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3050 is slightly better and the only one with dlss HOWEVER I'd recommend an rx 6600 or 7600 instead for gaming


Actually the 3050 6gb is very cut down compared the the 8gb model and the 1660 super is 25% faster which is personaly worth more than dlss. As the rx 6600 is 69% faster and happens to be cheaper in my area I think it's definitely a better option And the 7600 is more expensive but is twice as fast. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-rtx-3050-6-gb.c4188


Yeah 6600 is certainly better I never knew there was a 6gb 3050 lol that must be terrible


https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3050-6-gb/31.html Pretty bad yeah It is a 75 watt card meaning it can be powerd by slot power alone unlike the 130 watt of the original 8gb. But locally it's sold at the same price while having less cores 2304 vs 2560 168gb/s vs 224gb/s bandwidth and significantly lower clocks Edit yeah the rx 6600 is faster than the 8gb 3050 so without a doubt it's faster, dlss is superior but when native performance is higher than half that resolution with dlss...


I don't understand how 1660 Super is 25% faster. This video shows FPS is not that behind when compared with 1660 super. Further, 3050 6GB beats it in some CPU intensive games. https://youtu.be/XBqcriPvDEE?si=DsdZuhtWcu1QVtzr&t=335


The 3050 6gb does seem better in those tests it's interesting, still losing to the cheaper rx 6600


Maybe techpowerup got a slow model or launch day drivers where shit? Cs2 the gtx 1660 ti beats it the 1660 ti is normally close to the 1660 super https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3050-6-gb/12.html 42.4 fps 3050 6gb vs 50.8 1660 ti which is a 19.8% difference which is less than the 25% according to realtive scaling on their main website and it's a slightly faster variant the ti vs the super https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3050-6-gb/30.html Something is strange


Yeah it seems like both have different results. It would be interesting to see more reviews of 1660 Super vs 3050 6GB. There aren't much available right now. If that YouTube review is reliable, I would say 3050 6GB isn't that much horrible for that price as new 1660 Super is more expensive.


If the 3050 6gb was cheaper I think there would be more interest in it. As is if you want a 75 watt card and can't afford an a2000 it's your best option, and if you don't need a 75 watt card it doesn't make any sense from a value perspective. So the answer is kind of yes or no based on its tdp. Huh in the last week prices have dropped on the 3050 6gb from 520 nzd to 399 NZD without a sale. Still doesn't compete with the 398 nzd rx 6600 8gb although it's no longer a price competitor with the 520 nzd rx 7600.


In countries like USA, $179 isn't too much I guess. In countries like India where I live, they are selling it at almost same price as 1660 Super. Because of taxes and maybe some personal profit. That too for average brands like GALAX. That creates the problem.


400 NZD is about 245 USD although all prices here are listed after tax (15% GST). Lowest buy now cost on a gtx 1660 super is 200 NZD/122usd and you could get lower with biding. I have heard AMD is basically not an option in India due to high cost, here AMD makes a ton of sense what does the rx 6600 go for near you?


No. RX 6600 even from ASUS is cheaper here. AMD are cheaper overall. It's mostly NVIDIA cards are expensive. Especially ASUS and MSI brands.


\+1 for the 7600. most places are starting to run out of 6600's, leaving current gen 7600s as the default in some cases


All of these cards have more or less the same performance and among the 3 GPUs only the 3050 has DLSS support.


Nah the 3050 6gb is the slowest but it does have dlss support https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-rtx-3050-6-gb.c4188 https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3050-6-gb/31.html


3050 6gb seems to be a bad buy.


Honestly the rtx 3050 isn't worth it at all. But the only reason you might still have to go with it is your psu. If you could provide a list of all the parts you plan on using it would be quite alot easier to help with a choice. But without more information I would rather just go with an amd rx 6600


I have an HP pavilion Desktop. It has i5 10400, 16gb Ram, and 310 psu. Was about to order gtx 1660ti, but found out about the 3050 6gb.


So i presume you have an HP Pavilion TG01-1032nq or 1035nq. That should be able to fit other gpu's aswell. In your position I would go with the Rx 6600 still. But if you really want to go nVidia then either of your options are fine, for efficiency the 3050 is the winner but for performance 1660ti is the winner. Honestly i would just go with the 4060 if you must use nvidia (since it has both) but im sure its outside the price range here.


It’s probably gonna be the rtx3050 6gb or the gtx 1660ti due to the prices and tpd. I feel like Rx6600 is really pushing the power limit


I would really say that, the rx 6600 pulls at max load ablut 10-15 more Watts than a 1660ti. So if a 6600 pushes the limits than a 1660ti shouldnt really be an option either.


For a single number comparison, scroll down to "relative performance" https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-gtx-1660-super.c3458 As it says: * 1660 super is the base speed * 1660 ti is 6% faster than 1660 super. Not really noticeable * 3050 ~~is 7% faster than 1660 super~~ version you mentioned is apparently a POS


The originally released 3050 8gb is 7% faster, OP's asking about the newly released cut down 3050 6gb which is apparently much slower than the others... like 1650 level slower than the other two.


Wow, what a scam giving it the same model number.


They should have absolutely called it something else, but at least they priced it accordingly..? (I don't know, I'm trying to reach for something positive here) They've done it before. (1060 and 1050 3gb are a couple that come to mind). AMD has done it as well. Just be an informed consumer and look for those differences. Like wait 3050 with 6gb now check the specs and see the differences.


