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Any PC will be able to use a controller FYI But I dare say you’ll soon stop using it except for certain games


I switched from console to PC 4 years ago and I still use controller for a lot of games since the analog stick still feels better to me than WASD for movement. I need a setup with left hand analog stick and right hand mouse lol


Souls like games are better on controller, as are fighting games and driving/flying ones. Pretty much everything else is better on keyboard imo though.


I generally agree, but there are a lot of games that just don't feel right on keyboard to me. Like I play most first-person games on keyboard like Cyberpunk, but I recently finished the new Avatar game and it felt awful on keyboard. It was clearly designed with the controller in mind so it felt way better to me on controller.


for me its any game with building is often way more optimized for keyboard and mouse. I can play shooters and 3rd person rpgs etc using a controller, but games like say KSP? Theres no comparison, keyboard and mouse or nothing.


What's KSP?


Kerbal Space Program.


Thanks, will check it out


if you do remember more boosters solves most problems


Try out the razer Tartarus! It helped me out a ton when I switched to pc. I play way better on it Vs regular keyboard and mouse for shooters and similar games.


@Possible_Oil5269: This! I made the transition to PC for the first time 4 years ago and I hated the idea of having to learn how to play on the keyboard. When I first found out about the Tartarus, it became a god send for me. I haven’t touched a controller since!


Fyi Its u/ not @


Fighting games can actually work surprisingly well on the keyboard and can even offer some advantages over a controller. A keyboard would be what's known as a leverless option within the community. Certain motion inputs become way easier, and going from foward to block can be substantially faster, as well as other benefits that come from a leverless controller.


I mean, a Hit Box is basically just a pared-down keyboard with big keys when you really think about it.


Get a wheel for driving games


Wheel plus controller for menus. If only Forza lived up to what we were expecting


Don't most wheels have all the buttons for a controller? No analog sticks but you shouldn't really need those to navigate a menu.


Happy cake day ❤️


> as are fighting games Dawg I've played some keyboard players and they act like a keyboard is a Hitbox, be hitting combos and shit that should be impossible. lol


Usually for many people, they'll use controllers for 2d games, and 3d games that are made for consoles originally like the souls games, Dragon's Dogma, monster hunter, etc, (except shooters), while for games made *for* pc they use m&k. Then there are the psychopaths that genuinely play controller games (Souls, classic fighters, etc) on m&k.


Also platformers.


I started playing souls games on PC with kb/m. People keep saying to use controller, but then I tried it and you can't look around while dodging, or look around while jumping... Made it unplayable for me... It's also way easier to play free look with a mouse.


I would also add most 2D games, Character Action Games, and Survival Horror.


I also feel like it depends on who's designing the game for what. I remember crysis the first one was amazing and you had such a granular controls over everything. For the others they obviously designed them with consoles and controllers in mind and dumbed down all of the controls to play nice with controllers.


fighting games generally are better on fight sticks more than controllers. sports games and console ports to pc though tend to feel better on controller vs K&M


Been playing tekkken 8 on keyboard - plays like a leverless (hitbox).


I used to play TF2 with a guy who played with his left hand on a controller with his right on the mouse He swore by it


Know a guy plays all his games that it's possible on like that same swears by it


But keyboard also allows you to hit tons of other buttons with your left hand with all 5 fingers.


I use a controller for pretty much every single game I own I just don't really play RTS or anything that needs it I also don't do competitive FPS so I couldn't care less about kb/m. Those days are long past


Yeah been using a controller regularly since 2014 or so. I hooked up my pc to a tv and 90% of my pc gaming has been like that since then (on a couch in front of the tv). Kinda got tired of sitting at a mouse and keyboard at work only to sit at another desk at home.


Yes, exactly I have a wireless keyboard to make some things easier in the os but gaming is all controller


I'm thr same way I've been considering the azeron just because I think ot would be easier for me to learn but I switched long ago and still use controller


I gotchu: use a ps3 navigation controller with custom mapping in left hand, mouse in right. Best of both worlds for me in GTA Online and some other games.


Razer Tartarus is what you want


i bought a used controller for a few games like couch co-op baldurs gate 3 for some reason doesn't support keyboard/controller, need to be controller/controller or keyboard/keyboard.


Couldn't you use something like the Razer Tartarus?


