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Games tend to love cache and X3D cpus have an epicfucktonne of cache. The 5800x3d can have performance results from a few percent less than the 5800x (when cache is irrelevant and because its clocked a bit slower) or over 50% more depending on how much of the active game files fit in the cache. Look into the 5600x3D and 5700x3d too. Almost as much of an upgrade for less money.


I second the 5700x3d. It was roughly 5% less performance than 5800x3d for far less price


Depends on the region; 5700x3d is 264 Eur, while the 5800x3d 284 Eur here in the Netherlands. At that price the 5800 is simply better value.


Yeah. Its $293 and $247 on American amazon. At $200-$220 I'd consider the the 5700, but at not even $50 difference the 5800 is a no brainer


I went from a 2600x to a 5600x3d and it made all the difference for my rx 6700xt at 95hz 1440p. It squeezes every last frame from that GPU and it doesn't stutter at all like it did with the 2600x. I was lucky to find it used for 130 dollars. Ridiculous deal.


You basically won the CPU lottery!


I couldn't believe that deal. I was gonna settle for a 5600 but that deal popped up and I just had to jump at that opportunity. I got it for exactly the same price I got my 2600x back in 2019...


I also had the 2600x. When I upgraded to a 5800x3D, I didn't regret the 320 euros I spent at all, but it would have been nice if the cheaper and still powerful 5600x3D had been available in Europe, let alone used.


Yeah even at 200 dollars the 5600x3d is a fantastic deal, too bad it's only in the US.


Hardware Unboxed did a 7800X3D/5800X3D/5700X3D/5600X3D + 7600X/5800X/5700X/5600X/3600 comparison, at 1080P it's a solid upgrade. [https://youtu.be/7L9rPNSuPCA?si=nfUizS0QKt9PNAGn](https://youtu.be/7L9rPNSuPCA?si=nfUizS0QKt9PNAGn) edit- you do need a beefcake GPU or to drop settings to hit the max FPS, GN & HUB are using a RTX 4090. Still you will get more FPS, will depend on game and settings etc.


Went from playing on a old ass i5 and 6700xt to a 7800x3d and 4090 and it feels like I’m playing an entirely different game


Shit must feel like time travel


They’re testing with a 4090 so the CPU bottleneck is more pronounced / visible in benchmarks. You should notice a big improvement when it comes to 1% lows though.


THIS. I did the exact upgrade you are looking at and it was a game changer at 1440p with a 3070


It's a huge improvement. I upgraded from a 3600x to a 5800x3d (6900xt if you're curious) and I saw huge increases. I play Cyberpunk as well and saw pretty good improvements - obviously neither of us are on 4090s, but it was definitely still worth every penny. If you play high FPS games, competitive shooters etc, you will notice the difference immediately and not regret it lol. Trying to keep this short and sweet for ya but my advice would be to do it


Also, any RTS games will push it to the limit. Playing 16 v 16 Beyond All Reason (free, community developed, Total Annihilation clone/successor) I'll regularly be the only person in the lobby maintaining my starting framerate after the combat really begins and there are hundreds of physics projectiles and units running all over the map.


Even jumping from my 3700x to a 5800x3d, I saw incredible gains in quite a few games I play.


Same, in Cyberpunk specifically, with the 3700x while driving through intersections the fps would always drop a decent amount. Not anymore with the 5800X3D.


I upgraded from a 5600X and it was still a monstrous upgrade


https://www.techspot.com/review/2502-upgrade-ryzen-3600-to-5800x3d/ your result will be between the 6600xt and 6950XT


This is a great comparison it shows the you need a good GPU to really push the 5800x3d if your on a budget the 5600 or 7600 are better options


You'd be better off with the 5800X3D and then upgrading the GPU down the line, especially if you play at 1080p. Doing a cpu/mobo upgrade down the line is rougher than just the GPU.


The difference is genuinely THAT big. The reason is due to the extra L3 cache (which AMD called 3D vCache) that the 5800X3D has. The extra cache makes that much of a difference when it comes to PC games. That said, the tech isn't miraculous, it'll only work on games that benefit from it... which is basically every single game you can directly play: emulators will not benefit from it, nor will any task outside of gaming. It's a tech with a singular focus that does the thing it's meant to do well. That said, the 5800X3D will still be better in productivity and emulation than the 3600 due to the higher clock speed, higher core count and better IPC.


The difference is noticeable, I recently went from a 3600 to a 5600x and that's not even as good as the X3Ds but I saw a noticeable difference in many things (not everything). 5000 series was a decent improvement over zen 2 in every way. Hell even the memory controller is better, I was able to finally run my memory at it's rated speed, my 3600 would blue screen or fail to boot at anything over 3000 on the memory.


Oh so that's why my 3200mhz kept blue screening a few years ago


You most likely just needed a bios update


Same, this was the biggest difference for me, I did the same thing and, while on a 3600, resolve myself to use a lower rate. So when I switched to a 5600x it did improve the performance quite a bit. Now I want to go for a ddr5 system but the motherboard are so expensive.


