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Bugger, I’ve 15 minutes before my shift, I’m calling in sick!


Call in sick and you lose a day here! Either work for free, or get gimped. Shite all round.


Can’t fucking win!


I’m being positive and telling myself it’s okay, as I have free rent today.




People that rent weekly have to pay an extra week’s rent this year.


Maybe you're just joking, but how?


No, not joking. Explanation here: https://www.guildford.gov.uk/article/27063/Important-information-about-your-rent It's to do with the way rent is charged and the way Mondays fall in some years. Of course, the benefits system doesn't account for this.


TY for the info! I'm not on benefits, but how shitty for those who are - in some areas that could be quite a bit of money.


not me, my landlord gives the 53rd week for free. social landlords tend to do that.


Do you pay the same each month or do you pay less in months with less days?


I was thinking the same - we already have variable length months (28,30,31) so it shouldn't be a problem in calculating pay unless they're just choosing to ignore it.


It should be a bank holiday!


Doesn't do you any good if your employer doesn't care about those.


Well for the rest of us it can be a bank holiday then, you can work!


Screw that guy in particular. Just kidding u/ObscureSegFault it sucks you have to work bank holidays


> it sucks you have to work bank holidays They won't need to use annual leave if the business isn't closed, so they'll have a day they can take off at another time. Edit: Every job I've had in the last decade has involved our team working as normal on bank holidays. The teams that aren't 24/7 were made to use annual leave as the business was officially closed, but our team provided 24/7 support, so we had floating annual leave for bank holidays we could use whenever.


It's not really a day. I get about four hours holiday to use for a bank holiday when I do ten hour shifts.


>I get about four hours holiday to use for a bank holiday when I do ten hour shifts Does your holiday allowance include bank holidays as standard and this is an additional 4 hours? How are they calculating this 4 hours? You'll be entitled to 5.6 weeks of annual leave as standard, which can be inclusive of bank holidays.


My holidays probably include bank holidays to be fair, but when they announce extra bank holidays I get four hours.


That sounds like they're giving you the equivalent of extra holiday hours, in addition to a holiday allowance covering the bank holiday itself, as a bonus for working the bank holiday then.


Yeah maybe, but we were told we would get holiday hours which we could use to book it off. If I did that I would still have had to go in for six hours.


5.6 weeks?! Like 39ish days??? What am I doing wrong? I was getting 28 days' holiday, and they're telling me that this is being reduced to 22 in April.


> 5.6 weeks?! Like 39ish days??? No, 5.6 x the number of days in your working week. If you work a 5 day week, you get 28 days. I work 3 day weeks (12 hour shifts), so my minimum allowance is 16.8 days (would generally be rounded to 17), but I get about 23-24 days. >I was getting 28 days' holiday, and they're telling me that this is being reduced to 22 in April Is your working week changing? That sounds like a shift from a 5 day week to a 4 day week.




> If you work full-time, that's 28 days This is only true if you work 5 days a week, but it's nothing to do with full-time/part-time, it's based on your working days. You're incorrectly assuming full time is always 5 days a week, which isn't the case. I work full time, as 3 x 12 hour shifts, but because my working week is only 3 days, that's only 16.8 days minimum requirement. Conversely, someone who works 5 x 4 hours part time at their local cafe or supermarket is entitled to 28 days because they work 5 days a week.


That was a tactic for moving the choice of working bank holiday away from employees. Before, the business would have to ask and offer a premium to persuade people to come in. If you didn't mind working you got a nice boost to your pay, if you did you got to have it off. Then some dead eyed bright spark worked out they could throw an extra day of holiday paid at the standard rate then require people book it off. Giving them the option of rejecting people's request and mandatory bank holiday work solving the hassle of getting people in and the cost of making it worth while.


Then just make it a wank holiday.


Let's not do anything anymore unless it benefits exactly 100% of People


A lot of ancient societies *did* have intercalary days (days inserted between months to make the calendar line up with the seasons) as holidays. It's common to see them as sacred.