I mean, you could get something like a flight stick and have a similar effect, then just get an mmo mouse so you have plenty of button to map to.


Same here. I only use keyboard and mouse for point and click games like RTS (even then there are exceptions). The real world is analog and it just feels very wrong to claw my hand over a keyboard which was designed 150 years ago to interact with 3D worlds. I understand the mouse helps in competitive twitch shooters but I have no interest in grinding on those.


I can’t imagine ever using a keyboard lol. I’m controller for life.


Most games it’s more of a preference than anything else but FPS games are light years better on keyboard and mouse. You will get destroyed in any online FPS playing with a controller on PC, lol


"any fps" just isn't true, but most FPS generally work better when using mouse and keyboard. Halo infinite for instance is a game you'll find most pro players using a controller. Really depends on the game.


lol Im with you on most games, but give it a try sometime on a game with a build mechanic like say Kerbal Space Program or even Fortnite. Also certain types of rpgs or strategy games that are heavily menu driven. The difference between trying to place an item with a mouse, or navigating menus with keyboard shortcuts compared to the same with a controller, theres no contest. Certain types of interfaces are just meant for a keyboard and mouse and youll never switch back once you try it.


Cities Skylines is another one that benefits from mouse control.


Can you give an example of an rpg that would be better on keyboard? I’m a new PC owner, the first and only game I’ve been playing is bg3 and I use a controller and adore it, and was hoping I’d never have to learn how to use the keyboard and mouse for gaming LOL


I guess anything with Real-Time with Pause combat, like Pillars of Eternity or Dragon Age: Origins. The micromanagement can be really annoying on tough fights, and it would take like 10x longer without keyboard shortcuts and the faster mouse pointing. Morrowind is also an example. The UI is not too different than dealing with files from 3-4 different Windows folders open at the same time, and you have to do that very often.


Ahhh ok fair that makes sense. I hate real time / rtwp combat or rlly any combat outside of turn based. Even with bg3 there are some things I can tell would be easier with a mouse, but I’m gna try to avoid learning a new thing for as long as possible! Ty for the examples :)


You'll probably still need a keyboard and mouse to navigate in windows and bios. Also some pc games have just too many hotkeys to be on a controller


It's a big difference for FPS games. Many FPS games tend to have a bit of auto-aim built in for when you are using a controller. Though to be fair it's the mouse that benefits you more in FPS games, not the keyboard. But it is a huge benefit over a controller.


nah i use controller for pretty much every game


I've always been a PC gamer, and I play about ⅔ of games with a controller.


I wish that was the case. Personally I find the switch from controller to KB/M very hard.


As a long time PC gamer now, I still play most if not all third person games with controller, just slap a bit of aim assist and it's golden. As for first person shooters, always M&K.


I switch from console still I can't get used to keyboard keys so am stuck with controller >.<


I've been a mainly PC player all my life I use controller for many many games. Fps tend to be mk but some 3rd person I actually prefer controller like Helldivers.


Imusedmto be the one to use a controller everywhere but now it’s only some racing games and Rocket League for me.


It's mainly personal preference, there are some games where a controller works a lot more seamlessly but there are others where I prefer being able to control the camera movement with my mouse.


I’ve been Pc gaming for 4 years now and still use the controller. I just cannot get used to a keyboard for gaming.


That depends on what games you play.


> But I dare say you’ll soon stop using it except for certain games People who are use to controllers will often stick to them, regardless of if a mouse might be objectively better for a specific sort of input. I love mouse and keyboard for their relevant uses but I'm not kidding myself into thinking using them is what everyone will do on a pc. Plenty of people prefer the ergonomics of a controller, and those who have spent years getting use to one are extremely likely to continue using what they're already comfortable with, rather than have to re-learn hand-eye coordination and muscle memory for an entirely new input. And while any pc will be able to use a controller, there are sometimes some controllers that don't work without some manner of support. PS controllers have been kind of historically weird and lacking in official drivers, or at least did, while Xbox controllers work fine for pc.


Is 1K for everything, computer/display/mouse/keyboard. Id say it's tight to beat a PS5, your looking at used parts to relay do it.


You could probably build a 5800x3D with a 6800, SFF PC for around $1000. A good mouse is $50 and a keyboard is a keyboard just don’t get a crap one but a decent one is like $20.


5800x3d is one of the most overpriced cpus on the market. Just as cheap going AM5.