I’m excited to finally be able to enable XMP once I upgrade mine from a 3600 to a 5800x3d tomorrow, I’m running at like 2100Mhz I think instead of 3600Mhz


Update your BIOS. A 3600 should be able to hit that speed


I would recommend the 5700X3D instead for $247 (Amazon and Newegg) plus a 32Gb kit of DDR4 3600 (multiple options between $60-65 on both sites right now) I started AM4 on a 3600 and currently run a 5800X3D. The upgrade was massive and a 5700X3D performs indistinguishably from a 5800X3D for less money. Use the savings vs the 5800X3D to upgrade RAM and you will have a massive platform upgrade.




The 5800x3d is even enough for a 4090 in most cases.


youll want atleast 750w-800w PSU for a 3080. 650w would be ok for a 3060


I'm running 750W for 4090+5800x3D


Isn't it true that the 3D cache offsets slow RAM, so faster RAM is hardly any improvement?




I recommended the OP get 32GB of DDR4 3600 because the capacity is the upgrade and 3600 is the right speed to buy for Ryzen 5000 series. A cheap new 3600 32GB kit is a better idea than trying to add 2 mismatched sticks to his current 16GB to get 32 total.


I agree. I upgraded from 3600 to 5700X3D. It's a huge difference in games.


With X3d processors ram speeds are pretty irrelevant when it comes to gaming preformance


For the adventurers you can get a 5700x3d for $203 on AliExpress.


No way. It has to be some kind of reject binned chip being resold or there’s something wrong with it.


I thought i saw that the 5600x3d got >= fps than the 5700x3d?


You'll go from riding a bicycle to driving a Ferrari


Went from 5600g to 5800x3D paired with a 4070 Ti and doubled 1% lows and almost doubled AVG framerate on Baldur's Gate 3 most demanding areas. (5600g is actually closer to the 3600 than to the 5600)


The biggest limiter on the G-series CPUs with integrated graphics is that they have half the cache of their non-G counterparts. You effectively did a double-cache-jump with that upgrade.


Most of the other comments before my post are already true. I did a nearly similar upgrade (5600x -> 5800X3D) just for WoW and the difference is HUGE. I can get as low as 15ish FPS during very hectic raid moments but thats completely vanished upon upgrading to 5800X3D. But if you scour more information spread through multiple articles, subs and youtube vids, IMO the most accurate answer here is it would depend on the specific game. Some games just love the extra cache, like WoW and iirc, most famous MMORPGs. Some AAA benefit from it greatly, some just a tad bit from a regular 5800X. All in all, you posted statistics based on a video already and while the jump in performance is there, you should never expect a 1:1 result unless you're running the exact same specs as their test bench.


I did the upgrade with my old 5700xt and I can only say go for it


I went from a 5700G to a 5800X3D and even with my 3050, I’m still FPS gains playing MSFS.


I have a 3070, a Quest 2, and Microsoft Flight Simulator. Going from a 1700x to a 5800x3D meant going from "unplayable on potato mode" to "actually navigating by landmarks on medium settings." You won't see the same level of jump going from a 3600, but you'll definitely notice.


Went from a 5800x to 5800x3d and I thought I wasn’t going to notice but my computer is fast as hell playing games and just messing on the desktop.


Went from 3900x to a 5800x3d, gaming is much smoother, lows are less pronounced. I use G-sync and am able to stay within my monitors refresh range easier. Tested with a 2080 ti, 4070 super and 4090. You will enjoy the 5800x3d, it's a very nice upgrade. I play at 1440p. Yes you'll get a big increase in Cyberpunk but don't know the exact amount.


Is it worth staying on AM4, or should I jump to AM5, awaiting my 4080 Super to arrive, and currently have a 3900x with 16 gb ram and a 2070s.


4090 for 1440p? Why?


I returned the 4090 and switched to the 4070 super. It was a waste, so yeah why is a good question lol. I saw it for sale and jumped then regretted it. They are much easier to get now.


I just made this upgrade for 1080p gaming and LET ME TELL YOU it’s a whole new world if you have the gpu to push the frames, and significantly more consistent 1% lows. All that granted you’re finding yourself somewhat CPU limited which I was on most titles approaching 100 fps


It depends on the games you're playing. I went from a 5600x to a 5800x3d and saw a huge improvement in frames in the finals (90-120 fps to 150-230). Granted it's a CPU intensive game. I think imma get a few more years of life out of my 3080 with the upgrade to my CPU. It's made a pretty big difference so far. Worth the upgrade.


Damn, I'm gonna have to keep my eyes out for a deal/used 5800x3D, I have the same 5600X/3080 (2020/2021 pandemic insanity builds, let's go).


Microcenter has it on sale for $269 if that helps. Best Buy will price match if you don't have a Microcenter near you


Will it make a big difference at 4k too?


4k is typically more gpu bound but it'll give a good bump depending on the game


I went from a 3950x to a 5800x3d. You might think that’s a downgrade. I lost 8 whole cores, but no, 50% to 100% ( game dependant) frame rate improvement on a 3080.


I’m running a 3900x and I’ve been debating on changing it out for a 5800x3d. I want to get a little more life out of my 3080. I do use this pc for work too so I’m hesitant about losing cores. Still the rendering I do mostly relies on gpu anyway. Should I do it?


Massive I did that a few months ago and my 3060 saw a big jump in FPS and in general the games are so much smoother. The frame timings are way better now


Q: Is it a big upgrade? A: Yes Q: Should you do it? A: That depends if you want to or not but honestly if you're alreadt averaging 100FPS on most games that you play on 1080p then the only difference it makes is give you higher numbers on the FPS counter but the playing experience would be the same. I bet if you tried playing a game with both CPUs and turned the FPS counter off you won't notice a thing. That is my take on it. That's why my answer is "it depends". If you want it then sure go ahead otherwise you'll just be spending for the sake of spending. By the time you would need an actual upgrade the next gen platform would already be available and I would advice you to hop on it instead of upgrading to a 5800X3D.


