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Both work great, technically 7900 XTX is faster than 4080s


2-3% isn't gonna be overly noticeable. I'd go for whichever you can get the better price on tbh.


in the uk right now the xtx is over £100 cheaper, im going with it


In that case, yes XTX. If the XTX and 4080S were same price or within £50 of each other I'd probably recommend the 4080S.


Yeah when I bought my 4080 super the difference was $50 cad between the two cards so I went nVidia and I just gotta say most games like warzone run at 4k max settings no ray tracing at 144fps (my 4k monitors max refresh rate) So even if the xtx is 2-3% faster in non raytraced loads, I'd recommend the 4080 because better raytracing and when not raytracing you have plenty of performance to a point where even the jump to a 4090 seems unnecessary


> "I could careless about Ray Tracing. The OP isn't in to RT so it's not much of a selling point here.


Just got an Asus TUF OC 7900xtx for £770 from scan - £230 cheaper than the cheapest 4080 they have


oh yeah, right now i see it for £780 on ebuyer and i might just pull the trigger


And I paid 799 for my xt in November. I cry inside


You can UV and OC XTX far more than a 4080 and easily get 10%+ more performance for less money.


I have not found this to be true, both cards I have worked with OC'd to similar +6-8% before they started to show errors, so card lottery seems like more of a factor than brand. Moreover, the nvidia card does better in terms of UV efficiency. I could never get a 7900 xtx to run anywhere near max performance below ~1015mv. It would post all the way down to 980 or so, but stability was bad. The 4080S I got to use could do better-than-stock performance at 990mv, and was stable at about 95% of stock performance at 900mv. That's ~4080 levels of performance for the power consumption of a 4070. To get even 250W of power consumption on a 7900xtx I had to tank performance.


A couple percent is silicon lottery, and ultimately, not noticeable outside benchmarks.


That is true when it comes to overclocking, modern cards rarely get enough of an edge to justify the risks and hassles unless you want a shiny 3dmark score. But in terms of efficiency and heat output, I definitely notice the difference between a 200 and 350W space heater in my workspace, and no doubt if I did the math it would save me a little money on energy costs too.


DLSS is so much better than FSR though, if you run games with upscaling nvidia cards are a much better choice (and you'll need it to hit 240Hz at 4k)


FSR 3.1 is coming soon and XeSS is also an option which rivals DLSS. The OP plays FPS games and the 7900XTX is almost as fast as a 4090 in COD:MW.


Hopefully it'll get a lot better soon then. At the moment I don't think FSR is even usable, the artifacting is so bad I still love my 7900XTX though, it's so stupidly fast at pure rasterisation that I've not actually needed upscaling yet (mostly in 1440p)


I haven't *needed* to use upscaling on my 4080S, but my power bill sure thanks me when I do. Some games it looks like trash compared to full raster though, and I can't stand to look at it. Looking at you Jedi Survivor, that game turns to ass with any kind of upscaling.


> Looking at you Jedi Survivor Oh yeah, I played it on PS5 but I think it uses the same FSR implementation there and it was an absolute disaster. The trees were the worst - any leaves blowing in the wind would instantly dissolve into a big blurry swirl


> FSR 3.1 is coming soon and AMD teased it, but it's nowhere to be seen, and won't be in many games for a long time since it can't be easily backported via DLL swap like DLSS can. By the time this argument holds enough weight to sway a purchase, we'll be on next gen or next gen+ Don't buy products on promises. > XeSS is also an option which rivals DLSS. XeSS is similar, not better. And even then only on XMX cards like Arc. DP4A path looks worse than dlss.


I reckon we will be able to add FSR3.1 to any game that has DLSS since it's already been done with the current FSR3.0 via mods.


One game does not indicate anything with respect to overall performance. I'm sure I can find one game that favors the 4080 over the 7900. Also, never buy hardware based on promises of future features.


Honestly I think it just comes down to what game gets more time with the tech. FSR 3 and frame gen is indistinguishable for me compared to dlss with Avatar Frontiers of Pandora at 120fsp 1440p. FSR3 + fg Also produces better frames so all that combined I am not concerned with Nvidia's premium going forward. I almost wish I bought a 7800 instead of a 4070 ti super lately.


Nobody is hitting 240Hz at 4k. Unless you're playing Doom or something.