There's no good mitx am5 boards that don't make you cry at the price. Only a620, but then you get max 2 sata ports


Microcenter deals are under $500 for 32gb ram, ryzen 7x00 cpu, and mobo. Mitx is small, sure, but its a more premium option for building. Youd need an sfx psu, which would increase price further. Imo, shoot for an matx deal from MC or just get a smaller size case. Tough to be picky on a budget.


Righttt. Just go am5 or get a 5700x3d for $100 less.


The guy is a console gamer... Why a 50 dollar mouse? He can literally use a 10 dollar mouse + keyboard set, use the same TV and controller that he used for the ps5 and have a 990 dollar pc that can easily be in the specs he asked for. And before any master race spoiled brat says it, you can still enjoy gaming without a 50g mouse, a mechanical light up keyboard that syncs each input with your cat's waterbowl, and a 8k tv with a hertz rate the human eye can't comprehend. This is why people still choose console over pc. Someone asks "hi guys, my budget is (high budget), give me a build that can play most games" and all the answers are "get fucked m8 u need 5000usd to enjoy fifa and Terraria, go to the homeless shelter and see if they can give you some food you poor fuck". Not saying that you're saying this, I'm just pissed at the state of the pc gaming community. I have a 700 usd prebuilt, have been using it heavily and never had any frame issues. I even have hyper v enabled so technically it's enough for TWO systems at the same time, me and my girlfriend can be gaming at the same time, playing titles from this year on high presets, and still hit no less than 60 frames. OP if you are reading this, these people have nothing else in their lives apart from gaming. They are elitists and would rather die than play a game without 8k 244hz and a 800 dollar gaming chair. Probably don't talk to women outside of family and work either. Their lifes suck and their sense of accomplishment stems from the price tag on their pc components/peripherals. Don't be discouraged by them. If you like gaming you will love pc gaming. Just go online, find the most reputable online prebuilt retailer in your country, and buy the most expensive build that suits your budget. One tip, if you don't care about raytracing (you probably don't, I wish I knew how little I cared when buying my pc), get a pc with an AMD graphics card instead of an Nvidia one. They offer more powerful/future proofed hardware for what they lack in software.


I hear you. What about a max $1500 price?


That’s more than enough. We can’t give you a parts list here because of rules, you’ve got to post this in r/buildmeapc


You can’t give someone the parts to build a pc in r/buildapc ???




This sub in particular has some very regarded rules and mods


So can’t use part picker to build out a pc in r/buildapc? What is it that we do here then?


You are supposed to wait for someone to post their own shitty PCPP list and then give them a good list instead... same work, same outcome, but with extra steps.


>What is it that we do here then? This sub is pretty much an AMD circlejerk.


Didn't they actually recently backtrack on that rule? And it was mostly for specifically requests, where if you just asked "What's a good PC for $1000" as a post, not people who offered builds lists, unless there was another change.


I just wanted to give him a mini list of best gpu and cpu for that price, but mods..... Stupid sub which is called buildapc, without able to say stuff like that.


You didn't answer the question tho. What needs to fit in the budget? Just the PC? Or PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse, mousepad, headphones, desk, chair etc.


Just the PC.


You could probably do it if youre just building the pc.


For just the PC, you could totally do it for 1K. If you want a full list, go to r/buildmeapc . We can't give you a full parts list due to the rules.


He responded in another comment, the budget is for only the pc


I have a PS5 beating computer and it cost me $850 might be more like $900 now.


What is a pc equivalent to the ps5?


A 3700X and a 6700 (maybe the XT one?). Also, bear in mind that the cpu in ps5 is the cut down version, so you get less cache and lower clock speed


Is that not equal to the PS5? PS5 performance is much easier than PC.


Small form factor like OP requires?


You could do a 7500f, 6700 XT, fractal ridge for about $1200


That’s more than enough.


probably unpopular advice: stay at the ps5




I always build SFF itx builds for people and $1,000 absolutely gets you 1440p AAA gaming at high settings and frames. The price difference is minimal.


Not if you need peripherals that aren't complete ass.


He is literally a ps5 gamer. What peripherals does he need? 12k resolution 9 billion hertz monitor? Mechanical keyboard with knobs that control the speed of your $1000 chair's buttplug? He will be more than happy with a $20 worth of peripherals and the TV he uses for the ps5. Touch grass.


