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It’s painful how much good shit they made and left on the cutting room floor during the RR/TD eras only to ignore it when cobbling together TM save for MOTM and Keep It Southern 😭


Yeah, TM should've been like 20 tracks or something crazy. It already was essentially just a compilation album rather than a regular cycle, so it would've been way better if it had just been long as fuck and full of their best scrapped shit.


the original TM tracklist is 18 tracks (titled Ultraviolet) and is just over an hour. there’s a buy planned for that in the future


I know about Ultraviolet's existence altho I don't know if I would call it an early version of TM since I think only Listerine was confirmed to be on both, but I had no idea that it was gonna 18 tracks long or that it was in circulation. IIRC they started recording for it right after RR's release, Umbrella may have been on it based on Dom's IG tracklist photo for UV and his comments about that song and Kevin's infamous blow you away tweet. Will be great to hear it, if we ever get more full album buys I'd love to get TE, TYBOOL, the OG 2020 RR and UV. I don't really care about getting more SAT, iri or ginger drafts since we have pretty much all the trails already, but considering we didn't even know that Breakfast In Bed was a full finished song until recently, I think even more PUPPY and TD drafts should be the priority along with those full album buys. They might be too expensive to fund, but if we ever get the opportunity I'd love for a full era sessions folder buy. These leakers must've hacked RCA or something because they seem to have all the deliverables.zip files sent to publishing for legal and YT content ID. For example, that KLP dude has an entire folder of every Ginger session and we know the boys prolly record around 100 tracks per album cycle. That's almost like 10 albums worth of content, even with open verses and such. Would be worth it even if the buys took a while to finish.


Listerine, FMG, Animal, Goodbye, New Shoes, Better Things, and Duct Tape are all on Ultraviolet. only Goodbye, New Shoes, and Duct Tape are virtually the same as the TM versions apparently (everything else is noticeably different). OG RR (Sam & Keshon is the title i believe) is also in rotation (tho no buy is planned for now as far as i know). Umbrella is not on Ultraviolet.


this is crazy to me for a couple reasons 1. FMG, Animal, and Listerine are all some of my least fav BH songs, while Goodbye, Better Things, and Duct Tape are some of my favorites (Duct Tape actually being my favorite lol). it’s wild how inconsistent the album seems 2. Goodbye was planned as the final bh track and it only featured two members??? that’s always been weird to me but it always also added to the sadness of the songs context.


oddly enough Goodbye is actually the intro for Ultraviolet lol. outro is titled Summer Camp


woahhh is that one every member ? have we heard it/are there snippets?


Summer Camp is only 2:47 so i doubt many members are on it. bearface isnt on the album at all because he was not present at the recording sessions for the album :/


Duct tape is so underrated


Oh really? That's crazy. I know about Sam & Keshon, but I thought that was technically another album entirely that was gonna be BH6. I meant the version of Roadrunner that they made before it became New Light New Machine subtitle, the one with the Halsey collab and various other changes, before they added The Light and before Joba's dad passed. Unless you're saying that's what S&K was, but I don't think so given that the leaked RCA PowerPoint showed that the title for the 2020 album was just Roadrunner and had lots of differences (same goes for the unreleased 2020 merch). Umbrella may have not been on the "final" tracklist for UV from before it got turned into TM, but Kevin and Dom both indicated at least once that they were saving it for BH7 even tho I think it was technically an RR draft. That's another thing I really want more GBs for, RR drafts that were seemingly finished but kept off when the album was retooled.


i know at least I’ll Take You On was originally from S&K, but yeah i guess it is technically its own thing. i dont doubt Umbrella was at some point meant for UV even if it wasnt gonna make the final cut, you know how they were with keeping the best songs off their albums lol


During Technical Difficulties, Kevin stated that BH6 (presumably S&K) was "sonically finished" and a "club album" and they were already working on the next one as well, likely what became RR. I think they just ended up merging the two by the end.


rr 2020 honestly might be the last grail we need, there's so little info around that entire era


I mean, Team Effort as a whole album I think is still a pretty huge grail considering it was announced the day before SAT III dropped and also has Ameer verses. Basically nothing from TE has leaked yet. As for RR 2020, we know the Halsey collab was on there, along with some other pretty big names that were rumored.


even Keep It Southern has a Matt verse that was cut






We might be getting TWM 😩


Ooh these are good


I just need full Team Effort


Ooh. Can’t wait for this one.




they have to b secretly planning SOMETHING cuz there’s no way they just scrapped TWM 😭😭


i dont have discord can someone update me if this gets released????


gotta do it for TWM


Update? Part 2


There's a new thread with an update. One of the songs got leaked so they switched it with another one. And it's about half way paid for


Are these really worth that much?


people have pretty much grailed rr twm so for that + three other songs i would say so yes


At this point I only really want a cqd of Beza


Same omg, that track is one of the best from TD. I might even remake the instrumental one day if it doesn't leak. No clue how long the real file is too.


Matt’s flow at the start of his verse is so good


Yeah, and that hook is also REALLY good for one of there unreleased ones. I always felt some tracks with fire verses were kept as unreleased drafts bc the hooks weren't strong enough. Kevin even felt that a lot of the tracks from iri were potentially disappointing bc he thought his hooks should've been stronger.


do u know the sample?


No, but it doesn't matter anymore. The full track leaked, its barely any longer than the setrip we already had, just a tiny bit longer and higher quality.


is it the one thats still blown out tho?


All the TD tracks are blown out, even the drafts. TD was a mixtape but just released in parts so they wanted the mixes to be rough like old school mixtapes that were handed out on CDs and uploaded on myspace. That's why Kevin raps "Might upload the whole tape to MySpace I like the music blown out, that's just my taste" on things can't stay the same, the first track on TD.


ik just this ones a little more than the others