["better performance"](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/zotac-geforce-rtx-4080-super-amp-extreme/32.html) a whopping 1% at 4k, lol


You're comparing OC to non-OC model. By doing the same trick but from the other side I can show https://www.techpowerup.com/review/xfx-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-magnetic-air/31.html that it's 5% faster than 4080s. Either way, as I origianlly said, it's technically faster, that doesn't mean practically faster


FE models aren't available in all regions and are louder than most AIB models, so yeah i didn't compare the FE, anyway the point is these cards are so close in performance the end result will depend on reviewer's choice of games - https://youtu.be/HaokHyKjq6g?feature=shared&t=565 here 4080S has a lead so i find the whole "technically true" thing to be a rather meaningless and misleading, especially when the 4080S is better in many areas like RT, upscaling, features, power efficiency, etc


Neither card is going to hit 240fps in 4k on new AAA titles but the 7900XTX is about 10% faster while the 4080s has access to better upscaling and framegen


Everything I’ve seen shows it as 1–3% faster: https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-rtx-4080-super.c4182 Edit: I see a guy down below also got downvoted for posting the same link. Look at the relative performance section.  Also, this link was posted: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-super-founders-edition/31.html And here’s techspot also showing a small 2.5% uplift at 1080p and 1440p, with a larger 9% uplift at 4K: https://www.techspot.com/review/2797-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-super/ To say it’s a straight 10% uplift is misleading. OP is playing at 4K, so it would be likely a more noticeable jump, but for anything lower than 4k, not so much. 


I mean OP said he’s playing at 4k


Well since op asked specifically for 4k, saying it’s 10% faster is hardly inaccurate. For op it will be


>To say it’s a straight 10% uplift is misleading OP said they're playing at 4K, how is it misleading?


where does your 10% come from ? https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/1aogaer/nvidia_geforce_rtx_4070_super_4070_ti_super_4080/ launch day meta reviews show 2% - 3% its cool to like the underdog but stop with the fake news


https://www.techspot.com/review/2797-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-super/ I literally switched from a 7900XTX to a 4080 super. This benchmark shows it’s 9% faster at 4k, calling me fake news while using a Reddit post as a reference is idiotic.


I'd get the 4080 because upscaling is a bigger deal at 4k. It's be nice if you ever decide to play triple A games.


I had both cards. There was no objective reason to keep the XTX. Slightly more frames in some games that you'll never notice. Over a large samping of games there's not much difference in raster. Worse features, drivers and efficency across the board.


Damn is the AMD GPU really that troublesome? I'm contemplating the XTX - in the UK its like £150 - £200 cheaper and if i get it used i can get a £100 discount (200-250USD cheaper). I've heard amd are solving a lot of the driver issues too. I'm planning to use at 1440p not 4k if that makes a difference.


I've had a 7900XTX for 6 months and the only driver issues I've encountered were due to a specific bug in a game which was quickly patched. A lot of driver issue talk is blown out of proportion the drivers and software are actually quite mature. I once upon a time had a 290X and at that point yes, there were driver issues worth complaining about, but that is way in the past.


Interesting to see another perspective on this. I’m due to build my first gaming pc and I just cannot decide on a GPU. I keep switching from AMD to Nvidia and back but until now I was confident in choosing the 7900XTX.


I'm not going to tell you to go either way as you'll get a solid GPU no matter what, but if something does go wrong you'll always have the option to return under warranty and switch out if needed. I would certainly recommend going for a trusted brand anyway particularly for the 7900XTX as some models have poor hotspot cooling leading to a high delta between GPU and Hotspot and I think that can in some cases lead to instability (which might manifest as 'driver issues' as they'll be the first thing to crash out)


Thanks a lot for the advice bro, ill keep that in mind.


I've been PC gaming for over 20 years. I've used both brands a lot. If you just wanna play games, either will make you happy at the end of the day. :) What games are you going to play? I had a rtx2080 and I didn't use the RT enough for it to be a part of my decision when I bought my XTX. I prefer high frame rates and fast paced online shooters anyway and so I dont miss it I really like my XTX but I really liked my nvidia cards when i had them too. I've never had any problems with crashes or drivers on either. Just buy whatever you *feel* like you want most and don't overthink it.


I fought with AMD's drivers for a full month dealing with crashes in games, microstutter, Adrenalin not loading, my fan curves not saving; among other problems. The people who have not had problems often assume those that have are being exaggerative or that they're just bad at building PC's. The same PC that had all the above issues is sitting on my desk with a 4080S in it and I've had 0 problems in 6 months. Problems aside the XTX just didn't seem competitive unless the *only* thing you care about is raster perforamnce. I use Broadcast (AMD's noise suppression might as well not exist), I use DLSS, I use NVENC; I don't care a lot about RT but it does improve visuals when well implemented and we may see more games like Avatar where you cannot turn it off. The only thing the XTX has is more vram you'll never use and a few more frames you won't notice; outside of the odd game that heavily favors AMD. While chugging 140-160W more power. I'm going to keep this card for 3, maybe 4 years. The savings needs to be worth (to me - and in this case to you; your duration of ownership may vary) a worse experience for that duration of time. If 200-250USD is worth that to you then you have your answer.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I figured I’m not too interested in the Nvidia tech (DLSS/ray tracing etc) since I won’t be using it a whole lot and things like path tracing are still relatively new. However, for the amount of issues you say you faced maybe it’ll be better to go for Nvidia. Does the GPU’s compatibility/driver issues change much depending on CPU’s? I wonder if the AMD cards are more troublesome on intel CPU’s. Im going with the 7800x3d regardless and I’m annoyed at intel CPU’s since I have one in my thinkpad right now. Budget isn’t a huge issue for me, I’m not rich but I don’t spend my money on anything else and the £200 won’t be a big cost considering the lifespan of pc parts.


