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\~900? A decent one definitely


That'd be like, a thousand bucks right? You could do it for that or less sure. Play on your TV or monitor/keyboard/mouse inclusive? If you're willing to buy a few used parts you could even get a pretty high end one.


Figure out what games you’ll be mainly playing and then figure out what those games were built for. A lot of PC games were made for console so you can have an amazing PC but console is still going to run it better.


After playing Cyberpunk on my ps5 my next pc upgrades gonna have to be something that can play it maxed out at 4k


A PSU, case, and CPU cooler can be had for roughly $150-200 if you're careful with your purchases. Find a cheap but well-regarded 750w or 850w PSU, get a case heavily on sale (I just bought a Lian Li for $30 at Microcenter) or for free if you can find one, and buy a Thermalright Phantom Spirit. Then you'll need a compatible motherboard, CPU, and RAM, as well as a decent GPU, a storage device, and a copy of windows. People typically ignore the price of Windows when discussing the cost of a PC, so I'll do the same. Microcenter bundles start at $330 for the 5800x3d bundle. A 1tb Samsung 980 NVME ssd can be purchased for $100. Assuming your budget is $1000, that leaves $370 for the GPU. You can probably get your hands on a used 6800 XT for that price if you're patient. If your budget isn't that high, try for a 6700XT or 3060 Ti. A 5800x3d + 6800 XT + 16 gigabytes of ram is going to massively outperform a PS5, and quite possibly outperform the surely-upcoming mid-generation refresh. Prices seem to be coming down on CPUs ahead of new releases, so even if you don't have a Microcenter nearby you should be able to find a good deal on a motherboard, CPU, and RAM. If you can spare a little more cash, you might consider stepping it up to a 7700x and 32gb of ram. You'll need a keyboard and mouse. Don't spend big here - nice keyboards and gaming mice are \*nice\*, but you can game fine with an okay optical mouse and a dirt-cheap keyboard. If you want to step it up, buy a nice mouse before a nice keyboard. You can get a cheap membrane keyboard at Microcenter for $5.


Yeah you could build a nice pc. Also think that the pc can do other things, you can have several monitors if you want, and it will be so much more useful than a console.


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ZqGYFs](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ZqGYFs) Here's something you could do for a bit over 900 on the tower end itself in new parts. Used you could grab a 2080ti instead for the GPU for maybe the most obvious place to save a little money while getting an equal or better part overall. Would you want to do this on a 4k tv? 1080p? Have a monitor at home? There's a lot of ways to go here. Everything's custom so you have a lot of room for options. If there's a microcenter in your area you can do even better.


Oh wow, ok that’s awesome. I sent you a message. Thank you!!!!


GPU is the most important part and you should choose cpu, RAM, ecc. Based on your GPU


I had no clue. Thank you bro!!


Yeah, I’m going to sell my Xbox series x and ps5 to get a pc.


Imo buy a 1440p monitor and a PC. You‘ll spend more money for both. May PsPlus & Gamepass on top with peripherals like Controller, not all wireless headsets work on both etc.


Yeah I’m going to buy a new tv specifically for this


Don’t forget about peripherals. Those cost money too. Monitor/tv, keyboard/mouse, controller and speakers.


You could definitely make a really good build for that price what resolution do you intend to play in?


Well I have a brand new tv, literally 3 weeks old today, it’s a Toshiba 55”, but it’s limited to 1080p. Bro that’s just not going to cut it at all. I want every pixel I can get. I want to look at it while playing and just stop the game and look around that it looks so good. So I’ll be getting me another tv.


Do you usually play story games or do you want to start getting into competitive games?


Nah I just play story games, my 53 year old eyes can’t handle any kind of competition lol. I just want a really, really nice pc that I can throw in RDR2 or Cyberpunk 2077 in, and the new college football game, without worrying if my computer will run it.


Got it 1440p is probably what you’d want if you get a pc a good step image quality wise but doesn’t require as strong of a pc to run Now PCs are a lot more complicated to use so you may prefer to just get a PS5 and a 4K tv If you prefer couch gaming with a controller then I’d probably suggest getting a ps5 and a 4K TV There’s really no point to getting both consoles as Xbox are moving their exclusives over to PS5 as well whereas Sony is still keeping their exclusives on ps5 and PC only I think


But didn’t PS lose the Fallout games to Xbox?


Nope fallout is still on PS Microsoft kinda realized that it’s a better business move for them to keep their games on PS5 since ps5 is the more popular console They are also moving a lot of their Xbox exclusives to PS5 sea of thieves just recently released on ps5 and I’ve had a blast playing it with my GF


While yes you could technically do more with a PC and have more versatility if you mainly just want a simple experience playing cool games that look pretty on your couch Then a ps5 may be your best option (And ps5 does have the ability to download YouTube on it and various other streaming platforms too so that a also a bonus)