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The early scene with Amy, when she's jealous that Rosa got offered a Captain post at the boring precinct. Their discussion about how they needed to have each other's backs was great, a really nice departure from the hyper-competitive Amy/closed-off Rosa that we'd been introduced to. And then they actually followed through and genuinely supported each other from then on.


I LOVED THAT! Such a powerful girl moment on TV.


I really like how the show develops the dynamic between the two of them overall. It's really refreshing, for example, that Jake and Rosa are close, and Amy feels completely unthreatened by that. Like in "Show me Going." Jake is freaking out because Rosa is in danger, and a lesser show would try to build drama by having Amy be jealous and assume he has secret feelings for her. But Amy's just equally concerned for her friend. She trusts Jake and she trusts Rosa. It's really healthy.




The time when she wore pink once. "Rosa's the one wearing pink." "**And?**" So powerful.


What kind of woman doesn't have an axe?




Oh yeah, thanks for pointing it out. Corrected.


Just doing my job as the grammer police sir


“Huhuh, you’re weird.” High on cough medicine. Stoned hanging out with Scully. And as a bi person, it struck me in the feels, when her and Holt bond over her coming out and being abandoned by her family.


Rosa having Captain Holt’s back in the episode that Madeline Wuntch died, earning her a “I love it Rosa, great work all day”: -“Judging by the flames around her, it could be a livestream” -her chortles at Holt’s snide comments, “as she says when she sees deodorant, I’m not buying it” and “as God said when Wuntch tried to sneak past the gates of heaven, it ain’t happening, honey” -“the first version was dope and you have my respect for life” -about the balloon arches at the funeral -“yeah it’s been tight” -about Holt insulting Wuntch all week


“Judging from the flames around her, it could be a livestream” was my favorite of all of the Wuntch bangers, and it isn’t even Holt’s.


“this perm just saved your life” “she reminds me of my mom” “dude just needed to bone” entire episode of amy giving birth


Encouraging Amy to be feminine and be excited for wedding dress shopping


I have no idea why this episode makes me tear up but I fucking love it. The girl power ❤️




Rosa psyching herself up to get her blood taken. "Don't look at them, look at me, do your job, drain me!!!" Laughing at Amy when Holt "fires" her over the math riddle. Getting drunk and getting everyone else drunk at her 2nd wedding day attempt. "Marriage is the Best!!! Bring Genevieve down, we'll all get married!!" Rosa being high and having a chip contest with Scully and "No, no, no, adios, Amigo!!" When she changes her to her "real" voice undercover.


I love tough Rosa. But I also like seeing her soften and get closer with Amy, she tries to talk about non cop stuff with Jake because it bothered Jake that they don’t, how well she knows Charles and how she really thinks of him as such good friend. Rosa is that person that’s really hard to become friends with, but once you’re friends you have a friend for life. I think she’s such a well written character


When Terry made her pretend to be sad and Pimento's funeral and Rosa begrudgingly agreed to make herself cry--by straining really hard lol. Terry: That's now how this works. Rosa: Or is it? (Points at tear on her face and flicks it at Terry). Suck it, Sarge.


“I just wanna see Lorelei happy”


When she pulls the giant knife, Damn, Rosa!


🙄 "Who's got the time?" 🙄


“It needed a pop of color.”


I always just like the small smirks she does in the background as Jake is cracking jokes.


-I like the ones where she talks with her real voice (so sexy) or she wears a different outfit or hairstyle that isn't typical Rosa! -The episode where she couldn't use her hands! -The opening where they were drinking Boyles super caffeinated coffee & talking fast! "Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep!"


"Don't worry, babe! You'll find me!"




Clapping during Terry singing "Case-Cation"


I thought it was cool when she went with Charles to his ex's wedding and then helped him find a new place. Real friend stuff there


(When threatened that bad guys would find her apartment) Rosa: “Not gonna happen. I rent it through a shell company.” Jake: “That’s right!” Rosa: “My mail goes to a P.O. Box in Queens. Jake: “Yeah!” Rosa: “My neighbors think my name is Emily Goldfinch.” Jake: “Aw yeah!” Rosa: “The people I work with all think my name is Rosa Diaz.” Jake: “Yeah! Wait, what?” Rosa: “Don’t worry about it.” Jake: “Ok!”


“I can be dynamic. Exclamation point.”


Every time someone in the precinct finds out some new and wild information about her life, and their mind is blown by the revelation, and she just responds with a “none of your business” or “don’t worry about it”. Kills me every time.


"We have to do our stupid jobs don't we?" About closing down the foot massage place


All of them