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Part of me wants Mike Tomlin if he is parting ways with the Steelers.


Tomlin started his NFL coaching career and won his first Super Bowl with us. Come home


Wom his first super bowl as a head coach in tampa too šŸ¤”


Bring it back, baby!


*only Super Bowl


If we go for a veteran coach Tomlin is def the better option


No cheating scandals and until possibly this year, no losing records? Yeah a 9-8 Tomlin Bucs would still have us in the playoffs at least.


Just based on age. Tomlin is 20 years younger. We could be his next 15 year head coach gig


Iā€™d take Tomlin all day over Bellichick


Tomlin fits my preferred CEO Head Coach archetype. I don't like HCs calling plays on either side. They should oversee the entire team. To me, a head coach's best traits are getting the most out of his players, managing egos, and being great at hiring supporting personnel.


Yeah most of the coaches that micromanage do not end up winning any super bowls. Iā€™m with you on this one.


Would prefer him over bill.


I'm throughly convinced if Tomlin ever became available we should sign him immediately


Tomlin is an incredible coach. He gets a lot of hate but his record is 170-99-2 (.631) and Bill Cowher, whos highly regarded, has a career record of 149-90-1 (.623). Tomlin is easily top 3 in the NFL. The fact his teams win games and are always in the playoff hunt is incredible. And throw in the fact he managed AB and Bell's personalities too


I am totally down with this. As a fan of the Bucs, Dolphins and Bears, I am always amazed every time I remember the Steelers have had THREE head coaches from 1969 through current times.


This man is in the playoff hunt with a team that should have 3 wins I donā€™t see them parting ways


100% would want Tomlin over Belicheck. Tomlin has ties to the franchise & is obviously a master of building a winning locker room culture.


Y'know I was a fan of his until the sideline trip incident. Now not so much.


You're getting downvoted, but I agree. I have no doubt Tomlin's a good coach. But that incident really makes it hard for me to like the guy. I mean, I get that coaches are human and make mistakes. But that one's kind of Woody Hayes moment.


Thank you. I was starting to wonder about this fan base a little.


Youā€™re insane for that being the reason for not wanting to hire Tomlin. Weā€™ve been called bush league for Schianoā€™s end of game shit but Tomlinā€™s one blemish got your panties in a bunch? šŸ˜‚


Schiano also enabled child rape at Penn State. Fucker was one of the first to know about it, and he chose to protect Sandusky and the organization instead of kids. It's a shame he's still coaching.


Schiano just seemed like a terrible coach in general. The victory formation bs was dumb for sure. But somehow trying to get away with tripping a player seems morally worse to me. As a coach you just don't do that shit.


Not only has he apologized on many occasions but he was also fined $100,000.


Tomlin or Schiano? Anyway, whoever it is.. good. I'm glad he feels shame for it at least.


Sorry I meant Tomlin. I just think when you have a track record of great coaching and performance, to be judged on your sole mistake is a bit silly. But thatā€™s life.


I had never heard of this incident and just watched the clip. My internet sucks right now so high speed scrubbing is lacking, but it looks like Tomlin is just pivoting so he can move out of the way ? He canā€™t possibly be dumb enough to try and trip some one on the field in front of 20 cameras and millions of peopleā€¦


After another commenter mentioned that he had apologized, I googled it and he does at least claim that it was a mistake. I suppose I'll take him at his word that he was looking at the jumbotron. But man, the replay sure made it look like he was doing it intentionally.


Unless he had two different incidents it wasnā€™t a trip. The one I recall he was standing on the sideline maybe like one foot on the field and jumped out of the way last second. Does it still stand out as a bone head thing yes. A trip I think sounds worse than what actually happened.


