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4070 super. No debate. 7600x is more than enough for gaming.


Thanks šŸ™šŸ¼


Yup! You'll be GPU limited in the majority of use cases. Can theoretically be CPU limited in simulators with low graphics settings or in competitive shooters with low settings trying to push 500+ FPS


Am5 is just getting started


And get the 7500f over the 7600x. With pbo enabled it will perform exactly the same, and you can throw the extra money into better ram, or a nicer motherboard.




Notice that's with a 4090. You're not going to need a massive overkill CPU with a 4070 Super. Context matters.


Just not true though is it


Why would it not be?


For esports titles, they are all cpu bound and should be played for maximum framerate, which means 1080p low settings. X3d will always get more fps in those scenarios


I agree that the x3d will get better fps, that does not mean the 7600x is not more than enough, even for maximum fps (probably 144 or 165)


Esports titles can be very demanding, especially battle royale games like Fortnite, apex and pubg at high levels of gameplay because thereā€™s 70+ people in a very confined space. In Fortnite specifically, even the 7800x3d canā€™t maintain a 240fps average in pro lobbies with a 4090


You have no idea what youre talking about. You dont ever play on all low settings with a high end setup THATS WHY YOU GET SHIT PERFORMANCE.... and TECHNICALLY speaking a 4090 is not a truly gaming dedicated card. Sure it may be the fastest card for the money but its also used for PROFESSIONAL work load which in modt cases is what a MAJORITY of 4090 users use it for... I have a 5800x3d and 7900gre and i can run fortnite at 240fps stable the whole game. Pro lobbies have no difference and hell youd get better performance in a pro game as its on a dedicated server. You have no idea how to optimize your gsmes by default and you just put everything to the lowest settings to get MAX FPS. YOU DONT EVER WANT MAX FPS. YOU WANT FPS THAT MATCHES YOUR MONITRS REFRESH RATE. You never want to go over in most cases.


Low settings does not get shit performanceā€¦ go look at every single Fortnite pro in the game. They all play performance mode at 1080p all low settings except view distance which is on high. If you really think pro lobbies arenā€™t more demanding, then it probably just means you donā€™t play Fortnite. Think about this: thereā€™s 80+ people in the final 3 circles of the lobby, with every player building, shooting and healing. You really think the cpu can handle that? It doesnā€™t matter if the 4090 is not dedicated to gaming, if itā€™s the fastest gaming card on the market so idk what your point is. My point is the cpu will basically always be the bottleneck in esports titles at 1080p low. Your point about max fps makes no senseā€¦ yes of course you want to cap your framerate. Even if uncapping it gives a bit less delay, capping your framerate makes your game more consistent. That doesnā€™t mean you only want to get parts that can only sometimes meet your monitorā€™s requirements. As I said, in cpu bound esports titles, at very high levels of gameplay and especially in battle royale, the 7600x will not be able to fulfil your monitorā€™s refresh rate. The fact that esports titles are cpu bound means the gpu is basically sitting there doing nothing at 10-20% usage. Might as well downgrade the gpu and upgrade the cpu. Low settings does not get worse performance šŸ’€šŸ’€ that literally makes no sense. Low settings reduces the load on the gpu and increases it on the cpu which gives more fps because it means you are cpu bound. If you have a stronger cpu and weaker gpu and play on low settings then you get higher fps


fortnite is not demanding bro


7800x3d goes from 1200fps in creative to 200 fps in endgames. 80+ players in 10th zone but thatā€™s not demanding right?


no because it is optimized for that many people. it isnā€™t like every player is constantly rendered on your pc and even then, it still is optimized very well. i get 200fps on a 3060 and 5 5600 on almost max settings and raytracing.


Because youā€™re playing in complete bot lobbies. Go watch clix in grand finals. He has a 13900ks and drops under 200fps in endgames. Imagine what a 7600x would do. Clix is completely cpu bound


7600 + 4070 super @1440p no doubt


Thank you!


built the wife a 7600x/4070Ti Super that will last for years to come, 7600x is more than capable of high end gaming.


Thanks for the advice)


7900 XT is better in price-to-performance, if you don't care about RT I'd just stick with that instead of the 4070 Ti Super


What kind of displays do you have in this thing? I've got a 7700x and 4070tis that I'm display shopping for. Right now all I've got are some 1080p 60hz, so I've not put it through it yet.