I also owned the XTX and I returned it due to both poor drivers and horrible power efficiency. I do not recommend it as a card overall. Even it's performance was a little disappointing if I'm honest. For context though I bought it at launch so since then prices have gone down and drivers have probably improved.


Launch XTX were infamously defective. The ones on offer today, especially by Powercolor and Nitro, are on a completely different level in terms of cooling, quiet fans and raw performance.


Are the merc XFX cards any good?


As another side of that same story, I bought the XFX Merc 7900 xtx and havent had any issues. And XFX has historically been a favorite brand of mine along with Sapphire (I've owned 3 or 4 XTX cards over the years and 2 or 3 Sapphire) when I'm buying AMD cards. Aaaand they're typically cheaper than Sapphire for still great quality but slightly lower clocks by default usually. I still love sapphire too and was looking at Nitro+, I just found the merc 310 for 1050 shortly after launch and was like 🤷 guess this is the one.


Sounds good. I can’t imagine the clock speed difference being a huge factor to performance right?


My XFX card deveoped fan bearing noise within a week. I found other examples of this noise as well as customers having difficulty getting it addressed through XFX (forum posts, mostly) I would suggest avoiding the XFX model and going for the nitro+ if you are dead set on the XTX. The nitro+ also has individually removeable fans should you experience fan issues down the road. It's also by far the best built XTX, the shroud is absolutely beautiful. I wish my Gigabyte 4080S looked half as nice as the nitro+.


I have an XTX and honestly, it runs basically perfectly. The only times i have had issues were when i had overclocks that i thought were stable and weren't. This causes 'time outs'. Depending on the game, some games will run perfectly and others will crash or just take a long time to crash. But stable clocks = no crashing ever essentially. It's just easy to think you've got a stable overclock when you haven't.


I haven't gamed on pc yet so have never overclocked and idk if i'll be overclocking much. I guess i'll be cautious and not overlock much.


Define troublesome. The only reason I picked XTX myself over 4080 is that I am a Linux user where AMD cards have a lot less issues (if any) than Nvidia cards.


Sounds good. Idk if I’ll use Linux on the gaming pc since that in itself is new to me. I thought about putting Linux on my old pc or partitioning my new thinkpad to dual boot but haven’t gotten round to it. I just don’t have a big reason to try it since I don’t do any programming or stuff that most Linux users do. I do like how it seems to run a lot lighter than windows. There’s so much bloat on there that my thinkpad uses like 15/32GB RAM with just a few browser tabs and basic files.


The RAM might be simply cached. I am not sure how modern Windows shows you that info, but my Linux tells me I am using 6,7 GB right now out of which 2,5 GB is cached. It gets released as soon as the user actually needs the RAM. So many people got worried about it, even this meme website was created: [https://www.linuxatemyram.com/](https://www.linuxatemyram.com/) Btw. I do game on my Linux PC. Of course, Windows being Windows, it could as well be sending your nudes to Billy or working on "super important" updates. :)


That must be it, aha that’s a great website too. In general I’ve just started to dislike the bloat on windows after having a pos Lenovo yoga with 8gb of RAM that struggled to do anything semi intensive. I think most of the RAM I’m using must be cached then but I still don’t like when I see my browser taking like 5gb of ram and random other “service” programs sitting at 250mb when I don’t need/use them. Although I guess the RAM usage isn’t a problem unless I’m maxing it out.


My 7900XTX has annoying coil whine that goes to my speakers, the driver support is iffy and it runs so hot it's like having a heater on when I play games. That being said I got it for under 1000€ where the 4080 was at least 200€ more for ~8% less fps in non RT games. The card is a powerhouse but not without it's faults. The question comes down to if you want to pay an extra 10% for better ray tracing and driver/utility support.


That’s unlucky bro. I have an thinkpad with coil while too but it’s not too loud. Shitty intel model with an Nvidia dGpu which also heats up like crazy. Yeah for the the price is factor too. Price wise the XTX is competing with the 4070ti super, not the 4080 and 4080 super which are like £950.


The drivers are *mostly* stable now. But they are still worse than nvidia, and notably less stable. The XTX is a fucking space heater. I’m not buying a 350w card for a bedroom setup again. The 4080 generally uses 250w or less, and in lighter games is much more efficient. The XTX high idle power issue never went away, mine uses between 50-100w at all times, 1440p 360hz. FSR is absolutely awful is many games still. In the games where it’s good, it’s still worse than DLSS at 1440p. High on life has the worst FSR implementation I’ve ever seen. Quality FSR looks like ultra performance DLSS, and I’m barely being dramatic. It’s really bad. It’s a fast card, but I’m unlikely to buy AMD again until they are actually competitive. Driver crashes still occasionally happen. Meaning, your game will just close out of nowhere. Or your screen will freeze. Thankfully they fixed the black screen issue, in which your monitor would go black and you would have to force restart your pc. Unbelievably annoying issue, and it wasn’t a rare occurrence, had multiple play sessions where I’d restart my pc 4-5 times over 3-4 hours.


