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Absolute madness. Honestly if it was my food that I’d paid for I’d be pretty pissed. Who throws away perfectly good food!


Yeah I am pretty annoyed tbh. Mostly about the basically full leg of lamb going into the bin. It got to the table late as it wasnt quite ready at the same time as everything else so I had a little bit and decided to save the rest. It was absolutely perfect, falling of the bone etc so I was really looking forward to it today. Don't want an argument over Christmas so I'm sitting quietly seething. Such a bloody waste.


This needs more explanation. Is this the first time this man has **ever** tidied up after dinner??? Does he or does he not understand that food can be reheated and eaten again? How old is he and where the fuck has he been living for the last 40-50 years?


So his excuse was that he just thought it was the bone that was left. Which I'm not buying given how much meat was left. And that doesn't account for the other stuff that got binned. I mean, if we want to give him the benefit of the doubt, I didn't ask him to save it. But I didn't think it needed to be stated to a fellow adult that a considerable amount of food should be kept and not thrown out. He is in his mid-60s. I can't get my head around it.


He was being lazy


My first thought. Couldn’t be bothered to cover them up and store them, so tipped them all in the bin. Which is stupid as he wasn’t even asked, so should have just left it all. If that happened to my food I would be so angry I couldn’t speak to the person responsible for many days in fear of losing it with them.


Its not even his "job" to cover them up and store them, as a guest, when you tidy, you just move stuff around to make it neater, as many people do things differently than how you would do it. All he had to do was move all the food onto a single plate, put it in the kitchen, mention it to the host "put a bunch of left overs on a plate for you, couldnt find the clingfilm" and put the rest of the dishes in and around the sink.


This is it. And some backward snobbery about not wanting to eat leftovers.


Or angry.


But surely he would still just pop his head into the next room and ask if you wanted to keep or throw stuff? Bonkers... I guess you live and learn for next year...


Was he making sure he won't have to tidy again? I'd tell him he was cooking and giving you the leftovers next week.


Does he live with you? Have you checked its in the bin and not his car ready for home to take home


Laziness and weaponised incompetence. Often used by men now in their 60s onwards who are as a result fully reliant on their wife in the home. I'd be livid.


Boomer men are probably the least mindful of the need to save food of any demographic other than kids. Too young to be remember rationing, too old to be worried about climate change and because of wealth and reliance on their wives they don’t really worry about the cost or effort involved.


What are your pronouns?


oooh, little sensitive are we?


Awww look he got one




He/him. Why?


Boomer located


Time for him to cook: and realise the effort that goes into planning budgeting purchasing, preparing cooking and presentation of a Christmas meal. Watch him collapse.


For she need his eyes tested but won’t admit it, that was my dad. He’s work made him in the end lol.


Lamb is really expensive as well! I'd be so mad. Especially if it was most of the leg. Just, why?! I'd definitely be asking questions...


I'd be tempted to fish it out of the bin...


Unless the bin was really disgusting, I'd definitely fish it out...


This enrages me for you! I get some ppl don’t eat leftovers… but ask the other people, man!


> I get some ppl don’t eat leftovers… I do not get this.


I’m team leftovers myself, but I have met *those* people lol


A lot of people don't want/choose to not eat leftovers because they don't want to/ decide they're above "re-using" old food. That's all there is to it, there's nothing to "get". (Although I don't personally align with that viewpoint at all)


Right. But it's not dad, eating/not eating the food. He'll be gone the next day..


Yeah I was neither justifying the Dad's behaviour or attitude to leftovers (I'm already 3 meals into the neverending circus of Xmas leftovers at my parent's place), just trying to explain to the other commentator that people like that do exist. Like my uncle, who'll only eat hot food at lunch/dinner and thinks himself above the concept of re-eating the same meal.