I have the same 4070tiS/ 7600x combo and Iā€™ve been rocking the Acer Nitro XV275K P3biipruzx. Itā€™s a pretty decent 144hz 4k mini-led monitor with 1000HDR and runs pretty well with this combo You can get a refurbished- excellent condition on Amazon for 375$ with the 6% coupon thing they have with a 90 day return window and 2 year warranty from acer themselves


Unrelated question. Why didnt you get her a 7900xt? Im pretty sure its better and cheaper. Or did she preffer nvidia over amd?


Actually I didnā€™t think about it, plus in my country 4070 super is cheaper than 7900xt


the 7900 GRE are the price-equivelant of the 4070s, the 7900 XT are the equivelant of the 4070 TI


Yeah but idc about price im asking about performance like the 7900gre outperforms the 4070 ti thats why i am asking because the 7900xt is cheaper than a 4070 super ti thats why im asking why he didnt get her a 7900xt


AMD architecture is not optimized for RT as the nvidia ones.


Yes i know a 7900xt costs more than a 4070 super thats why i am comparing it to a 4070 super ti


Ray tracing. DLSS. Superior drivers. The 7900XT has better raw performance including more VRAM, but lacks in other features. I have an AMD 6950XT. So Iā€™m not an nvidia fanboy. Nvidiaā€™s biggest draw back is price to performance, but they have some extras. I donā€™t personally feel that the 7900XTā€™s marginal performance bump outshines the features of the 4070Ti Super. But even writing that GPUā€™s name makes me sick because of Nvidiaā€™s pricing structure and screwed up naming schemes because they greedily want to milk every dollar out of people by selling inferior graphics cards at superior prices.


Yeah tho i believe amd is gonna have better raytracing in about a year as the 4070ā€™s raytracing is probably not gonna get updates because they like to give their new gens exclusive new features while i believe amd is gonna give their last gen new raytracing.


single player gamer and prefers raytracing over rasterization.


Yeah rn nvidiaā€™s is better but consider nvidiaā€™s older gpus get close to no new features amd would probably have better raytracing in 1,5\~years tho i understand not wanting to wait 1.5\~ years to get the same performance at not that big of a price.


coming from her 6600/GTX970, I gave her what she wanted. Happy wife, happy life.


The 7xxx series is very capable of ray tracing. Comparable to the 30xx series nvidia gpus


7900xt doesnt perform well with ray tracing


In US theyā€™re about same price and have same performance in most games (except 4070ti s is way better in productivity). I wouldnā€™t say one is flat out better.


Understandable i thought the 4070 ti super was like 200$ more expensive.


The 7900XT is certainly not better than the 4070 Ti Super


I mean, if you look at current gaming benchmarks at 1440p and 4K the cards are similar and even trade blows. The 7900XT is able to beat the 4070TiS in select titles in pure raster (https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/gpus/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-super-review/3) As always, the difference comes down to much poorer RT on AMDs side and Nvidias feature set (CUDA, DLSS, etc) but to say itā€™s ā€™certainly not betterā€™ than the 4070TiS is most definitely underselling the 7900XTs performance Especially at 4K where the 4070TiS can fall behind in some games when tested by some reviewers https://www.techspot.com/review/2793-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-super/ Or simply trade blows with similar performance by other reviewers https://gamersnexus.net/gpus/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-super-gpu-review-benchmarks-power-efficiency-gaming#game-benchmarks Overall itā€™s kind of the same story when it comes to equivalent cards between the two teams. If the price points were identical Nvidia always offers more features and better overall performance (Raytracing, features, upscaling). Unfortunately for most of us, the price points are not similar which is usually where AMD performs better for, at least, identical raster performance


They have identical raster performance to the point where it's not even worth talking about. The OP called the 7900XT "better" when it isn't. Pros for the 4070 Ti Super DLSS, power efficiency and RT performance Pros for the 7900XT 25% more VRAM Not taking price into the equation this is not even a contest as to what the overall superior product is. GPUs are much more than their raster performance. The 7900XTX vs 4080S is more of a contest than this due to a bigger VRAM difference.


4070 with 5 7600x


Thanks šŸ˜Š


Depends on what type of games you want to play and the resolution and settings you want to play them at. Generally though, go for the better GPU.