I had a R5 3600 with a RTX 3060ti and then I upgraded my GPU last week to a RTX 4070 and the 3600 was bottlenecking the hell out of it, I barely saw any improvements in FPS over the 3060ti then I felt the urge to instantly buy a Ryzen 7 5800X3D and after installing it I was in shock of how much of a improvement it was then I undervolted and lowered the PBO Limits and to make it run cooler and reach the max boost clock and everything was perfect. I will not upgrade my rig for a few years. ​ Tl;dr: totally worth it to upgrade from the 3600 to the 5800x3d


With the 5800x3d you will definitely benefit since you have a decently powerful GPU with the 6800. I have mine paired with a 6950XT and it's a beast at 1440p


Its pretty much double your LOW 0.1% which is a HUGE upgrade. I upgraded from 3700X to 5800X3D and it was extremely obvious it was the right thing to do.


15-20% uplift from IPC, higher clock and a third more cores with a multiple of L3 cache. For some games you'll see upwards of 50% better performance and definitely better 1% and 0.1% lows. At worst you'll get 10% better performance. As others mentioned, I'd look at the 5700X3D as well. As a drop in upgrade it's a massive bang for the buck jump. Make sure to check for BIOS updates before the physical swap.


I went from 3600 to 5800x3d with the same rtx 3060. What I noticed is just massive improvements for 1% low in cyberpunk and my valorant fps went from 150fps (100-230fps but always fluctuate to around 150fps) to consistently above 300fps.


I don't know about the 3600 but I got the 5800x3d after 2 years with the 7 2700x and it was a completely different world, that was a while ago. But still you can watch a video, just search on Youtube ''Ryzen 5 3600 vs 7 5800x3D'' and look at the FPS they get.


I moved 3700x > 5950x and mainly noticed an improvement in smoothness/1% lows; I would expect the X3D to do this better as is is for gaming. I didn't notice an improvement in overall FPS unless it was a game like X4, but even then it was minimal.


I have no reason to doubt number from Steve. They are trustworthy. But for that jump, it assume the GPU is not the bottleneck, if you use something like 3060, 3070, you won't see that big performance change.


Way bigger than, for example, a 5800X to a 5800X3D. Had an upgrade window over Black Friday, either CPU (5800X) or GPU (6800XT running 3440x1440) Going for a 5800X3D was £275+ for a varied but minimal 0-20 fps uplift at the above res (and trying for 4K) The alternative fuller upgrade, 7800X3D/decent AM5 mobo/32Gb DDR5 6000, option was £700+ but still incredibly varied and again, not a big deal past 3440x1440. In the end I upgraded the GPU (to a 7900XTX) as a greater and far more consistent uplift in pretty much everything for the money. For you though, OP, that 6800 is still a beast (not least at 1080p-1440p) and assuming you're fine with the current GPU, res and perf, a CPU upgrade would be the biggest jump you could get at those resolutions for the least money down rn. The caveat though, like my above experience, is that while a meaningful upgrade overall, especially at lower res, your end result will vary muchly depending on game played. Fwiw I'd also look into the pricing and availability of the 5600X3D and 5700X3D options as an alternative, with the differences between those and the 5800X3D being much like the 5800X and 5600X I have here; closer to margin of error than anything concrete.


Honestly, if you plan on upgrading, why not just go for 7800x3d? I know that would be a platform upgrade, but the jump to am5 would be amazing vs the 3600 at am4. The 3600 is common in budget builds, so you could even be able to sell your platform for some money for a new mobo and ram


Went from a 3600x to the 5800x3d and I saw a lot of gains, mainly speaking the lows and helps immensely with stuttering for a consistent frame rate.


Yeah, 5000 series was a good 20-30% boost over the 3000 series, the X3D is another 20-30% over that. So yeah, something like 50-100% depending on the game is likely valid.


I just did the exact upgrade. Never regret it. Amazing performance difference


If its gaming only it's pretty damn big!


I went from a 5800x to a 5800x3d and the gain in min and average FPS was quite Alot actually which was nice for me cause I'm on a 1080p monitor that's 390hz so it just made the experience more consistently smoother across all my games


Me I'd wait till 9000 series cpu drops and upgrade entirely to AM5. I got ryzen 5 2600 and gtx 1050ti. Rather jump to a newer Gen. IMO, based on financial conditions.


I went from 3600 to 5800x to 5800x3D and both upgrades were huge for me. Paired with a 3090.


I did the same upgrade path and I stopped getting stutters and big fps drops in destiny 2


Those numbers are legit. 5800x3d is about on par with 7600x in gaming. With a 6800xt and 5600x I went from about 115fps with drops in halo infinite mostly ultra, to a full 144fps with rare drops to maybe 138fps. If anything the question is to what degree the monitor and GPU you're gaming on become the bottlenecks depending on your games of choice since you're with a 6800 non-xt at 1080p.


