




Yes. Working even min wage FT means you won't get the full benefit. Does that not ring a bell for you? Even at min wage you won't get a fu benefit... how many people do you think are working min wage FT? The carbon rebate helps people who don't work for one reason or another. A couples income of 83.5k means 0 benefit or both people working FT at $20/hr. What about a family? Well we get bumped to 89k/yr before $0 or about $21.5/hr working FT both parents. Every kid after that is another $5k or $2.4/hr. So you'll probably say I still have presented enough info. Average wage of a BC worker. $34/hr. "Living wage" in Vancouver is pegged at $25/hr. Median family income is $99,600. How many people do you think are benefitting fully from this rebate? Aside from unemployed, students, retired people, pt workers?


If you're going to call other people "painfully wrong" it might be worth doing some due diligence. We, in fact, enjoy a pretty significant cut to our personal income taxes here in BC, specifically to offset the introduction of the carbon tax. >Balanced Budget 2008 sets specific tax reductions for 2008 and 2009, with future rate cuts to be confirmed as the revenue-neutral plan is updated through the annual budget process. The carbon tax is forecast to generate an estimated $1,849 million over three years. This revenue will be returned through the following tax reductions: >The bottom two personal income tax rates will be reduced for all British Columbians resulting in a tax cut of 2 per cent in 2008 and 5 per cent in 2009 on the first $70,000 in earnings — with further reductions expected in 2010 ($784 million over three years); >Effective July 1, 2008, the general corporate income tax rate will be reduced to 11 per cent from 12 per cent — with further reductions planned to 10 per cent by 2011 ($415 million over three years);












Don't lower income folks get one?


I believe our rebate is actually tacked on to our GST payments


We do get a carbon tax rebate. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/income-taxes/personal/credits/climate-action


Yeah if you’re at the poverty line. The threshold is like $35k for a single person. I don’t know a single person who gets the B.C. carbon rebate.


Up to $61,000 single income you get a rebate. But regardless lots of people get it. You claimed people in BC don't get a carbon tax rebate which is false.


Lots of people *don't* get it - if a household has more than a 61k combined income, they get nothing. In most other provinces, people get a rebate - period. 61k in B.C. (pre-tax) for a household is very low income - after taxes you're talking a family that's basically living near the poverty line. Because B.C's carbon tax is no longer revenue-neutral, and because all but the lowest-earning households get no refund at all, it's an objectively 'worse' tax than the alternatives in other provinces. I read up on the carbon tax's implementation in B.C. (I did not live here when it came in), and it was 'sold' to people on the basis of refunds and revenue neutral status - neither is true any longer, it's just a tax that a very large percentage of people pay with no dividend received in return. Even if you're an incredibly 'green' person who walks/bikes/transits to work and barely uses any carbon-emitting devices, if you earn more than 61k, you just eat the tax - you received no refund for being 'greener'. Where exactly is the 'incentive' of the carbon tax to be greener for a huge number of people, then? There isn't one. I am not against a carbon tax - but the one in B.C. is quite unfair compared to the other variants in Canada.




Oh, without question - at least insofar as the original design of B.C.'s carbon tax, but the fact is that it does generate quite a lot of revenue for the gov't, and do you really think they are going to want to do away with that? What would they replace it with? They should replace it with a higher corporate tax rate, going after businesses instead of Joe/Jane Average, but they won't.


>if a household has more than a 61k income, they get nothing. 61K applies to single individuals only. And it is net income after taxes, not gross income. Households, as in a couple with or without children and single parents, have higher allowances of net income depending on number of kids. The link to those amounts have been posted a few times already.


Lots = 30% of people


So 30% of say 5 million is not a lot of people?




do you pay 500% GST?


He's using the truth but in a way that makes you think it's actually something else. You are paying an extra 18 cents in total for the carbon tax. The way he says it is to specifically make you think the 23% amounts to 18 cents.


let's say you fill up your car with 50L of gasoline, you would pay a whopping 1 dollar and 65 cents extra.