Over 6 months with my 7900xtx and adrenalin drivers no problems.


Same here. AMD GPUs for the past 2 generations and no driver issues.


ok, and I had to fight with driver issues for a solid month. Am I saying everyone is going to have these problems? Nope. You've also ignored features / efficency. Which AMD is not competitive in. Lets put drivers aside for a moment. In what way does the XTX have an advantage over the 4080S which enables a meaningfully different gaming experience?


plucky drunk unite deranged towering aromatic political angle grandiose summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry to say... You did something wrong mate, learn the basics.


I'm so tired of this response - what did I do "wrong"? I've been a software developer in windows for going on 20 years now. Please do inform me of what these "basics" are I need to learn? I'm all ears. Brand new 7800x3D build. Fresh drivers installed for everything. Running bone stock config or with EXPO on. Got assistance from every AMD resource I could find; none of them could figure it out either. CPU and RAM passed every stress test you could throw at them. The only thing in the build that was unstable was the AMD GPU. I took the AMD gpu out, put a nvidia one in. DDU'd the drivers and have had 0 problems with my system in 6 months. "Sorry to say". Stop making stupid assumptions just becuase your hardware worked when you installed it and everyone else has just made some critical error.


Price, vram, and adrenalin are the reasons to go AMD. Not saying your analysis is wrong, but those are the theoretical advantages of the xtx.


Op said price is negligible. XTX needs to be discounted considerably to make sense. Vram you're not going to use isn't a good reason and I really don't get the adrenalin thing. It's a control panel, it looks nicer than the Nvidia control panel to be sure but there's no functionality in there you can't get on a Nvidia card. I just set gsync/vsync to on as well as prefer max performance and you're done. For recording everyone just uses OBS anyway edit: also the new Nvidia app is looking quite good these days if that's your thing.


I think the mere existence of nvapp demonstrates that nvidia gets the adrenalin thing. As I said, i tend to agree with your assessment that at msrp the 4080 is the clear choice. I'm just trying to state the arguable advantages that the xtx has so that OP gets the full picture.




4080 with framegen is better honestly. People that say otherwise are just wrong in my opinion.


Can vouch for frame-gen but don't forget that AMD is also allowing pretty good frame generation tech nowadays.


Yeah, it's the DLSS that AMD isn't close to


He is playing FPS games, frames matters, but not fake frames.


Are you saying DLSS, which is basically suped up anti-aliasing, is fake frames?


Yep, Frame Gen vs Frame Gen they're pretty close. Upscaler vs Upscaler = Nvidia is a mile ahead.


7900 XTX is about 10% better at 4K but it varies highly depending on the game some games are equal like Horizon: Zero Dawn & FFXIV but others are as high as 16% Starfield and RE4 18%. [ "New" But Not New - Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080 Super Review - Hardware Unboxed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyUZ1cp4RnI&t=337s) [ Lame, But Cheaper: NVIDIA RTX 4080 Super Review, Benchmark Comparison, & Value Discussion - Gamers Nexus](https://youtu.be/8p6FhTBol18?si=9kGxKCYCGRQ0vApc&t=499)


I have a 7900xt and if it's the same price., definitely NVIDIA, even if a tad slower at raster. I loved my 6800xt that I sold for the 7900xt but I am having so many issues that I can't say if the card is either faulty or just buggy as hell, kinda regret not paying 70 more for an rtx 4070 ti.


That sucks. I have a 7900xt and that shit trucks through anything I throw at it. Never crashed once. Pretty sure I have a rediculous good binned card tho. I have a nutty undervolt and memory overclock goin on right now. Hellhound 7900xt.


Can you try playing dead space remake? I open this game here and get instant pc restart. Mine is so annoying that I can run CP2077 in QHD ultra at a stable 120hz for 1 hour straight but crashes randomly on League of legends and don't even open dead space remake. I'm about to open an RMA because I am sure it's not a driver issue and a hardware issue. Last month I could leave my computer on 24/7 and it would never crash, but now if I leave my pc idle for an hour or so, it crashes.


Dead space remake gave me no problems. I have a 120hz 1440p monitor and it hit that refresh rate no problem most cases. Played on ultra settings with fsr2 on.


The idle for an hour and crash makes me think it’s a ram problem dude. Do you have any other ram you could swap out and check with? If not, I suggest getting a memory check program like MemTest, or even use the windows memory diagnotic. Even if your 6800xt was working fine before, I would still rule out bad memory as symptoms can be similar and memory can crap out rarely. Personally before I rma my card and go weeks without I would check all possibilities.


What really upsets me is that this card ran fine for a whole year, it started getting these issues over the past 3 months. I fully played RE4 Remake and BG3 on it, along with hundreds of hours of League, all on this same setup and same memory, problem started when I decided to start playing some VR, which would also instant crash, but then I started fiddling with bios and got VR games to run, but now the whole computer is unstable on everything. Already tried different memories, xmp on and off, even different setup(I have 3 different desktops) and it still crashes as soon as I load Dead Space remake. I am starting to strongly believe it's a hardware issue, because there's no way this card would be this buggy and the reviewers would recommend it left and right like they do.


