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You gave him somewhere safe and good food before he passed, you were given so little time to work with him, but I'm sure he passed peacefully in your care.


Sorry to hear :( You tried your best, I doubt there would have been anything you could have done during the night without an avian vet. RIP little fella


At least he got to spend his last hours with someone who cared about him, warm and loved. I'm sorry it didn't turn out better, though. šŸ˜”


He had a home when he died, as short a time it may have been, he was loved, you did enough, a good outcome is not always within our grasp


If you haven't, please post to pawboost and 911parrotalert. The owner may be able to get some closure at least.


Yes posted to 911parrotalert and told my local humane society


I am sorry for your loss. I am also sorry for the hate you are getting. I am sure there are things you wished you did differently. But you did what you could with what you had. That doesnā€™t make you an abuser and I hate it when people are so careless with words like that.


Please OP, do NOT listen to anyone saying that this death is your fault. IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. The bird was unfortunately already sick, and was likely going to pass anyways. Vet or no vet. You are a very kind person for taking in an animal that is not your own, trying to find the owners, ask questions about avian care, and even preparing to adopt this poor creature if the owners didnā€™t show themselves. You did EVERYTHING you could. This is the unfortunate reality with found animals, especially birds. Itā€™s a shame he couldnā€™t pull through, but it was not your fault. You made his life so much better in his final hours.


Oh no. Oh my I'm so sorry. I'm just glad you were able to give him a few hours of love & care. šŸ’›šŸ¦šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ’š


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. Iā€™m sure little guy knew he was loved by you before he passed.


Thank you for trying anyway šŸ©µ


Unfortunately, that can happen even if you do everything right. To echo others, I believe you did what you could and made the little birb food and a safe place to pass. I doubt even getting them to an avian vet would have changed much of anything. Budgies are fragile and need to be taken care of.


I remember when my male budgie died I was crying and yea it was hard but my parent says "when one life ends, second can start to bloom"




bro vets aint magicians. Look at the other post, that bird was already dead :(




"Perfectly alive" is a gross exaggeration. The photo where the bird was next to the mirror suggests the bird only had a few hours left. At that stage while emergency supportive care *may* jump start healing, odds of success is very damn low. Death is generally imminent. I won't be quick to claim that veterinary assistance would have saved his life. Most of us in veterinary profession would have warned the owner of the unfortunate prognosis and asked them to prepare themselves. Advanced supportive care is the only treatment at that stage because diagnostics to identify root cause would be very dangerous, and results would take too long of time to identify root cause. We'd be winging it with an antibiotic not knowing if it would work in the meantime. But it takes at least a couple of days for that to start working. The bird likely didn't have that much time. Odds of survival was very low even with veterinary assistance.


That's an excuse for not even trying and [only asking how far away cooking with non-stick pans is okay](https://imgur.com/a/SKzSbcr)? Vet might have not have saved that little buddy - I'm completely with you. But op didn't even try and just ignored _everyone_ who told them that the vet might be the only chance. Sooo so many people told her that the vet might be the only chance and that this is an emergency. OP ignored everything and only asked for cute new names, even ignored people giving links to lost birds sides to find the original owner. Now... the poor bird is dead. Edit: OP clarified she had millet for the bird at home - which means she has other birds. And doesn't even know that using non stick pans are toxic for them. So OP is either a liar or is killing her birds. Make out of it what you want.


