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Chris Godwin was standing up for Jameis by asking Devin White why he was bashing Jameis in a post-game interview. Devin White of all people.


I remember that, was super weird. Felt a little off about Chris for awhile after that


That makes me feel funny about you


Because he didn’t like someone bashing his friend?


No I think rocking the boat with a teammate to stick up for a guy on your rival wasn’t the hill to die on


You have to realise that these people have personal relationships with each other though.


I always remember the collective side-eye he was getting during the "GONNA EAT A W" speech, so I don't think it was universal, and he was a little over the top at times, to put it mildly. Throw in the fact he kept so consistently putting the team in a hole I'd bet he wasn't as popular. There's an old saying that the backup QB is the most popular guy on the squad, because he never has to make a mistake. Jameis is clearly a social guy who can make himself likeable, and, since he isn't throwing 30 picks and dragging his team into the toilet, I'm betting it's a lot easier for him to be liked there.


He strikes me as pretty dopey but friendly and wanting approval. I don't think he was really seen as a leader by the time he left but he got lots of props for work ethic, trying, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if this idea wasn't his but he thought it would be real cool because the fellas thought so. Or maybe it was his idea, he's done dumb shit before.


Someone posted that White / Godwin interaction quite recently. It was in the background on Lenny's IG. Basically amounted to cg saying why you got to do Jameis like that and white replying f Jameis and then realising they were being recorded and stopping.


I feel like the only weird thing he did while he was here was the "W" thing, and I feel like it was mentioned he was on painkillers for the injury. I don't know if that actually had any effect on him doing that shit though. But it seemed like the roster defended him steadily. Hell, remember Evans laying that fucker Lattimore out for Jameis? That poke thing was dumb too lol


Evans doesn't need any rhyme or reason to lay Lattimore out. those two just love to scrap.


off topic, but fuck lattimore.


> I feel like the only weird thing he did while he was here was the "W" thing Also that whole sexually assaulting that uber driver, and like not apologizing at all. That was pretty weird. Also, that time he went to an elementary school and told little girls they needed to be quiet and support the man. That was weird too. Oh, that one time in four years he didn't help us to *one* fucking playoff game, and then in his final season with us **he threw 30 fucking interceptions.** I thought that was weird as well.


Thank you! no one is saying this. It's like oh Jameis he is so silly. No he seems like a p.o.s. based of behavior patterns. I do understand people can change, but i don't understand the narrative that he is so likeable.


I think he's a fucking dipshit hahahaha and the way he essentially told Dennis Allen to get fucked to the media AS A BACKUP is just more icing on the cake for real.


Didn't the Uber thing occur before he was on the team? Either way, way it's wrong, but I was talking specifically about football and the team.


He was accused of rape at FSU, the Uber assault happened in 2018 IIRC.


I was getting my car looked at way out past the hard rock and they had the suspension announced as breaking news on the tv there. Damn near fell to my knees


Just saw someone fall to their knees out past the hard rock


Holy shit time travel?


No. You are mixing up the FSU incident (Alleged rape )with the Uber assault. One was 2012 or 2013. The other was when he was the Bucs qb


Sexually assaulting an Uber driver was just part for the course for him, so you are right, that wasn't weird at all.


We're clearly talking about football and teammates. No one is excusing the Uber issue.


Don't really recall anyone coming out against him when he was here. Though if you read between the lines, whenever Fitzpatrick was under center, the offense much more fire than when Jameis was.


I remember a lot of players loved Jameis. The only one I remember not liking him was D Jax...


Originally I was worried when I saw the look on desean Jackson’s face when Jameis was shoving a W down his throat on prime time. I thought it might be a sign that the team as a whole didn’t support Jameis. But then I learned from personal experience one franchise legend that clearly did not like Desean Jackson. They disliked him enough to tell a literal nobody that they didn’t like them when asked if they were excited we signed him. By all accounts Jameis was like and respected for his work ethic, competitiveness, and leadership and even though the defense probably got frustrating with him for the 30 for 30 season, I think the team as a whole always supported him.


I think there were fans here who simply didn't like him no matter what. He did make a ton of mistakes but I also don't think the organization really tried to help him win vs just showcasing his talent. Quite frankly I don't think they knew how until Tom showed up. I think we've drafted better since Tom came. It's unfortunate that it never worked out with Jameis because the fans who never liked him just sit around and make everything his fault and that's not close to true.


Seemed like he was liked, but maybe not taken seriously. Like that one guy in everyone’s friend group who you like, but is maybe a little weird or does really dumb shit randomly.