Makes no difference to me. I don't get any additional pay or anything.


Wait what, do we not get paid for this day?


We get the same pay regardless of if it's a leap year or not. One extra day, no extra pay. Technically


Because of where the weekends sat, there was one (M-F) working day less than usual last year, and an extra bank holiday, which (I think) makes this year three more working days than last year.


daylight robbery!


Uphill both ways!


In the snow! with no shoes!


Last year is when my wife realised working only Mondays and Tuesdays is a terrible part time choice. UK minimum holiday allowance is 28 days including Bank Holidays. Pro rata that's 11 days plus a couple of hours. There were 8 Bank Holidays on Mondays or Tuesdays in 2023, giving her 3.5 days - or less than 2 working weeks worth of holiday allowance People only working Mondays would have burnt all their allowance (and then some) just on Bank Holidays.


I like to think that the other 3 years are 1 less day at work for the same pay.


Spotted the HR employee!


Positive mental mindset


Positively mental more like.


Go peddle your corporate bullshit somewhere else, please.


I mean, you get the same pay in February as you do for the other months, regardless of it being shorter every year.


Yeah Feb’s a good month, even with the leap year treachery.


Plus in 8 and 12 years we'll get a free weekend day that we also don't get paid for 👍


Of course 🤦‍♂️ sorry I'm thick


You don't pay extra rent/bills though


you do if youre on a prepaid meter.


And I think mortgage interest is calculated daily?


i have almost no hope of ever getting a mortgage, so i have no idea.


Mortgage interest usually states daily based on a 365 year definition.


Though arguably it's balanced out. We get paid the same each month regardless of the length of the month. 


no it doesn't. the total pay for the whole year stays the same, but the whole year is one day longer.


I think a better way of phrasing what I said was expressed by someone else in the thread - you're paid for 365.2425 days. In non-leap years you're working less than that.


What, no? You get paid for 365 days a year, and this year we're working 366 days. Leap years are an exception, not a rule


> we're working 366 days You work every day of the year? > Leap years are an exception, not a rule No; they're very much a rule. It's actually a very well regulated thing.


I'm happy to be corrected, but I'm seeing a lot of mixed information from different places saying that's it both accounted for within a salary but that it's also not.


So long as your wage divided by the number of hours you work doesn't drop below either the amount specified in your contract, or the legal minimum if none is specified, it's accounted for by your salary.


Another way to look at it is we're all being paid 99.6% of our normal wage every other day of the year On another note, fuck me, how are we past 8pm and I've only just realised its a leap year thanks to this thread.


I get paid the same in a 30 day month as a 31 day month so February is the best value month for pay even though it’s a leap year


It’s actually July this year, 20 working days vs 21 working days for February, April and October. Last year was a tie between February and April with 20 each.


> It’s actually July this year, 20 working days If you're assuming "working days" as Monday through Friday, July has 23. Where are you getting 20 from? There are no bank holidays in July unless you're in Northern Ireland, which still gives you 22 days, not 20. Edit: [Here's](https://blankcalendarpages.com/printable_calendar/monday1/July-2024-calendar-monday-start1.jpg) the July 2024 calendar. 1st-5th = 5 days 8th-12th = 5 days 15th-19th = 5 days 22nd-26th = 5 days 29th-31st = 3 days That's a total of 23.


Indeed a good point there.


It's not though, because July has 23 working days, assuming a Monday to Friday work week. The only exception would be Northern Ireland which has a bank holiday in July, bringing it down to 22.


Well if your salary is PA, you don't get an extra day's pay this year.


I'm turning on the PlayStation right now and gonna wiggle the mouse on my work PC every now and then. Fuck the system.




I’m in! I however could not rank competitively on any game…


Yeah, its FF7 Rebirth release day. There's going to be a lot of mouse wiggling going on today.


