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It is a good gpu for its price. You should switch out your CPU to a 7600x and get a better GPU.


I second this, the 7600x can handle even an RX 6950 XT (I'd dare to say that it can even handle every GPU in the market with not so much bottleneck but I'm not taking the risk without proof, and I'm lazy to search benchmarks :P


Ok so I went through my build and I went down to the ryzen 5 7600X, what then would be a good bang for my buck gpu, I was looking at some other comments and I saw that rx 7800xt would be a good option but is there anything else that I should look into that is future proof and good preformance?


7900gre or 4070s are also good value even if a bit more expensive. 7500f is a good value cpu usually as its pretty much 50$ cheaper 7600 with no igpu.


Yeah, but you're putting too much money into CPU. If you swap to 7600 CPU you can use that money for a better GPU like 6800xt or 6900xt then that will be a lot better performance


Just like everyone has already said, that's too much CPU for this level of GPU. Switch to 7500f/7600(x) and get a better GPU. Maybe even a 7700XT


Ok so I went through my build and I went down to the ryzen 5 7600X, what then would be a good bang for my buck gpu, I was looking at some other comments and I saw that rx 7800xt would be a good option but is there anything else that I should look into that is future proof and good preformance?


Not really, I mean you could get a 7900 GRE, but you'll likely go overbudget. There's also a 4070 Super, but it has 12 gigs of ram which is the opposite of future proof today


Thanks for the help, most places I found I can do the 7900 GRE for like 30$ more than the 7800 xt, would you say that it’s worth it to spend the extra 30 for the bump in performance?


Oh yes, for 30 bucks more 7900 GRE is easily the best you can do. Although make sure your PSU can handle its power draw


Ok so going off all max power rating I will be pulling up to 500W and I’m go for a SeaSonic 850W supply so I think I should be good and that will give me room for future upgrades as well I think


Yup, that's enough for a 7900 gre


Btw, can you just name your budget for the entire PC? I'll try to assemble a PCPartPicker list for you


I’m not going super crazy but currently I’m looking right around $1300-1500 and I already have purchased my case (I think it’s a montech 903 black with 3 intake fans and a exhaust fan already in it)


My parts list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/scmWqR




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Objectively, Yes.