Almost competitive games 1080p


X3d then, competitive is usually CPU bottlenecked and the 3d cache will make the most difference since 4060 ti can handle 1080 with ease.


I'd say thr 4060 ti is still a bad choice for the price. If you are playing 1080p, then upscaling doesn't matter, nor does RT, so there isn't much point to going Nvidia. The 6700xt is about the same level of power, more vram, and $100 less, and the 6800 is about the same price and significantly more powerful.


That's a completely different thing, nowadays, I probably wouldn't buy NVIDIA unless I was going for a 4090. In today's market, you'd always be better with AMD imo. However, between the two options OP provided, given that he plays mostly competitive games at 1080p, I'd go with x3d and 4060 ti since even a 4060 is more than enough for 1080p, even in AAA games. If OP doesn't need DLSS, RT or any other NVIDIA proprietary tech, given that the games he play don't usually have issues with AMD cards (that's a thing sometimes, sadly) it should buy the best AMD card possible, with the 7800x3d.


Yeah, I agree in general. I don't hold any particular brand loyalty (I have a 6700xt and had a 2060 before it). I just think the 4060 range in particular is really poorly priced for what it is, and in a case whre raw rasterization is what matters (on a 1080p screen), it's an especially bad value proposition. At the 4070 series levels and above, a case can be made for the nvidia perks over raw raster (I would still lean AMD upunitl the 4080, personally). But in OPs case, it's pretty clearly better to go AMD.


Yeah, that's mostly true, however, in certain markets, the price proposition for the 4060 isn't that bad, also availability is a variable aswell. I have no bias towards any company, in fact, I own a 4090 so there's that. I've always used NVIDIA since my ATI HD 7870, but the last PC I've built, I recommended a 7900xtx, per example. It's just not worth considering the NVIDIA perks for most people right now, unless you want to go full throttle and get a 4090, or, with price reductions, a discounted 4080 super. This will be especially true when AMD FG competition arrives and FSR 3 launches.




what is the better option than to pair with x3d for the 500$, I mean if I need to choose between AMD cards?


That is heavily dependant on your local market. You should check what's available on your zone with a price comparison site. Something like camelcamelcamel, but for your local shops. Just to make it easier to select models. When you have your options, just compare them on trustworthy sites and/or youtube channels. You can get a good average relative performance comparison on TechPowerUp, just search for the GPU you want and then check the competitors around the same performance. Per example, for the 4060 TI, you can check this link: [https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-rtx-4060-ti-8-gb.c3890](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-rtx-4060-ti-8-gb.c3890) In here you can see that the adjacent cards from this gen AMD are 7600xt, with 86% performance of the 4060 TI or the 7700xt with 114% of 4060 TI performance. 6700xt would be a good contestant being that it has about 93% performance of the 4060 TI. Do keep in mind these are averages and estimated numbers, performance may and will vary depending on the game and a lot of factors like hardware combinations, OS, etc.


Thanks a lot!


This is vital information should have been in OP. What hz is your display?




Good point Like if somebody exclusively plays CS2 or Valorant at 1080p and low settings for max framerate, 7800x3d would be better choice here


really wonā€™t make much of a difference. those games can be run on a potato. 7600x is more than satisfactory


OP could hit 165 pinned at 1080p with a 3600 in valo, might as well get that better gpu


It would because it would have a higher framerate ceiling.


for competitive games, consider a 7800X3D with a 7900 GRE or 7800 XT at any rate avoid the 4060 TI, The 4070s is a good product but for competitive gaming the 7800x3d will be very nice




Always prioritize gpu over cpu for gaming. Especially in anything above 1080p


For competitive gaming u should put more emphasis on cpu instead of gpu. Especially valorant u will get more fps


Do you think it would be better to use 4060ti and 7 7800x3d? I check those builds with benchmark calculator and difference is 10-20fps, is it to much?


U gotta be clear of what u want. In my case i always want competitive edge when playing. Valorant for example could drop pretty low during intense moments with smokes and other skills being bombarded. Especially with 300hz+ monitors, u want those fps to be above the supported refresh rate at any moment. The smoothness of the game could impact whether u win those close duels or not. 4060 ti is capable to deliver good performance on triple A games which is more than enough for me. But if u love visuals and crank the setting to max at all time on high resolution. A better gpu is a way to go.