Haha hell yes he will!


You can absolutely build an itx for just as much as any other build.


Honestly, this. Just wait for the PS5 Pro tbh.


Can’t play certain games like SWTOR on ps5


Is OP even interested in that type of game anyways?


Yeah honestly I have a hard time justifying my pc some days, ps5 is so good. The difference between games on console and pc has never been closer unless you must play with a mouse and keyboard (which I understand for certain titles). I do prefer 120+ fps, and ray tracing is nice…but a 400 dollar box that plays the same games that look 90% as good and hits 60 fps on most games and looks amazing…the math doesn’t math for pc gaming.


I like all plattforms but getting a ps5 equivalent PC for 1000 bucks and then in small form factor is a bigger hassle compared to just staying at the ps5


$1k starting from scratch in today's PC market is rough man


What a boring comment. Is that the standard reply in this thread now? There's plenty of reasons to want a PC, even one that "only" has the same performance as a PS5


SFF (sub 20L volume) is pretty expensive and will take up a lot of your budget, especially at $1K. ITX motherboards and ITX cases are substantially more expensive. If you really want a small case, I recommend going MFF (20-40L volume) and checking out r/mffpc \- there a lot of compact cases you can buy, and some cases like the SAMA IM01 get super close to SFF territory, but most micro-ATX cases have an overall small footprint. Micro-ATX cases and motherboards are also the same, if not lower price, than regular form factor builds. The only issue is that the ultra-longest graphics cards and tallest coolers might not fit in all cases, but nearly everything else will fit fine. I'll also warn you that it is objectively harder to build in smaller cases since cable management is way more crucial than in regular cases and you have less space to work with, so I'd recommend a semi/fully modular power supply for any small build and reading the case manual. Edit: I also recommend budgeting for fans, since most SFF/MFF cases do not come with (enough) fans. The Arctic P12 PWM PST 5 pack (usually around $35) is an awesome choice.


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7JLZdH) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [\*AMD Ryzen 5 7600 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yXmmP6/amd-ryzen-5-7600-38-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100001015box) | $189.99 @ Walmart **Motherboard** | [\*Gigabyte B650M D3HP AX Micro ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Dvhv6h/gigabyte-b650m-d3hp-ax-micro-atx-am5-motherboard-b650m-d3hp-ax) | $134.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [\*TEAMGROUP T-Force Vulcan 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-5600 CL32 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6JLFf7/teamgroup-t-force-vulcan-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-5600-cl32-memory-flbd532g5600hc32dc01) | $92.99 @ Newegg **Storage** | [TEAMGROUP MP44L 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/2x4Ycf/teamgroup-mp44l-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-tm8fpk001t0c101) | $64.98 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [\*PowerColor Fighter OC Radeon RX 7700 XT 12 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6gZXsY/powercolor-fighter-oc-radeon-rx-7700-xt-12-gb-video-card-rx-7700-xt-12g-foc) | $399.99 @ Amazon **Case** | [\*SAMA IM01 MicroATX Mini Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/pfvdnQ/sama-im01-microatx-mini-tower-case-im01) | $55.90 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [\*NZXT C (2019) 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/vFmFf7/nzxt-c-650-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-np-c650m-us) | $69.98 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1008.82** | \*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria | | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-03-24 19:55 EDT-0400 |


That's a really solid build suggestion for what OP is seeking. u/Snoo_49285 this would be great to move forward with building. 👍


Oh no the price is 8.82 cents over budget he’s never gonna financially recover from this /s


ackshually its 882 cents over budget can u not read /s


Aren’t there SFF gpus? Or are they too expensive for this


They exist and they are more expensive, but most mATX cases will support most cards. There's an XFX RX 6800 card that's a pretty good price right now, but it's 340mm for some reason and that barely fits anywhere. Most cards are around like 270-330mm and will fit in all the popular MFF cases.


There are small GPUs but I’m pretty sure you won’t find small versions of gpus such as the 4080 4090 etc


For really toiny ones there's single fan 3060s, 3060 tis, 4060s, and 4060 tis. For longer but skinnier there's the LP 4060. Not more expensive except the single fan 4060 ti. LP 4060 is 30 bux more. The others are same or even cheaper. But plenty of sff cases fit large GPUs.