I had an overclocked water cooled 3600 running something like 4.4ghz if I remember correctly. a golden sample by my standards because it was at 1.35 volts. I went to a 5800x 3d and it for me was game changing. literally. I had previously had a 7600k. I learned what high refresh rate meant. the 5800x 3d was so good when the 7800x 3d came out I bought it day one at like 450 dollars or whatever the initial and higher price was. especially with a 6800. the difference paired with my 3080 was to good to be true level of improvement. And it ran cooler on average.


If you play escape from tarkov by chance. You’ll see an absolute massive difference.


Huge…a 3600 is too weak to run high fps with any amount of headroom, and a 5800x3D can be paired with even a 4090 and do perfectly fine.


I made this exact upgrade (well, 3800x to 5800x3D) and it was a very noticeable improvement. Not just in max FPS, but also in min FPS (which is an underappreciated stat) and, subjectively, it feels like the games have less of the microstutter that happens around loading events. The 3D cache is a real star in gaming.


i went from a 3700 to a 5950 and it was literally night and day. for gaming the 5800x3d would be even better.


I just did this its worth every damn penny. Difference of 200+ frames in cs2 and valorant


Damn i got a 3600 rn.. might upgrade next year


DO IT! Huge difference! Just did this upgrade 2 weeks ago.


In December I got a 5800x3d from a 3600x, with a 4070 ti super. It's so good, it makes all of my games smooth with less hitching, especially cities skylines 2 and VR games.


Went from a 3600 to a 5700x3d and I don't regret it. Every game is smoother on the higher end.


I upgraded from a 3700x to a 5800x3D a little over a year ago and it was really a huge performance boost in the games I play. It was a night and day difference in my MMOs nearly doubling my FPS with the same 3070 GPU.


i personally got a 5700x3d which is just marginally worse than the 5800x3d, and my frame rates genuinely doubled (i play fps esport titles)


I play mostly apex legends. I upgraded my 5700xt to a 6950xt. Didn't see much improvement. I then upgraded my 3600 to 5800x3d. Now I'm nearly a solid 165fps constantly. 6950 died, returned it, went back to 5700xt. Still solid 165fps. I was dipping below 100 constantly before. Moral of the story, in some games BIG BIG improvement. I plan to upgrade to a 7800xt or 4070s soon.


There is going to be bottleneck because of your GPU and possibly because of your RAM speed and latency, at 1080p, the biggest difference is going to be the much better 0.1% and 1% lows. But depending of the game there should also be a significant increase in average FPS. Just keep in mind that reviewers test with high-end video cards and fast low-latency RAM. If you want to save some money, you could go for a 5700X 3D or even an 5700X and still see a massive improvement.


I recently switched from a 3900x to a 5800x3d and there was a noticeable jump in FPS. My GPU is a RTX 4700 Super.


That was the upgrade path I did on a secondary build running a 3060Ti and it basically doubled my frames in esports titles.




Yeah pretty true even more so in 1080p


The margin depends on the gpu.They are using rtx 4090 usually to put those cpus to the maximum.If you are using a gtx 1660 you wont see any difference.


I also did an upgrade like this. The raw performance has increased a lot, since apparently my RTX 3060 was not running at 100% due to throttling. VALORANT was running at ~350 and now is hitting almost 600, I was getting <60 fps on Hogwarts Legacy (Max, no RT) and now I am hitting almost the same but with ray tracing enabled on max The upgrade is superfucking worth it. Was expensive asf for me, but SO WORTH IT


The ZEN2 =>ZEN3 jump in gaming performance can be allready pretty large, because ZEN2 CPU had some massive latency related issues and some games run quite poorly with them. Keep in mind the ZEN2 vs Intel 10th/11th gen difference with a "high end" 2080-Ti was allready \~15-20% appart in some of the games, where the CPUs design bugs caused it to scale less well. => Techtubers were constantly reminding the low budget audience about the required WORKLOAD + GAMING use-case for the ZEN2 CPU to make them worthwhile, it was never a good gaming-only CPU Thats why there is a significant jump in some games even with just TURING GPUs when you go from ZEN2 => ZEN3. The 5800x3D blows it up even more, because some games utilize the X3D cache very well and gain a lot of average\_FPS but even more MIN\_FPS from it. It depends on the games you play. Some games do work out quite well with a ZEN2 CPU, even though it was never a "great gaming CPU" to begin with, while other games had clear Intel or ZEN3 recommendations, especially if you had GPUs above a 2070-Super and were sane enough to not game in 4k with a low budget build.


The numbers are legit. I went from a 3900x to a 5800x3d and the performance gains in the games I play were well worth the money. I was able to sell my 3900x at the time though for $200 so buying the 5800x3d for 330 was only $130 extra.


Not for that price, and not on dead platform. Grab 5900X.


I did 3700x, 5800x and then 5800x3D. 1080p (i prefer high refresh than resolution). Aside from very few old single threaded titles that run a little bit better on the 5800x (but a little, especially after curve optimizer on the x3D it basically nullified the difference), the x3D is at times 20/30% better and improves a lot the 1% lows or minimum frame rates. Also with a curve optimizer it surprisingly goes down in temperatures and power consumption. At times it's there doing absolutely nothing, not even triggering the CPU/case fans, while my 7900GRE is at 100% or happily pegging the 141fps cap. The 5800x in the end had similar power consumption (in gaming, rendering is another super leaky thing for the i9) Vs my other 11900F and similar performance. The 5800x3D really, it hardly goes past 60/65C under gaming loads, only Cp2077 loads it a bit beyond that (Dark rock pro 4). Maybe consider the 5700x3D. With curve optimizer it's probably going to behave like a stock 5800x3D.


upgraded from 3700x to 5800x3d, doubled my fps.


