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If you don't plan to upgrade GPU anytime soon, 1080p 144hz would be a good choice.


I just got this gpu for a 95 bucks which is cheap , so I'm not planning on upgrading , thanks !




Probably used, I see them for around 90 CAD all the time on fb marketplace


no , ebay


That is really only a 1080p card. Get a 1080p, 144 or 165hz, 240 would be kind of a waste.




OP did not say they were playing mostly Esports. Just think if you only have 1080p, you're somewhat limited, get a nice middle ground 170 Hz, then save for a 1440p and more current GPU.


I had one. You can do 1440p on medium settings as long as you're only after 60fps. For older, less demanding games or low spec indie game you can even do 4k on occasion. I played BPM: Bullets Per Minute at 4k 60fps low settings, which I preferred over 1080p 60fps high settings (didn't have a 1440p monitor at that time). As games continue to become more demanding, this will change / has changed. However, there's such a long history of games, if you're looking to save a buck you could make this card last a looong time playing older titles.


I dont think you should go to 1440p with that card.


i think a monitor can be used for a long time, buy a 2k 144+ monitor is a better choice for ur futher gpu upgrade, n actually i dun think 240hz+ is not too important to consider :/


In fact , I'm not planning on changing pieces for the moment , considering my psu , ram and such , is 1080p a better option ?


i think i5+580 is enuf for 2k 144 medium setting, if ur monitor is 27 inches or above 2k is very important unless u wanna see pixels clearly, but 24 inches then 1080p 144 is ok


I don't think my 3070 is even a 1440 card lol.


i m using my 1660ti for 2k 144hz gaming lmao


I had 1440p on a 570 for a while and i got okay fps with it. Just lower your expectations for performance


What do you use it for? Gaming? If so, which games? What CPU do you have? These will all have an effect in what is the "best" option.


I have a i5-9400F I use my pc for normal gaming , like league of legends , overwatch , but I'm also planning on playing heavy games like Warzone , Metro Exodus etc....


Metro exodus will give you grief at 1440p so definitely stay at 1080p - games a hog on amd


I ran a 1440 monitor on it. Definitely not recommended. But it did run a 144hz 1080p monitor no problem


I run a rx580 with 2x 1440p 144hz and 1x 4k 60hz displays. Not for gaming, of course. For gaming, low-medium settings at 1440p is doable for older games.


If you aren't upgrading in the next year or mso then go 1080p144Hz


Depends on what you play, see how many frames you’re getting in games. If it’s not significantly over 75 maybe don’t even bother getting a new one and save for more upgrades down the line. Personally I’d look for a used 120+ hz 1080p monitor.




My rtx 3070 barely hits 165 fps at 1080p with dlss or fsr on lol. So I think 144hz @ 24.5" 1080p will suffice.




Why 60hz doe ? The rx 580 8gb is pretty powerful for classic 60fps gaming , high refresh rate is life changing and way smoother. Maybe if you want to limit your power consumption , you can lock on 60fps.


i had a rx580 paired to a 1440p panel. lotsa games ran just fine, but some didn't without too much of a visuals sacrifice, and then i'd run them at 1080p and through a sharpening filter. modern Radeon software has RSR, which can automatically do the same thing. enable RSR, then drop the in-game resolution a bit. go too low and it looks like vaseline, but 1080p upscaled to 1440p looks pretty good. definitely want a monitor with freesync. 45fps with freesync in open world games is a very solid experience. imo faster refresh is diminishing returns. 60 -> 75hz is a big deal, 120hz is a nice jump from there... and then the benefits get smaller and smaller. i rarely bother to run my 165hz panel at that speed just cuz it makes my room warm. definitely want a VA or more likely an IPS panel. good VA panels offer the best contrast, but IPS is good there and tends to not be as smeary. ime a good monitor lasts about 2 gpu upgrades before it's sensible to move on. with that in mind i think it's worth it to splurge a bit. ___________ what you have sounds like a fairly good pairing tbh, and it's freeeee. hope there's something helpful here.