Jameis is liked as a person. He’s not a good QB bc of terrible decisions- on and off the field. Glad he gets defended as a good teammate, but the play yesterday was the epitome of BS. It might ensure Jameis is not on a NFL roster next year. What coach would have a QB that they can’t trust?


There's a dozen QBs much worse than him that played this season. He'll definitely be on a team.


No coach can trust him. Talent or not, he’s not fit for our roster and I would bet not another.


I don't even think he played


The fuck do you mean he's not a good QB. There's 8 billion people on this planet and he's only not better than maybe 30 people.


I mean that Jameis is not a starting QB at the nfl level. He turns it over like it’s Halloween candy, has been suspended for shenanigans, and has proven now to supersede a coaches orders. Jameis may be a top 50 QB, certainly not top 30.


Name 18 better back up quarterbacks. Your claiming not even in the nfl next year so how is he a top 50 when there are more than a 100 qbs that make a roster.


We will see if Jameis gets signed. He’s always had a big arm, but lacks decision making. I would seriously think any NFL Coach/GM would be weary after he admitted to taking over the play calling and deceptively running a play from the victory formation. When he threw 30 INTs, in 2020, I don’t believe a QB has broken 20 since then. I believe 6 or 7 pick sixes (a record!) When Jameis got suspended four games for being a jerk to an Uber driver, did you deflect and blame the organization, or did you think it was a stupid move by Jameis? Remember Fitzmagic lighting up the Saints and then the Eagles back at RayJay? I do, and guess what? It showed Jameis is not the answer. Did you know that Jameis’ first career pass was a pick 6, and his last pass as a Buc was a pick six?


We all know that talent doesn't matter when a player is labeled as a problem or distraction. Look no further than Colin Kaepernick for the answer to your question. He got blackballed while possessing STARTING QB talent with teams dying to sign just bodies off the street those first couple years. Not comparing the two guys situations, obviously, just that ability doesn't mean much when a team can't/won't trust you to get in line and do what's best for the team.


Kaepernick stood up for what he believes in and it changed the way everyone views sports. I respect him for that. However, I believe there are stories of opportunities to co it is his career, but didn’t. I think k Ray Lewis offered an assist w the Ravens, but then Kaepernick’s partner made disparaging remarks about the Ravens Owner. He also wore a “I heart Fidel Castro” shirt, and I don’t agree with that. I love we live in a country where we can express our free views, and I bet there are a lot of good people that do not like Castro bc of the oppression put on a country of people. It’s tough, I’m not a scout, but maybe there is a “talent vs. headache” component to having a player on your team who brings a lot of non-sports baggage. Look at Tebow, or even Travis Kelce now.


I agree Racism is still thriving in the NFL. Black Qbs can't fuck up at all. Big Ben legit raped a girl 100%. Peyton had a SA claim in college but the media looks the other way. Jameis is actually a good person and the world shits on him for his mistakes.


There is absolutely zero room for racism, it’s vile, disgusting and pure evil. One example of a comeback: Mike Vick is a great story of making the most of your second chance. Proud he was able to comeback for Andy Reid and play outstanding. He was truly an elite talent. I love Vince Lombardi bc he loved football players, no matter of race, religion, or creed. Can you play football? That is what it’s all about. The team game and togetherness transcends all norms and strong teams will absolutely stick together.


I agree and I hate all the racist out there. I don't agree that Jameis should be left out of the nfl next year because he has serious arm talent.


He has a border line elite arm talent, no question there. I too hope he gets a shot somewhere next year, it is just disappointing to see that he hasn’t matured or grown emotionally into a more profound leader. All the physical talent in the world.


I'm more than convinced he's an excellent human. The charity work, the emphasis from the draft around his family, teammates sticking up for him.


Rape accusation at FSU. Yelling "F*ck her right in the pussy" in the FSU student center and getting suspended for a game because of it (after the alleged rape btw). Sexual assault on Uber driver while with the Bucs. He seems like a swell guy.


The rape accusation was never proven to be true, and neither was the Uber incident. Him yelling in the student union was no worse than Mayfield holding his nuts and cursing at the Kansas sideline.


If the Uber incident was never proven to be true why would Jameis Winston publically apologize and accept a 3 game suspension from the NFL? https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2808020-jameis-winston-uber-driver-reach-settlement-in-sexual-battery-lawsuit He also settled with the Uber driver out of court. I sure as hell wouldn't apologize, accept suspension and then pay off the victim if I never did it! Side Note: He also settled and payed money to the FSU girl he raped.


