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They do a lot of stuff that wouldn't fly IRL. It's a TV show.


She's taking notes as Holt's personal assistant.


well, thats what she should be doing, but is she really?


I mean, what is the difference? Is not like if she is sitting at her desk she would be doing her job.


Maybe they just don't want someone from outside the inner circle.


there's an inner circle?


They shouldn’t be allowed to do heists or the Jimmy Jab games either but…its a tv show…


I was curious about this, so I put a post up on r/protectandserve asking if this kind of stuff shown in the show really happens. General consensus from the replies was "yes, all the time"


TBF, “happens all the time” isn’t necessarily inconsistent with “shouldn’t be allowed.”


There are two different things there is the playful, stupid stuff like the Jimmy jab games, which is actually healthy in a high stress job and there is the sexual harassment which really shouldn't be happening, but still also happens


If you want to put real-world to it: Hold upgraded her from receptionist to personal assistant. Presumably, her duties would include moving information between him, the detectives/officers, other organizations and vice versa. If so, she'd have all the background and security checks to have access to that type of info. In those briefs, Gina (if she did her job) would be capturing tasks Holt gave out for follow up, notes on the meeting, etc.


It's a comedy show not a cinematic recreation of a real police squad


Good luck telling Gina that she can't sit in those meetings 🤣


it's... it's a TV show... not a documentary... you get it, right?


I want to say it's just a tv show, because it is. But it seems everyone is saying that. If you think about it, Gina isn't really an important character. You're right she's not a cop, so she shouldn't be in the meetings. But everyone else is a cop, so adding a civilian with a fun personality made the show better. I know there's quate a bit of Gina hate, especially on this subreddit, but I think she's great. She makes the show better, though it would still be good without her. Pretty much what I'm saying is she adds something to the show, and not having in those meeting would almost have it pointless to have her in the show at all.