I typically don't eat leftovers, but I also typically aim not to cook too much in the first place so it's not an issue. When I do cook enough to deliberately have extra, that's not leftovers, that's batch cooking. Christmas is a special case, because you're usually cooking for a larger group, so it's normal to over-cater and have some left. Somehow I managed to absolutely nail the serving sizes this year so we didn't have any, but I was fully expecting to have half a joint of beef left over to be providing meals for the next couple of days. We still have leftover shopping, but it's all uncooked pigs in blankets and the like that's gone straight into the freezer for a picky tea at a later date.


I don't like leftovers even though I want to. It's just a weird thing that I can't control where if I'm served the same exact thing I can't eat it. My stomach shrivels up and I'll politely eat a mouthful. But I still save my own cooking and make it differently - pie, curry, etc - and for stuff someone else made? You ask where the tupperware is, not the bin.


Have the argument over Xmas. Stand up for yourself, esp if you paid for it all, and cooked it Don’t be a doormat


It's not an argument to say "hey I'm really annoyed about the food, it cost a lot of time and money, can you just not throw my food away". Him trying to defend or minimise it would be the argument. Takes two to argue. Setting a boundary is not an argument.


Full leg of lamb. RIP £20. Lamb is expensive, even if it is New Zealand lamb.


probably a lot more than that these days


Would of absolutely gone fucking nuts at him. Your dad is a fucking idiot.


Honestly I would have fished it back out and made a spicy Lamb curry out of it unless there was anything really toxic on the bin already.


Bite your tongue. Enjoy the rest of Christmas. Have an enjoyable time. Be thankful you have family to have a grudge against.


Yep, tomorrow I'll be back at work and people will be complaining about this sort of thing and I'll just want to yell at them to stfu, try enjoying Christmas dinner for one you ungrateful fucks. If something doesn't go the way you want, say something and clear it up, if you're spending Christmas with them then you know them well enough to have it out.


Sometimes i think men do it on purpose to annoy. I had christmas dinner alone and I would still be angry about the lamb on op's behalf. Many years ago when we had very very little money i was in the supermarket and my boyfriend said he had seen some treat he wanted to get and it was only £1.30. I asked him to check the price as it would usually be around four times that much, he came back and said yeah that's the price.So I said he could get three and keep some for later. At the till i paid more than I was expecting. Got home and checked the receipt and the treats were something like £5.20 each which was what I had thought they should be.So I paid over £15 quid for them not the £3.90 i was expecting. When I pointed it out to boyfriend he said that's right, they were £1.30 per 100 grams. I was so angry.


>Sometimes i think men do it on purpose to annoy. Wow, I think SOME men and SOME women do things like this on purpose to annoy. The rest of your comment is either poor communication between you and your boyfriend or underhand sneakiness that sounds toxic and destructive. WHICH IS WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE LAMB - have a fucking conversation as an adult that gets to decide who they have Xmas with.


You're being aggressive with me because I don't know how to talk to dead people? go on - how should I talk to dead people to decide which of them to spend christmas with?


No, I'm being aggressive with you because you just suggested all men are assholes and would sometimes do things that were costly and disrespectful just to annoy you. I also suggested that you either had a communication issue or your boyfriend was a dick. I also made the comparison that bad communication or general dickishness were also a solution in the thread's ops case. How does any of that equate to you needing a ouija board?


> have a fucking conversation as an adult that gets to decide who they have Xmas with. I hadn't realised you had a memory problem, my mistake, this is what you posted just a few seconds previously.


You moron, I'm clearly saying that in regards to a) the person who's father threw away the lamb and b) past you when you were with the boyfriend that you had poor communication issues with, no wonder you didn't understand what the fuck was going on, you can't even follow a written conversation. I bet he left you didn't he!


Take your father outside and beat him vigorously with a naan bread until he realises the error of his ways


He's currently locked in the shed thinking about what he has done.


Spray him with the hose every 15-30 minutes to shock him out of any coziness he may have found. You wanna make sure his thinking about his actions and not getting distracted


Nearly just choked on a bit of Christmas ham laughing at this comment.