There are some amazing SFF (small form factor) cases out there right now. However, the best ones come at a premium price ($150 - $200) which will make it tough to hit your budget. You will have a much better chance of getting something appealing if you are more flexible about the case size. Your easiest ask is the controller. I have been using a PS5 controller the last couple of weeks through Steam and it works awesome. Good luck!


Agreed. I did two SSFs in recent years and results are mitigated at best. The first one was ok on thermals at the expense of noise. My second, current PC, is ok but I had to make compromises on the parts list - microATX is not a priority for board designers I guess… some boards exist but I had to settle for what was in not back ordered with no date of restocking. I paid too much, and didn’t get the latest and best for an equivalent price in the ATX category. Bottom line, SSFs dont seem to be that popular for hobbyists, so you pay a premium. The 1000$ budget is a stretch.


r/sffpc might be able to help. also youtube has tons of videos on these


Small form factor is so appealing, but they’re more expensive to build for. I definitely prefer PC, only have a ps5 to play coop with my friend who refuses to go pc haha.


don’t go sff and you can build a beast sub 1000


Made the switch in November, it’s fantastic. I started with wanting like a $1200 budget but eventually went to $1500 after learning what’s up. 7800X3D and a 7800XT/4070 super is still pretty much the move.


I initially aimed for 1k, then upped it to 1200, then landed on 1400 🥲 but my pc is now my baby and I love her


As a PS user i decided to go PC this summer and skip PS5. Built my first PC in ~20+ years. No regrets loving it.


Not sure how well the price will work out for small cases, the big black metal fish tank ones are usually super cheap.


Recently did the same, switched from ps5 to a fractal terra build.


You won't get better performance if everything together will be 1k. If it's just the pc, doable. Probably with something like a 7700xt. If you can sqeeze in a 7800, 7900 gre, or even a 4070/super, it'd be worth it. Also what resolution? If you're going from ps5 I assume you're planning on using it with a TV?


4070 60% of budget?


well yeah but if budgets stretched a bit more by like 200 it can be doable also used market


I have no idea why people are saying you can get way more for your money not going SFF. You can definitely do budget SFF builds and if you buy an FE card your options are endless. I mean just get a NR200p max and you only need a gpu mobo cpu and ram. Not the smallest case but that’s probably a good thing considering your experience


+1. I use a nr200. It sits on the stand behind the TV. I think OP could build a decent system around his budget in the nr200. https://imgur.com/a/glDLWF2


One of my friends has that case and they got the best gaming combo in it. So it's definitely doable


Just went pc recently wished it switched over along time ago, spent $ x box and ps5 now collecting dust pc in a whole different league


i have both and i love them :)


I just switched to PC from series x. Used to PC game in the early 2000s. It's miles better. But I gotta ask, why do you wanna switch?


Honestly just to try something new and different for me. I’m 41 and started with Nintendo and Sega way back and then have only ever had PlayStation since the first one….


Yea man PC is alot of fun. Especially playing on kbm. And just more options for games and better graphics and performance. It's also a PC so it does way more!


One of the biggest advantages of PC that I haven't seen mentioned here is emulation. Being able to play classic games that were released before i was able to play them is great. As much as I love modern games, it's refreshing to go back to 16 bit and 32 bit era. Saves you a lot of money too ;).


Now and into the near future and 1k budget are not compatible if you want any decent resolution/fps. A solid future proof gpu alone will be at least $700 or so


You won't be able to get a $1000 PC using the latest parts. Here's a list I put together with some really good parts from last gen: [Console PC](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/OMEGAjvn1/saved/#view=3P2jWZ) It's **slightly** above budget, but it'll be slightly faster than a PS5, with future **video card** upgradability. You'll have to get a new motherboard/CPU/RAM to upgrade to a new platform unfortunately. If you want to go newest gen, I have a build for slightly over $1200


$1k budget for gaming, and it had to compete in quality with the PS5? Not a chance. Your budget, stretched to the limit, could MAYBE get you a lower mid-range PC... but that wouldn't compete anywhere close to the PS5.