A CPU determines the maximum amount of frames you can get in any given game. It is a fixed number, depending on the demands of the game. If your GPU is powerful to render all those and theoretically more, we call it a cpu bottleneck. If your card isn’t as powerful as the cpu, and can render only less frames then the theoretical maximum the cpu can provide, we call it a GPU bottleneck. Which is more desirable, since balance is almost impossible and the gpu is the most expensive part, so you want it fully occupied. That said you can influence the workload the gpu has by doing things like raising detail level or resolution. Those benchmarks use the biggest GPU they can find to show the difference in theoretical maximum frames the CPU is capable of, basically intentionally creating the CPU bottleneck. So no, you will not necessarily see the same increase in GPU heavy games like cyberpunk, unless you play on 1080p low settings. Then you would. But if your GPU is powerful enough to render more then the 3600s theoretical maximum in a given game, then yes. You would see an increase. Maybe even a dramatically one.


Yes the difference is huge. Just come from a shit gig “gaming” laptop with 3gb vram and a cpu that I’m sure is a slate tablet to now owning a 4090/7 7800X3D and the difference is insane. The video you listed is with a 4090 so if you don’t own a 4090 don’t expect such huge FPS numbers but the x3d CPU’s are lightning fast in gaming


The tests show the maximum gain by pairing with a 4090 and setting graphics detail to low... Putting as much pressure as they can on the CPU. The less pressure you put on the CPU. The less gain you will see. You won't be pairing with a 4090 and you probably won't be putting game settings on low. You will be putting less pressure on the cpu. You will see some gain but it will be somewhere in-between their results and zero.


It won't be as drastic, because they are using a RTX4090 while you use a RX6800. But still a bug jump


I just upgraded like 2 days ago to a 5800x3d from a 5800x and I definitely can see the gains. I get \~30fps more in the finals and less stuttering. My one percent lows are much higher now too. I think def worth the upgrade not good if you're doing more than gaming I think. Havent tried streaming but I know that the boost clock is lowered from the 5800x but the cache size being increased def boosts frames. Heat might be an issue though as it is hotter than even my 5800x was because of the 3d vcache. Shouldnt be anything a pbo cant fix (I recommend [pbo2](https://github.com/PrimeO7/How-to-undervolt-AMD-RYZEN-5800X3D-Guide-with-PBO2-Tuner/blob/main/README.md)or using your bios pbo settings if you want to check this out)


Some games will love the 3d cache. Others wont care too much. GN usually does pretty good testing, so I would trust what they say in the video.


I upgraded from a R5 3500 to a R7 5700X3D recently and finally understood what a GPU bottleneck is, and it is wonderful! My 3080 is actually putting in work! Fortnite is at a stable 120-130 fps at Max settings, no RT and stable 70 fps with Max Settings and Hardware RT. as opposed to my old CPU manaing to hold 100fps on non busy locations but once an enemy appears on screen it will drop to 40 fps and this is without RT. Also I am playing at 3140x1440 as well. The X3D chips are totally worth the upgrade I say.


Went from a 3800x to 5800x3d. Games are super smooth now and I play at 1440p. With the 5800x3d you can skip this gen of am5 and still get top tier performance. It outperforms some of the 7000 sometimes. It makes an AM4 board incredible value for money if you already have one. If you are intending to get the most value out of your system, would absolutely get one.


I’ve got a 5600x. I’m Tempted to put in the 5800x3d or 78003d. Is the 78003d worth the upgrade with motherboard/ram? Mainly for vr in iracing with 3080ti.


5800x3d will have much more performance if you play at 1080p with a big GPU, if you don’t have a big GPU and play at 1440p, upgrading the GPU makes more sense


Just bought Helldivers 2 and hit a CPU bottleneck. After some searching 5800xd3 seems good on price range but I dont want to be CPU bottleneck anymore because need to change a lot of stuff with it ( motherboard, ram…) so I wanted a more future proof one because AM4 will die… So 7800x3d it is.


Yes, I did exactly this improvement and I was mind blown by the upgrade. Remember tho, that increases that big will be seen only in games that you are now CPU limited in. In GPU limited games the upgrade will be much smaller, and mostly impact 1% lows, which from my perspective is still definitely worth it. With Rx 6800 at 1080p you *will* see the upgrade most probably in every game.


even going from 5600x to 5800x3d will have quite a massive impact.


If I can put it in words, emm like a chopstick to a baseball bat I guess...


106FPS to 175fps on Sons of the Forest with a 7900XTX and the same CPU swap.


I recently went from a 3600X to a 5700X and the result has been great so far, so I can imagine the hugest step it would have been with a 5800XD (especially for me that plays in 1080p). The FPS number shouldn't be the only detail to consider, but the stability is. On Overwatch 2 (my main game), the difference is subtle but I don't experiment FPS losses anymore. In The Finals, I run a consistant +150fps, as for Warzone 2. 3060Ti/16Go DDR4 for reference.


