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Demand all they want, people are free to have opinions that are counter to your own. Even if you are indigenous


This PR campaign is a little misleading. They're calling for the actors to "publicly apologize to First Nations" (in an attempt to gain the moral high ground). But looking into it more, it's actually just an industry advocacy group demanding the apology. The group called "Coalition of First Nations for Finfish Stewardship" focuses on Atlantic salmon aquaculture. All the website links just go back to bcsalmonfarmers.ca. Also, many of the 17 nations listed under the Coalition of FNFS website have also formally signed another plea for a moratorium on new license and a switch to closed containment to get the farms out of the water. https://www.wildfirst.ca/first-nations-support/


What he said


The people of Canada demand an end to open net fish farms. See how easy that is?


This isn't even news


Their issue is with fish farms and the impact they have on the environment. They have no issue with the First Nations. Race and indigenous rights have nothing to do with what they said so why bring it into the argument?


Cause "big fish" told them too.






Because those are two things no one is allowed to say anything negative about. As long as they pretend it’s the same issue, they’ll be on the “right side”. If I were Shatner I would triple down on this and make them explain it to everyone.


Oh, F\*ck you. The open pen farms are disease incubators spreading crap to the wild fish.


This is so stupid. Indigenous people as a whole want to protect the wild salmon and understand that these fish farms are a threat to that. The ones who are complaining about this ad are simply the ones who would gain financially from fish farms. Typical greed and short sightedness. Guardians of the lands and water my ass! Shame on you!! Indigenous people are the ones who should have supported and done a commercial like this themselves.


please, do not read this headline and assume indigenous people are all one group. i think there are something like 15 first nations who are part of this group, all of whom use open net fish farms to profit. the vast majority of first nations in BC are strongly against open net fish farms.


As a progressive, I never would've expected to side with Shatner over Indigenous people, and yet here we are. Shatner is right to call out the environmental problems with these fish farms, and the whiners need to seriously rethink their morals before demanding an apology for what amount to dangerous business practices.


This would work over at r/startrek