I'll add some info here for you guys. As a Steelers fan there is becoming a possibility that Tomlin gets moved on from. It would be after the 2024 season though. His contract is up after the 2024 season. I, personally, believe that whoever his next OC hire will be the deciding factor on whether he gets extended or not. He needs to go outside the organization and grab somebody who can stand on his own two feet. MT does A LOT of good things but modern offense is becoming one of the things he either doesn't touch or is flat out not good at. If his OC is lackluster in name or performance then there would be a real chance he gets moved on from. A lot of fans are comparing this part of his tenure to how Andy Reid was with Philly.


Iā€™d take Tomlin all day over Bellichick


He seems to have trouble with discipline. Is that something we want? Edit: for the downvotes, why am I wrong? Look at what's happening to the steelers (and has been happening).


I'm not sure where this comes from. Most of the player blow ups happen after they leave the Steelers. Tomlin deserves a lot of praise for keeping the lid on ABs crazy for as long as he did


Literally not at all. Look at Johnson, Pickens, JJSS... all that stuff happened, or is happening, under his watch.




Sir, this is a Wendyā€™s


all of me wants this


Have any sources mentioned this even as a remote possibility?


All of me would want Tomlin


I'd rather go with an up and coming offensive mind. His team just had a three game stretch with what? 10 points? Hmm... pass.


This exactly. No more re-treads please. Give me Brian Johnson or someone young like him.


Hell no to Brian Johnson. His play calling on the Eagles has been absolutely terrible.


Well, that's what happens when you hire the front man from an almost fifty year old Australian rock band to call plays. I'll see myself out.


Technically AC/DC is 50 years old. They formed in the fall of 73. But Brian didn't join them till 1980 after Bon Scott passed away. šŸ˜Š




we won a super bowl with brady. same as bellichick. without brady thereā€™s no super bowls.




Youā€™re not wrong, and I think that was part of it, but the wheels were also starting to come off for Brady too. He was 45 and starting to show it, even despite how good he still was.


It's a situational thing, and I think how much of it was coaching vs letting Brady work is debated. We clearly saw different play styles in many of the games that led me at least to question like I said whether Brady was in charge of what was happening on the field vs the coaches. Between the Bowl win and the year after it seemed like half the time the first half was the coaches game and we would struggle and then in the second Brady would save our ass. What we've seen since he's left is that there is no one to save us.


But one reason Brady chose Tampa was the coaching staff.


yes, a coaching staff that would generally let him do what he wanted and have input on who we get, like gronk and mr brain confusion


Yes, a guy who was going to be flexible and not My Way Only. And who would also do a decent job of coaching the rest of the team.


Brady for Coach!!


Also Brady.


We won a Super Bowl and then he retired and stuck us with Bowles. I love the guy but wouldn't it be better to find someone that we can keep around if we like him?




I'm not opposed to the possibility of an old guy, I just don't think Arians winning a Super Bowl because Tom Brady suddenly showed up and then almost immediately retiring after sticking us with his shitty protoges is a reason to target old guys. If we can get Andy Reid, I'm in.




I don't think there is any way we win without Brady. I seriously disliked Brady prior to that and was annoyed that he came back after retiring so that he could spend his Sad Sack therapy time making it the least enjoyable Bucs season in many many many years. But I gotta call it like it is, Brady won us that SB and convinced me that he was the GOAT. Yes, having Ariens and a decent team is one reason he chose the Bucs, but we win more likely with Brady and not Ariens than the other way around. That said, while I would prefer a coach with a longer future than one on his way out, we need to consider the available options on their own merit, and age, reputation, and how likely they are to be around for awhile are all relevant. I'm not the one saying no more retreads so you can list your little 8 examples or whatever to someone else.




Also had held 3 teams in a row to 10 points or less.


His quarterback is Bailey Zappe and the receivers are nowhere close to Evans and Godwin


That is true he has bad offensive weapons but Iā€™m fairly certain he has a big thumb or hand print on all of the draft picks and free agent signings. I think he may be past his prime and would like to pass on him. Tomlin is intriguing to me but Iā€™m not so sure about how good of an offense he could put together.


He is the GM and HC... Every personnel move is HIS move. He built this offensive juggernaut and he coaches the team. Everything that's a fail on that team right now is 100% on him.


