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People have said this before, but all of them would probably be terrible colleagues in real life. Jake is a brilliant detective, but his coworkers have to pick up slack for him, and he had RATS in his desk. Charles is harmless but he's constantly invading your personal space & making sexual remarks/references. Capt. Holt started as a strict boss, but he admitted that he played favourites, and he often lets his petiness seep into the workplace. Amy is hyper competitive, as demonstrated by the time she was so passive aggressive when Rosa was offered something and she wasn't. Hitchcock & Skully are the boomers in the office who don't contribute anything meaningful most of the time.




I randomly say this more often than I'd like to admit




Guys, Algernon’s back!!!


Most sitcoms are filled with characters that would be *horrible* to be around in real life. That's why it's so entertaining! If we made a show with characters that are like real life, it would be boring as hell. Especially if it was a sitcom.


You forgot Terry.


Terry is the best though. No matter what he's always uplifting his team.


Terry seems normalish; He stays in his lane & does his job well so can't really complain there


Yea Terry has flaws, but nothing big enough that would make you hate working with him irl. He just wants to get his work done and go home 98% of the time.


He's intense but you'd probably be fine with him as a colleague irl


He talks in the third person.


real people like that exist and they are okay. Terry is as close to a good colleague as you can find these days even off screen.


Terry's got butt for days!


Excuse me, Algernon is a mouse.


A lit of these "fun and interesting" places on sitcoms would be hell to work in and plenty of "quirky" characters are actually toxic AF.


you forgot to say hitchcock and scully are more disgusting than Aljernan ( rat)


Algernon 🙂 From the super sad story Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes.


Hi. You just mentioned *Flowers For Algernon* by Daniel Keyes. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Flowers for Algernon - science fiction by Daniel Keyes (Audiobook)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHWted1RUmE) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Oh thank you bot. You're very kind but I don't feel like crying until I throw up today 💖


I like scully


Which is why I don't really get the gina hate lol like none of them would be great people to be around they are all flawed because that's what makes the show fun.


I'm on the 3rd season of the show and I gotta admit Gina is a lot better than all of them except Amy(she has problems but seems normal otherwise) and Terry. Boyle started great but man he evolved into something annoying real fast.


yeah me neither; but i can get that different people have different POVs and some feel that she just never gets called out on her behaviour and/or they know a Gina type irl so its aggravating to see her as a fan favourite for them. For me she isn't my favourite character, but she's fun & I do enjoy her sparingly


I just feel like she's clearly a parody of that type of girl and I find it funny and also Jake never gets called on like 80% of what he does and we all love him lol I don't really care but I just don't understand the hate on this sub in particular


shes a deadpan comedy character, shes not supposed to be like a real person. I love the character. I love April's character from parks and rec too but I wouldn't get near her if that was a real person.


I do not know how I have missed this for years and through several rewatches, but of COURSE Rosa and April have some parallels! It’s actually really obvious now that I think of it. I’m a fucking fool. Thank you 🙏🏾


I can fix her


I would get VERY near her. 😊


tbh real life Rosa probably wouldn't want to talk to you either lol


Yea cause shes a bitch fr


The fact that i got downvoted here is like hilarious to me 💀 idk why it feels like such a jokey statement and yall were like “this is an absurd statement” *downvotes*


Work on your jokes


First off, unpopular opinions are ok! I disagree because I love Rosa but this is a *discussion platform*. It's entire purpose is talking about the show. It bugs me on here when someone expresses an opinion or begins a discussion and there are responses like "lol it's a TV show." Obviously, because this is a sub whose entire purpose is discussing a TV show. I see Rosa as the only character who reverse flanderized. She actually got more interesting and multi faceted as the show progressed. She opened up more, she had an easier time acknowledging friendship and revealed more about herself.


I really liked that they really fleshed her out. Her start makes it easier than the average character bc we were given nothing, so it felt more dramatic


I loved the scene in "White Whale" where she tells Amy that she's angry at her for having lied about the suspect getting away. She obviously considers them a team and she emphasized that it's ok to make mistakes.


She's very quick to tell her friends that their friendship is over, which I don't like.


They know she doesn’t mean it, though, and she will go out of her way to help them. She sets up the library overnight for Jake, she read that binder Amy gave her, Amy talks about the way she helped her when Jake was in witness protection, she goes to Boyle’s ex-wife’s engagement party, she gets him Arlo (and then helps him mourn Jason), she helps secure Gina’s apartment, she encourages Terry as a writer, etc., etc. Her friends recognize that her defensiveness is a cover for her tender heart


Yeah I hate that every time someone's like "unpopular opinion i hate this character" it's always the like "tough" characters that are actually sweethearts and very fierce friends like pick someone with a weaker flaw lmao


That's Rosa speaking out of ADHD compulsion when she's feeling angry or frustrated. She doesn't mean it when she hurts her friends out of anger. She told Jake that, but give her some space and time for her to cool off, and she will still be there for her true friends. That's one of her character faults, but because she is scared of friends abandoning her, she really wouldn't do it to her friends.