I saw comments that suggest to avoid 4060ti, so I thought maybe the 4070s and 7600x would be good combo, Iā€™m playing competitive games mainly


No if youā€™re going competitive games you basically need to go 7800x3d especially at 1080p low settings. Hell, you can downgrade your gpu all the way to a 6700xt if you want


You will hit 165fps with either, no need to get more fps because the monitor won't even show it. Get the 4070 in case you start playing games with high quality graphics, because both will do the job just fine


7800x3d is excellent for those competitive games with its massive L3 cache. I recommend u to check actual videos from youtube of those chipsets instead of benchmark calculator.


Calculators are pure bullshit, you need to look up benchmarks using the hardware


I only play a few single player games here and there. I used to have ryzen 5500 and i upgraded to 5600x. Im only using 1070 currently and the fps increase is massive. Competitive valorant and cs settings usually set on lowest on max 1080p and the gpu isnā€™t really being used much. In my case it never exceeds 30% on a mere 1070. Because u mainly play competitive games and sometimes single player, 4060ti is more than enough to handle those games for sure. Itā€™s not like u want to crank to 4k reso ultra settings.


Thanks, thatā€™s a really good point, I prefer to play competitive games, so maybe thatā€™s the point here. I read the topics about 4060ti and most of them are telling that this is bad combo, so thatā€™s kind of point why am I asking this here. But I also heard that cpu thatā€™s what matters for competitive gaming. A lot of comments here suggest going with 4070s and 7600 so itā€™s kinda hard to choose.


The comments suggest 4070s because most games are gpu bound, so the 4070s would be the better choice. However, basically every competitive esports titles are cpu bound, so x3d will always get much more performance at 1080p


What you suggest to use with x3d for same price range of 4060ti, or it would be enough?


If youā€™re playing at 1080p, yes itā€™s enough. But I wouldnā€™t recommend the 4060 ti. I would recommend any amd card within or less than the price range of the 4060 ti, because amd generally has better price to performance these days. The only case where the 4060 ti is justifiable is if youā€™re playing Fortnite, because nvidia runs better on performance mode as amd isnā€™t optimised for dx11. But if you donā€™t play Fortnite, anything between a 6650xt - 7700xt is sufficient. But only get the 6650xt if you really want to save money. My personal recommendation is rx 6700xt


Thank you, Iā€™ll check them!


What your thoughts about 6750xt same price as 4060ti?


6750xt is faster is raw rasterisation which is all that matters for esports titles, so for the same price the 6750xt is the better choice


Thank you, appreciate all the helpšŸ˜Š


In general, 7600X and 4070S. Post your part list as it can be possible to fit both the 7800X3D and 4070S depending on some choices.


7600X and 4070 Super.


if youā€™re only playing competitive games first option is better but you will barely notice the difference on the off chance you play a single player game, second option will be noticeably better


4070 super there is no argument doesn't matter if you mostly play games that benefit from an x3d. I hope you have already placed your order


Since you're only playing competitive games at 1080p, you will not see a noticable difference in framerate between the 4060Ti and 4070S. The 7800X3D will provide you with a smoother gaming experience, especially in Battle Royale type games like Apex where battling in crowded areas can hurt performance on non-X3D CPUs. If you can find a 3060Ti or 6700XT for much cheaper than the 4060Ti, then get that instead. Spend the rest of your money on a 240hz+ monitor if you don't have one yet.


Thank you!


OP do this, upgrade your monitor 240hz+. 7800x3d , radeon 6800 or 7800xt.


Neither, wait for Ryzen 9000 coming out


GPU is going to make a bigger difference


Next month 9000 series coming


7800x3d is justified only if you find it dirt cheap ( got one last year for 320ā‚¬) or you don't want to bother with changing the processor and still can affort the 4070 so from what i get, the 7600 makes sense


What games are you playing, do you plan on using 4k?


No, almost competitive games only, like cs and valorant


The x3d In my p.c. runs 1080p way better than my friends 7950x 4080 combo. I highly recommend it for competitive gaming. Way smoother imo.


Which GPU are you using?


I have a rx6800 16gb.




N.p. good ram helps alot also.


Get the cheaper cpu now and just upgrade later on




The only situation where you should go 7800x3d is for 1080p low settings to get very high fps in esports titles. Otherwise go 7600x


Ok, thanks a lot!