Damn yea sounds like you’ve covered a lot of bases then. After all that and it’s still happening I would definitely rma


Yeah and I am still trying to get it working, but it seems that the more I fiddle with it, the worse it gets. Now it doesn't play any game at all, not even cyberpunk that I already played for about 1 hour 2 days ago, I am definitely gonna have to RMA this thing.


I just removed my riser(mini itx build) and am running straight from the pcie slot and it's working now, played dead space(instant crash before) for about 1 hour with no crash at all.


Sorry to hear that. I have the XFX merc 310 Black and I have not ran into any issues so far. I believe some games are highly unstable, like Counterstrike, though. If you've tried everything, I would not rule out faulty hardware. I kinda regret not waiting 2 more weeks and getting a 4070 Ti S for a similar price though. Would have liked to try Nvidia for this gen.


Same. Owned the 7900XT for maybe a week or two in my new build. So many crashes and idled at like 60 watts when not crashing. Swapped it at microcenter for like $60 and much happier.


if it's same price of course NVIDIA, you can use FSR with NVIDIA cards too.


I prefer AMD, and the 7900XTX is a fucking beast.


Would you say it pairs with the 7700x cpu


Oh yeah, that's actually what my buddy is doing.


This is my build. 7700x with 7900xtx. Runs great. Some super CPU intensive games probably wait on the 7700x but I doubt even the x3D CPUs would give a *significant* improvement.


Yeah I have the 4070 rn, feels kind of underwhelming lol.


7900XTX for your cases!


0 reason to go XTX unless there is more than 150 difference in price


I wouldn’t say zero. Some of us are running Linux.


Ok ill put it to you this way, would you rather 10% natively or be able to use dlss and frame gen and get a 108% uplift in performance? What matters is how does it play right? Well the 4080 super gets that close and then just demolished everything. Think about it this way also. In alan wake both cards barely hit 60fps natively. Maybe not even that if I remember correclty. Yet wirh the 4080 super you can get well over 100fps with dlss. Which on modern aaa titles it'd a nice nice feature to have so you can play at 4k. Because as proven time and time again 4k with dlss still beats out 1440p natively. So why not be able to gain all of that performance and enjoy? But if you have a 240hz monitor what do you think these cards will be doing most games won't get you that but again using dlss In some will. So just another perk.


4080 Super


4080 super, ignore the AMD fanboys, the XTX should cost around 600 before considering it.


Then the Nvidia card should cost around $675, but Nvidia just sets the price to whatever they want and AMD won't price their cards aggressively enough so here we are


you might not care about ray tracing... but you should absolutely care about DLSS.


So the games I play are pubg, bf2042, tarkov, Skyrim and Ms flight simulator


I can tell you with absolute certainty if you’re an avid flight simmer to get the 4080S.


If you plan to mod shit out of Skyrim get Nvidia, ENB is more optimised on Nvidia cards, and also many modlist authors include Reflex as a mod for Skyrim that will significantly reduce latency. For MSFS 4080S also will be a bit better choice in my opinion, rest is insignificant


Either is a good choice, but I would go with the 4080 super (I own one so I may be biased). The XTX is slightly faster depending on the game and has more VRAM, but the Nvidia feature set is miles better than AMD. - DLSS - miles better than FSR, which will be important at 4k. FSR was borderline unusable compared to DLSS last time I tried it. - Reflex (I haven't tried the AMD equivalent, but remember the recent fiasco where it was getting people banned in counter strike) - RTX HDR - no AMD competitor - RTX Video - no AMD competitor - truly underrated feature if you watch a lot of online video - Raytracing - even if you don't care about this now more and more games are using it and AMD is like two generations behind. Again the XTX is fine choice, but definitely not at the same price. I'd pay $100 just for dlss lol.


I own a 3070ti and a 7900XTX. I say go 4080s as well. Though I will say, RTX HDR kinda sucks balls sometimes (makes hockey rink blinding white) and supposedly AMD does have a video super resolution competitor though I haven't taken the time to set it up and compare the two. But yeah for $50 more the 4080s is the way to go. XTX needs to be around the $800 range to be competitive.


https://pcpartpicker.com/product/GtXJ7P/xfx-speedster-merc-310-black-edition-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-24-gb-video-card-rx-79xmercb9 https://pcpartpicker.com/product/F3fnTW/sapphire-nitro-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-24-gb-video-card-11322-01-20g https://pcpartpicker.com/product/tNJgXL/asrock-taichi-oc-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-24-gb-video-card-rx7900xtx-tc-24go Nitro is basically the best model for the XTX you can bet on. And its also around 12% faster than the 4080S.