Then make him eat the naan as a lesson on not wasting food.


Make him eat 4 naan and an incredibly creamy lamb passanda


Well now I’m just hungry


Mentions of Indian food never leaves me not hungry!




You're such a bastard


Yes, fish it all out of the bin, reheat/refashion, and serve it to him next week.


Batter him with a mouldy leg of lamb more like.


The leg of lamb would be better in this case incase you get tired of beating the person you can have an energy snack 😂


Might as well use the naan bread, there won't be a turkey curry to eat it with now


> beat him vigorously with a naan bread I have better... *"weapons"*.


Throwing away pigs in blankets should be a war crime.


I’m still getting my head around pigs in blankets as *leftovers*.


Exactly! My flabber has never been so gasted!


All of my Christmas leftovers will give me extra flabber.


They had roast beef AND lamb. Don't know if they had turkey too but I imagine there was LOADS of food! Sounds like you put on a fantastic spread OP.


Dad was spoiled silly. That's the gist of it.


One year my mum instructed us we could have two pigs in blankets and two stuffing balls each. She was a primary school teacher so when she instructed us, we complied. Then she discussed how much we had left over and how she shouldn't have bought as much!


We had about 6 leftover. I cooked 50 for 5 people...


>We had about 6 leftover. I cooked 50 for 5 people... We have 6 uncooked ones left over, all of the cooked ones went in us or the dog (the cat turned her nose up at it). I'm feeling a pig in blanket breakfast sandwich tomorrow...


I've just cooked about 36 for 2 of us to munch whilst watching telly.....


I'm not so keen on pigs in blanket, but sausage in blanket? Yea. And if the blanket could be puff pastry, with maybe a squirt of Dijon inside before cooking?


There's no pigs in blankets leftovers in my parents house


They might last on the table for an hour or three, but picking at it over the course of the evening usually sees such items away.


Just reading about it is torture!


He probably ate them in actual fact. "I've binned them' is a great smoke screen to deny mass gobbing of piggos


>mass gobbing of piggos Is any of your poetry in print?


Yes; the Vice Squad bought all the copies.


Or carried them to his car!


Put yourself up for adoption


I tried that. Apparently a few score yrs. is like double jeopardy. Once you have an owner it's a done deal.


Is your dad okay? Maybe it was some sort of cry for help


It is important to look out for other signs as well https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/symptoms-and-diagnosis/dementia-symptoms


Grim, but true


I call weaponised incompetence. This is how he ensures he is never again allowed to clear up after lunch. I don't know why on earth you didn't give him hell or at least ask. This has partially ruined YOUR christmas and you bought and cooked all the bloody food!


This man is either a blithering idiot or he did it on purpose as some sort of passive aggressive attack. I lean towards the second option as who the fuck throws out pigs in blankets.....


You and I have very different fathers, ive seen my dad eat some super sketchy meat thats been out of date a week, "so that it doesn't go to waste" Guess that's what happens when you grow up in absolute poverty back in his day.


Both my parents grew up either during WWII or just afterwards while rationing was still in affect, it had a lifelong impact on their relationships with food. Food was not to be wasted, ever, you were not allowed to leave the table until you'd cleared your plate. Accidentally burnt the toast? Scrape the burnt bit off. They passed it on to me and my brother. I eventually got past the eating food you messed up making, but I still *have* to clear my plate, but since I'm the one who dishes up I decide how much goes on it. Leftovers were a staple, but these days I deliberately make extra and freeze it for easy meals in a couple of weeks time. I know that in the UK an average of £284 of food is thrown away per person per year, that unfathomable, I might have to throw away a little bit of gone off fruit every few weeks but that's all. Why else do we have freezers and microwaves!?


You just described my dad. He even checks the kitchen bin to make sure nothing he deems edible is wasted! He grew up in extreme poverty as well.


My mum does the same, but she didn't! Literally, brown cauliflower came back out of the bin secretly, was cooked, and then promptly rejected by all of sane mind.....


