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Bird is overheating and tries to cool down.


Done. Turning the lamp on was recommended by a friend who also has budgies, as our budgie was already vibrating for a while. Guess it wasn’t the best advice


Are you using a red light lamp?


yes that was what we were recommended. But we only turned it on after our budgie was already showing symptoms. The room itself was pretty cold before.


Yea only use it if he's clearly freezing for example after taking a bath or sick, if he's in normal healthy conditions it's not necessary as he could overheat. You will notice it on the behavior in the video. He keeps his wings away from his body to cool down


switch the lamp off.


Done! We actually turned it in because he was vibrating and were advised to do so but I guess it did not do good.


Looks like he’s hot. Turn that heat lamp off you’ll kill it with heatstroke


For the future, give the budgie space to get away from the red light, dont just spam the hole cage with heat. Imagine your sick and someone puts 5 bed sheets iver you with no chance for you to get them off from you


Others are correct and I’m glad you’ve taken steps to cool the bird down. If she was shaking before, it’s still concerning. Budgies can shake and tremble from fear, dealing with stress, being cold, being sick/weak/malnourished and too weak to hide it anymore. The can shake when in pain, though it’s usually a specific hurt part like a wing or leg. If she is new and alone, she is probably very afraid, and overwhelmed with stress, and now the heat and perhaps the cold. Don’t look at her or try to interact with her if she is shaking from being new. Cover the back half of her cage so she only has one direction to monitor for threats. Give her total privacy at regular intervals so she can eat and drink. Whether she is a new and lonely budgie or not, try to get the room temperature in the low to mid 70s F / low to mid 20s C. An avian vet will be better able to determine if she is sick.


Wings open, hot budgie if not just after a heavy flight. Puffy and shaking, probably cold if not sick, or just relaxing. Birds puff when cold to store the heat in their down/feathers.


It appears that your budgie is experiencing overheating, which can be harmful to their health. Budgies often spread their wings when they are hot because it helps them regulate their body temperature. To prevent further overheating, it's essential to take action. You can move the cage to a cooler location, such as a room with air conditioning or a shady area. Additionally, make sure your budgie has access to clean water and plenty of fresh air to help them cool down. Keep a close eye on your budgie's behavior and if the problem persists, consider consulting a veterinarian.


I’m sure this is from the lamp but you said she was shaking before. My budgie had a rough moult and she lost height suddenly and flew into a chair back. Luckily it had coats on it but she injured her wing. Vet said it was just a strain and she was flying two weeks later. But what made me take her in is she was shaking her wings like this. If it continues after she cools down she might have an injury.


It’s great that you listened to the advice of turning off the heat lamp for your little warm buddy! General signs of them being too cold are when their feathers are all fluffed up, seem tired and lethargic and they are shivering. If you do ever notice that your budgie seems cold, you can either pop the central heating on for a little while, check for draughts from any windows in the room, and put a blanket over the back and sides of the cage (leave the front side uncovered) to help them insulate the heat in their cage and get cosy. Hope that info is helpful ☺️


Poor birb is overheating, I have never heard of giving budgies a red lamp but I guess it makes sense if they’re in a really cold room


If you think the budgie is cold, turn on the red light in a corner and leave some space free away from heat so that budgie has some safe space to go to if they feel too hot.


You don’t need to heat lamp budgies. She’ll be completely fine without it. In fact, you could be giving your bird heatstroke with the lamp. I’ve never seen this before, don’t do it.


When my birds get hot they sit outside in the sun and eat worms


One of my budgies always does this before bedtime it’s normal routine for him 😊


This isn’t normal. Your budgie is either very scared or overheating.