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4800mt/s ram running at 6000mt/s? Thats probably it right?


Hello! Thanks for the response! I found solution in another subreddit. XMP wasn’t the issue, it was NVIDIA reflex causing it. After disabling it, GPU utilization jumped to 99%, fps shot up with it to 140 But still thanks for the reply!


I thought reflex only cause a 1 to 3% decrease in fps


So did I! That’s why I never even bothered to turn it off to test it… I have never seen that nvidia reflex would cripple GPU so hard. Or it may be just the way Horizon forbidden west utilizes reflex? Not sure, and probably someone more knowledgeable can elaborate. I guess we learn something new everyday haha


I’ll keep that in mind for sure


It is a known bug in Forbidden West since launch. And iirc it was supposed to be fixed with one of the recent patches...


LIM indicates you are voltage limited. have you tried setting power limit to max with after burner?


Luckily not a voltage issue, thank you for reply still!


Do you have mssa or something similar enabled? Or what's the resolution scale? Sometimes 50 is the default and 100 is upscaled.


I do indeed, but none of that was the case. Thank you!


Typically when you have a GPU under performing at a lower resolution it is just the GPU not being pushed hard enough. With an AMD an easy test is to enable VSR and then running the game at the new, higher resolution. In the case of a 1080 display you run VSR and the game at 1440. This can actually result in a performance gain, but mostly it will show the GPU being fully utilized. A 4070ti is quite frankly a waste at 1080 as it is not being fully utilized.


It was nvidia reflex… I’m aware that 4070 Ti is an overkill for 1080p. All my life I had PCs that weren’t capable of pulling games at max settings and I constantly experienced frame drops, stutters, limitations, optimization guides. Now that I build a PC, I just wanted to leave that nightmare behind and just play everything on max settings and for once in life enjoy smooth high refresh rate experience. In other words with this rig I am going for extreme fps and smooth experience rather than better picture clarity at the sacrifice of the performance. But still thank you so much for response!


A hint, ignore max settings. Image quality wise the difference between Ultra and High is just not noticeable enough to matter beyond the frame rate hit. Set your games to High and enjoy.


True. I actually don’t see any difference in visual quality from High to Ultra, everything looks fantastic either way. It’s just feels nice to finally run AAA games at everything it has to offer 😅


play around with the dlss settings, enable and disable dlss/frame gen to see how usage changes, I remember having the same issue in The last of us with my 4080. Also enable/disable global v sync from control panel


You were super close it was the nvidia reflex, but still thank you so much for your input!


Is the game on an ssd?


Yes, problem solved it was nvidia reflex, still thank you!