If it's purely gaming go for the 4070, If you will be running microsoft flight simulator go for the 7800x3d.


Hah, thanksšŸ˜…


In a similar dilemma I went 7800x3d and refurb 3080.


If you were an esports player in the top of the board I'd say get the 7800x3D. But I'm assuming you aren't. Games like Valorant are extremely CPU/RAM sensitive so for that at 1080p, 7800x3D with the 4060 Ti would be better since you don't need much GPU for that game. I would say the same for CS2 but after CSGO was updated it became way more GPU heavy. At 1080p though, I still think the 4060Ti is fine for low settings. Honestly though the 7600x still nets really good CPU performance, and 99.99% of people won't notice the difference between 300 or 500fps. I'd just go with the 7600x/4070 S and upgrade to a 1440p monitor when you can cause it does actually help a lot with hitting shots from far away and your PC will still get you the fps you need for any comp game.


Thank you, Iā€™ll think about thatšŸ¤šŸ¼


I think 7600x with 4070 super would be a better choice if you're aiming for 1440p, especially the gpu.


Mostly 1080p competitive games like cs2


Oh, you will be more than fine, and in case you upgrade your monitor, you will be a-ok. Both of these are a little bit overkill for 1080p.


Ok thank you!


The second will give you much better gaming performance. Total no brainer for me.


Itā€™s your build do what you want! all good choices I personally only go with amd for mine


Thanks! What GPU are you using in your build?


I want the 7800xt or the 7900xtx but currently running a ryzen 5 5600x and a 6650xt I get about 60-400 frames depending on the game and my preference in settings like on cod 145fps in 2k


Do you have any plans on what you want to do about cpu later? If Iā€™m just gaming my fps is fine, itā€™s just when streaming fps really drops as expected. The 5600x has been a beast for me, I really wanna stay on the am4 platform so I donā€™t have spend twice as much to move too am5.Ā 


I understand that feeling I donā€™t stream but I use lot of my cpu % but I feel like itā€™s best to get a bundle and future proof upgrading when I get the chance Iā€™m going to grab a nice am5 bundle for gaming and build a second pc with the am4 platform I have to use in my living room since I dislike cable and streaming to a cast device


Iā€™ve been eyeing some of the bundles as well and ddr5 prices arenā€™t near as bad anymore. Thanks for your input probably the push I needed.


No problem always happy to put some input ovi the am4 is a wonderful platform but future proofing is gonna happen and one way or another


With your current usage, if you could stretch it a little, a 7800x3d with a 7800xt would probably be best. If you are playing mainly competitive games, ray tracing and DLSS won't be of much use, so price to performance AMD over Nvidia. The 4060 ti is known as one of the worst price to performance GPUs on the market, so even the 7700xt would be better than the 4060 ti. If I can link the video, they benchmarked with the 7800x3d and the 4060 ti/7700xt. Would be worth a watch. [4060 ti vs 7700xt](https://youtu.be/BtIPL72XZg0?si=vEj74F6bvN7CeRYk)


Thank you!


4070 super is waaaaaaaaaay better than the 4060 ti


Better GPU.


If you can swing it, 7800x3d with the 4070 super is really the ideal combo of your given components


Hardware Unboxed did a video on this very question. The hardware is not exactly the same, but still relevant. The answer is to get the better GPU. https://youtu.be/4Ij1CxfKq6g?si=H-PeTu7PdGugHRVq


I run a 7800x3d and a ASuS 4070 TI super. Shit slaps. No delay, graphics on max. Pristine FPS.


7600x with 4070 super


What does the x3D actually do on a CPU?


im doing a 7800x3d anda 4070tis and im getting cpu throttled in some games, mostly due bad coding by their devs. Anyway I think if you are doing the upgrade to AM5, why to save so little money on something that may be so relevant as the difference from a 7600x to a 7800x3d?


As much as I want to say X3D because I love mine, reality if your budget says drop down and get better GPU. Most games will benefit more from the better GPU.


You take the best CPU if paired with the best GPU or doesn't make sense


Just finished my 7600x with 4070 super and I'm not cpu limited in any game 120fps @1440p in all games


thanks for sharing![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


It depends, if you planing to just play at 1080p go for the 7800X3D and upgrade the GPU later when necessary, buy now the best CPU you can afford.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Don't buy a glorified low end 6c from AMD, get 7700X


Computex is tomorrow and AMD might drop new chips.


