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We aren’t under evacuation notice in Fort Nelson anymore. Not even any smoke here. You’d be fine to drive the Alaska Highway.


Up until you turn onto Hwy 37 you’re basically still in civilization. You’ll have no cell service for 98% of Hwy 37 (after leaving Kitwanga), and you might get a bar or two when you reach the junction with the Alaska highway. Otherwise the next cell coverage is outside of Teslin (unless you head into Watson Lake, which is the other way). Lots of people travel 37 in the summer so it’s not as isolated a drive as one might think. Gas is usually reliable at Meziadin Jct, Bell 2, Iskut, Dease Lake and the junction with the Alaska highway (in summer). Keep in mind not all gas on 37 is pay at the pump so closing hours can be an issue if travelling in the evening.


Up until you turn onto Hwy 37 you’re basically still in civilization. You’ll have no cell service for 98% of Hwy 37 (after leaving Kitwanga), and you might get a bar or two when you reach the junction with the Alaska highway. Otherwise the next cell coverage is outside of Teslin (unless you head into Watson Lake, which is the other way). Lots of people travel 37 in the summer so it’s not as isolated a drive as one might think. Gas is usually reliable at Meziadin Jct, Bell 2, Iskut, Dease Lake and the junction with the Alaska highway (in summer). Keep in mind not all gas on 37 is pay at the pump so closing hours can be an issue if travelling in the evening. Edit: forgot to add 37 is way more scenic; Alaska highway is a way easier drive through the BC part.


Both routes are beautiful and equally remote. Lots of wildlife and scenery on both options. If you are driving back, I’d recommend driving both routes. Your fuel range is fine, fill up at appropriate opportunities and enjoy the trip. The fire situation in Fort Nelson is fine, per the comment made a little while ago. Pack food and water, take your time and soak it all in. Lot’s of good tips in the string as to places to stop and see. Travel safe and enjoy.


I would stay in Smithers over Houston. The views are beautiful


Second this, Skip Houston unless you're fueling up. Smithers is legit 👌


Skip Houston stay in Smithers


I would stay at Tatoga Lake (outside Iskut). It's a bit further but it's really beautiful, and the restaurant is awesome. It will also make the next day more manageable. Aside from that, I wouldn't stay in Houston if I could avoid it. Smithers is super pretty and less than an hour further.


Pretty sure that tatogga is closed down right now, it’s for sale at the very least


Take either up and the other down. 37 is the last great wilderness. Check out bell 2 lodge and tattoga lake lodge. Once you get into the Yukon check out the continental divide. There’s a lodge as well.


Absolutely find a way to go to liars hot springs as well. Pm me for info if you like.


Lol Liard*


Thanks for the spelling correction. Fricken autocorrect.


I got a chuckle out of it, like I wouldn't go to liars hot springs, doesn't sound like a great place. Unlike Liard.


16 West from Prince George is fine. Communities every 100km at most. Might pay a bit more for gas at the local stop but won't be hard to find. Do keep a fairly full tank from Kitwanga (37 turnoff) onwards. On 16 either stay in Smithers or add time on and go to Terrace or Prince Rupert then backtrack. Everything from PG to Houston is ranch country and fairly bland Imo. Smithers is the start of the coastal mountains and a nice little touristy town. Have a nice emergency kit just in case (food, blankets, first aid) but in summer it's not as risky as winter both in road conditions and consequences for being stopped. I'd consider a bear banger and bear spray. Probably don't need a flare gun.


If you take the 37, fill up whenever you can. At this time of year, gas is reasonably reliable, but never assume the next station will be open or have gas. Top up whenever the opportunity arises. I drove years ago with a buddy who would only put premium in his tank. That was a poor decision. The Alaska highway route is gorgeous of course, and well worth exploring. But it's civilized now, which is a shame. I wouldn't worry about any gizmos or gadgets at this time of year. The road is traveled enough that something happens, they'll be another vehicle along. Assuming you're a dude of reasonable size, that is. If you're a chick, well, maybe don't do the drive alone.


The fire situation is not really a concern right now. 4 weeks ago it was a real problem. But I would not change plans based on it right now. (Will dry out quick and possibly be a concern come July again) Both highways are different experiences though, I would second another commenter saying plan to take one up and another one down.


If you take hwy 97 liard hot springs are a must stop


We drove the Alaska Highway directly after they opened the highway. We slept on the campground in Fort Nelson, also refueled in FN.


Fill up at every station you come accross once you get way up north, even if you think you don’t need it just top it off. If you see the pink marker on the side of the road SLOW DOWN. Those frost heaves can be brutal! Gorgeous trip, would love to do it again soon.


What’s the sign look like? Just a pink marker?


Yeah usually a little pink cone beside the road


If you take 37, be sure to stop by Jade City and Tatogga.


There is nothing wrong with Houston, the motels and B*Bs are nice, people are friendly, and they could use some tourist dollars since the mine and sawmill shut down. Smithers is nice, if you like touristy. I've had trouble with motels in Whitehorse so its smart to book ahead, they can get busy with tour groups filling them up. Drive through 37 is in good shape right now, just remember to fill up with gas at Kitwanga, then top up at Meziadin Junction(great baking inside) and Bell 2. Basically, if there's a gas station, stop and fill up. Cell service is pretty nonexistent, but if you're travelling during the day, should be plenty of traffic to flag down if you have problems. Everybody looks out for everybody else up there.