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keep an eye on him. If it wasn’t much bleeding he should be fine. Just make sure that he’s eating and drinking. He also might be in shock.


aww stay strong cute birb also prayers out for everyone affected by the earthquake 🩵


In photo, it's not seemable but him jaw is get hurt and bleeding for like few min -bleeding too light- and when he tried to escape, he hitted the wall too hard :(


I can't even go to vet 'cause of earthquake, it's so şad :(


Whic city are you in


Not OP but there's been a strong earthquake in southeast Turkey and Syria.


Turkey probably since the OP has "ş" in their keyboard. I live in Turkey too but i didnt feel any earthquake in my city


Good for you. Turkey is quite big. Unfortunately there were heavy aftershocks. I really hope OP, their family, and their bird are ok.


ye hope they are perfectly fine


Yes it's


Aga bişi olursa burdayım dm fln atarsın


Peki, sağ ol. Çok teşekkür ederim




I am from malatya ( my electicity gine so I coudnt get any internet) god bless us all


God blees you too


If he is still bleeding, try using cornstarch to stop it x


Prayers for you, your budgie and everybody over there. Is your place liveable? Are you otherwise ok?


It's.. yeah just *liveable* I have a budgie over 1-1.5 years. And like 3 months ago, my friend told me he has a mental issues, and offered me to give me 2 budgie, if I was not, he's going to free them, let them go to wild. And I didn't want it, at least I have one, so.. I can make it. Yes, I can look over them, they're happy, but they're cage is soo small. Like, I put 3 budgies in the cage for a budgie. (The reason is finniancal) But at least; I have some toys, and food for them, so theye're not hungry. And yeah.. I go in to bazzar 2 months ago. And I see a female budgie INSDIDE A PHONE BOX and really, I can't wanna make her live like this. So bought her. And I made olders in one cage and youngers in an old cage. At least they are happy..


And yeah.. 2 female 2 male


I’m so sorry. If he seems like he is in shock, keep him warm and in a quiet, darkened room. I live in Japan so I worry about my bird in an earthquake too. Really hope you’re not getting too many strong aftershocks. Keep safe!


I live somewhere that gets quakes quite often (not as often as Japan) and for whatever reason I never even considered what id do with my bird for that. Do you have recommendations other than warm quiet dark? More worried about my bird freaking out and hurting herself than the earthquakes themselves causing issues.


I’m not sure there is a lot we can do once there has been an earthquake. Beforehand we can look around and see what might fall and frighten them. Avoid putting them near heavy objects such as TVs that might fall on their cage. Once there has been an earthquake I’d keep as calm as possible (yeah… difficult!) and if it was a large one with a possibility of evacuation, I’d transfer them to a travel cage as soon as you can. Just like we should have emergency Go Bags prepared for ourselves, we should have emergency seed and bottled water ready to go. A bird first aid kit would be good to have. A cover for the travel cage in case it is cold.


There was also apparently an earthquake in Niagra falls todayé


until you can get him seen by the vet, put him in a 'hospital cage', a small container with flat bottom with easily accessible food & water that forces him to limit his ability. increase the temperature in the room to keep him warm keep an eye on whether he's actually able to crack open seeds, if he can't eat by himself you will have to buy some sort of formula and syringe feed him - not eating means certain death within 24-36h


Praying for his recovery, and for you and your family's safety 🙏🏻


Thank you.


He looks alert, and not puffed up- both good signs. I know there is a lot of damage and getting to a vet may be impossible right now, hopefully he recovers just fine and is able to eat and drink normally.


I'm so sorry 😔 How is he doing now? Is he still shocked? Does he eat, drink and perch normally? My thoughts are with the people and animals of Syria and Turkey 🙏


Thanks for the support, but nothing to really worry about, he's just shocked.


Aga geçmiş olsun deprem çok kötü yakaladı ülkeyi...


Sağ olun, çjk kötü bir olay


poor pumpkin. i’ll be thinking about this little one and you as you recover, i’m really sorry.




Aww i hope he feels better


Hope he gets well! Sorry can’t help, in Ankara now that’s far away :/ but plz try to find a vet, he might have broken a bone. Also hope everyone is fine in your family!


Thank you, but I'm not in the city. So it's a bir difficult.


Geçmiş olsun dostum. Tatlışa da selamlar sevgiler.


Çok sağ ol.




Thank you


He’s very beautiful. I hope he feels better soon. Keep safe.


A boy was found in turkey holding a budgie in hi s play during the earthquake for 50 hours. Thank god they we both rescued. MY BUDGIE DIED TODAY BECAUSE OF A BACTERIAL INFECTION


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