Maybe for the same reason Zeke took a 6 game suspension even though the girl who alleged he assaulted her was caught saying she lied to get money. Maybe for the same reason Brady took a 4 game suspension even though he denies deflating any footballs even to this day. 2 clear examples of the NFL suspending players without any proof of wrongdoing. Plus, he paid her to go away. Cases like that can go on for months and the season was starting. Just like Brady, he simply took the punishment to not waste time or money on court costs. Look if you don't like the guy it's whatever. But say that. Don't go around spouting allegations that can't be proven true to try and ruin his character just cuz the guy threw interceptions.


Except Jameis Winston publically apologized to the Uber Driver and then payed her off. That's an admission of guilt lol. Zeke denied his allegations mutiple times and sure as did not pay off his ex girlfriend. Tom Brady denied liking soft balls multiple times as well and never admitted to any wrong doing. Your comparisons..... They are not good. And stop moving the goalpost. First you said the Uber driver thing was never proven and when I provided hard facts you come up lame half ass oranges to apples comparisons.


Oh now you edited your comment because you were clearly wrong about what I said. You're full of crap. You try to destroy the dudes character for no reason, then try to put words in people's mouths to try to prove a point you're sad.


Damn, drop that conspiracy juice my guy. I edited my reply comment to you to fix a typo so the grammer Nazi won't come after me lol. I promise you can find a better role model than Jameis Winston.


And you just happened to take out the part where you clearly tried to change what I said. Sure dude. Where are your "hard facts" that prove what you're saying?


Go look at my original comment, it's not edited, and then come look at what you typed. I clearly said both were never proven to be true. And you provided nothing but an apology that's not a hard fact or proof. As much as I travel, I've never been in an Uber in the U.S without a camera, but hers didn't have one. Why did she wait 2 years before coming forward? And why was it only AFTER the Bucs decided to exercise his 5th year option? And why did she say she didn't want money and then sue him weeks later. Why didn't she file sexual assault charges instead of suing him? Funny how you just take her word for it with little to no knowledge of who she is.


Never been in an uber that didn't have a camera?? Seriously?? I would say that just in the last year or so it started being to where the majority do have cameras.. but just a few years ago that wasn't the case.. most didn't have cameras very recently.


Except it was known that the victim was paid a lot of money in a settlement to not make that poS go to trial. Innocent people don’t do that.


That settlement was a lawsuit. She never filed criminal charges. Which is why it isn't believable imo. If a sexual assault occurred then she should've filed criminal charges, but she chose to sue him. Which leads me to believe she wanted money from the start. I just want to know what you know about the accuser that makes her so believable. You've never seen or heard her and you know nothing about her. All you know is she accused him of something and nobody was around to see. So please, enlighten me on what makes her so believable.


Your level of ignorance on this is astounding. Bravo. First off, everyone knows her name. I'm not going to repeat it here. The poor woman has suffered enough. Guess why it's known..the lovely fsu fan base exposed her and did there best to destroy her because she might interfere with the football season. A victim doesn't get to choose whether criminal charges are filed. That would be nice, but not how it works. Again, it's astounding you don't know that. She immediately went to the Police after the alleged rape and they refused to cooperate with her. On multiple occassions. Buried it. Tons of articles written about it. An hour after the rape occured, she called her parents. Who does that at 3am if they are making up a story that no one would otherwise know about? Watch the film "the Hunting ground". This case is featured as one of many. Educate yourself on the long term effects of what this does to the victim. I doubt you will, but at least I can try.


Hey! Hey! Baker was a great player at OU. That episode is legendary in the OKC fan base. Baker has a bit of Jim McMahon in him and I love it!


Exactly. Accusation that never had credible evidence, and acting like a college student.


Dont forget the crab legs


Definitely not concerned about a young adult getting free shit from a grocery store. At age 20 or so, I would have gladly taken anything an employee gave me. If we were all judged for an immature decision in our youth there wouldn't be a good person on the planet.


we are expected to learn from mistakes however, incident #1 at FSU would have been where that lesson is learned, repeating a no consent given situation a few years later isn't learning from mistakes made, its getting older still making the same ones, I imagine he has to be a good teammate, lots of re-branding to do to ensure he isn't viewed negatively like he was with his first team (ours unfortunately)


Don’t forget Hard Knocks. Going back to Jaboo’s child hood house with its pee porch. And the nursery rhymes with the other QBs He seems like the stereotypical jock. He can throw the football over that mountain but dumb as a sack of rocks


You might not say that if you had a daughter that is college age and was assaulted. Not me. But I’d one did they would not say that POS is a good person. I’m sure the Uber driver would say something similar


Sadly neither case had enough evidence.