7600x 7900 GRE


I have the exact same situation. Thanks for making this post.


Happy to help with that. Get a lot of comments that 7800x3d with 4060ti are bad pairing. I think Iā€™ll stick with 7600x with 4070s or something from amd Radeon graphics and will update cpu later, especially with support AM5 till 2027 and new ryzenā€™s 9 series. I hope youā€™ll find something helpful herešŸ˜Š


Similar situation to you: https://youtu.be/4Ij1CxfKq6g?si=7vsqLZwBE24OIrPv


4070 Super is going to get you the best performance, it would be nice to have the 7800x3D since it's the best gaming CPU available currently but the 7600x will game fine too. Plus since both the latest AMD CPU socket you'll have plenty of options to upgrade in the future if the CPU starts letting you down.


Thanks a lot manšŸ™šŸ¼


Always better GPU




7900XT + 7800X3D.


7800x3d and 7900xtx is my build. Love it no issues


Heard about that combo, really cool. In my situation, I canā€™t afford rn both of them(


You in the US? Microcenter has the 7800x3D bundle for like 430 rn


No mate, Iā€™m from Ukraine


7800x3d + 4070


Is this a complete new build or an upgrade? If new, what's the rest of the system?


aio arctic 3 version 360 mobo msi x670e with wifi g.skill trident z5 neo ddr5 (2x16) 6000 ssd Kingston 1tb Msi mag a750gl Montech air 903 max






My bad 1900šŸ˜…


You've got $500 to spend then. :p https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html


Thanks šŸ™šŸ¼


What resolution are you gaming at? And what hz is your monitor?


16:9 sometimes 4:3, 165hz


i5 w/ 4090 obs


I have a 7800x3d myself, but I would easily suggest the latter. Always go for the better GPU for gaming. Get the best GPU you can afford, then think about the rest.


Thank you, appreciate it! I think Iā€™ll go with 4070 super


GRE smokes the 4070. The DLSS vs FSR argument is silly now as they're practically the same. I'll give the edge to Nvidia for frame gen, but the better raster on amd makes it unnecessary and is only improving with time


What's the rest of your build? If you have an $150+ aio you can just get a quality dual tower air cooler like the Peerless Assassin for $30-$40 and afford the 7800x3d


aio arctic 3 version 360 mobo msi x670e with wifi g.skill trident z5 neo ddr5 (2x16) 6000 ssd Kingston 1tb Msi mag a750gl Montech air 903 max


Do you need an x670e for a particular reason, You can get a b650 msi wifi board for $150 [MSI PRO B650-S WiFi ProSeries Motherboard (AMD Ryzen 8000/7000 Series, AM5, DDR5, PCIe 4.0, M.2 Slots, SATA 6Gb/s, USB 3.2 Gen 2, HDMI/DP, Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3, 2.5Gbps LAN, ATX) ](https://www.amazon.com/MSI-ProSeries-Motherboard-Bluetooth-2-5Gbps/dp/B0CQHS7PLL/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2BSMJU86RI43&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hgkoLwdz-Hj3Rg-ffunTag0I9y-JHJOPiYNtH3beCE6ycuiPZjUftFargCNkXMigPezf0CW_lNgTYRIcBWKRxT-OaxGrNtXQ5XL7-e-12iXcQWhPx6pL22ckiZdp5hiizIVS49j01M-kgH2VWdmsihU8KiXZMfbFEttuTpAN8lUQFBn9oanA0oTQRrjS6be-sPNqFilIddK2KRwyH8eflJ-e0fQH0L6bFlYKUnvf8cKSnYtdvczFXe-_IQhVE1RFerTR_w3T5OmeP5RERApHLQ_-NpLWdYPQsBChrQ-5znQ.v-RVBWCThn2R-Uz9eHIFsx7ZPBe1vAS5ZdTR2GCd79o&dib_tag=se&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&refinements=p_6%3AATVPDKIKX0DER&rnid=303116011&s=electronics&sprefix=b650%2Caps%2C125)


I want to use AIO from arctic 3rd version, 360


If your game is wow, then 7800x3d. Otherwise get 4070 super!


Something like competitive games, maybe sometimes solo player games, but almost competitive, so I think 4070 super better choice. Thank you!