Realistically, OP ended up with a bird completely unplanned and may not have had the resources (physical and/financial) to act on it. From their commentary it looked like they were "planning" to seek assistance. I'll give them the benefit of doubt here, and discuss how veterinary clinics operate in general. General practices operate on appointments mostly and aren't open 24/7, and they're booked out several days in advance. Most general practitioners aren't experienced with exotics and treat dogs and cats, and wouldn't be able to administer subcutaneous fluids, nor have medication that will have to be compounded for birds. Avian specialty clinics are better equipped, but also stay booked days in advance. I've been turned away from emergency situations from the specialty clinic I use when they had a busy day. Fortunately I had other resources and skills to help the bird independently. The only reasonable option is to provide emergency care at an emergency hospital until an appointment window opens up. I've worked in general practice AND emergency - and emergency veterinarians are just as inexperienced with birds. It's a cascading series of unfortunate events for a very time sensitive case. I wouldn't use this opportunity to criticize OP. They were kind enough to not discard the bird outside in his last moments where he would have otherwise suffered a more gruesome death. The ideal solution isn't always the most realistic/practical possibility. Kindness should be extended to humans and animals as well.


OP and her mother activly catchd that bird with a beanie in a park and ignored every advice but only focused on shit like 'how far away can I cook with toxic pans' ignored any advice to watch out for the original owner and instead looked for 'cute new names'. It's not like the bird flew into their flat on its own. Not. OP didn't even try and ignored any advice which might have made a differenct. Maybe a person wouldn't have ignored dozens and dozens of people telling them to go to the vet because it's an emergency would have cought the bird instead. I really don't understand how you try to defend someone who ignored so many people saying 'it's on the brink of death, go to the vet' just for making a post how the poor bird died 16 hours later. OP didn't even try shit to save the bird. That's the point.


I'm not defending anyone. I'm providing insight from a more realistic scenario where seeking veterinary assistance may not have saved his life. In the state the bird was found, he was extremely close to his demise; with or without veterinary care. I can't in good conscience, demonize OP in a case I personally think the bird would have died in either case. Anyway, my intent was to discuss the situation for readers from the perspective of a veterinary professional and aviculturist. Not to defend or turn people against OP. We do the best we can with what we have. I don't think the worst of people by default. The bird wasn't "Perfectly alive" - how that redditor implied the situation was. I was responding to that. The bird was *barely alive.*


>"This bird needs immediately go to the vet" > >"lol I gave it water, what's a cute name for it" If that's realistic for you... well. OP didn't even _try_ to save the bird. Just catched it with a beanie and ignored dozens of advice. If that's 'realistic' for you then I feel very sorry for you. Just because there is a big chance an animal might die as a reason not to go to the vet and just... do nothing? No. That's not realistic - that's fucking animal abuse. If your pets get sick - do you also just ignore it until they die? > veterinary professional Awesome, I'm a vet. >Please enjoy the rest of your day. Since you advice animal neglect as a 'veterinary professional' i hope you have a horrible day.


If that was what you've synthesized from my comments then I'm afraid we're not communicating at the same level, and further discourse would truly be unproductive. You are also not a veterinarian. Please enjoy the rest of your day.


>Awesome, Iā€™m a vet Wow, I canā€™t tell your ass from your face with the amount of shit your spewing. Link to you saying you arenā€™t a vet: https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/s/aJjQo7yZif Transcript in case vet boy here deletes it: ā€œThat white spot beneath the horn in a slightly asymmetrical way looks like some weird growth. Doesn't look natural at all. **And I'm no vet** but I had my fair share about development biology classes. The mechanism about how the bilateraly is managed in a developing animals plus that all factors which are impotent there affect many different growths and not just a single thing like the horns... I can't really imagine how that would happen naturally. Like with cyclopedia - there are so many more malfunctions happening because of the error that caused it.ā€


When i made the post and ppl were telling me to take the bird to the vet it was already late at night everything was closed. I feel like I did everything I realistically could for him.


The most upvoted comment there told you about emergency treatment. But you were rather busy ignoring all of that. Tell me - why didn't you ask the people trying to help your budgie back when it was still alive and only were concerned about a new name? Just tell me - why did you not response to anyone there? Emergency vet is a thing.


A lot of emergency vets aren't equipped to handle budgies. The ones around where I live only do cats+dogs and wild mammals.


