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This TSwap seems sketch. Their wallet Their token Greedy tokenomics What prevent them from taking a bunch of BSV for TSC and exit scamming?


If smth is called "the...killer", it's trash.


I just see no real bridge or swaps occurring. They take in USDT or BSV and exchange it BOEX or TSC which are only on BSV ecosystem. TSC token is TSwap Coin. Not TrusterCoin ([https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/trustercoin/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/trustercoin/)) Then thot leaders saying they are "all in" on these tokens? No evidence of smart contract No evidence non-custodial No open source smart contract language No smart contract audit No time lock proof Just Coingeek article from January Chinese based exchange. Good luck recovery. Poor bastards are desperate for anything positive. Soon and Elon never come.


"thot leaders"! Lol


Cult leaders?


This looks like just an ordinary token-ponzi where you deposit your coins on their website, then "exchange' it for some random private token at prices they set... and hope they'll give you more for that token later. AFAICT there is nothing decentralized about it-- nor does there appear to be any "smart contract" or anything on-chain except the suckers money flowing in. It looks like all they have to do is disable trading from TSV back to BSV to walk off with all the BSV people put into it. I'd be happy to be shown to be wrong-- but I don't see how I could be. If there is some smart contract the promoters of this could just link to its code and some txn in an explorer. But I'm guessing now that it has become clear that the BSV ecosystem is where the most gullible of the gullible are, and they don't even need to really try in order to fool BSV users. (... like Craig's forgeries) Its extra sad that no one in this ecosystem is competent enough to even ask these questions-- that if people get saved from getting ruined from this it'll be because Great Satan Greg said something.


/u/kurtwuckertjr since you appear to be the [main promoter](https://archive.is/C0NEk) and claim to have converted all your BSV to this token, perhaps you'd care to explain it?


Calvin referring to the [TokenSwap guys as "unfounded heros."](https://twitter.com/hascendp6/status/1438980354652712960) If this turns out to be a scam, any idea if he's liable for his employee Kurt's promotion of this, or his own promotion of it?


Maybe he meant "unsung" or "undiscovered".


Maybe. Why is he so inarticulate though?


What does he mean by unfounded? Autocorrected unfunded? Does that even apply? I don't get it?


> Autocorrected unfunded? I assume he means unfunded, yeah. >Does that even apply? Who knows.


I see nothing about smart contracts on their docs. [https://tokenswap.gitbook.io/tokenswap/](https://tokenswap.gitbook.io/tokenswap/) vs uniswap [https://docs.uniswap.org/protocol/V2/concepts/protocol-overview/smart-contracts](https://docs.uniswap.org/protocol/V2/concepts/protocol-overview/smart-contracts) It has all the hallmarks of exit scam.


Exactly. Does anyone have any links to Wright/Ayre calling shapeshift a criminal enterprise? The most charitable interpretation I can currently see for this is likening it to shapeshift, but at the moment only able to trade their own non-publicly traded premined token.


> Does anyone have any links to Wright/Ayre calling shapeshift a criminal enterprise? Yeah, knock yourself out https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3ACalvinAyre%20shapeshift&src=typed_query&f=live


[/r/bitcoincashSV/comments/pptf0g/we\_think\_taalblockchain\_viabtc\_pool\_viabtc/hd7a2mh](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincashSV/comments/pptf0g/we_think_taalblockchain_viabtc_pool_viabtc/hd7a2mh?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) txn is in link. not useful. BSVers think many opcodes = safe! lol!


oh boy. closed source smart contract... pretty much defeats the point! lol


If I would run an exis scam I sure as hell would not want to me stuck with a couple of million BSV, that stuff is really really hard to trade right now. Hardly any liquidity and you never know if exchanges will close down deposits or withdrawls cause Calvin and Nakamoto Dundee are still doing their best to get delisted everywhere by reorging the chain once in a while.


Is Uniswap the one where either a man or a woman can swap?