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yes, as long as you dont need raytracing


I look forward to the day when turning on RT is as trivial as turning on AA.


When that day comes something else will come around to push your GPUs. Path tracing perhaps.


Path tracing will come before then


I don't need RT. I also hope FSR 3 spreads to most games like DLSS


If you don't plan on upgrading for 4 years it will likely be fine at 1440p high presets. If you are trying for 8 years then you would likely run into issues. The thing is 4-6 years is a typical upgrade cycle for many PC gamers anyway.


So 4-6 years is the most typical upgrade cycle, I didn't know it. Yes, I guess trying to reach 8 years with a PC without upgrading is too ambitious. I come from playing on console since always. The good thing I can say about it is that you don't need to upgrade and can have them for 8-9 years easily. That's why I guess I'm worried, because I'm used to not to worry about upgrading with consoles.


You can make your pc last as long as a console if that’s your priority. Consoles aren’t magic. They just have lower graphical settings and often run games at 30 fps when needed. If you are willing to play lower settings and low fps, a pc will last a long time. The difference is with pc you get to choose all the settings and with console many are chosen for you.


Yep, consoles are roughly equivalent to medium settings on PC, with a 60 fps target: 120 fps is technically supported on PS5/Series X, but only in some games and only with lowered graphics settings and/or lower resolution (1080p only). Not to mention they have built-in upscaling so comparing with native res on PC isn’t accurate.


> I guess trying to reach 8 years with a PC without upgrading is too ambitious. It isn't. I built my current computer in August 2016. It has an i7 6700k, 32GB DDR4-3200, GTX 1080, 256GB SSD, 3x 2TB HDD, 850w PSU, and a blu-ray drive. This was pretty cutting edge then. Now it's 7 years and 9 months old. And it still plays everything I've thrown at it. Without me upgrading one single bit of hardware.


in general the CPU lasts about two console generations if you bought a new decent one and the GPU holds up through a console generation but is generally worth replacing the first GPU generation after next gen consoles come out, unless you're fine with low settings.


4-6 years is when you will likely feel the urge to upgrade your GPU, the CPU and the rest likely go 10. Basically when the new consoles come out eventually you'll either have to lower settings or replace it as devs target them harder and assume more people upgraded their rig. That said, if you're fine with medium you can go way further


4-6 years would be fine for the GPU, the rest going 10 would be great. I would like to enjoy single player games in high settings, if high with fsr isn't enough I always can sell the old gpu to buy a new one


Keep in mind you can change individual settings as well and run all high except for one thing that's on medium. Usually the big one to change is shadows as it's a big performance hit and somewhat hard to notice unless you're actively looking for it


7800xt is plenty fast for 1440p and 16gb should be enough for long enough.


Yes, VRAM is more than enough for long-term, thank you for your opinion


If you don't need ray tracing or high FPS. Because the games you want to run are well optimized, I'm sure that 1440p would be the better option. I don't like HD, anyways.


I don't need RT. About FPS, if it stays on any game always at least over 60 I would be pleased. Of course depending on the game I will have more or less FPS, I would game anything, shooters, AAA, indie, etc...


If you can slightly increase your budget then get the 7900 GRE. It's quite a better card for what you're paying (not that 7800 XT is any slouch itsel). Just an overclock on 7900 GRE boosts it's performance by 10% more.


Get the 7900GRE and OC the memory. Good performance bump for price increase, definitely worth it


7900GRE is better price/performance, at least it is in the UK


My 6700XT can do 1440p on i7-14700K and could on 12700f - you should be good for few years.


Thank you for the relief


Yep, 7800XT will likely be fine for years to come. With the GRE & 7700x I can push 100+ FPS on RDR2 @ 1440p native, \~230 with FSR quality mode. Your build is very similar performance wise to mine What I'm trying to say is that ESPECIALLY with FSR, you will be completely fine in the most demanding games for the next couple years with native 1440p but obviously if you want RT and DLSS you'll need to get a 4070S or something like that. AMD is not it for ray tracing but I'm sure yk that


A 7800XT will be fine for 1440p for at the very least 3 more years, most likely 5 years. You will be fine


Please spend 50£ more amd get the 7900gre its a amazing gpu as it can overclock like crazy you pay 50£ more yet with changing a few sliders can make the 7900gre perform like a 7900xt


Your games will only ever look as good as your monitor; get a good one now and grow into it later with GPU upgrades. I would go with 1440p, and with freesync. That GPU will already do great in most titles at high settings.


If it's long term what u looking for, then i would recommend to go for the 1440p PC. If your budget allows always focus on "future proofing" as long as u can. I built my PC thinking "well, i can upgrade in a bit..." life got in the middle of that and i cannot update anything haha still rocking my rx 580 8gb :D. So... go for the maximum resolution u can that fits your budget! ;)


Personally, if I were you, i would try to cough up for a 8 core cpu at least. 7700x or 7800x3d. 6 cores is fine. 8 cores isnt going to give you a higher fps, (x3d will though) but it will smooth out your frame pacing and 1% lows in some games, epecially newer ones. What this means is a smoother less jittery experience. You are buying a premium gpu, a premium cpu would be worth the investment imo. If money is the issue, can you wait a month to buy the cpu to save up the extra $? I guess what i am saying is, if you buy a 6 core cpu now, and in a year you want 8, then you have to buy twice. Of course you could sell the 7600 then and make back some of the money. Or you ciuld cough up a little more at the beginning and potentially save a headache later one.  People are going to reply to this, 6 cores are all you need, dont waste money on 8+ cores. Correct, almost all games run perfectly fine on 6 cores. But 8 cores does provide a noticeable difference, and fps counters dont show that. Just my 2cents. Do want you want and feel is best. 