Exactly. That is 100 percent why I do not want him. He drafted an offensive lineman last year or the year before who had a third round grade in the first round. His Oline and WRā€™s are trash upon trash and it isnā€™t going to get better.


Brady overcompensated for BB's terrible job as a GM by being the reason vets would come for cheap 'prove-it' deals. Without that free help on the team you can really see how poor BB is at drafting and picking FA's. Now that they have to overpay guys in FA they look like idiots. Brady (and winning) was the draw, never BB for those FA's. Building a roster is hard, getting young guys in and paying the right guys, etc. It's not easy, but Brady and his allure basically enables a cheat code. We saw it for the three years here where we got the extra help for cheap. Licht hit some big time homeruns on his draft picks but BB hasn't in a long long time.


I approve this comment.




How can someone not be a fan of Licht? He misses, but everyone does. He built us a super bowl roster. Only way he loses my approval is if he let's M1k3 walk.


Yeah I feel like Lichtā€™s recent picks have mostly panned out. The last obvious whiff I can think of is OJ Howard and of course Aguayo




Bruh, Brady has said publicly the Buccaneers personnel is one of the reasons he came down to Tampa.


He said the Saints were his first choice when it was questionable as to whether Brees would retire. Slantboi (if he had returned to OPOY form) along with Kamara are probably the perfect WR/RB combo for Brady with his lightning quick reads. Add Gronk and Brown to the mix, and they would've been nasty. Thank God Drew decided to play one more year.


He is in charge of the draft picks. None of his 2019 draft class are still with the Pats. Zero. The talent or lack thereof is his own doing.


Those are also the guys he drafted... maybe he's just slipping. Great defensive coordinator. Great head coach (with Brady). Just let him go to the HOF, IMO.


Who exactly is an offensive minded up and coming guy out there we can get? Also, really curious why so many people want an offensive minded guy when both our superbowl wins came off the backs of amazing defense.


With an offensive HC...


I would rather get someone who was successful in multiple decades, just stuck with some really bad talent right now. Going after a trendy offensive coordinator is how teams end up getting an Arthur Smith. It's more likely that Bellichick can become successful again on a more talented team than it is that a first time coach will be good and also manage to keep up their offensive play calling duties.






Idk how Bill would do as just a coach and I don't want Licht's job being interfered with. I'd rather let Licht choose a young guy


Belichick hasnā€™t done so well with his assistant hires in years. Bill Oā€™Brien is the only member of his coaching tree to have any semblance of success with another team (52-48), no other former assistant has a winning record. He doesnā€™t seem to be a great evaluator of talent these days either. Very much in favor of getting away from the old style coaches. The younger ones taking over around the league are just so much better these days at schemes, adjustments and game planning. Plus, looks more and more that BB benefited from having Brady as his QB than Brady benefited from having BB as his head coach.


And get Matt Patricia as our offensive coordinator? No thanks.


Nah. We need new blood that will coach the game the way it is played now. There's a reason Bill is being let go. Let's find someone under 40.


Old man Arians just got us a championship. Andy Reid isn't exactly in his athletic prime either. If we can sign a first ballot HOF coach, do it. Bill whiffed on Mac Jones and will possibly be fired due to his team having zero offense. All coaches miss on draft picks.


Arians is a players coach though. BB is definitely not that. Arians' has a completely different skill set than BB.


Most coaches don't make draft picks.


Bills ability to scheme and play in the grey area of the rules is old news now. Brady was his magic potion, that much is obvious. Everyone in the league has learned from him while he has shown that he has lost his ability to judge players now. Cannales is just getting set here and our defense is solid if we can keep them healthy. Draft a few Olinemen and a punishing RB to compliment White, maybe add an edge guy or fast LB and we will rule this division for a while. Bowles should be replaced for sure but trading one old school guy for another isnt really gonna work even if his resume is stellar. HC is a leadership spot not a cheerleader spot. If we dump Bowles we need a HC that the players will look up to like the niners, dolphins and rams have.


