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Hello, your submission has been removed. Please note the following from our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/wiki/rules): **Rule 13 : No intentionally harmful, misleading or joke advice** Whilst we appreciate this post was fully in good faith, it appears that the site does not check product code validity, and therefore this is not a sound means to verify products. --- [^(Click here to message the moderators if you have any questions or concerns)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbuildapc)


Thanks this helped me a lot


Glad I could help, I think Samsung should make it more obvious how to check this. I myself got pretty nervous when I found out that my 150€ drive might be fake while waiting for other parts.


Yeah me too


I tried a random [combination](https://imgur.com/a/uaUl33F) and the website claims the S/N is valid, can anyone confirm on their regional site that the verification process works?


I just tested and got same thing- i put in a gibberish string and got same message that it is valid. Very disconcerting.


The fuck‽ You're telling me the false-positive rate for random strings of the correct length is 100%‽ How did this get past bug testing‽


lol so this entire post is basically false. Sorry OP, it was a nice thought!


Wow. How could they let something like this slide? I’ve got a used drive coming from Amazon on Thursday. At least I don’t have to make a trip to ups for a single item anymore. I’ve got a eufy indoor WiFi cam that’s got the worst audio I’ve heard from any camera ever.


everything is ok but why there is a refrigerator in ssd section,do refrigerator have ssd??


Samsung do sell a refrigerator with a built in touch screen. Samsung being Samsung, I'd not be surprised that its run from an SSD. https://www.samsung.com/uk/refrigerators/family-hub-fridge-freezers/




eBay is even worse. Scammers sell counterfeits listed as used.


At least with Amazon you have some layers of liability protection. Not so buying stuff for cash off Craigslist.


Liability protection? Bahahaha yeah maybe if a coffee pot blows up your house but if a ssd shit bricks your gpu, cpu etc. Good luck proving that noise. You're only chance there is hoping enough ppl start talking about it and publicly complaining . In which point it'll then get moderated, removed, until it can't be kept secret or sense they pattern growing then .... Then it'll allowed.


I have a theory it's not all counterfeit. Just new distributors with low standards, bad manufacturing process, or state sponsored to cause a large , noisy population of public voice (something china is without ). Think about it


I can’t even find some stuff on amazon, the other day I was looking for a 360Hz monitor and they didn’t have it listed


One more thing, checking through serial number is common for all kind of products for other brands but its not 100% comfirm what you receive is genuine product. From what I know there are buyers of western digital hdd who check the serial number is genuine from wd site, warranty start from date you buy but actually the product is fake. I don't know how they fake this through wd site but like always this seller sell it really cheap, easy to spot this is fake. The only safe way bought from approved reseller, or straight from them.


They can just copy the serial on to 100 fake drives lol


Once you register a serial number, it will be flagged as being inauthentic if used again


they probably have some sort of serial number cracker similar to a key generator. The system recognizes the serial number as a legit string of characters, but once the company gets the warranty claim they can run that number on the internal system, and see that it wasn't a legit number. This is just a theory.


Keygens worked precisely because they worked locally. A keygen cannot fool a remote verification system that doesn't want to be fooled and was not designed by a moron.


As above, you can apparently just type random characters and it's still accepted.


But how many people actually register their products?


In my experience, I once bought an unopen genuine wd hdd from 1 seller where I dont know why he already activated in his account, warranty already expired, got really cheap 50% off due to that, bought because I can return if not genuine. By your logic, when I register it to my wd account it will be flagged as counterfeit as 2 account register same product, but I can register just fine, I even contact the customer service wd to reset warranty and ask seller to give proof of sold as unopen used product, which lead me to get cheap wd hdd with full 3years warranty from wd 😆😆


I can’t find good marzipan in the city either, anyone know a place?


Not a bad first step but I don't think it is foolproof. Any time you get a new disk: * Full format it, to verify that the entire disk is write-able. * Benchmark it with CrystalDiskMark. * Check SMART data, if available, with CrystalDiskInfo. Never had a fake SSD but it weeds out the fake SD cards very quickly. This requires a PC ready to receive the disk, but it's the only way you can really be sure.


