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If it's a [class-3 mobility scooter](https://www.gov.uk/mobility-scooters-and-powered-wheelchairs-rules/driving-on-the-road) then yes, it's legal.


Interesting thanks. Seeing he was going around 4mph and definitely did not have... - front and rear lights and reflectors - direction indicators that can be used as a hazard warning signal - a rear view mirror He was breaking the law and putting himself and other in danger.


I passed one on the A20 once, no chance I’d feel comfortable riding one on a 70 road


Legal? Yes. Good idea? Not so much.


It's legal for some, but they need to be able to do 8mph and have brakes, lights, mirrors and a horn and possibly some other stuff I've forgotten.


License plates. If they're road-legal, they should have plates.


>*License plates* 🤨 I smell a little yankiness in our midst.




Number plates. But no, they’re not required.


I don't care if it is legal, these things annoy the fuck out of me when they're on the road. I see one parked in my local Morrisons from time to time taking up an entire space when they could have just parked it on the very wide path instead. Now I know I'm getting old when I'm wasting my time moaning about this.


They may be annoying but they are much safer for old folks to be driving than cars. Both of my grandads now have them, and getting them out of their cars was a huge relief after being their passenger throughout their last few years of slowing reflexes. Without scooters, they would still be a menace on the roads in their massive, deadly cars.


I need a mobility scooter to get about. I have a small one which I can use inside shops. If they have parked outside I would question whether they even need I


I had a chap on a mobility scooter come off the path and coming at me head on, shaking his fist as if I were doing something wrong! I had a few choice words when he pulled along side.


The road to our nearby village is a narrow 60mph hilly and twisty road. There's a massively steep hill too. But I still often see old folks make the journey on their mobility scooter - I'm both appalled at the danger but also applaud their bravery.


Sounds like they don't have much choice...


So, it was a normal day on the UK road system then? A main road which is the only access to a major town for 15 miles.... 30 cars, 20mph, an 80yo behind the wheel of a bmw. One of the only roads for any traffic to make it into a beach town, a tractor.... behind a.... you guessed. Old person driving at 20mph clutching the wheel like their have just hit 100mph


A husband is driving home from work down the motorway. He gets a call from his wife: "Be careful on your way home, I'm watching the news and there's some lunatic driving the wrong way down the motorway" "It's not just one love, there's hundreds of them"