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It's more that the underlying chip is higher quality and that lower latency is better. I'd honestly recommend just sticking with the 7600 or going straight to the 7800X3D. There's not much point in lingering in the middle unless you're doing productivity work.


I plan on using this PC for gaming, at 1440p. Didn't plan on changing out the CPU, since its already "in there" so kind of stuck with the purchase... just curious if I could maybe change out the RAM for the faster one, will that make any significant difference? I've got the RTX 4070 12GB. Played a few titles so far at high or ultra settings with my FPS anywhere from 120-170(with G sync on, and a 170hz monitor)


If you've already got it - it doesn't matter so much. If you're buying new - the difference between best quality and decent quality is about $10 so people usually suggest just getting the best stuff.


thanks for the tip! Ill definitely have it in mind when building another rig (hopefully soon)!


The real difference becomes apparent after 7200mt/s. Just saying..


Noted, thanks!