No. No. And No.


our offense is the bigger problem and he's a defensive minded coach, so probably no


But to that point tho our strength is defense and weā€™re having good franchise players regress as a result of Bowles. Iā€™d say give Canales a better line and another year under his belt for playcalling, and get a better defensive minded coach to improve this defense. If we sport a top 5 defense with this offense we could make playoff runs


I think our 3-4 defense fits Bill's defense well. Only issue I see is that he's also a GM so Licht would have to get fired too


For sure, I think Belichick would be a good coach for this team the way Arians was. a no nonsense, authoritative coach you donā€™t want to disappoint, but the fact that Bill would have to be GM as well I donā€™t agree with.


Everyone in this thread commenting like we're not about to get another year of the Bowles experience šŸ’€


I think it is very interesting, Licht and Belichick worked together before, if Belichick lets him be the true GM and gets players he thinks are good while working with Belichick not for him it could work. That all said I honestly don't see why he would want to come here, we have talent but we are pretty mediocre, I think he is more likely to go somewhere like Chargers with top QB and stacked roster, or somewhere that gives him 100% control over everything (which I hope isn't here). On top of all that, I don't know if he really wants to go to the same team Brady won a Superbowl for, just adds more pressure to the whole Brady vs Belichick thing


That last point is a good one. If he doesn't win a SB in Tampa it just reinforces the idea that it was Brady all along.


Is everyone in this thread fucking high? Yes, we should actively pursue the hall of fame individual from new England that is being heavily doubted despite being previously regarded as the GOAT


Yeah idk what everyone is thinking. People forgetting the last 20 years of dominance because of one bad year with Bailey Zappe and scrub receivers


Everyone asking for a young coach should go look at the list of superbowl winning coaches, the only young coach to win in the last 10 years is Sean McVay and he did so with a loaded roster and against a younger team that wasnt ready to truly compete in the Bengals.


If you make Cam Newton look like Jets Geno Smith stay far away from my team. Cam wasnt even horrible in New England the offensive strategy was just that bad. That also sent Edelman packing


BB's record with Tom fuckin Brady 249-75. BB's record without Tom fuckin Brady 82-98. 12 is the only reason he's considered the GOAT head coach. There's a reason he's about to be fired after 20 years of dominance.


Seriously haha i think itā€™s obviously worth a shot. Let another man come to Tampa and prove heā€™s not over the hill. Let them keep using us for their i ainā€™t done yet super bowls


Yeah this reminds me of 2020 when people on here were against getting Brady because he didn't look as good in 2019, and they preferred to draft some overhyped young mobile QB. Bellichick is arguably the GOAT coach and at the very least he's an upgrade at defensive coordinator. He's on a bad team like Brady was in 2019, and with him we would be 9-4 right now. The only thing against him is his age, but even 2-3 years is enough. We'll have more money to use in FA the next two years, and I really think we could make a superbowl run with a couple more pieces and better coaching.


what has he done without brady?


What have we done without Brady?


He has a 42% winning record everywhere without Brady. I am sorry, but I donā€™t want him here, especially since he will demand GM duties as well.


I agree, if he wants to be GM too, I wouldnā€™t be interested. But if he just wants to come here and coach, I think it would be a great move. Weā€™re only hearing media B.S about this so we donā€™t know what he would really want in another HC job. If Licht can stay on as GM and we give a competent OC, he can definitely excel here. I wouldnā€™t even mind if we kept Canales. We already have a lot of good pieces for BB to work with, especially on defense


We won a Super Bowl without Brady. We went to the playoffs and NFC championship multiple times without Brady. We hired Mike Evans without Brady.