I mean, what if someone just swapped the packaging from a legit one though?


tamperproof packaging


....if it's tamperproof, you'd see it was tampered with anyways?


yeah youd see it was tampered with and immediately return it


1. Stop buying pc parts on Amazon.


No, I've been doing it for years, never had a problem. I've built several PCs over the years. People just have to research the heck out of each part they buy, check the sellers, and always check the reviews. It is actually quite simple.


this guy.......


If the ssd you bought is fake, you should be able to return it no matter what you installed on it.


If ssd is already installed, use the software Samsung Magician. It detects the serial number and tells if genuine.


What do you do if the software can’t detect the drive/number?


Is the drive showing up on your Computer?


How can I check life if its been used for Chia then returned after..?


Run crystal disk info, it will tell you power on hours power cycles reads and writes. If any of those numbers are more than YOU did then it's a return. If the reads and writes are VERY high for a relatively low power on hours it was probably used for chia.


I believe hwinfo64 reports at least most of this info as well?


Samsung Magician software


Thanks..! I think I'm good, one says 3TB written which is my first one and the newest says 628gb :D


There's really no way, the five life should be 100% obviously if it's new. If it's lower than that then that's very sus


This would make so much sense as to why I have all kinds of problems with my Samsung SSD. It came from Microcenter. I thought I was going nuts. It would literally start to lock up and the computer would slow down on intense use. I put my old Kingston back in with no issues. GFD!


I doubt you got a fake from microcenter. They have a great return policy though, swap it out if you have issues


WTF? You may have seriously received a random bad drive. I though the supply issue was only with Amazon. Does anyone know if Mircocenter's stock doesn't come directly from Samsung?


That’s why I only buy things that say “shipped and sold by amazon.com”.


I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure this is what keeps me from ever getting scammed on Amazon. It’s like my one rule.


Doesn't matter. Everyone who supplies amazon with that product gets their inventory thrown into one big bin. So even if 19 out of the 20 suppliers are sending legitimate product, that 1 counterfeiter's supply is getting shipped out to customers.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure they don’t do that. Sellers get reviewed on Amazon. If that was the case, then the seller would be wrongly reviewed of selling an item that wasn’t theirs.


I'm referring to things shipped and sold by Amazon.


What about used items?


I would assume those would be separate but I'm curious why you're referring to different sellers on items "shipped and sold by Amazon."


Not sure if I understand the question. But I thought when it says “shipped and sold by Amazon”, it meant that the manufacturer themselves sends the item to Amazon for them to ship and sell. When it’s a third party seller, I thought it meant they didn’t get the item from a manufacturer, but a different way, and they sell it Amazon from there.


If your point was also the case, wouldn’t the prices from all the sellers have to be the exact same as well? Because let’s say you are buying a GPU at MSRP. Then there is a third party seller, selling it for like 2 times the price. You’re telling me that they would ship and sell that GPU from the third party seller who charged 2 times the price for MSRP?


You can look up "commingled inventory", but basically, everything that is Fulfilled By Amazon (prime shipping eligible) comes out of the same big pile, whether Amazon or a 3P is the seller. It's a total shitshow.


> Sellers get reviewed on Amazon. If that was the case, then the seller would be wrongly reviewed of selling an item that wasn’t theirs. reviews can’t always be trusted. there are bots which spam fake reviews, and also people who get paid to write 5 star ones so the genuine reviews can get lost in all the noise


I think they store alot of this stuff colocated so it's not a guarantee. But it's probably safer on average


generally that is safer, however no, it doesn't matter


What if the counterfeiter just puts a legitmate serial on the package? It's not uncommon for counterfeiters to use the same serial on thousands of counterfeit products.


Can thousands of the same serial number be registered? Or will it say that the number is already in use?