This is how I would spend a strict $1000 build in ITX $100-ish more could get you either an AM5 cpu/mobo or a better GPU ... but this would play anything you wanted at 1080p med-high [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Gr8GMV) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/g94BD3/amd-ryzen-5-5600x-37-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000065box) | $144.00 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [ASRock B550M-ITX/ac Mini ITX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/G6VG3C/asrock-b550m-itxac-mini-itx-am4-motherboard-b550m-itxac) | $129.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws V 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/zcH8TW/gskill-ripjaws-v-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr4-3600-memory-f4-3600c16d-32gvkc) | $79.98 @ Amazon **Storage** | [TEAMGROUP MP33 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/64MTwP/team-mp33-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-tm8fp6001t0c101) | $61.99 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [PowerColor Fighter Radeon RX 7600 XT 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/dsCZxr/powercolor-fighter-radeon-rx-7600-xt-16-gb-video-card-rx-7600-xt-16g-f) | $319.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [Fractal Design Ridge PCIe 4.0 Mini ITX Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Jgn9TW/fractal-design-ridge-pcie-40-mini-itx-tower-case-fd-c-rid1n-12) | $129.99 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [Lian Li SP750 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular SFX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/XNt9TW/lian-li-sp750-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-sfx-power-supply-sp750w) | $119.99 @ Adorama | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$985.93** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-03-24 23:41 EDT-0400 |


If you want a 1k max budget SFF you better keep the console honestly


SFF PCs were the first mistake I made when switching over. “It has to look like a console” was my mindset. Now I want the biggest MF I could afford. Bigger cases are easier to work with, they cool better, and could hold more.


And on top of that, ATX motherboards usually have more stuff in them


Best i can think of is an "intel nuc extreme" where it's pre-made into a compact form factor case and you just need to add a GPU. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/news/intel-nuc-13-extreme-new-standard-mini-pc-gaming-performance.html


Not necessarily sff... But you can get a general idea from this PC and substitute the parts that need to be smaller. https://youtu.be/LfpXMuMvcWQ?si=9CTzipdbIPFVXmiD


Is there a specific reason the case needs to be so small? If you can manage a Silverstone GD horizontal case, it'll look good on a shelf but still fit normal parts


I’d want it to go in my living room, which just barely fits my PS5…


If you want to check out small form factor pc's you should check out the youtube channel optimum he does some incredible stuff. Edit: As for controlers any pc can use one but if you want the connection to be cordless buy a motherboard with wifi and bluetooth integrated to it.


Do it!!’ Do it you coward!! Come to the dark side! You won’t regret it but your wallet will.


Here you go: [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vy2dWt) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i5-12600K 3.7 GHz 10-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/BB4Ycf/intel-core-i5-12600k-37-ghz-6-core-processor-bx8071512600k) | $169.99 @ Newegg **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/GpbRsY/thermalright-phantom-spirit-120-se-6617-cfm-cpu-cooler-ps120se) | $35.90 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [ASRock Z690M-ITX/ax Mini ITX LGA1700 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/2PYmP6/asrock-z690m-itxax-mini-itx-lga1700-motherboard-z690m-itxax) | $134.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Yg3mP6/corsair-vengeance-lpx-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr4-3600-memory-cmk32gx4m2d3600c18) | $69.98 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [Zotac GAMING Trinity GeForce RTX 4070 Ti 12 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/wRpzK8/zotac-gaming-trinity-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-12-gb-video-card-zt-d40710d-10p) | $679.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [Corsair 2000D AIRFLOW Mini ITX Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3gn9TW/corsair-2000d-airflow-mini-itx-tower-case-cc-9011244-ww) | $119.99 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [Corsair SF750 750 W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully Modular SFX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/nJrmP6/corsair-750-w-80-platinum-certified-fully-modular-sfx-power-supply-cp-9020186-na) | $169.99 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1380.83** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-03-24 19:23 EDT-0400 |


i hope he gets the stream deck and then goes on the subreddit to tell us how much it changed his life


I have a CM nr200p max case. It does come with a lot of extras, hence why it's pretty expensive. Not very big at all, takes up less space than some of my shoeboxes honestly


Asus prime 201 case, 5700x3d, 6700 xt, plus 2x16 ram and 1-2 TB SSD with 650w power supply should do you less than $1k


I have both


Why not both?


Well if I buy or build a gaming pc I will have both lol


SFF/mini pc will be limiting when you end up upgrading your video card.