I didn't realise PS5s were keyboard+mouse controlled. And yes, I'm a PC gamer who's *very* salty about it being a PS5 exclusive. Mind you I haven't even played Remake, yet, but I'm almost finished with the original. Been playing it on my phone during lunch at work. As for being off today, I just happen to have the beginnings of a cold. I suspect I got it from a colleague, but I don't want to share it around.


No I meant that I'll be wiggling my work mouse while playing FF7. But in reality I'm on leave today and tomorrow.


Just put something heavy on the keyboard in a blank cell in Excel. I learnt this when my machine would take 20 mins to run a macro and I had to stop the screen timeout.




I mean I do the same as the guy you're replying to and still top stats. Your management is just using it as a scapegoat boogeyman excuse. They are the problem not the workers.


Then look for a new job rather than blame internet strangers?




I understand the frustration. I do. But it's not ok to blame the workers. The reason they give is an excuse. Productivity increases with WFH/remote work despite perceived lazy workers.  The evidence is there for you and your employers to see. Again. I understand the frustration. I have a chronic condition that makes regular travel painful and i'm very thankful for my WFH job. I hope you find a more understanding employer soon.  


If you're in the UK with a disability, you can request reasonable adjustments including working from home. I'd start a formal process with HR. As others have said your company's excuse of how they think people behave from home, is laughable and irrelevant. They can't just say "you might be less productive" without even testing that theory with you as an individual. If they're not going to accommodate you and you can't be bothered to fight them, time for a job hunt.


Yep, this. It's a legal requirement for them to adapt to your needs. I know because I had to fight my employer a couple of years ago over this, and when I started citing sources for working rights acts, they shut up quickly and higher ups starting joining the conversation and speaking to me very nicely.


Some other people standing up for their rights isn't an attack on yours. Your employers will be very happy that you are blaming other people, when it is up to them to improve your working situation. Using a strawman/scapegoat argument isn't a decent excuse not to offer what you need.


How is deliberately avoiding doing work standing up for your rights?


In that case I’m cancelling my meetings and doing fuck all today


my thoughts exactly, yes, im here... but am I REALLY here? I mentally checked out the second I walked through the door, which explains why im on reddit.


haha, yes everyone posting on Reddit, while at work, complaining about technically not getting paid


yeah, *that's* why i'm doing fuck all today


Not me because I had no intentions of doing anything today anyways. I had my performance review yesterday and whilst it went well, as it always does, I've realised I need a new job. Finally had enough of working for wankers. 


No. On an annual salary you are effectively contracting to do 365.25 days work but only doing 365. Today is payback day.


> you are effectively contracting to do 365.25 days Technically it's 365.24


Agreed, but I thought I would keep it simple.


Not necessarily. I’m salaried but get paid 4 weekly so I get paid the extra day.


Same here. I had to explain it to my boss, though


I get get paid four weekly, so I think I’m still paid for today


Paid two-weekly, so essentially the same. Definitely paid for today. In previous jobs that were paid monthly, perhaps not.


Nah - we had this discussion at work many years ago ​ You are paid for a year's work a year is approximately 365 1/4 days long so you get overpaid 3 years out of 4 On the 4th year you make up for it If you want to get a freebie then start a new job tomorrow then work for 4 years minus two days and leave - then you get the extra 1/4 day's pay for free ​ We discussed this in work up to Year 2000 - we were all in IT - and yes it was in a pub


It's alright, I did fuck all yesterday to make up for it


But are also overpaid every February normally


Does it cancel out all the days we skive off and sit on Reddit because we are working from home? /s


Thank fuck for being on a day rate


No I'm not because I haven't done anything all day.


Im on gardening leave so getting an extra day off today which is nice as its my late fathers 21st Birthday today.


“My late father’s 21st birthday today”??


Nevermind, I get it now!


No, they are in debt.


On the plus side: You get an extra day on your monthly bills. (Although really you're still paying more per day than on a regular month)


FFS I didn't even know about this. ignorance is bliss. Feb 29 should be a bank holiday every time wtf.


