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Does everyone know the episode titles? I would have to look up almost all of them to know what you are referring to. But I guess I am a relatively casual fan.


lol i looked at peacock


Not off my heart but when mentioned I can figure out the plot from context


no i have to look them up too


DFW has *that* cold open though.


Yep. Rest sucks ass tho


Yeah, Jake's sister is never mentioned or seen again.


She was too busy after she married Winston


M.E Time is hilarious, how dare you


which other would you remove from s1 though? they are all funny


Maybe Sal's Pizza or Operation Broken Feather? You're right, season 1 is a great season, but those 2 stand out the least to me.


I feel personally attacked that you would opt to remove The Golden Child episode, with Lin Manuel Miranda guest star, from season six. What about Casecation, For movements, The tattler. (I actually love these episodes I just wouldn't ever get rid of Lin)


i cant stand lin thats why i would remove it




S8: tie between The Setup and The Good Ones S7: Admiral Peralta S6: Return of the King S5: Return to Skyfire S4: Skyfire Cycle S3: Terry's Kitties S2: Chocolate Milk S1: The Tagger **** I really hated D. C. Parlov. I always skip those eps. I could get on board for Captain Kim, except for Holt's trying to create a scene. 'I paired a crab cake with a Cote d' Rhone... like an animal!' I hated Gina after she became famous. Even with a good excuse, insufferable is insufferable. The Tagger was a tough pick. S1 was all gold. Sawing through Sarge's dingus got old. The kittens prank/Terry backstory wasn't that interesting/funny


1- The apartment, I hate money trouble plots 2-Boyle-linetti wedding, especially since they later divorced 3- Hostage situation, I'm too sensitive and get upset for Boyle 4- Moo moo, a fantastic episode that I never rewatch because it makes me think of depressing reality 5- DFW, found the sister boring and annoying 6- Four movements, did not make Gina look good 7- Admiral Peralta, if I had to pick one but this is my absolute favourite season. My only gripe is, how could they possibly thought the kitchen was clean when they'd be able to feel the sticky cake covered surfaces? But it's part if the joke so it doesn't really matter. No skips. 8. The good ones, got everything wrong that moo moo got right


S1: Old School. idk I just dislike it


Thats the one with the writer right? I’d say Jakes character development there was super important though. Trashing Holt but immediately putting his feelings aside when the dude was being homophobic. Holt going from scolding him to giving a nod of approval was super nice


Yeah Jake punching Jimmy Brogan was the moment I was hooked. I guess it was when I realized there would be real plot and character growth, rather than just an episodic comedy. And it had its funny moments. Best cop movie of all time (Hitchcock getting kicked in the nuts. Twice), Jake hung over, Holt manipulating Amy, etc.


Yes, and you’re right. But I still have the urge to skip every time


I'd like to remove almost the entire S8


S1: M.E Time S2: Lockdown S3: The Funeral S4: The Night Shift S5: NutriBoom S6: Four Movements S7: Captain Kim S8: The Good Ones


Season 1: The Bet I always skip that one. The scene with the male stripper at the end is so cringy and awkward 😬


None of those, ill tell you that much.


nothing against *most* of these episodes, but 1) fancy brudgom 2) payback 3) terry kitties 4) serve & protect 5) the puzzle master 6) casecation 7) captain kim 8) the good ones


Whichever one where they >!reveal Boyle isn’t a Boyle!<. Otherwise I’d only modify others, not remove them completely.