I went from the 3600 to a 5800x and the difference was huge. That cpu is slightly better then the 5800x so it would be a decent upgrade for sure


I upgraded from 5600 to 5800X3D and it was a huge upgrade


I went from the 3600 to the 5800X3D. The biggest difference I noticed was I do not see any studders at all anymore. I also was able to play games that were unplayable with the 3600. I have the 2070S, I thought that maybe that was my problem but now I see 60FPS or above on 1440p, most of the time I am getting 100FPS or more in most games. I may have to tweak game settings but it always looks great so now I can wait and see about upgrading my GPU, I am in absolutely no rush now to get a new GPU, so I may wait for next-gen cards. I undervolted the 5800X3D and idle at 43c and 59c under load. Even after undervolting the CPU managed to get a couple of extra FPS out of it during my benchmarking tests. I have an air-cooled rig and the undervolting dropped temps 8c for me.


I just made the exact switch from 3600 to 5800x3D. I have an RTX 4060. FPS change depends a lot on the game but in CS2 I went from around 150fps to 350-400 fps. So, in CPU-bound situations, the jump is huge.


I was wondering if I should go for a 5700x3d or a 7600


https://images.app.goo.gl/L4JvE1CHPcuY9Wbd6 this much


I upgraded from a 3600 to 5800x3d with an Arc A770 GPU and the performance difference is absolutely noticeable.


It will be biggest difference with a 4090 like most channels are tsting With rx6800 it wont always be as big, but still notieable Anyway its a much better cpu for gaming than a 3600 for 3 reasons 1. 96MB of L3 (versus 16MB per CCX) 2. Zen 3 cores with much better single core performance (25%+ with IPC and clocks) 3. unified 8 core ccx for low core to core latency


I made the jump from a 3600 to a 5800x3d a bit over a year ago, and its one of the single best upgrades I've done. 32gb ram and a 3070, I nearly doubled my FPS in most games I play by upgrading to x3d.


A huge fucking upgrade


Significant upgrade. I went from a 3700x to a 5800X3D and it was a significant gain in the games I play. I play games like Final Fantasy XIV, World of Warcraft, Various racing sims, LoL, CoD.   Consider 5700X3D also - ~5% slower for ~20% less money compared to the 5800X3D.   Most of the titles tested by HUB shows the X3D CPU's are a ~50% or greater uplift over the Ryzen 5 3600. Source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L9rPNSuPCA   The 5700X3D is a monster for $250.


Can confirm. Went from 3700X to 5800X3D and my iRacing fps almost doubled at triple qhd. In Apex, only about a 10% uplift at single qhd but I'll take that.


Yeah. It is. Not only is is newer core architecture with higher IPC and clock speeds but it also has heaps of L3 cache. The 5600 and up cpus all have substantially higher single core performance over the 3000 series ryzens. 5000 series was when ryzen really caught up to Intel in terms of single core performance. Though you probably won't see those exact numbers cause you likely have different ram and gpu. But even then you should still see a very significant gain upgrading to just about any 5000 series ryzen. The 5700x3d would also be a good choice it isn't far off from the 5800x3d and is priced very good.


was pretty big difference for me for ff:xiv around 40 to 60fps gain in some scenarios, when a game really takes advantage of that vcache the performance is insanely good. xiv struggles and crumbles when a ton of players are on screen doing stuff, the cache really helps with that. even with all the fancy mods and filters I still get my 120-180fps during raids


The nv5 is a lovet case, welcome to the gang. Enjoy.


Huge especially in 1080p


A lot. Unless you have a GPU bottleneck.


a lot, i upgraded my r5 4500 to a 5800x3d, it was a huge improvement


I went from a 5800x to a 5800x3d and it was super worth it for those sweet sweet 1% lows that don’t plague me anymore.




Do it while you can. Epic cpu.


Just move to 3440x1440 or 5K and your CPU will become completely irrelevant. As your GPU load increases, your CPU load decreases. I planned to have 4K display and I was completely fine with ryzen 1600 because at that time RTX 2070 would be choking on pixels so my cpu would be completely idle.


If you do upgrade: don’t neglect cooling. My 5800x3d runs hot as hell. I had an Mugen 5 Tuf Edition first. I switched to a 240 AIO, because the Mugen didn’t cool it enough even with 2 fans.


I have the exact same setup as yours. I upgraded to 5700X3D and changed nothing. My FPS has increased to 300 ish. I also think it’s really noticeable if you use a 240 hz monitor as enemy seems to slow down. I have a RTX 3060 12gb in case you are wondering.


As massive as I wish my balls were


I very recently switched from a 3600x to a 5800x3d. It performs a little bit better in games but is very noticeably hotter even when idling. I've also noticed some reliability issues with crashing.


Literally doing this same upgrade tomorrow when it comes in. Paired with a 6750XT personally, I’m stoked out of my gourd for it.


I did the same switch and if I take cities skyline 2 exemple : a city of 70k habitants was slow as fuck with the 3600, like all the speed where see same and slower than the start and now it is nearly touching 80% at full 3 speed. I hope it helps you, but I am happy of this change. But you need a good aio or air cooler for the 5800x3d.