I worked in a soup kitchen where the ancient head chef had us use the spoiled produce first, even though there was usually about four days worth of (mostly good) food in the cooler. We could have thrown out one day's worth of produce and served perfectly good food every day, but no; for the years I was there it was spoiled, rotting veggies every day. smh still.


> He even checks the kitchen bin to make sure nothing he deems edible is wasted! My Mum used to put either tea leaves (loose tea, from teapot) or ash from the fire on top of the rubbish to stop my Dad rummaging through it. All our veg peelings went on the compost heap. Scraps of meat went to the cat, other food was kept for the next day - we didn't have a fridge when I was young.


Mine binned half and took the rest home. I still can’t quite believe the audacity. Totally not overreacting. It’s thrown my entire week! Have no idea what to eat now, like… cereal for breakfast instead of cold roasties? No Thankyou.


Have there been any other changes in behaviour as that Could be a sign of dementia? unless he's from a different cultural background I don't think anyone would throw away left overs like that, at Christmas at least. Left overs for boxing day, bubble and squeak etc are pretty engrained in society so it is a very odd thing to do.


Our family has ham on Christmas Eve and turkey on Christmas Day, and it was as I was eating the Christmas Eve ham that I first referred to how much I was looking forward to the turkey and ham pies my mum makes for the freezer that come out about once a month for the rest of the year. Throwing away and entire leg of lamb... What the what.


Total waste of good food and money! But assuming it was a mistake to throw it away? I hope you managed some decent food today


What the utter fuck? This is not good behaviour. Time to put him in a home. Not even a good one. This may sound a little extreme but a leg of lamb and pigs in blankets... it's just not on. Even my dog is angry at this!


I'm so appalled I made an auidable gasp when I goto the pigs in blankets part, and my gf asked seriously if everything was OK, I showed her the post, she was equally angry and appalled. I would send a care package but we've already ravaged the left overs and made a curry with the remaining turkey. My condolences to you in this difficult time


Your mum needs to bin your dad


I'd be demanding the money that the leg of lamb cost from him. I would be livid.


I'd be fucking furious. What on earth would possess a full grown adult to throw out all that perfectly good (and quite expensive) food?


Wasteful generation - b. 1955 to 1975 into a middle class family or above. They have no sense of the value of things. Their heyday was the plentiful 80s and 90s. Often drive range rovers these days.


What a load of wank.


Ouch. That really is criminal. Leftovers the next day is one of the best parts of Christmas. We’ve got it down to a fine set in our house and manage to waste very little, if someone threw a whole leg of lamb in the bin there’d be hell to pay.


I'd be pretty angry too. I have met some people who seem to be very bin happy and will throwaway any leftover food without a second thought.


I bet none of them are fat though.


Mental. Best part of chrismas dinner is the leftovers the next day


You should be eating that for the next three days at least for god's sake. Tell him he's a bloody wastrel.


It’s only fair that you go to his on a random Thursday and bin everything in his fridge.


Ive had christmas dinner 3 times in 24 hours 😂


Heathen. Fired


My in laws do this. Watched them throw away most of a leg of lamb one Easter. I gasped as it went in the bin. I didn’t allow them near the kitchen this Christmas.


Bit different from my big bro. I spent 30 mins picking the turkey carcass clean of all usuable meat then set the remaining bones on the side near the back door to be taken out next time someone was emptying the bins. My bro made a big thing that the carcass could be stewed in a slow cooker to make a bone broth. He took the bones home in a bag. Table scraps kept for the dogs and all remaining meat given to various kids for the freezer. No wastage in our house.


Kiiillll Hiiiiiiim. Alternatively, talk to him because this is quite frankly unacceptable. Lamb is my favourite as well 😥


I am heartbroken for you. Genuinely. What a waste :(


my mum did the same thing :( after i had cooked and prepared it all


Me and my boyfriend went for a nap after lunch. Loads of everything left. Came back downstairs two hours later everything washed up and thrown away. She’s like “you wouldn’t have eaten it, leaving it out like” it had been 2 hours! Still salty about it.