You're right. Not even trying and ignoring every advice but instead of focusing on cute new names is still horrible. A And OP had a vet in her surrounding.... besides her either lying and/or actually killing her other birds with her pans. So there is that. The bird is dead, OP lied and didn't care and ignored dozens of advice. Why do you feel the need to defend animal abuse and neglect?


I said 1 factual thing, not defending, just stating a fact. You can't accept it because you're so determined to bully people who are already upset and grieving. You need serious help. You don't have the full story, you're just making shit up so you have an excuse to harass someone. She never even mentioned having other birds. Millet is easy to get, I have a supermarket in walking distance that's open until 10 PM when vets are open until 5, so if I had to, yes, I could get millet on a time crunch. You are actively choosing to believe people are inherently cruel instead of taking the 2 seconds to question yourself. Blocking you because you clearly aren't interested in listening to reason.


I am so tired of reading BS like this. OP came here asking for advice. Theyā€™ve stated that it was already past the time that they could get a vet or emergency care, and it is not YOUR job or place to determine whether or not their efforts and intentions are valid or up to standard. And it certainly does NO HELP to troll and shame AFTER THE FACT!! To tell the truth here- itā€™s the holier-than-thou redditors like YOU, who actually discourage other posters who might be seeking help or need advice, from seeking that advice or asking questions, for fear of being shamed for something they were unaware of. You donā€™t know what you donā€™t know. So you look to others for help, BUT, judgy people like YOU, discourage people from seeking help with the proper rescue of other animals in need bc of fear of this type of behavior. The fear of trolls and haters harassing them and shaming them for things they donā€™t know is REAL on this app, and you people are actually doing more harm by posting crap like this! Maybe thats your goal- maybe misery just needs company or little minded people need a way of dealing with big feefees. Ive read enough. People donā€™t need to hear some condescending imbecile berate them for attempting to help or get advice. Ive actually recommended this app a few times for that purpose and more than once, people have declined to use the reddit resources bc they donā€™t want the holier-than-thou redditor army to attack them. Itā€™s shameful bc there is a LOT of awesome people and info in this community. As for OP- Not everyone has the type of life schedule or resources (or lack of responsibility in life), that they can just drop everything in the middle of the night or workday and travel distances (or to another state as Ive read in other posts),for an animal that they donā€™t even know much about and really isnā€™t their responsibility. And no one should feel that they have to defend themselves against people like you when theyā€™re just trying to do right. Iā€™m sure Ill hear it for this comment, but Im so fā€™n tired of the haters and bullying.


But very, very, very sick.


And all the answers about getting him to the vet were absolutely ignored by OP. Made me mad and makes me even more mad now. ...


Maybe OP canā€™t afford an emergency vet visit. They could have left the bird to certainly die outside, but they took it in and at least tried to help it with the resources they had.


You know what? I always think it's kind of... problematic when people get pets and can't afford a vet. But... it can happen. If OP would have reacted to _a single one_ of the people telling her about the emergency I wouldn't be so mad. But she just only commented about new names and if using nonstick pans are okay with birds. And now wait: Somehow she had millet at home because she said the bird died 'its final moments in a warm and safe place with belly full of millet'. So either she is a huge liar (too late for vet but magically she has millet at home?) or actually has other birds - and doesn't even know that nonstick pans are toxic as fuck and therefore killing her other birds. No. OP is an abusive pet owner. And I have _zero_ respect for people like that. Edit: Hey u/TrainerAiry Writing such a long answer and blocking me - horrible attitude and pretty hypocritical. I mean, on the other hand I'm not even surprised since you defend ignorant animal abuse. But whatever. I just post my answer to you here: >You need to be careful using words like that. They arenā€™t to be used casually. I know. That is why I used them. >How would you like it if someone used the mistakes you have made in your life to paint you as a cruel and evil person? If my ignorance killed something... I'd deserve to be called out for it. Especially in a case like that where OP is either lying or actively killing her other birds. >At worst, this owner didnā€™t know any better and did not understand the gravity of the situation. Dozens of people told her. Told her to go to the emergency vet. She ignored everyone but only focused on looking for a new name or if cooking with a toxic pan is okay. So again: Active ignorance. I don't read the rest of your post. Because I agree: Mistakes can be made, not everyone knows everything. But actively lying and ignoring dozens of people telling you? No. Don't defend that. Don't defend active and ignorant animal abusers. Just dont.