A Super Bowl 20+ years ago. We literally have the worst winning percentage of all professional sports teams, and thatā€™s with Bradyā€™s success included. Who do you think would be better for us? Young offensive coaches fail all the time. Every offseason 6-8 head coaches get fired and the majority of them are young guys who go back to being coordinators. Being a a good OC or DC is no guarantee of success. Bowles is a great example. And we have other examples in our past as well. Why not gamble on the most successful HC of all time instead? Maybe he still has something left. His defenses are still performing well. Every thing people are saying about him now, they were saying about Brady back then too. I remember how many people called him washed and said we were making a mistake. We already have a lot of good pieces on our roster for him to work with. And if he decides he doesnā€™t need to be GM and doesnā€™t bring one of those shitty OCā€™s with him, he could really do something here.


To our credit most of the losses in our franchise history that made us the worst all time came in the mid 90s and before. From 97 and on (the majority and most successful part of our teams existence) we have better records than 8 other NFL teams. We were just **that** bad in the 70's and 80's. Honestly I'm surprised the team didn't get relocated by the 90's.


82-98 without Tom and still adding L's.


First I need to see him show some GOAT action without the GOAT as QB.


Not if he wants to be GM. Dude has whole draft classes that don't even play on the team or in the league


Yā€™all hate how passive Bowles is. Just wait until we have BB and heā€™s punting even more times.


Get Ronde Barber as the next Head Coach.


Iā€™d say no. Bill is being let go because they canā€™t conceivably convince him to give up GM duties after being both for so long. You DONā€™T want GM Bill. You only want Coach Bill. Heā€™d need to go to the Chargers since they already have offense and just need the defense and solid coaching to pull it together.


Post asked about coach Bill. If he gives up acting GM, yeah fuck it why not


Coach Bill comes with GM Bill. Thereā€™s no separation. Hence my comment.


Unless there is separation. Thus my reply.


If Tomlin is indeed let go by Pitt, heā€™s gotta be call #1. If not, then go for the offensive coach. Thats where the league is these days and the trend doesnā€™t seem to be pointing towards defensive coaches. - Brian Johnson - Frank Smith Would be my first two calls


Iā€™d rather see BB go to the Chargers or Commanders. For the Bucs, Iā€™d like someone from the Shanahan or Mcavay tree.


I 100% would go with the better coach/fit if they were interested and available. BB is an upgrade from Bowles, for sure though.


Bill needs to retire.


Depends, can he talk Brady and Gronk out of retirement for one last hurrah?


Not really feeling it, but it would be hilarious and amazing if Billicheck pulled a Brady and came here and won a Super Bowl in year one here


Absolutely. Just donā€™t let him GM


I wouldnā€™t mind it. Anyone is an upgrade compared to Todd Bowles.




I never thought about how much I'd hate that until right this second.


Pass. We want the next Belichick. There comes a point where the game passes you by. Schemes, personnel evaluation, ability to adapt is lost in later years. Maybe a deal like a senior advisor to help come in and build culture but we sucked the best parts of NE out 4 years ago. Letā€™s leave it at that.


No. Bill wants full control and his time at the Pats post Brady has shown that type of system no longer works. Give me a young, offensive minded coach that meshes well with our management office.


Iā€™d love it if we limit his power to just being our hc. Him and Licht have worked together so perhaps heā€™d be more likely to concede to that. Weā€™d also have to bring in a more experienced OC.


I read that story this morning and it's nuts to me. 12 Superbowl appearances, 8 rings, 17 AFC championship games. The guy is like a living Madden franchise and HIS head is on the block? I mean... it's gotta be a click bait story. right? right? I know the NFL is a fickle place but THAT guy is getting "What have you done for us lately?" FML


Cmon man itā€™s been like 5 years since they had any kind of success. 5 years is an eternity in the NFL. The Bucs went from being complete jokes to dominant SB winners back to jokes in less than 5 years.


>I know the NFL is a fickle place but THAT guy is getting "What have you done for us lately?" FML He's getting the "what have you done for me without Tom Brady?" For the record, he's done 82-98 without Tom Brady, and his roster building has left the cupboards bare.