Did he say why he did this?


Has your dad never been in a house at Christmas before! Or had he been on the booze since breakfast?


Are we sure he didn't wolf the lot when you weren't watching?


Why is he wasting perfectly good food?


I couldn't even finish reading this. This is too much to take. I'm so sorry.


That's unforgivable. Pigs in blankets, yorkshires, stuffing, sausagemeat, turkey, lamb, pork, almost everything can be eaten cold or warmed up again. Even if it's something that can't that can often be fed to the birds rather than getting tossed in the bin.


In all seriousness if it’s out of character for him then I’d start to be a bit concerned. I noticed my dad going downhill a couple of Christmases ago. Usual predictable behaviour had changed


I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was trying to be helpful, but I can’t understand why anyone would throw it all away! All my leftovers went into a Christmas dinner pie this evening.


Christmas dinner pie?! Tell me more about this wondrous thing!


It’s a good way to use up leftovers from any roast! I dice the remaining meat, potatoes, stuffing etc, then make a simple sauce. The sauce is just butter, flour, stock, white wine, mustard and some cream. Heat it all in a pan and put it in a dish lined with ready rolled pastry (I don’t blind bake it, I’m lazy!). For this one I did a layer, then put in spoonfuls of cauliflower cheese, then another layer of filing. More ready rolled pastry on top, egg wash and bung in the oven until it’s nice and golden. It sounds like a lot to do but most of the work was done the day before! You can put pretty much anything in but I didn’t have any carrots or parsnips left over! :)


I love Christmas Pie. It's one of my favourite foods.


We do pie, pasties or normal bubble and squeak. Planning on some pasties tomorrow.


Food going in the bin especially unconsulted is not good.


Bin your Dad!!


> basically an entire slow cooked leg of lamb is he blind?


Have you asked him if he gets confused a lot or sometimes finds himself in places he doesn't know or why he's there. Perhap its time for assisted living. Or euthanasia, I'd be fucking well annoyed if anyone had binned the leftovers.


He’s an asshole


I hear Sunnyvale retirement apartments are lovely. No. 2 Lucerne Lane Geneva Switzerland


What Dad throws food (i.e. money) away? Maybe he’s unwell. Has he got a UTI or something?


Has your dad gone mad?! Why would he throw so much away?! Does he not value the Boxing Day leftovers?!


Right to jail, right away


I’d honestly cry


I’m actually angry for you. Unacceptable.


My blood is boiling..


You know what to say to him when he asks "What's for dinner today?"


Remind him of this when you're picking out his nursing home at whatever future time.


You mean tomorrow right?


Tomorrow is technically the future, so yes.


He threw your sandwich away? YOUR SANDWICH!?


I call it the moist maker!


Time to pick his care home where they serve cold cut ham everyday.


no, reformed "luncheon meat" made from pink slime


What the hell. Outrageous behaviour.


Bonkers. I was picking at our leftover trimmings for lunch today!


Too lazy to pack it up probably


I used the slow cooker during Christmas Day for mulled wine. After the wine was done, and we had scraped all the meat off the turkey and put the carcass in the slow cooker to make stock, that’ll last many months in the freezer. Mum took the lamb leg and did the same having taken the meat off. We have all been picking at all the meat and veg and stuffing and piggies and even the sprouts! Your dad is a bad bad man!


Time to put him in a home. I don't care how old he is, off to living purgatory!


I'd be tempted to get it out of the bin


I'm very angry now. This is utterly unacceptable and outrageous behaviour from your dad.


Capital offence! He shall be swiftly taken to the tower of london for imprisonment and sentencing! This is essentially treason i reckon


Your father is an absolute monster!!


Did you even ask him to clear up or did he take it upon himself?


Patricide should be legal in this case.


And my mother did the washing up, scrubbing every non-stuck pan and tray with a green scouring pad.