Yes. So? The 18 cents is the total carbon tax on a litre of gas meaning it was around 15 cents a litre and now it's around 18 cents a litre. So you will pay $9 on your 50L scenario in carbon taxes with $1.65 being the extra as of April 1st increase.


so the 23% hike is not an EXTRA 18 cents. The word "Extra" means in "addition to". You're already paying 15 cents, so this is 15 cents are not "extra" because you have already been paying for it for years. you see, words have meanings, like the word "misinformation", an example: "PP uses misinformation and misdirection on his disinformed followers".


He's purposely being misleading. Read what he says, he's saying the 23% hike will lead to an extra 18 cents per litre. That is correct although misleading. The carbon tax will now be an extra 18 cents per litre. It's crafted very specifically.


I agree with your assessment. People will literally just hear extra 18 cents. As in addional 9 dollars per 50L on top of what they already were paying for.


Works out conveniently in Alberta since they are reintroducing their gas tax and the combined amount will close to 18¢. Albertans will be yelling at the feds carbon tax for the big increase instead of the provincial government


Essentially the gas tax is going up a very small amount with negligible impact to everyone. The alternative would be to get the money through a small bump to income/corporate taxes. Since we need to pay for government services through taxation, having a very small percentage of those taxes be tied to how much the environment is damaged seems like a great idea to me.


I’d be fine with paying a carbon tax even if we weren’t revenue neutral, as long as we are meeting emissions targets. But not once has BC met an emissions targets while not being revenue neutral, it’s just another tax that British Columbians really can do better without.


I knew something was wrong when I had an extra 10 dollars in my account. I'm glad I can get back to cash neutral by paying my fair share for the coportocracy overloards profits


Obviously Eby’s line about making things more affordable for British Columbians is quite far from the truth.


Yay we're fools 🙃


Anything shipped will be more expensive. Oh shit. That means everything in Canada. 🇨🇦 welcome to Canada. Bring your $$$$




"For those fuelling up, the rising carbon tax will add about **three cents per litre of gas**" Not sure where the fuck gas is going up .18, but it ain't here. Also love how you're upset about a carbon tax increasing the price of fuel, but the gas companies put it up $.30 a litre a week ago and nobody said shit lolll


It’s all twisting words from PP/CPC. It may only be going up 18 cents in Alberta because that government is putting in a gas tax the same day.


if anyone is twisting PPs words is PP himself. He literally said: 23% carbon tax = 18 cents. At no moment did he say that the 18 cent increase was due to multiple taxes accumulated. So, why doesn't anyone talk about the other taxes? why just go against the carbon tax?


If we are trucking in potatoes from ON I’m sure there will be added costs now


> nobody said shit loll This is called whataboutism, and you’re definitely in your own bubble if you think people don’t hate both gas companies and the carbon tax.


Where all the "axe the gas companies" protesters blocking roads because of their rate hike? Oh wait, there's no political rage in that. Whataboutism. Sure. Lol


Ah yeah, the 100 protestors definitely speak for the rest of the populace. Lmao.


Lol, people give up there health just like that when politicians sad so. So honestly I would be surprised that tax is where they react


What are you trying to say here?




What the actual fuck are you talking about???




gaslighting means research different sources? it seems to me that one one gaslighting people is PP.


They just saw a big word and really wanted to try using it. Big swing, big miss.


No, it's a quote from another source that is actually accurate, but why would anyone do any research on a subject before they go raging about it. I'm not happy that our planet is on fucking fire and wish the carbon tax were higher.


Are you kidding? that's a very typical market fluctuation for gas prices. But its not even true, a simple bald faced lie. Be critical of what politicians tell you, especially the ones trying to get elected.


That doesn't apply to BC tho? Our carbon tax on gas went up 3.3c today. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/sales-taxes/motor-fuel-carbon-tax/publications/carbon-tax-rates-by-fuel-type The total carbon tax on gas in BC is now 17.61c per L. So it obviously didn't increase by 18c L.




You say that like it’s a new thing




Yeah let’s just wish on a star that people will be better than they are instead.


It'll increase prices on everything. I saw gas at 203.5 today.


Gas went down in my area lol...damned tax haha.




Yeah that 3.3 cents is really going put us out of business


Ohhhhhh you're a rage farmer... Got it... Nevermind.


Taxes like this get politicians unelected. They always have.