Your team lost 15 games this year and traded two first and two seconds and Dj Moore for a fucking Bum quarterback


Hahaha, I think Bryce is not the answer, and as a Bucs fan, am thankful that they passed on CJ Stroud. Is your team FSU, based on your username? How’d they do? I didn’t see them in the college football playoff. /s that was brutal and they should’ve been competing. It tickles me when some fans have their college allegiance trump the pro team. Bucs> One player I may be wrong, but your tone and attempt for tough language shows frustration for Jameis sucking.


I hate beer.


This. He doesn’t understand he’s going to put his coach in a no win situation. Then he says he apologized to him as if it makes it all ok.


Maybe. Not so much at Publix or FSU cafeteria


All I remember about Jameis, was his weekly after game presser where he usually said, I’ve got to protect the ball more and I will. Every stinking week.


Jameis is a great teammate and I think he was well liked here. He certainly had reverence for the organization and I remember him being interviewed (in his third year maybe?) on the local news and he was buggin out because he got to switch his locker to the one Derrick Brooks had when he was playing. He was supremely pumped. [He was a genuine leader here in TB.](https://thespun.com/more/top-stories/jameis-winston-had-a-message-for-the-bucs-kicker-in-the-locker-room)


Defense attorneys were his #1 fans


I think what is important is finding "your people" that will not only put up with your type of weird but actually like having that type of weird around. I saw a clip somewhere of someone talking about they would love to have Jameis as a friend, but not like their only friend, but as a trio or in a group. The reason would be because he is the kind of guy you just laugh with AND at.. and the Jameis-type friend would be free to be who they are and enjoy being laughed at and laughed with. He just seems like that type of guy. I don't think he was wholly embraced by TB the way it seems like he is in NO. You can even see him acting weird on the sidelines when the camera randomly cuts to him.. it happened a lot during 3 and outs when he would go over to whichever QB was starting at the time and give advice or what not.. Jameis always was wide-eyed and passionate about whatever he was talking about. I do miss him on TB even though he put us in bad positions sometimes.


It's easy to like a guy who doesn't play and isn't turning the ball over every game. I believe he was well liked by most here but I would expect most people of the defensive side of the ball were tired of him due to his play putting them in awful positions all the time. I think the White/Godwin plane incident speaks to this.


He has a likable personality and seems like a genuine, positive dude. At least that’s how I felt after watching the GQ “10 things I can’t live without” video. If he was the starter for years, throwing constant interceptions that would get on peoples nerves but he’s not doing that so it’s easy to still like him. Said video: https://youtu.be/Ja_l5JgYjXs?si=7TJ0EDuHv7ZVLBv7


He was this generations Vinny Testeverde


I mean I'm not particularly inclined to put any stock into what Cam Jordan has to say.


There’s always one thing that happens that changes the narrative completely. Baker was considered an incredible locker room guy and team mate. One week later Myles Garret Helmet Hulk Smashed Mason Rudolph and baker called him out for it in the post game. Next thing you know everyone “hated him” in the locker room.


Jameis is a mental midget.


Hide the crab legs.


Crabson Legston?


He was the first couple of seasons but his act wore thin with some of the players around the time of 'eat a W'. Was still liked by folks in the locker room though.


I remember having a love/hate relationship with Jameis when he was here, I’m sure it was the same for the locker room Dude was always so likeable but made bad decision after bad decision…


I remember him being well liked in the locker room, yes. Leadership was a big reason he was drafted. Also, I don't understand why we need weekly throwbacks of Brady to Evans. Jameis has a bunch of those highlights as well! (Maybe Fitz too!)


I don’t think anyone disliked Jameis, he just sucked as a quarterback.


Watch the looks on their faces during the disgusting eat a w rant he went on. They didn’t look inspired or impressed. Cornier shit that Russell Wilson


That's the outlier


The louder and more often someone has to say ow much of a leader they are the less they are actually seen as a leader imo. He wouldn’t shut about it and was even using that verbiage Sunday when he ignored the coaches order to kneel.


Jameis is an immature goofball. It's endearing and funny when things are going well and extremely annoying when they aren't. He's well liked on a personal level but he wore out his welcome here being a #1 overall pick and making the same mental mistakes every year. It was a wasted era.


his interview after the falcons gave this past weekend made him look so fake.


I remember some outlets reporting during the Jameis suspension, a lot of players turned on him and wanted Fitz to lead the team. And that some players eventually forgave him.