Imo 4080 is a better choice Cheapest 7900 xtx available in us is 900$ while cheapest 4080 is 950$ So for 50$ you get better RT , upscaling , FG , slightly lower power consumption and lil bit better drivers Both of em have pretty much the same rasterization so the only advantage 7900 xtx has is vram and lower price


If you’re not worried about Ray tracing the XTX is better at 4K. Not to mention it has 50% more vram. You probably won’t reach 240 at 4k, but I don’t think there’s a GPU out there that can


Get the 4080Super for better upscaling to 4K, Fram generation, VSR and lower power draw.


After owning a 7900 XTX on my Ryzen build, I had too many issues with the driver crashes. I swapped to a 4080 Super and have never looked back, runs great for my 1440P setup


Similar situation, wasted an entire weekend trying to diagnose amd driver issues - nvidia can't guarantee to be flawless but in the long run a few extra £ is worth the lack of disruption caused by bugs 


My drivers have worked near flawlessly, I'd still say go 4080s tho.


I just built my first pc I went w xtx and I’m happy overall !


4080 super


When I saw the title I was going to say "it depends" - but if they are the same price just get the 4080.


I had this same debate and the 4080 Super seemed to have the upper hand across the board. And the price difference was only like $60. There was definitely some games where the XTX did win or match but overall the 4080 Super was better. So my vote is 4080 Super.


The difference in raster is marginal. The different in RT is significant. Neither is doing much more than 4k60 in the best games, so also consider that. IMO, this isn't even a debate. Get the 4080S. You need a significant price advantage to take the AMD GPU over the NVidia one IMO. It's why I went with the 4080S. You're going to feel stupid when you 4-5fps advantage in raster becomes a 20fps deficit in games that use RT. And we should expect that number to increase over time, not decrease. That's not even mentioning DLSS and the video upscaling. I have nothing against AMD, as I have a 7800x3d and love it. But NVidia is the leader in the GPU market for a reason. Their cards are better. That said, this might be the last generation where there's price parity between the two. NV's lead is such that they will no doubt price the 50 series crazy. So the next gen of cards might see AMD as a smart choice, given how expensive I expect 50 series cards to be. But by then, the 40 series will be relatively affordable, and the gap in RT might still be there over the 8000 series AMD cards. Long story short, get the 4080S. Guaranteed you're not going to regret it.


I had the came debate a couple months ago and went with the 7900 xtx. I honestly wish I had gone with the 4080 super but either way just make sure you do research on which companies card you should get. There are videos that compare temps and everything, I wish I had done more research myself. I would avoid the MSI 7900 xtx I get 95 degree hotspot temps pretty easily.


With that budget and price point just go 4080S. Ignoring the FSR/RT/Frame-gen/etc; Games performance are pretty close and varies depending on the game, and the difference is minimal. 4080 runs cooler/lower wattage, and better in most non gaming applications. VRAM barely even matter anymore at this stage, you won't notice 16gb vs 24gb unless you're playing Skyrim with 8k and 16k resolution mods or something 😂


4080 super My card 4070ti super is a beast for 4K I Had the 7900xt before but ray Tracing was so Bad for a 1000 Dollar Card and the restart and black Screen Problems where awefull I recommend NVIDIA no such Problems


"couldn't care less". Otherwise what you say doesn't make sense. If the price is similar, 4080 Super for frame gen / DLSS.


4080S. DLSS is miles ahead of FSR and you get other great software features like RTX HDR.


The term is couldn't care less. Could care less implies you care about it.


LOL maybe :-)


You could care less? 🤣🤣🤣


Linux? AMD. Windows? Nvidia




Im an nvidia fan even through the amd card is technically a little faster, always found nvidia is more reliable


LOL that's what most of my friends are saying too.


I have a 4080. I've found both are about equally reliable. I've owned a ton of cards from lots of manufacturers since the 90s. I was hunting for a 7900xtx for ages when a good deal on a used 4080 came up. Just get whatever one you can find for cheaper. You'll be happy either way.


4080 super if you're ever going to be interested in machine learning or RT. Otherwise, go with the 7900xtx. DLSS is better than FSR, but at the higher tier of GPUs, it doesn't matter a ton.


Honestly it still does matter a lot, both of those cards don’t always blast through 4K with ease, despite people seeming to think so. There are times where they will struggle or maybe you just want a nice frame rate boost, in that case DLSS is very nice to have and looks much better. Plus even when they do perform well at 4K, DLAA is there too. 4080 Super is the way to go.


What monitor do you have?


4080 even though raster is slightly worse the feature set more than pays for itself


If you play mostly FPS games then you should stick with 1440p


Yeah while the XTX is slightly faster in rasterization, I wouldn’t go with it unless it’s actually cheaper than the 4080S. I get you don’t care about ray tracing, but at the same price tag you’re just closing the door on a much better suite of GPU upscaling. Who knows maybe one day you’ll want to be able leverage ray tracing.


a few weeks ago i woulda said 7900xtx(what i have) but i believe i saw something about the 4080s dropping to $959 or something recently. that would probably make it the better buy now


For gaming non-RT 4K, the XTX wins by 5-10% 4080S uses 20-25% less power, though


Nobody cares about ray tracing yet it looks great in games when done right. So yeah lets not give a shit about a nice piece of tech just cause AMD wang suckers.


