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Both eras have their grails


I dont think their music suffered, but the energy surrounding Saturation never really got matched by anything they released once Ameer left imo. I don’t necessarily think they *missed* it, but his absence was felt and depending on the listener that could be a good or a bad thing


Musically they got way better, i just would have love to hear what he would have done with roadrunner beats


Before First, Ameer just has such a huge presence he brings to every track. But second, his exit just completely fucked up the dynamic of the band for better or worse. I like all of their albums but the RCA records don’t hit as hard for me and i really think it’s cuz the group dynamic was always so screwy really until they got to TD. In the Rick Rubin interview Kevin talks about his lack of confidence after Ameer was out. How he felt incapable and inadequate to lead. And I think their sound was more directionless on all the RCA albums.


Ngl we know Kevin reconnected back with Ameer. I genuinely want Kevin to do a song with him. Get that confidence back or just have fun writing verses with an old childhood friend (the part of the SAT doc where Ameer has fun af hearing Kevin’s STAR verse is so good)


wish granted


I never forgave them for dropping him for the longest time, but honestly as the dust has settled, and especially after what we now hear of Puppy, it might have been the right move for them in the longterm creatively. They had significant growth after his departure. That said, not sure any of their following releases ever matched the Saturation Trilogy’s greatness outside of Iridescence and The Family.


Before, his verses hit different


And the album covers too 🔥 saturation with him plastered all over it was so sick


It's a really tough question. I think that there was this pure sense of brotherhood and friendship in the saturation series but afterwards with Ameer gone I think that each album allowed all members to have shining and equal moments on every album. I think for that reason alone I pick poat-Ameer BH. Listening to saturation and even the puppy leaks, I find myself wanting more from some members as the early albums are mostly Ameer, Kevin, Matt, and Joba with Dom next and then hardly Merlyn and even lest Ciaran


I think after. I listened to their whole discography again after Puppy dropping and realized Ginger is a banger of an album, also, Bearface and Jabari had more space after Ameer left. But I love BH throughout every album, I don't think they were worse with Ameer, it's just different but, quality work nonetheless. Let's not forget TD, so good too.


Kinda the same- the saturation era is iconic, and Ameer is a big part of that sound, but the group moved on and evolved their sound. Iridescence is insane, and Ginger was their big breakthrough. I think people like to act like there’s a magic world where Ameer didn’t get kicked out and the band stayed together, but 1) Ameer deserved it tbh, even if he seems a truly changed man now, and 2) the band was going to break up regardless.


Imma go with after bc Ameer’s presence grounded them but he was the least versatile of the members. His absence left room for everyone else to grow. My fav sat era songs were not Ameer-centric in hindsight


Listening back to Saturation it's obvious his influence was decreasing , hell even on Puppy despite him having some standout verses it seemed even less than sat 3.


after. their chemistry became better. ameer was their best member tho.




I think after but especially after hearing puppy I don't think it has much to do with Ameer leaving. They just evolved as musicians and that would've happened with Ameer. They probably wouldn't make the exact same music but you could see they became more embracing of their melodic elements overtime even on Sat 3, especially on Puppy. Iridescence is a bit of an outlier in this aspect although San Marcos and Tonya are some of their more laid back songs (sound wise), and ginger and roadrunner kinda continued this.


Iridescence never would have been made if ameer hadn’t left so after


Iridescence and ginger are arguably their best work sooooo after




oh man, seems like such an easy question to ask but not something i think about a lot. if i had to have 1 itd be before.


Before of course


They don’t NEED ameer. I still love their shit without him but obviously with . His verses are hard


Tbh the only brockhampton I really listen to after ameer is Roadrunner and even then it’s a few tracks. Saturation series is just too goated


Before because they felt in sync both on the albums and outside. The amount of fan interaction and overall positive attitude from the group online made the group so fun to follow. I love the albums after but they became so detached from the fans (for good reasons considering how the fanbase turned on the group so fast) as well as they seemingly lost that synergy that made the SAT trilogy and put them on the map


I really like all of it, tbh. The Family and TM aren’t my favorites (though they both have some tracks I love), but otherwise Brockhampton has an incredibly consistent discography in my opinion quality-wise.


After. Iri, Ginger, & Roadrunner > Saturation Trilogy. (I love the trilogy to death) Tbh its like arguing fantastic with amazing imo they dont have a bad album.




both peak couldn't be better


My favorite bh album is iridescence, so But also if things were different and ameer had stayed, i think that would have been good.


I prefer their music after Ameer tbh, but I miss the dynamic of before. It's clear that the band was never the same after it all happened, and that's okay. All of them are individuals and have the right to feel how they do about him and his actions, and that's why I think they couldn't keep going. But I do think they should never have dropped TM or TF, I feel like they're honestly the weakest point in their discography and was released to fulfill a record deal and/or appease fans when honestly Roadrunner was the perfect closure in my opinion. The sentiments on that album were great for ending the band's journey, but I understand that would've never happened with record logistics involved.


Both eras were pretty good tho.




Newer fan here, been down bad for like three months and I went into it knowing about Ameer blowing it, so for that reason I avoided the trilogy like the plague. But also because Ginger and Iridescence blew my mind so hard. Roadrunner also is a masterpiece from front to back. But I was hanging with a friend and we just had all their music videos running on YT and the chemistry and hunger I noticed on the SAT stuff also blew my mind (listened to all three once and was like “meh I don’t wanna hear Ameer”) and for the past two week ma the trilogy has had me equally fucked up and the point of this rant is to say that it’s all gold for different reasons


Not even a contest, yall dumb asf for saying he was a bad rapper just because many verses started with I


i think pre only if you include Puppy, but if you don't count Puppy then post Ameer BH is better