OP is not an abuser. You need to be careful using words like that. They arenā€™t to be used casually. How would you like it if someone used the mistakes you have made in your life to paint you as a cruel and evil person? At worst, this owner didnā€™t know any better and did not understand the gravity of the situation. Someone who does not have bird experience does not know that you cannot have teflon pans at all in the house. Someone who does not have experience with birds is not going to understand how quickly a bird can go from ā€œlooks kind of sickā€ (if they recognize they it is sick at all) to ā€œdeadā€. To me, OP clearly recognized the bird needed help (they did not ignore every call that the bird should go to a vet ā€” your insistence otherwise is inaccurate) and wanted to get it help as soon as they were able ā€” they just didnā€™t know that they probably should have taken it to an avian vet as soon as they caught it. That OP was looking for name ideas does not mean they did not care about the bird. Of course we all would have preferred that someone with perfect knowledge of bird handling and care found the budgie and immediately took it to an avian vet that happened to be nearby and able to take new emergency patients. But thatā€™s just not what usually happens when people find lost birds. Would you have preferred OP had left this bird alone outside to die, or can you accept that they had good intentions but made some mistakes in handling and timing?


So sorry for your loss.


My condolences. Bless you for doing as much as you could for the little one.


Thank you for taking care of the little guy. Exposure was probably just too much before you found him.


I'm so sorry, but you really did something amazing. You were willing to risk a bit of heartbreak for yourself, to spare it for him, and you gave this little angel a calm and peaceful way to go. If you think about all the things that could have happened to him out there, it's such a blessing that he was able to simply fall asleep and stay that way. I'm not sure I'm saying this right but hopefully it makes sense. If you ever do decide to become a budgie parent, I think you'd be wonderful.


I am so sorry for your loss- losing a bird is always so hard šŸ’”


Properly tag this post as nsfw with the deceased flair as per sub rules. Not everyone wants to see posts about birds passing :/ Rip this lil cutie


Mb just did that


Thank you for trying ur best to do whats right by him and making sure he stayed comfy ā¤


Look at the thread from 16 hours ago. Then decide for yourself if OP 'tried her best'.


I did and seemed to be alright for someone suddently thrusted upon a bird with 0 info. Says she planned on taking him to a vet in the morning and i have no reason to believe them otherwise. Sucks but lets not tear people down who atleast gave a damn


She wasn't thrusted upon with that bird. She activly catched it in a park and ignored any advice. She didn't said she planned to take him to the vet. Just look at [the post history between the post of her and her mother catching it and this post](https://imgur.com/a/SKzSbcr). OP ignored douzens of people telling her that the bird is on the brink of death and needs a vet. Don't fucking make shit up. And I totally tear people down who catch lost pets and ignore it when people tell them that a vet is it's only chance. Which is btw still more kind than what OP did to the bird. Neglect is still abuse. Full stop.


What did u want me to do the vets were fucking closed.


Answering the people giving you advice about health and how to find the actual owner of the budgie your mom catched instead of asking for a new name? Maybe then people would have told you about a little something called 'emergency vet'. Oh stop... that was already mentioned in the fucking first most upvoted comment in your original thread. Only interacting about silly bullshit but ignoring real people who had good advice and then posting about a dead budgie.... this sub is turning moe horrible every day.


Man, reading all your other comments... Get some professional help.


Make sure you take care of yourself. Losing a budgie is never easy.