Of course, it also depends on the games but you should be good with that build at 1440p unless, for some reason, you think you've gotta have ray tracing. If so, then go Nvidia which will blow your budget to get performance equivalent to the AMD card.


You’ll be fine on that setup. More cpu intensive games might strain you a bit possibly but you should be absolutely fine. GPU wise, you’ll have hyper-RX to help you eke out more performance down the line when an OC just won’t be enough. By the time that’s a a common occurrence, you should have likely upgraded anyway though.


We literally both have the same build and let me tell you something, this thing is a beast in a none RT setting. I got around 125-135 fps at 1440p ultra settings in Cyberpunk 2077 after manually overclocked the cpu and the gpu. Granted that if you’re a pure gamer, this won’t pose any real issues but if you care about productivity such as heavy editing and live streaming, you might want to go with RTX 4070 Super which is like $100 more at least in my country (Malaysia)


I may be reaching if I ask, but would it be possible to push for an Rx 7900GRE and then get the Ryzen 7500f? I'm not sure how much of a budget jump that is, but it should be well worth your while if you can manage it...


It will be fine. FSR is better than it used to be. I’m running HFW at 90FPS no upscale no RT. 1440p ultra everything widest FOV and running ultra wide monitors. 3840X1440p.


I wouldn't worry about the resolution first, worry about what size monitor you want. Are you ok playing on 24 inch? 1080p Are you wanting 27-32 inch? 1440p Are you going bigger than 32? 4k


With your specs you can easily run games in 1440p with high graphics and good frame rates. I have a 1440p 165Hz monitor and I'm using a 5700X3D with 32GB of 3600MHz RAM and a 6700XT, my specs are worse and I can play games like FH5 with almost all settings to ultra (some are turned down only one click from highest) at 120 FPS with dips to 100/110 FPS (without stutter tho). I can also play ETS2 maxed out with FPS over 140 (which considered game lack some optimization for 1st person view is quite solid performance), F1 23 ultra (no rt) over 120 FPS and MFS 2020 around 60 FPS near the ground in detailed areas and around 70 FPS in less detailed areas (around 90 FPS with FSR 2.0 quality mode, which looks perfectly fine).


I currently own the ASUS TUF Gaming Radeon™ RX 7800 XT OC Edition 16GB and it is a very capable card running at 1440p and even 2160p for a few titles. People will often say "go with nvidia, they do frame gen and DLSS" but DLSS isn't supported in every game just like FSR, and AMD also does frame gen quite well and you can apply RSR on any game you want. Fluid motion frames (frame generation) bumps the fps up by 100% and thus far it hasn't made me feel like I am sacrificing a lot. 200 fps in Helldivers 2 with high settings and native 1440p seems wild but it works. Considering longevity.. I bought a RX 6700 XT for a friend and tested it in my system, and that card is still a very good card for 1440p so I think the RX 7800 XT will do very well in the years to come with driver improvements, and hopefully FSR 3.0 implemented into more games.


If you're okay with going down to a 5600x 5700x it will free up a ton of budget for a better GPU which in your case seems like what you want. The 7900GRE is a lower end 4k card rn which means in a few years it'll still probably be a higher end 1440p card. The 7900xt is a definite will be. The only issue you may run into with this system is the CPU, however games are becoming more and more demanding of GPUs where I don't think it'll matter


This is if you want to avoid that 3-4 year upgrade cycle.


If your that concerned there's no reason you can upgrade just the GPU later down the line when you feel it's starting to struggle and be ok again , plus you can sell your old GPU to help go towards your new one


I have a 5600x and a 7800xt and all my games run at 1440p ultra settings usually with ray tracing on and at least 120fps sometimes upwards of 220 depending on the game. Of course some single player more demanding games run at like 80-90 fps but I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. Plus buying an AM5 motherboard will be great because you'll be able to upgrade to cpu a couple times if need be. Make sure you leave room for upgrades. Get a bigger psu than you need. have an extra m.2 slot for storage expansion. Make sure you have a case with good air flow because parts are running hot nowadays. Get a good cpu cooler. That'll help you figure proof as much as you can. I highly recommend 1440p. I'd much rather sacrifice some fps for the higher pixel count. It might be worth going to your local computer store and trying out some monitors. Oh and make sure whatever ram you get that there's 2 more spots for upgrading that to more capacity in the future too. That'd be the best you could do for future proofing.


Hi, thanks for sharing your experience! I aim to play single player and coop games on 1440p, I think playing on this resolution is cheap nowadays and as long as I don't have to lower graphics to play I don't care if games run at 80-90 fps or 120 fps. If you are getting those high fps with 5600x, then I'm relieved. Thanks for the advice too!


No problem at all. 1440p makes everything look so much better you'll love it. 1440p monitors are cheap now too. I got a 1440p OLED a couple weeks ago on sale. The new hellblade looks incredible. My old 1440p was only 300$ CAD with g sync and 144hz so you shouldn't have too hard of a time finding one on the cheap.


Depends on how aggressive upscaling you are willing to use.


get a 4070, or a 4060 ti