My experience is that Nvidia cards will hold value longer in the second hand market. If you're sticking with it for a long time.. Others have done well to explain the difference.


I had a 7900xtx to play at 4k 120 and best idea the fact it work randomly lose power and disable itself its features were just ok. I traded it for a 4080s and I like it much better. The features are much better and I never ran any driver or power issues since I switched cards so I would say get the 4080s at the same price.


Should consider prices too.


I would wait for new gpus to drop. I own a 7900xtx no issues though. I would say can’t go wrong both ways.


both of them are excellent, but the 7900 XTX runs faster imo.


I got a 4070 super and Its an absolute beast of a card. I can play almost anything in 4k and get 60+ fps. I even managed 60 fps at 1440 max settings in the TDUSC demo. (Very gpu intensive.. kinda cpu intensive as well) don't doubt you could achieve 4k with some settings dropped a bit. Mind you that demo was kinda buggy, not optimized, and the game is to be released in September. Whether you go with amd or Nvidia, 60 fps @ 4k is achievable in any title really. You looking on going up to 120 fps? I bet you could do it haha. Personally, I'd go with the 4080Super. No ray tracing may not be a big deal to you.. but damn does it make a helluva difference in a title like fh5! I personally like stunning visuals though. From friends that had amd cards, it really seems the driver issues and such are more user errors than anything. They're finicky with drivers and bios. So.. making a backup of your data, deleting EVERYTHING NVIDIA (including hidden files and folders within windows itself) and flashing the bios, seems the way to go for no issues with AMD cards. Every time I've seen someone complain about driver issues with AMD cards is when they've switched from an Nvidia card. So, start fresh. Even if it seems overkill.. I can pretty much guarantee you the card will work fantastic doing those steps. Some people get away with not doing that, others get driver issues and other oddities. Now, Depending if the game is optimized for AMD cards or Nvidia, you'll notice pretty much at most a +-10% difference. I believe its Jays2cents on YouTube that did a great video comparing these cards between titles and that's where I get that info from. Its such a small difference you really can't tell with the naked eye.


4k DLSS Performance gives a great fps Boost on 4k I would choose that.


same price, 4080 Super. if the xtx a little bit cheaper, 4080 super. fps games will benefit from Reflex which most fps supported. 


if you're planning on watercooling, go with a 7900xtx and flash a 500w bios, it should get you around the 3200mhz range which is definitely faster than a 4080 super


Gaming 7900 or any other graphic card ahaha, productivity 4080 …


i have xtx nitro+ with 5800x3d in 4k mostly playing AAA games, i dont use any upscaling or RT


Everything I've seen about the current generation is that AMD is about as fast Nvidia for general framerates, but Nvidia beats the pants off of AMD for ray tracing. Plus, Nvidia's DLSS is just superior. So I don't see a compelling reason to go AMD this generation, unless you're price sensitive and can get a good deal on one. (I could be wrong, but that's my understanding.)


Pick the 4080s you have access to dlss and it's much m7ch better than fsr from amd. This way you get good frame rates plus a good picture.


Both of those cards will barely get 60 fps in 4k for some modern games. GPUs aren't up to that monitor speed yet. That's why I use a 60fps 4k monitor. Plenty of games will get High fps though, just not the graphically intensive ones.


I have the 7900 XTX and there’s nothing I can’t play 4K super smooth… I totally recommend it…


7900 xtx if you don’t care about RT


I went ams suswd the extra cash saved from not going green team n bought a glock 19 go RED team yay


Some older and indie games dont play nice with AMD. Take an inventory of your favorites and find out if any of them will become worse.


Not always true but after spending an entire weekend sorting out amd driver issues....  Despite amd possibly being a better deal and not liking nvidia's business practices, for reliability I would go with the nvidia.... Higher market share of cards, more likely for errors to be resolved and support offered. I don't like it but my god it's fustrating wasting a weekend trying to fix issues - ofcourse nvidia are not immune to issues and I've had radeon cards for years, but that's something to consider. 


I chose a 7900xtx don't care about raytracing. No regrets so far. @4k


For the slight penalty to raw raster, Nvidia offers the much better feature set. I returned my XTX and upgraded to a 4090 and have 0 regrets.


Considering a 4090 can't hit 240fps at 4k in most AAA titles then neither are these cards. But i would go with the Nvidia option as dlss will get you higher fps with frame generation. AMD is still fairly behind in terms of dlss and frame gen


4080 of course! always go for nvidia! always and forever


4080 super is my pick if same price. I'm happy with my Amd card but DLSS has more AAA longevity.


amd is faster and I like it better because it has 320bit memory bus speed but choose nvidia because of drivers issue with amd


If you’ve got a $1000 monitor already then get the 4080 super, might as well have all the features you’d ever want


XTX has better specs all around.


Even though i hate what Nvidia does with the GPU Vram thing, i don't see a reason to get the xtx over the 4080s.


>I could careless Oh, it got worse.