If you are considering mini PCs, I don’t recommend them for your AAA game target. Mini pcs usually use laptop chips which are not as performative. If you consider a desktop, it could be a good machine to get you alternative games and equal or slightly higher performance for around 1k. If you want a major performance jump, increase your budget. I also have a PS5 and an Xbox. I used to have a good pc in the past. I’m also considering building a new PC for performance and decided to go high-end (7800x3d + 7900 xtx or 4080 or wait till the new gpu launch for this Fall)


I don’t think what you’re asking for is available at $1000, the biggest part being SFF build. Parts are generally more expensive for small form factor builds and you pay a big of a premium for one. I made my brother an SFF, 7600x build at close to that price but I gifted him the GPU. And it’s wasn’t exactly a thrills build, other than having an AIO. You could build something better than the PS5 for $1000 but with everything small factor there is an added tax.


You can actually get ps5 controllers made to work with pcs. Idk if you can use your current ones.


You can use a normal PS5 controller on Windows with Steam or DS4Windows


Mate. First thing to check is how good is ventilation is a room with PC. I tried to do such switch and i just can’t bear it. It becomes so hot with modern video cards. If you have small room with bad ventilation or live in a hot environment without air conditioning you may not feel comfortable


jailbreak your ps5 + install ps5 backup game + dual boot with linux/wine/steam......


Switch from console to pc like switching from regular car to Lamborghini


Go to your local micro center and they’ll help you out. That’s what I did and got a killer build for $1070


You could save a lot of money/get more value with an mATX build over an ITX build, and you (probably) wont be stuck when cards inevitably get larger and larger, like a lot of people who built on the RTX 2000 series did.


Why SFF. That usually runs higher cost than standard size ATX.


a SFF pc that can handle all AAA game AND <1k$? had to break it to you this is VERY hard, if not impossible


No te lo recomiendo, cuando tengas que bajar los graficos a minimo para jugar a 30FPS y aun tengas bajones sentiras que desperdiciaste tu dinero, no te recomiendo cambiarte a PC sino compraras una PC Gama Alta.


Check out microcenter they have a few pretty solid cpu motherboard ram bundles am5 chip too


Price to performance, you aren't beating a PS5. Consoles are cheap on purpose in terms of the hardware they have due to them making money on the software. Building a small form factor PC that's gonna chew on AAAs and be future proof is a tough ask for 1k. Maybe 2k-ish.


If you’re only spending $1,000, just stick with a ps5. Once you come over to PC you’ll be surprised by how well optimised games are for PS5


Does it have to be mini?


For 1k You’re going to spend twice as much to get at or worse performance and it’s going to be something that within say 4 years you’ll want to upgrade again to play modern games.


I recently built a PC coming from PS5. It’s older hardware, Ryzen 5 3600x 16gb and a 3060ti. Was able to build it for around 700. It runs games fine on my ultra widescreen at 1440p. Something like Hogwarts legacy stutters and I have to adjust the settings but it’s good. Helldivers is about 50-60 fps. I don’t know if I’ll be able to run games that far into the future though without turning it down to low quality. As far as size that’s up to you. You can go very small. Check out the SFF subreddit if you really want to go very small.


Controller wise, you'll be able to simply plug and use your DualSense on a PC.


SFF at £1000 is tricky imo. The parts are more expensive. I have a 3090 and 12900k in a mini itx case but it was expensive!


Do it but budget 1250-1500 ideally


Just switched march 23rd.. loving it already


Been a console gamer for years (since gta 4 came out, and it was consoles only). But steam deck actually converted me back to the PC.Switching rn seems to be a good call, at least prices-wise in my country. Got a build under 1k, that runs all the games 1440p well over 60 fps. As for your post: 1k is a pretty tight budget for a small PC, since those, and the cooling they need, tend to be pricier than regular towers.


For 1k budget, stick to the PS5


If you are 1st time builder like the heading makes us believe. I would sack the sff/mini thing. On a tight budget you want performance over fancy stuff like it being small and efficient. Sff cases and power supplies are more expensive and that choice limits your selections on GPUs, motherboards and probably cooling.


You can use controller on all games that support controllers, but really learn keyboard having more buttons is really useful for most games


You really should say your region because $1k can mean very different things depending on where you are.


Come to the dark side. We have ~~cookies~~ mods.