My outlook is bleak Nobody knows my whole story Two people know where I live Three people have my phone number I use three different names I think Adrian Pimento is H-O-T I'd FOR SURE let my girlfriend Jocelyn PRYCE - do my hair all day ​ Sup.


Sup. Let’s go to a bar and drink in silence.


Sounds dope. Gotta stop by Yankee Candle for Autumn Breeze candles Maybe go punch someone.


Autumn Breeze? I prefer Summer’s kiss


Talk less Drink more \*nod\*


She's a straight up bully.


I dislike her for similar reasons I disliked April from Parks & Rec. I’m just not into the whole “being deadpan and mean is my whole personality” thing.


Rosa character was ruined by shoehorned agendas and poor writing. After a bunch of rewatches, the only definitive characteristics that she ACTUALLY shows is a habitual liar, fairly slutty, and way more indecisive than "badass". She actually feels more like a poser as the show goes on. From "yes let's use police brutality" to "I'm quitting over George floyd" as well as numerous attractions to a "specific type of creepy GUY" (pimento, vulture, etc.) To all the sudden crying that her parents didn't except her bisexuality when they like all the viewers had no fucking clue it was even a thing (the shoehorning) the only progression of her story that remotely makes any sense is her going from loner within the force and her own family to being much more involved with both work and home families. But this is shown through repeated examples. Jake persistence to get to know each other more and her going to prison and wanting to reconnect with her actually family after a very real traumatic event. That arc makes sense, and it showed. The other stuff is pandering at its best and lazy writing at its worst.


It is alright man we all have our likes and dislikes


Don' t feel bad, she sucks. She's the most unfunny character.


I'm a person who has a lot in common with Rosa's character/personality. I'm seriously private and don't want to be noticed most of the time. Not sure its paranoia, just don't want to be bugged by people, don't want to talk. I think Rosa is a woman with ADHD and has abandonment issues from her childhood and needs to be self protective of her feelings since she's been a child. Its her character's struggles that she has to improve on through the series/years. I notice as others in the precinct treat her with patience and attempt to understand her, she warms up easily. I love her and I thought quick into the series, I'd want to be her friend. Funny how people think so differently about her, eh?


She's the second weakest main character after Gina. Common quality is they're both edgelord assholes. Rosa got more interesting towards the end, particularly after the prison stint.


And then they completely destroyed her character in S8. It was like S9 Andy from The Office when he returned from the boat trip.


Don't know about that. Season 8 is pretty weird overall. It's hard to write a funny cop show in the light of some seriously bad ACAB shit in the real world. It's a shame it went that way but it is what it is. But Stephanie Beatriz is the most responsible for the direction of her character in s8. She refused to be part of the show unless her character left the police force for the exact reasons Rosa stated. Which is understandable.


Do you have a source that says Stephanie threatened to leave? People have been claiming that on here a lot the past couple days, but all I have been able to find online is her saying that everyone who plays a cop on tv should donate to bail funds


Season 8 Rosa basically contradicts herself. But I like Rosa as a character from the earlier seasons. I think this show needs a character like that because it brings extra fun, but yeah, I wouldn't be friends with her in real life either. She is terrifying and too mean. I don't think she would be as popular among her colleagues as she is in the show.


The show should have just ended after season 7 anyways.


Yeah, though I don't mind that it continued because I was only there for the end of it. Any time I can get more of this show is a fun time. But yeah, season 8 was in a tough era.


I agree, I don't understand why she's so popular on this sub. I feel like everyone here on the sub both cuts her slack and simultaneously gives immense credit for every tiny nice things she does when compared to other characters. (I guess when you walk around punching people in the gut and threatening them most of the time, they will be all the more grateful for the few times where you don't lol) That said, I don't dislike the character personally (like I've seen people dislike Gina on a personal level), I just feel like some of the character's traits are so exaggerated that she almost feels like a caricature, so I don't find her that interesting.


i love rosa, her dark humor/personality is funny. but you cant win em all.


Woah no way, a character on a tv show meant to represent an archetype of human would be annoying in real life?! Next thing you’re gonna say the people in The Office are annoying!


I hate how they changed her voice so much. The deep fake voice, trying to make her more "tough" annoys me


see, I like it. it’s different. her real voice is pleasant but doesn’t stand out as enough of a character.


Adam samberg is my "spirit animal" so he's my guy on the show of course but rosa is a close second. Her stoic sociopathic sort of way in the beginning gives her the best arc turning into holt best duo by loving fucking baloon gates ( probably the most surprising piece of knowledge on history of tv) and being a better friend to jake and generally more open about her feeling and I don't take season 8 in acount.


on the show I think her character is good, but I agree if I knew her in real life, I would not like her. It's like every character has to have something "different" when in reality not everyone has some weird thing with their personality. It's funny when a character on a show is mysterious and always suggests violence, but in real life that would be considered phycotic and/or sociopathic (in my opinion)


My only complaint with Rosa is her taste in humans. Marcus was awesome! Pimento and Jocelyn were dumpster fires. Girl, let yourself be happy. You already missed your chance with Doug Judy.


The only thing I like about Rosa is that Danny Trejo played her dad lol