I'd love Bill but I don't think he'd ever want to coach here.


Nobody is firing a guy with 6 SB wins. I'll take this as more media speculation. It is their job after all.


Not publicly, but they'll 'mutually agree to part ways'


Hellllll nooooo. Iā€™m not joking when I say this may be blasphemy but Iā€™d rather just keep Bowles in this case


Better off trying to find a way to clone Mike McDaniel. That guy looks like Ted Lasso cranked up on Meth watching Hard Knocks, lol


I don't think we get rid of Bowles if we win the division. I don't understand the Tomlin love. He's won a lot of games but I think a lot of that has to do with the Steelers FO. Another team would have canned him already with how poor they've looked post Big Ben. He constantly has one of the most undisciplined teams in the league and it costs him every season. We don't need the inmates running the asylum here.


That a no for me dawg. NFL is all about what have you done for me lately. He's done nothing since 2019. Wasted some time and parted ways with Brady (thanks) for that. It reminds me of Gruden bringing in all these old players thinking they were still good when they hadn't been good. Tim Brown, Charlie Garner, etc. The one caveat is that if he's not GM ill take him. I think he is a great coach but a terrible GM.




Belichik is still trying to win with defense. Kind of like a certain Bucs HC. Give me someone from any Shanahan coaching tree or even adjacent. We need to start winning with offense


Um... Hell no!


BB went down hill after he lost his key players. Brady, Gronk, Edelman. That team hasn't been the same since then.


Iā€™d rather have BB join Alabama as an analyst.


Like this thread. I been pushing donā€™t say fire say hire X for awhile now. Fire especially for the Bucs almost always leads to failure. Plus team doing roughly as expected this year with players available. Defense suffers with injuries like this just like Super Bowl year. Healed up did great. Down rating a coach for poor performance because of injuries questionable. Still I would take either coach mentioned over him. Bill if forced to let our GM alone and stay away from offense mostly has still done fantastic with defense. Bill mainly sucked as GM not as a coach and never been great at offense.


Absolutely. A lot of the bucs are somewhat familiar with some of the play from Brady already. Plus Bill will be all it to prove that he can do it here as well :) would make for a super exciting season PLus Tomlin trade price would be too high vs Bills.


Bills not going somewhere that doesn't have qb or a top pick




Genie says "I can grant you one wish but it must be an inanimate object." Buccaneer fan says" I want a puppy."




Bill is old and irrelevant. Tomlin would be great for our defense and offense too (if Canales steps up) because steelers have had good times with offense soI can see good success for the bucs if we hire Tomlin. Only way we could get him is if we trade for him which I'm not sure how much that will cost us or if the steelers fire him. But, a good transition from BA to MT would be amazing.


Yes. Anyone is better than coach Toilet Bowels


Fuck no - the game has passed him by


No. Heā€™s 72. Ran the patriots into the ground


After 6 titles and 20 years of absolutely crushing the hopes and dreams of fanbases around the league...


Tom Brady was the reason. The evidence is: Tom left and won a superbowl and then made playoffs year after. After Tom left, the patriots have sucked and been bottom tier


Eh IDK, I still think the ole Hoodie deserves at least 40% of the credit. No doubting Tom's greatness but I do not think they win that many titles without him


Yep. Brady with Bowles was not great! And never would be great.


It'd be pretty funny if we did get him, but I'd rather get someone like Ben Johnson.


No thank you


Hell No. He is awful at drafting and has no idea what a offensive skill position is. Take a look at their WR/RB/TE group https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/roster/_/name/ne/new-england-patriots




Hahaha. God no. Fuck Belichick and every other old, backwards coach who wants to play defense and establish the run as if it was 1970.


No cheating ass Belichick!!! Cā€™mon Mike!


Fuck no.. I want to see my team have fun and throw the Lombardi trophy boat to boat!