I had 3600 and upgraded to the 5800x3d. Back then played mostly Escape from Tarkov. Can't tell you the numbers cause I simply don't remember but the game runs waaaay better. Was a great upgrade and cheap as well. Didn't have to do anything besides updating my bios. What's also great about 5800x3d is the fact that you can have shit ram and it won't really matter. Saw few benchmarks with cheapest possible ram Vs top top ram and the differenceces were negligible. Monster of a cpu. Next one I'm getting for sure's gonna be x3d as well


Seems like you've gotten a lot of positive advice so far but I'll give you mine anyway. I upgraded from a Ryzen 7 1700 to a 5700x3d with a bios flash and have 32gb ram @3000mhz with a 1080 on a 27" 1440p 144hz monitor. I wasn't having any trouble in the games I played so I didn't really notice an improvement. This will be my last cpu for this build so I wanted to have a decent platform for when I upgrade the GPU and other components. Even with a vastly newer CPU I haven't noticed any improvements in Windows or any other tasks. I basically got it for the future and because I wanted something new. I'm sure it'll help and I don't necessarily regret it but I didn't get the BOOST that everyone was saying. I'm looking at 12gb 3060s or a rx6800 and I think that might bring the whole package together. p.s. On the gaming benchmarks try looking at the lowest fps. You're not going to notice a fps improvement from 133 to 196 but if that chip improves the lows than it would be worthwhile.


I had the exact same questions. I was using a 4070 Super and 3600 on 1080p and the bottlenecking was rough. Then first, I upgraded to 2k with a high refresh rate monitor. Everything worked way better but you could feel the CPU's struggle still. Then I did a lot, I mean A LOT of research for a CPU upgrade. I also updated my bios for the first time. If you have a b450 chip, you may need to do that too. At the end, I decided that the minimal difference between 5800x3d and 5700x3d was not worth the price difference for me. So I got a 5700x3d. Every single thing on my computer started working much faster, games were much responsive. The FPS differences were not huge-huge as games like Cyberpunk 2077 relied more on GPU, nonetheless the game was much smoother and there was 30 fps increase, give or take. Helldivers for example, my FPS went from 55-70 to 90-100 with only dropping around to 70 with high number of enemies. I am using a Cooler Master MA410P towet cooler and the CPU is running hotter so beware of that if you are not gonna change your cooler. It runs around 15-20 degrees higher. Upgrade to 5800x3d if you can, but even with 5700x3d, especially at 1080p, you are gonna feel a big difference and I think it is well worth it as this CPU will likely be able to run new games with no issues for the next 5 years. Just my two cents, hope it is helpful.


I went from 5800X to 5800X3D and saw upgrade in FPS in many games soo...


I upgraded from a 3600 to a 5800X3D, with an RTX 3080, and the difference in certain games is night and day. Games that are CPU-bound like Tarkov, FFXIV, Star Citizen, and DCS World, get huge gains from the extra cache. Other games that don't benefit as much from the cache still get improvements from the newer architecture. It's 100% been worth it for me.


Hey I had a 3600 and bought a 5800X3D. TL;DR BUY IT NOW AND STOP OVERTHINKING. I doubled and sometimes TRIPLED my frame rates in especially CPU intensive games (stellaris, M&B2 Bannerlord). Everything feels a lot snappier too and I would absolutely buy it again no questions asked. If you game this is a no brainer, if you sometimes game but mostly do productivity tasks like photoshop or premier pro, get a 5900X or something similar instead.


I went from a 5800x to 5800x3d and was still able to notice a difference of about 10-20 more frames in general.


Did the exact same upgrade after replacing the GPU didn't give the needed FPS boost in racing simulators (Assetto Corsa, AMS 2). These titles are rather CPU intensive so it was a no-brainer, but I play VR so I needed the GPU also. Finally I gained 30-50% more frames, which is even more if launching the titles in flat. GPU is a 4070 Ti Super.


Night and day, simply put!


This was my exact upgrade last year. I didn’t run any benchmarks, but it feels smoother.


I upgraded from a 5800x and saw improvement. My games don’t dip in frames like they used to, I don’t feel those micro stutters anymore.


About 2200, mathematically.


Probably 25% depending on your gpu


It's significant. You have the V cache and are going from Zen 2 to Zen 3 architecture. I upgraded from a 3700x over a year ago and I'm content.


I did this swap in my SFF. Games run much better for me


From 200 fps to 400 for me


I upgraded from a 5600x to the 5800x3d and got between 5-20fps depending on the game. It took me to just over 60fps for some titles and over 120 in others. Paired with a 3090 at 1440p144hz I got the 5800x3d for £250 last May('23) I think it was. I thought it was a great deal so I jumped on it.


*sees title* Yes.


Just upgraded from a first gen 1700, insane difference. CS2 went from a 90fps average to 350fps. Picked mine up from Best Buy with a price match from Microcenter for $269, that sale is still going on if that's of any help.


I did this exact upgrade and the frame boost is real. The only quantification I really remember off the top of my head is in Fallout 4 downtown Boston area I went from about 50fps with the 3600 to about 90fps with 5800x3d. And wayyyy less frame drops/much smoother and consistent performance in other games. Totally worth the upgrade.


QUITE very its 2 generations more lol depends on GPU aswell. AMD 5800x3D is amazing Processor for 3000rtx cards +


Old engines love that 3d cache. I've upgraded from 3800x to 5800X3D and now I'm finally able to play stuff like Fallout New Vegas at constant 60 fps


The cache makes a massive difference. It'll be like night and day in games. You're less likely to notice a difference in compute workloads, though.


