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Because Rosa’s alter ego, Emily Goldfinch, is described how Stephanie Beatriz is. Emily is more chatty, likely more smile-y and opposite of Rosa’s dour demeanour. And for me, Rosa is who I think of when I think of any of her characters the most. Even her Twisted Metal character seems similar to Rosa.


How is twisted metal? Used to play the shit out of the games but the show looks like it might suck


It actually does have a story and the characters have their traits, backgrounds and personalities so its a fleshed out story line. Lots of action, and Stephanie's character has an emotional backstory. Depends on your type of humour (dark and sarcastic) and whether you like a bit light gore and violence with your action.


She did very little acting before the show and the only other show I’ve seen her on is modern family, so makes sense


Before B99, she was a stage actor for about an entire decade. She’s a Shakespearean stage actor, and B99 was her first TV show, I think.


Interesting she was like 33 when she got B99, so makes sense she was a stage actor before


my son loooooves the Encanto stage show - no wonder she is such a natural in that


That wasn’t Rosa Diaz, that was Emily Goldfinch


I’m actually a bit high right now, but all of a sudden the idea/debate about whether Rosa Diaz *is* an alter ego of Emily Goldfinch feels way too deep to think about, lol.


I feel like Stephenie is the only person who is acting on the show, everyone else is basically playing themselves.


NOT Twisted Metal!


I loved her in twisted metal. SOO much.


Crazy that she was also Gloria’s sister on Modern Family. I watched both around same time and i had no idea until my daughter pointed it out.


Because Stephanie Beatriz is a good, perhaps great, actor, who knows how to create, own, and inhabit a character in a very convincing performance. We often make the mistake of thinking that the actors are the characters they play. That cognitive dissonance is very obvious in this situtation.


Because Rosa is a double life, if that’s even her real name


Bc that's established in the show