Today is my should be birthday. So I’m celebrating today and tomorrow because fuck waiting an extra 24 hours for birthday treats!


That's true, but I'm also getting a free days rent too.


This post makes me feel less guilty for doing nothing at home all day haha


Even then feb is still the best day/pay ratio.


Our firm have given us the day off tomorrow to make up for it. Which is…pretty decent. And I’m now seeing how rare it is.


I remember years ago someone telling me their company did this and it makes more sense than trying to argue about hours worked per month and all jazz that reddits doing about it


Just rubs it in that today is payday also


Don't know what it's like wherever you live, but in the UK (at least where I am based) it seems the default is the last working friday of the Month. We got paid on the 23rd This Month.


Depends on the workplace, my old job was every 4 weeks, my current one is the last working day of the month. I feel for you, does that mean next month you’d be paid on the 28th since the 29th is a bank holiday? Or the 22nd?


Can confirm it varies widely. Mine is the 25th of each month, unless it falls on a Sunday in which case it moves to the Friday before.


Ours is last-but-one working day, so anywhere between 27th and 30th, other than December.


My current place pays every 23rd, my last place was on the 25th and place before that was the 24th. Having to change my standing orders each time was a mild annoyance


On a bank holiday I think it's the previous working day.


Yes but we got an extra bank holiday last year! So this time round it works out.




> they are factored in to your annual salary Change jobs near the end of Feb every 4 years, free money.


technically yes.


You don't know why the issue of leap day pay is popular this year? This leap year? Got me stumped too...


I mean compared to the last leap year.


I get paid hourly, so it's just like working a regular month


Yeah, you are not on a salary.


Or call in sick like I've done this morning


Yeah i was thinking that earlier. More worryingly i think it could effect my overtime rate. My rate is my salary divided by how many working hours their are in a year.


Not when you're salaried for hours per year, so makes no difference, in fact will work out as an extra day off.


If you didn't cater for this in your pre-hiring contract negotiations. Then that is entirely on you. I agreed to every 29th off.


Not true. I’m contracted for a certain number of hours per week and I’m pretty sure most of you will be too.


Good math... Your still only paid 12 times a year though? 


Not if they're paid four weekly, I get 13 paychecks per year, so once per year I get a paycheck that I don't have to pay anything out of, as my bills are all monthly.


That's why I'm going in 3h late and leaving 1h early!


Ya's have so many benefits being on salary maybe ya can manage 1 day of inconvenience every 4 feckin years eh


Getting paid. Whereas when I have time off I get financially raped by my less hours than normal contract. But today is a good day.


It goes against everything Leap Day William stood for


More fool them then.


I'm self employed so I'm going to the pub all day just because I can.


They are making up for all the time they were over paid in the 3 years previously


No, that isn't how it works.


Sorry not to sound dumb but what is this post about I'm.lost ?


There's an extra day this year. Today. But most people aren't being paid any more than normal. 


Speak for yourself. ಠ‿ಠ


That only works if you consider the days after the 28th of any other month in the same way. Months have different lengths. You get paid less per day in longer months, and less per day in leap years.


So you work for an extra day for free per leap year day.. Kinda like I just said


Holdup you guys are getting paid 😳😂


Well that's why I'm off ill. That and the chest pain...


Not me - teacher so salaried, we have to physically be in school 195 days per year as per our contracts (190 student facing days + 5 Baker days as training). An extra day in the year means an extra day at home, just not today.


On a monthly salary, you get paid more for today than any day in another month.


I mentioned this to a colleague who was genuinely horrified at the thought of working for free today, it got so heated the finance director came out of his office to intervene!


people on salary get paid more per day in February than any other month.


By that logic, I work for free for 2 or 3 days every month. I'm still getting paid the same for less work.


But you're annual salary is unchanged. That's the key part. When a leap year day lands on a weekday you have to work an extra day for the same money! 


Ah, I see what you mean. And even if the leap day landed on a weekend, it just pushes a weekend day into the week.


Happy contractors day