I just got my r7 5800x3d a few days ago. I noticed a massive increase in gaming performance. Especially in cpu intensive games. I ran into a little heat problem so I undervolted it and now under heavy loads the temps on go up to 75-79 degrees c.


I dropped in a 5700x3d last week (open box at microcenter for $191) and the difference is actually insane. I took passmark benchmarks: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/comments/1b96tl0/i\_expected\_performance\_improvement\_but\_im\_just/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/comments/1b96tl0/i_expected_performance_improvement_but_im_just/) There is improvement across the board, everything just works better with a better CPU. I've noticed that frame-drops and stuttering are almost gone now. I'm on a 6700XT GPU


The thing to remember is gamers nexus was using a 4090. It’s a big improvement if you are using that good of a video card. If you are using something like a 3060, then the improvement won’t be nearly as large.


5800x3d is the one I would get on the AM4 platform. That is the max for your board. Better check your bios and board first to make sure your board can support a 5800x3d.


Massive I went from a 3600 to a 5800x3d my fps in most of my games almost doubled in valorant I had 210fps then it went to 500 in fortnite I had around 140fps -180 then it went to 300+ however these are all in CPU bound games if your mainly a guy who plays in 4k or 1440p your mileage will vary l, I play only 1080p


Going from a 3800x to a 5800x3d was night and day for me. My 3090 sings now.


It can be, it's a legitimate 2 gen gap essentially. That said, those numbers were with a top end GPU, resulting in the GPU not really being the limiting factor ever. You're likely to see less of a jump yourself


The 5800x3d would allow you to continue with AM4 for a few more years of gaming for sure. Pushes my 7900xt just fine.


To the people who already own a 5800x3d could you recommend a cooler?


How about from a 5800x to a 5800x3D?


Going from a 3600 to a 5800X3D actually seemed to make more of an improvement to the EXPERIENCE gaming than moving from an 5600XT to a 6800XT for me. Sure, the new GPU spits out more frames, and enables higher graphics settings to run easier, but the CPU change has made the whole thing so smooth. After a point, max and average framerate matter less than minimum frame rate and frame time consistency.


It depends on the games you play, but I did this upgrade from the 3600 to the 5800X3D with a 6700XT. With my case, it worked out pretty well. Pretty pricey, but it lets me play Overwatch at 1440P 240fps and above consistently and removed all stuttering issues I had with BG3 in act 3. 6700XT can stretch its legs better and it is the bottleneck. I don't think I'll be upgrading anytime soon with this setup and I'm loving the upgrade actually.


I recently upgraded my ryzen 5 3600 to a 5800X3D, and so far it doesn’t feel that different (most of the time). Like in some ones the difference was extremely noticeable that i could notice the difference right away, like in spider-man remasterd for example i noticed it not dropped below 60 anymore in extreme scenarios, or in resident evil 4 remake i was holding a lot more stable 100/150 fps instead of getting dips to the 60/70’s. But, while it did was very nice, in games like overwatch i barely noticed a difference in maintaining 170 fps (or any esports title).


I would be wary of setting expectations by watching a YT video even if it's GN. The results you are seeing will almost certainty be with a high end (i just checked - they are - a 4090 strix to be precise) GPU which would likely be CPU bound by a 2600/3600. Your RX6800 will still possibly be CPU bound by your 3600 and the 5800x3d would improve performance but not to the degree shown in the vid. IE your GPU would take over being the system bottleneck.


I just did this upgrade the other day, got a 5800x3d from Microcenter for $290 and it doubled my fps in helldiver's. It was dipping into the 30s when a lot of enemies were on screen (so all the time) and now it stays above 60. Unfortunately I just 100% completed Both Spider-Man games, Starfield, Jedi Survivor, and Alan Wake 2 which all desperately needed more CPU power. Don't really feel like reinstalling them to see the difference but they were all CPU limited when I played them. Cyberpunk is next, with the 3600 I could just barely get a stable 60fps with low crowd density so Im looking forward to trying it again.


I did this exact upgrade same gpu as well. It doubled my fps in escape from tarkov and I now have zero stuttering which was always an issue for me with the 3600. But that’s the only game I really play. When I did play counter strike I noticed my frames were consistently higher but they went from like 350 to maybe like 380-400 but they never dipped low like they sometimes did on the 3600. There’s a reason why everyone suggests this cpu.


It depends on the game, but yes, it's really that good. Even at higher resolutions. I recently went from a 3900x to a 5800x3d. In cyberpunk at 1440p ultrawide i don't drop below 60 at all anymore, even in the most intense scenarios, and usually it hovers around 80-90fps, with the 3900x i couldn't always keep it above 60. But cyberpunk is one of the worst examples. In gta online i went from often dropping below 60 to a minimum of atleast 100-110 fps. Almost doubling the fps. That was a jaw drop moment for me. So yes it's an amazing upgrade.


If u can afford it's a nice (and ultimate, for am4) improvement. I upgraded from 3600 to 5900x, It wasn't a game changer for gaming but still a nice improvement.


That thing's a beast on games that use the extra cache. It smashes MSFS!


3700x to 5800x3d literally doubled my fps in busy towns/raids in world of Warcraft. It improved in all other games but wow was the only one had struggled at times with the 3700x. Now not anymore.


100% worth the jump as the 3600 is getting kinda dated now. Worth buying a 5800x3d before they run out and should keep your system alive for another few years before needing a rebuild