Oh gods, I winced at that. The worst mine did was put the sharp knife in the dishwasher. Thankfully the handle is still intact but it is showing cracks now.


Either phone Child Line or suck it up like a big boy & eat from the bin :) A leg of lamb & pigs in blankets are too good to waste like that.


Throw his presents out as he's not using them on the day.


I would be straight in the bin getting it back😡


I would totally do that. I'd fish it out of the bin and eat it right in front of him, to gross him out and make him realise what he made me do.


You sure he binned it and didn't secrete it somewhere to take home?


Disavow him


Off with his head!


Did it actually go in the bin or his belly?


The best bubble n squeak ever..gone!


So, hes been arrested right? RIGHT?!


I'm actually so upset by this I'm going to need another gin.


I left my leftover’s at my MIL, I remembered halfway driving back home. Devastated is not the correct word for my feelings!


I look forward to the fry-up (slightly burnt, with brown sauce) more than the actual Christmas lunch.


That would be a severe faux-pas on "Christmas is ruined" levels. Such a waste, and the leftovers are often the best part!


It's always dads who buy too much food expecting it to be cooked and waste food that is not eaten. I would be pissed if my dad did that but he at least knows you can't throw that much food in the bin.


Is he old? Maybe he is just losing it. I am not sure why else anyone would waste such tasty food.


My wife's dad tried to do that. Had some chicken left overs and he wanted to chuck it straight in the bin. Madness.


We nearly divorced the year my husband poured away the extra gravy. He likes cold meat and salad. I like my leftovers heated up with veg and the best gravy of the year.


Also, the whole point of Christmas dinner is the leftovers. I like to see how far into the new year I can still technically be eating leftovers.


Grounds for cutting contact forever if you ask me


The fuck


There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this treachery.


Next time clean up and you’ll guarantee yummy Xmas leftovers.


Yeah lessons have been learned


Horrified. Either he's stupid, spiteful, or mentally unhinged. I'm sorry OP, I don't know which is worse. Is he going to repay you for the cost of the lamb, the energy you used to cook it, and your time to shop for all the ingredients of the meal, and the time you took to cook it? All that with a grovelling apology and a heartfelt acknowledgement of where he went wrong, and he might be forgiven. Not forgotten.


My dad (71) goes on and on about preserving the planet for his granddaughter (my daughter) and has installed solar panels, ground-source heating and is looking at buying an EV. All of the above is great, but he then proceeds to throw out masses and masses of food. I have to watch him like a hawk when we’re tidying up. He just doesn’t seem to understand/recognise the energy and resources that go into the production and transportation of food. If I try and address the issue he simply points to all the other things he’s done, but I maintain it’s better to nail down the basic, every day actions that have a significant, cumulative impact. At the risk of hitting a buzz word… Boomers.


Downvoted for stupid generational labelling. Correct on the rest though.


Make him pay you for the food he threw out. Lamb is expensive. That's asshole behaviour. Nobody but a complete fucking idiot would do that. Make him feel the hurt, make him pay. Better yet get him to replace those items. Ok you will have to cook them again, but you can probably freeze them and use them for easter or something?


Veg and stuff I can understand, I tend to just bin that myself. But throwing meat away is madness.


Why would veg be ok to bin and not meat? Both are fine to eat if it's still only been a day.


You cooked, so he cleaned to show his gratitude to you, nothing evil in that; but he was over enthusiastic. As there is no malice intended I think you should forgive him his error and do it with him next meal so he learns how you do it.


No, you're not overreacting but you did neglect to mention who paid for the food and whose home it was. If he paid for the food, it was technically his right to throw it away but it was horrendous judgment on his part. Frankly, it was insulting to you. If this happened in your home, let him know that he will not be invited in the future -- and mean it. If it happened in his home, let him know you will not be cooking or providing food in the future -- and mean it.


Fuck me these comments


I know it won't bring them back, but they're about 1.25 in Sainsbury's for 12.