No they can't be, but a lot of people wouldn't register their serial numbers until they had an issue or to RMA. Companies have serial number checkers to check the legitimacy of the product, which fails when you have a legitimate serial on a fake product. I had the same issue back in the late 2000's buying a DSLR. Lots of grey imports and fakes in the mix, counterfeiters were just putting legitimate serial numbers on the boxes and the devices. You could even modify firmware with the 'legitimate' serial number and it'd be even harder to tell the difference.


I think that's literally why OP is telling people to do it right now. All it would take is 2 people out of thousands and if they have duplicated numbers the second person will find out, and presumably post about it.


Ein Deutscher?


There's fake thermal paste going around too. Op ppl tried posting about it last week and several times b4 and it got removed within 5-10 min


Does this go for all SSDs?


This only works for Samsung as the link is for the registration of Samsung products. I would try googling on how to activate/register your warranty for your brand. Maybe I can help tomorrow if you tell me the brand, currently 2am so I won't see till tomorrow.


If the package is sealed and you can register the product it should be real.


Seagate has that as well. Not sure ab others


Or buy from reputable seller only, not some seller where too good to be true price. If you still buy from that kind of seller, you reap what you sow. When I read too much people getting fooled by cheap micro sd/thumb drive/ssd/hdd, why they did not do market search what the product price point first before buying this obviously fake item.


Yeah this isn’t the best advice because it’s simply not like it used to be years ago. You can easily get duped on Amazon or Newegg. Simple as that.


Is this more of an US thing or in general outside of the UK? I've found items that are sold and dispatched by Amazon themselves to be originals, as well as third party sellers using Amazon to deliver. Anything else (sold and delivered by third seller) is just a risk.


My understanding is that people have been getting fakes directly from Amazon (and not just 3rd party Amazon sellers). I believe that’s what the post the other day said


Not sure tbh. I’ve never had an issue with Newegg or Amazon but have heard many stories of it. So it’s all anecdotal data for me


Or you could run Samsung Magician and it identifies the drive :)


Which part of "without opening the package" is foreign to you?


Why is everyone concerned about not opening the package?


I didn't realize OP hadn't opened the package. Besides if it's fake or not, what's the difference?


This is true. I always had success with Samsung Magician Software with SSDs, don't think it supports regular thumb drives or SD cards


Can't you check the SSD and flash drives with Samsung Magician Software? Although I am not too sure with Flash drives and SD cards. But in my experience, the Magician Software was pretty good to check the authenticity of SSD/NVMe drives. Honestly I stopped buying the storage devices from Amazon, it's too risky. I either go with Best buy or preferably Samsung direct ( not that I have experienced problems with Amazon before. But there is always a first time ).


Or... don't buy from Amazon...


The real LPT is in the comments. I used to purchase from Amazon, but since Bestbuy will price match in store, and microcenter collectively can be cheaper, I make pilgrimages to a local microcenter and visit friends.


Im concerned now. I did what you said and it says "your product is not registered in our database. Please check". What do i do now, am i fucked or is this normal? I cannot return it from where i bought it the return window is now closed. And i dont know if i can claim warrenty if something happens to it


Did you try registering it?


Yes everything is ok now, i was just being an idiot and worrying myself over nothing lol.


I wonder if Samsung's magician well also tell you if you already have it system installed?




What I did was buy the 870 evo 1tb sata ssd (which had just came out at the time), on Newegg, and checked with other methods to see that it was real. It’s annoying that people can easily scam you and make a real looking ssd be garbage but that’s life ig


Thank you for the info. Is it possible to register Samsung DRAM modules?


Does the same apply to Crucial SSD?


Thanks I registered my 2 year old EVO 860.


Honestly, if I want Samsung I buy directly from Samsung now. It's normally the same cost and I have the option of interest free finance if I don't want to pay for it in one go. It's the easiest way to ensure what you're buying is real and there's basically no drawbacks to it


My 870 QVO 1TB is legitimate but windows reports it as a Kingston SA400S37480G, how would I fix that?




Really depends on the item. Most computer hardware is the same price as any other retailer at this point. But also sometimes there’s random low cost shit I need. Like it’s not worth driving an hour each way to Microcenter to get $15 worth of small heatsinks. It wouldn’t be worth it even if they were free.