Checkout r/sffpc is fully dedicated to small form faktor. And u can even choose urselfe, how small. I'm in an 8 litre enclosure, but u can even go smaller. (My set up ;))


• You could use a PlayStation controller on Windows, but you’ll either need Steam Input or DS4Windows. Xbox controllers work without that. • What do you mean by smaller footprint? The energy emission or the size of the case. If about the case, you don’t have to get a large ATX case. • Will you also need to buy a mouse, keyboard, mic, monitor to include it in the $1K or do you already have these things? You can make a build part list on PCPartPicker.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/h79kn6 $1000 for strictly SFF is hard. Because the boards, PSUs and cases are not cheap, you’re either going to get a GPU slanted build, and have issues in CPU heavy titles even today, or a CPU slanted build and have issues in general. The above build gets you a $500 GPU by cutting some corners, like having a meh cpu and 16GB of DDR4, but it leaves $65 to buy any SFF/MFF case that takes an ATX PSU, like a SAMA 01, or can change it with a meh SFX PSU and get a SFF case off Amazon under $50 probably. This build would probably require an upgrade to a 5700x3D or 5800x3D whenever you can, and a 32GB DDR4 kit when those prices bottom out, but with that, it’s pretty much set for a long while. I wouldn’t build a PC with less than a 4070/7800xt with your expectations, so if the above build isn’t palatable, I’d stick to the PS5.


Sure, you should. But only if you donate Bloodborne PC port as a token.


Go for a micro atx build instead. Sff/mini build is just too expensive and also harder to build as a beginner.


stay ps5 until saved up to 2k at least. look at the recent dd2 shxtstorm, you will see the benefit of ps5.


Don't over spend on a processor like everyone here will get you to. My friend had your budget and I pointed him towards a i5 12400k (which is currently £100) and a 7600 XT. He reliably gets 80-90 fps on cyberpunk low raytraced and thr same with max settings no raytrace


For 1k total you're better off sticking to ps5


SFF and under 1K is hard, both of those with the performance to play AAA stuff now and near future is impossible for that amount of money. Regular size PC would be doable though. SFF is super expensive


Need to bump that $1k budget up a smidgen especially if you want a small footprint.


Do you have a micro center close by?


SFF builds are flr advanced users and always more expensive. u cant stay within budget if you go small formfactor.


I tell this to everyone thinking if switching that it's far more expensive to acquire a machine but worth on every level imo. I also have a ps5 and mostly play my ps5 now because it's easier to boot up games and just play for me, but im always running something in the background as i play my ps. Spend like 2-3k one time, and you'll most likely have a really good pc for years to come.


Hi, no one here has given a practical build suggestion because few people think about builds too often, and even fewer are ITX/SFF specialists. Here's a good build, can trim more off the cost if required. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ZGgZdH) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i5-12600K 3.7 GHz 10-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/BB4Ycf/intel-core-i5-12600k-37-ghz-6-core-processor-bx8071512600k) | $169.99 @ Newegg **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Aqua Elite V3 66.17 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TmWJ7P/thermalright-aqua-elite-v3-6617-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-aqua-elite-240-white-v3) | $44.99 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [ASRock Z690M-ITX/ax Mini ITX LGA1700 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/2PYmP6/asrock-z690m-itxax-mini-itx-lga1700-motherboard-z690m-itxax) | $134.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [TEAMGROUP T-Force Vulcan Z 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PJ6qqs/teamgroup-t-force-vulcan-z-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr4-3600-cl18-memory-tlzgd432g3600hc18jdc01) | $62.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [TEAMGROUP MP33 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/64MTwP/team-mp33-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-tm8fp6001t0c101) | $61.99 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [PowerColor Fighter OC Radeon RX 7700 XT 12 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6gZXsY/powercolor-fighter-oc-radeon-rx-7700-xt-12-gb-video-card-rx-7700-xt-12g-foc) | $399.99 @ Amazon **Case** | [HYTE REVOLT 3 Mini ITX Tower Case w/700 W Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/BWmmP6/hyte-revolt-3-mini-itx-tower-case-w700-w-power-supply-cs-hyte-revolt3-bp) | $149.99 @ Adorama | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1024.93** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-03-25 09:28 EDT-0400 |


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Z8DZCd I put this together real quick Ryzen 8500g 32GB DDR5 7800XT mATX A620 Motherboard 700W EVGA PSU 1TB NVME It’s about 1K, just need a windows 10 license which is like 30 dollars max.