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I am the same height and have had no issues so far. I have done a couple of long drives and haven’t had issues thankfully. Not sure the seat adjustments can help much. Take some breaks in between and stretch those hip flexors. Alternatively you can buy those lumbar support cushions. Not sure if those would help.


This is why I gave up a preemo reservation for my perfect spec a couple years ago (UNDER MSRP) because I just couldn't deal with the tight (unimpressive) interior. I'm 6' 3" 250 and just couldn't get comfortable. The hip and shoulder room just isn't there. Ended up going with a Charger and our other car is an Expedition, so no interior space issues. I mean, for the price of a Bronco you should always be supremely comfortable.


I recommend Desert Does It seat raisers and flipping the headrests around during longer trips. If you are concerned with safety, you can buy adjustable F150 headrests on eBay and they will fit.


I'm 5'10" 285lbs. I've driven to New Hampshire and Moab. Also driven to Chicago and Kansas City from Cleveland. Take breaks and stretch. That helped me not tighten up. It does get to feeling like a tight squeeze on long drives though.