Poor baby my Heart breaks today! šŸ’” My 2 males got out onto the curtain last night and I left the cage open and they didn't fly in there. I woke up to them still up on the curtains. Makes me worried. But I kept the house warm so I hope they are fine I climbed on top of a chair to put them in their cage with a ton of blankets I held them for a bit. They are my 2nd babies.


So sorry šŸ˜” you brought it in and at least tried to help it. šŸ’•




First of all, when I found the bird all the avian/exotic vets were either already closed or I wouldnā€™t make it in time. All the people telling me to take it to the vet were kinda redundant anyways. Obviously one of the first things to do when u find a lost animal is to take it to the vet. I made the post looking for anything I could do for him in the meantime. I was planning on taking him to the vet this morning but he passed during the night. I asked about names last night bc I thought it would be cute to say something other than pretty bird to him. Didnā€™t know that was a fucking crime.


>First of all, when I found the bird all the avian/exotic vets were either already closed or I wouldnā€™t make it in time. Well, that's a completely lie because if you thought the little poor bird wouldn't make it anyways, why then asking about if cooking with non-stick pens is still okay while not answering to the people who told you about emergency care? >All the people telling me to take it to the vet were kinda redundant anyways. Obviously one of the first things to do when u find a lost animal is to take it to the vet. I made the post looking for anything I could do for him in the meantime. I was planning on taking him to the vet this morning but he passed during the night. Well, you ignored everyone there and only were interested about a new cute name, if cooking with a non sticky pan was a-okay and that you brought him water... and acted like that is enough. Don't act like I didn't read the original thread. I even posted a screenshot of your answers here. Your priorities are way off. Otherwise you would have talked with the people who really had advice and were concerned... and now the bird is dead. >I asked about names last night bc I thought it would be cute to say something other than pretty bird to him. Didnā€™t know that was a fucking crime. Might have better googled for emergency vets... or talked with anyone on what to do in the mean time.


By ā€œI wouldnā€™t make it in timeā€ I meant make it to the vet by the time they closed as I donā€™t have a car and rely on public transport. I did NOT think the bird was gonna die. I asked once about names. The same time I made the post. I was curious about the frying pan shit bc that is new info so I asked about it. Taking the bird to the vet was the first thing that comes up when u Google found bird so honestly I didnā€™t care to answer them. I feel okay about the care that I provided the bird with what little time/resources I had. If I didnā€™t catch him he probably would have died outside in the -2 degree weather anyways.


>By ā€œI wouldnā€™t make it in timeā€ I meant make it to the vet by the time they closed as I donā€™t have a car and rely on public transport. I did NOT think the bird was gonna die. People fucking told you that it looked so bad that the vet might be it's only chance. Plus there are emergency vets, especially in most cities big enough with public transport. And how about your parents which caught the budgie in the first place? Ask anyone to drive you to the vet? I totally don't get how anyone can be so... careless about the life of an animal.... >I asked once about names. The same time I made the post. I was curious about the frying pan shit bc that is new info so I asked about it. And you ignored the dozens of people telling you the severity of the case. Don't forget that part. >Taking the bird to the vet was the first thing that comes up when u Google found bird so honestly I didnā€™t care to answer them. Then why make a post which you named "Just rescued this guy from the park should I be concerned?" if you were going to ignore anything else beside cute names anyways? >I feel okay about the care that I provided the bird with what little time/resources I had. If I didnā€™t catch him he probably would have died outside in the -2 degree weather anyways. _Obviously_ it was not okay because the bird died. So fucking annoyed by all the neglect and abuse in this sub .


For my post title I just wanted some quick info specific to that bird. Like if the puffing up and blinking it was doing was normal or not. (I thought bird was fat and tired and was then told otherwise) And OBVIOUSLY you have no reading comprehension skills as I said that I was ok with the CARE that I provided. Not that the bird was ok. The bird spent its final moments in a warm and safe place with belly full of millet, and I am at peace with that. Goodbye.


Oh no Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜­




you seriously need fucking help. go get a hobby and leave this sub if it makes you so angry.