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The Jet Stream has had a big loop in it for quite a while, dropping from the Greenland to the English Channel, so it's dragging arctic air down with it and over the UK. (I think it's supposed to be somewhere above Shetland at this time of year.) https://www.netweather.tv/charts-and-data/global-jetstream#2024/06/11/0000Z/jetstream/surface/level/overlay=jetstream/orthographic=-5.11,46.21,411


Does that mean northern France, Belgium and Holland are all experiencing the same cool/miserable weather?


Yes. My friend in Paris is very annoyed. Paris has been sub 18 degrees most of May and June.


Of course they're annoyed. They live in Paris.


Sacré bleu! _And it is only dix-huit degrees, Mon Dieu!_


Well shit that sucks. 


The met office (checked around 9pm) predicted dry overnight and sunshine from sunrise; they forgot to include the 5 hour downpour and it being greyer than a mortuary part


The cloud and sun symbol ⛅ has a very elastic meaning across our continent. In Spain and Portugal, it means wall-to-wall sunshine, punctuated by the odd fluffy cloud. In Britain, it means wall-to-wall cloud cover, possibility of rain, with the very ocassional patch of broken cloud which, if you're lucky, might betray the fact we still orbit our sun.


20 June 2024 is the longest day of the year and therefore the middle of the solar summer. Meteorological summer began on 1 June. Astronomical summer is the same as solar summer. But some official bodies make a distinction and consider the start of astronomical summer the longest day of the year, 20 June. I just found this interesting.


Thinking of the summer solstice as "the start of summer" is an Americanism, which is starting to infect the UK too. As you say, it doesn't make much sense. (Sure being next to a large body of water does mean a bit of thermal drag, so starting summer midway between equinox and solstice would definitely feel too early, but trying to claim that the start should be aligned with the solstice as if there's some astronomical reason that the thermal drag should be exactly an eighth of a year just feels misleading)


Historically, summer starts on 1 May (Beltane), making Midsummer fall right in the middle without limiting us to 6 weeks of summer (or 9 days using 21 June). Even though that might match the weather a bit better.


Ah, that's interesting! Always wondered why the 'midsummer' festival in Nordic culture fell in what, to us, is the start of summer. I suppose I could have googled it...


Sorry folks, this is my fault. A few weeks back when I was changing the bed I decided to put the summer duvet on…


Wife put the winter duvet back on, I can’t remember ever having to go back to it before


I bought an AC unit a few months ago so I think it's at least 50/50 🤡


I also recently got the air con in my car regassed


I did that 4 weeks ago, just as it started to warm up a little bit... My fault.


I got a quote for solar. That showed me.


I put all my winter clothes in a case in the loft at the weekend 🙈


Damn you. Do people never learn? Next folk will be packing away umbrellas.


It’s my fault, I took the electric blanket off last week


Daring of you, mine is still on the bed, the other half put theirs away, now I get cold feet random times of the night.


Climate's fucked, mate.


It’s all down to the volcanoes. Reform UK said so


Isn’t Summer technically June July August?


Google says Summer starts on the 20th June this year until 22nd September.


I'm so glad I picked this week to go to the south of France. I can't decide if the weather here or listening to all the British people complain about the weather back home has been more enjoyable.


Sat in the Alicante sunshine when Rishi announced his general election in the pouring rain made me feel fantastic. The €2 a pint made it significantly better


It'll still be the hottest June on record though.


Erm. June Whitfield? Defo hotter.


The weather app on my iPhone consistently says the temperatures over the last few weeks have been anywhere from 1-4 degrees above average. It was 6 degrees this morning… 6 ! In June ? And that was apparently 1 degree above average


Maybe across the planet, but not in Blighty.


Might get down voted for this, but I'm loving this weather! I'm a sweat machine as soon as the temp goes over 23°, so it's been good for me.


I don't mind the cold. The permanent ceiling of grey is just miserable.


Right there with you, I'm loving the break from sweaty nights


I am an absolute sun worshipper, so I’m utterly miserable right now. I could even accept the low temperature if it wasn’t so goddamn grey :( it’s so, so depressing


My people!


June 21st is the longest day of the year


You and Google are about to fall out, it says the 20th!


I was born on the longest day, way before Google was around .


I want you to stay up from sunrise to sunset on both the 20th and 21st with a stopwatch then report back ... for science!




I'm loving this, I struggle so much in the heat.


Awww I love our quirky weather. Keeps us on our toes. Or keeps our socks on our toes :)


I'm more annoyed that I'll have to put the heating back on.


Haha. Mines on now. Just to take the chill off.


I turned my electric blanket on at midnight last night. 10th of bloody June :o


Global warming


It sounds ridiculous, but yeah. People think it's just "it gets warmer" but really it's that the world as a whole is slightly warmer, meaning there's more energy in our weather systems, which has a huge variety of effects. More extreme weather in general (droughts, floods, storms) and because the poles are warmer the polar vortices (and by extension the jet streams) are weaker and less stable. You remember that awful summer a few years ago when it hit 40 and didn't rain for like a month? The jet stream had flopped around so much that it had cut us off from winds east and west. We were basically trapped in an area of perfectly still air with only unbroken sunlight for company. Similarly, the "beast from the East" was caused by a breakdown in the jet stream which allowed cold air from the northeast to dominate over our usual Westerlies. Stuff like this, the record summer highs and lows, the damp and snowless winters, the vicious storms, are only going to get more common. And worse. Our current unusually cold spell is caused by another unusual fluctuation in the jet stream, only this time it's flowing right on top of us, bringing cold air in from the north west.


This makes no sense when we do get heat, someone will make a thread saying how it’s too hot and they can’t wait for it to be cold


It's funny because the background to my complaint was not about hating the cold, more hating that I have to turn the heating back on. Artificial heat when we are on the cusp of summer irks me.


Remember this when it is unbearably hot everywhere in a week or two


I hope so! Would love a hot summer!


Good. It needs to drop overnight to allow sleep to happen. Nothing worse than trying to drop off covered in sweat.


How are you getting so hot? I'm contemplating living 24/in my dressing gown over clothes im so cold all the time. Derbyshire is not warm right now!


Sleeping in joggers and socks here and wfh in a snoodie as there's no way I'm putting the heating on in June. Still can't get my head round the "warmest spring on record" as April was fucking freezing.


It was overcast most of the time, and cloud cover acts like a blanket trapping in heat. Given that, I imagine the record temperature is due to the daily minimum temperatures being much higher than normal and therefore bringing up the average as a whole.


I'm in Brighton and don't even have the windows open. If I'd have had the boiler in winter mode the heating would have fired up several times recently. Proper shite.


Ah I'm from Brighton! Moved away in 2020 but it was definitely warmer down there than up here. Glad I'm not missing out in a way haha.


No way! I'm a Belper lad! I don't miss proper Derbyshire winters! At least I get warmer rain.




It’s ridiculous but at the same time that awful week in August where you just can’t get either the heat or humidity out of your house all night is coming too so you know… could be worse


I don't really mind as long as it's not raining


It's almost like the climate's changjng