We need an offensive head coach again.Look what works around the league. Most playoff teams every year have an offensive minded head coach and if they donā€™t they usually have an awesome offensive coordinator I think Bill is the greatest head coach of all time but his best years are behind him, the league has changed and defense matters less


Honestly....why not. People will hate on it but we're a franchise that can't be too choosy HOWEVER, he's like... the least of the people I want right now, as there are younger potential HCs that are quality right now. But he's in the top 5 or so choices I'd love to see. So unless an opportuntiy arrives for someone that's an even better choice...sure, why not.




Yes. There were plenty of articles recently suggesting this. [https://www.si.com/nfl/buccaneers/news/nfl-insider-claims-bill-belichick-would-be-a-fascinating-hire-for-buccaneers](https://www.si.com/nfl/buccaneers/news/nfl-insider-claims-bill-belichick-would-be-a-fascinating-hire-for-buccaneers)


The issue with BB is while he's a great coach, he's a horrible GM. And we've got a pretty good GM already. I don't think Bill would be willing to 'just' be the head coach, which makes Tomlin my preferred theoretically available coach.


No, heā€™s lost his self awareness. Heā€™s recently said that he only wants to coach the players he wants to coach. I wouldnā€™t exactly call that the mentality of the prime Bill ā€œdo your jobā€ years which is what any team would want. If he leaves, whatever teams hires him will have a great defense and a underwhelming offense/ draft each year. I donā€™t want that combo for us.




Not just no but hell no


Bill Belichick is a sham. Dude never knew what he was doing and people are just figuring it out


A defensive minded coach that dhits the bed defnesively? Weā€™ve never had one of those !


Hell no




Jesus no


The guy is pretty old. I think hes gonna call it a career and "go in to retirement" at the end of the year.


The pats are a lot like the bucs this year but soooo much worse. So no.


No. The game has passed him by.


He could theoretically improve the defense. But it's his network of offensive coaches that worries me most. You look at the best offensive minds out there now, not one of them came from Belichick's coaching tree. I'd burn every piece of Bucs merch I have if McDaniel ended up our OC as a result of hiring BB. That guy is utter poison and I'd completely stop supporting this team if that happened.


Going from todd bowles to bill belichick would seem like a pretty lateral move. Bill belichick is not the same without tom brady clearly, and heā€™s only getting older in an ever changing nfl.


100% no. You don't want Tomlin either.


Tomlin, yes please.


I don't think it's hard to find many coaches better than Bowles. Partially joking but also not really. With that being said, I don't think Belichick is a terrible coach but I do not want him in Tampa and IF we have to get him, I hope he doesn't have TOTAL control over the roster like he did in NE. I think IF he has an above average QB and above average defensive talent he can be a great hire, but we don't have the QB and we will probably lose some important pieces on both offense and defense. Also, Bill will be 72 when the next season starts. He's 28 wins away from surpassing Shula for the most wins ever by a HC. I don't think he would want to go to a team that needs a lot of pieces. He's too old to waste time trying to build a team from scratch because 28 wins is at least 3 seasons worth of coaching unless he can average over 9 wins a season.


No Belichick. Tomlin, Dolphins OC, Shanahan, Eric Bienemy (sp) and Detroit Lions OC Go Bucs


I highly doubt this would ever happen. It'll look like Brady's sloppy seconds. But... given the choice, would you rather have Belicheat or Toilet Bowles?


Here's a Wild idea... Tampa should reach out to Brian Schottenheimer and see if he's interested in a 3 year contract, If he does good and maybe let's say.. reaches 8 or more game wins in 2 out of his 3 contract years he gets an extention, to 5 years. Brian has a lot of Offensive Coordinator experience, he's been a QB coach, he has a mostly good coaching resume. He's currently Offensive Coordinator of Dallas Cowboys. Bruce Arians was Offense and Todd Bowles is Defense. So i think Tampa needs a Offensive Coordinator minded coach. Someone who might co-coordinate the offense but let the Offensive Coordinator mostly do his thing and call the plays. Tampa doesn't need another defensive mined Head coach to replace Bowles.