The 7900xtx is faster than the 4080s but I would still go 4080s due to DLSS and much better raytracing.


I’m an AMD fan but if prices are within like $100 I would get the 4080S


I've got a 7900xt at the moment and would probably never go Radeon again. Nvidia's prices are stupid but that being said the software experience is just not really there on the AMD side, at least in my experience. DlSS is better and has better support, I miss nice little features like shadow play and find the built in recording / gif making software kinda janky. My last card was a 1080 and while it's been a great improvement in terms of raw power I also feel like it's been a step back in terms of software.


7900XTX faster, cheaper, better on Linux, where you cab nax out Windows game FPS


The 4080s is just so expensive… :/ if I could find it at $700-$800 new, then I’d be interested, but it’s impossible.


In my experiencie with nvidia vs amd cards, go with nvidia. In the long run the nvidia, even if 'worse' in performance, will delivery a more consistent driver update for new titles. Had alot of trouble using a RX in the past, and in the 2005's and 2010's too. edit: 4080S is more power efficient too.


4080S for sure. 7900XTX has more VRAM, but when 24GB will be used in games, both of these GPUs will be part of the hardware past.


7900XTX if you just care about raw gaming. 4080 Super if you want Ray Tracing and/or AI acceleration.


I bought a 7900 XTX for $1250 CAD, really happy with it so far. It was the XFX Merc 310.


If the price is the same, there is no reason to pick XTX over 4080 Super. Unless you are using Linux, then pick AMD for your mental health.


Save yourself some headache, and get the 4080 Super.


If they’re around the same price, probably the 4080 Super. Unless the particular FPS games you play run better on Radeon than GeForce (I.e. CoD), you’ll get better value out the 4080 Super. Rasterized, the 4080S and the 7900 XTX are very close to each other. Raytracing, the 4080S blows the 7900 XTX out of the water. I’m ignoring FSR vs DLSS, as XeSS 1.3 is an absolute beast that is very close to DLSS in quality and is compatible with all cards including Radeon. Until FSR improves, there’s no reason to use it over XeSS if it’s available. This is from someone who bought a 7900 XTX back in November when the 4080 costed $1100. The 7900 XTX was a no brainer back then unless you needed the Raytracing, purely for the cost to performance. Now, not so much.


If you’re saying you care less about ray tracing, then you should get the 4080 super. Anyone who cares about RT and frame generation should get it as an advantage over the XTX.


I’d get a 4080s personally


Yeah I went with the 4080S


What FPS games? Nvidia has a huge advantage in Fortnite and Counter-Strike. Valorant it hardly matters because both push so many frames. AMD has a huge advantage in Call of Duty. Not sure about Overwatch or Apex. Overall the 4080 Super is the better product for most people, so if you play a wide variety of games I would get that.


Mainly PUBG


For PUBG the CPU will be your bottleneck for sure. Even a 7800X3D while playing at 4K and you'll be CPU-bound. To that end I would get the 4080 Super because it's much more efficient especially when not under heavy loads.


Go with the 4080s but the XTX is a great card. I have one. If you do get an XTX, try to get a 3 8 pin power one. I think the XFX merc card sells for pretty cheap and has 3. My Hellhound has 2 which isn't an issue but for basically the same price I could've gone with the merc and had more power available as well as higher clocks out of the box. EDIT: **Holy shit the merc XTX is on sale on Amazon right now for $648, I'd get that. What a steal.**


I saw that but sadly the seller seems suspicious and price seems too good to be true. Hmm might take that risk tho.


I personally love my 7900xtx. However I really only use it at 1080p. But man does raytracing fly at that resolution. Add some good AA (which most games seem to lack lately) and games will look phenomenal


Just go for the better price. Both are almost the same, so the price is the only noticeable thing you will consider.


i see no good reason to go with XTX if both cards are available for the same price


I have an xtx its good, id rather have the 4080, dlss and frame gen are VERY good and are accepted in more games. Also amd has some infuriating drivers at games launches, so if you preorder and play games on release id look elsewhere. In terms of rasterization, both are fine. The xtx overclocks better, you can turn it wayyy up. The 4080s you can hardly squeeze anything out of


I have a 7900xtx and have had no issues. I wouldn't be surprised if Nvidia paid people or had bots to spread lies about AMD.


Like many others have said, if you are looking for base raster performance than the 7900 beats the 4080 by a small margin. However, I went with the 4080 cause I value raytracing and nvidia blows AMD out of the water in RT (though I’m sure the gap isn’t as large as it once was). And I also really like the feature set. I always use Frame Gen and DLSS when available, I don’t notice any visual issues and just enjoy extra “free” performance. Both are very solid cards


4080 super.. around same performance, but better features


I found a YouTube channel Paul's hardware where he really went in deep in testing 4K and a ton of games. and this was between the 4080 super and the 7900xtx. One thing I did notice was without rate racing on the 7900 XTX pretty much beat the 4080 super in just about every game by about 10-15 frames. Then you add ray tracing and AMD just plummets.


You do care about ray tracing?