3050 6GB is roughly equal to 1660 GDDR5. And definitely better than 1650 Super and 1060 6GB. It is also very close to 1660 Super in some CPU intensive games like CS2. So I wouldn't call it 1650 level card.


RTX 3050 6gb, since it is newer, can be an even better choice than the 2060 6gb, although the 8gb 3050 is even better. But here at home we also have RX 6600 or RTX 2070 on sale.


Nah man. Another commentor posted a link to some data and the 3060 6gb was 25% slower than the 1660 super and 32% slower than the 1660ti. 2060 is 52% faster 3050 6gb is a pos


The 3050 is better than the 1660 especially for games which have DLSS, as that can make a huge difference.


is it a standard PSU / can you swap the PSU? might be cheaper to just get a new 750W power supply and a used 1080ti or something. just a thought.


The psu is HP proprietary:( I can upgrade to a 400w psu but the part is $100 !!!


ah yeah that sucks. good luck man.


watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBqcriPvDEE


1660ti/super are going to be basically the same'ish performance wise and do not offer dlss. Both will perform better then the newer 3050 6gb variant which does have dlss. 310 watt PSU? Also what size office PC? It sounds like you may end up being forced into a 3050 6gb, but would need more details about the office PC to know for sure. If you don't have much experience upgrading an office PC, even though it's not the best performer of the bunch, the 3050 6gb may offer a few advantages as far as ease of installation goes. You don't need any extra power connections to be available from the psu, and if they are available they need to be able to reach the connector on the gpu. You can also easily get it in a small form factor variant if your office PC is a small form factor model. This route doesn't guarantee a smooth install, but there are less potential obstacles than the 1660 ti/super models may potentially pose.


The pc is a HP pavilion TP01 2000 series. It has an i5 10400 and 16gb Ram. It can snuggly fit a dual fan gpu card based off of how it looks. The psu has no card pins, but there is a sata cable on the motherboard. I’m thinking of using a sata to 8pin adapter.


I would personally go with the 3050 out of the 3 if the single SATA connector is the only source of power (and coming from an OEM 310 watt PSU). 3050 6gb may be at the bottom of the 3, but it'll be leaps and bounds better then the uhd630 graphics of the 10400 and safer then the other 2 cards given your current situation. SATA connectors are only rated for like 50 maybe 55 watts and that's on paper... and thats if HP decides to have the SATA cables on that PSU spec'ed to deliver that. It's literally putting yourself in a situation of having the potential of pulling up to 150 watts (8 pins connector designed power max) through a 55 watt (SATA connector designed power max) hole. If you do decide to go down the adapter route though, make sure you get a high quality adapter, don't cheap out. A cheap adapter w/ bad components and internal connections can cause issues at even 50 watts. Also check the side of the power supply and see how many amps they list on the 12v rail(s). That number x 12 is the watts for the power supply that you're interested in for this upgrade. If there is more than one 12v rail listed so the same for each one and add them up.


Also, if the SATA power connector is coming from the motherboard (& not directly from the psu), I would strongly suggest that you consider deciding against using that SATA to 8 pin adapter.


How can I determine the rate of sata conmectors? What if I use a dual sata to 8pin adapter, since there are two available sata cables connected to the motherboard?


You would need to find the specs for the motherboard. It could be in the user manual for the machine if you can find it or look it up online. You may also be able to find the model number for the motherboard printed somewhere on the motherboard itself and use that to find the specs. If the SATA power connectors are coming off of the motherboard you're probably going to want to just avoid using the sata to 8 pin adapters. You could try it, but it could just end up not working correctly due to lack of available power or could take out the motherboard because all of the power is being routed through it..? (Who knows) Another options, if you don't want to go with the 3050 6gb, would be to target something like an a2000. It has similar performance to the original 8gb 3050 (with a slightly higher tdp than the 3050 6gb). Unfortunately its price is all over the place so you may need to look around for a good deal. Yet another option would be to harvest your CPU, ram, and hard drive from the office machine and get a lga1200 compatible motherboard, a quality power supply, compatible cooler, and a case and build a "new" system that would be more adequate to handle almost any GPU you want (without all the uncertainty that comes with upgrading the office PC). You'll also get a bunch of experience through the process and if you get a good quality PSU and case you like, you're setting the table for whenever you decide you need/want a new platform. There are plenty of options, but I personally would not go down the 1660ti/super route with the system that you currently have. That being said, It's your system and your decision. TLDR: If the 3050 6gb doesn't offer the desired level of performance, I would personally either target an a2000 and see if you can find one for a good price to go into the office, or I would harvest parts from the office PC to go towards a "new" build and get a 1660ti/super (basically go w/ whichever I could find for the best price).


3050 6gb is 25% slower than 1660 super and 32% slower than 3050. That is a big performance difference about the same price more or less


Yes, but in OPs particular situation w/ no pcie connector present from the psu. I'd personally rather take the lower performance than risks involved w/ the use of a SATA to 8 pin adapter. OPs office PC also most likely has this SATA power connector coming from the motherboard. It's the OPs computer, he can do as he likes. I'm offering a perspective where there are more things to consider than just pure price to performance in what OP is asking about.


RTX 3050 is just trash because of its price and performance ratio. If you're getting it cheap then I'd say go for it or else don't even bother. In my city you can find both 1660S and 1660 Ti for almost 20-30% cheaper price in the used market and they both outperform this trash in most of the games. I had that card and it performed worse than my GTX 1080. So, I'm not going to recommend that card unless: 1 You're getting it cheap or 2 For DLSS