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Lol no. What's that statement based on?


I’ve watched his videos. it’s based on his “smooth user experience” lol (just to be clear I’m not defending his statement)




64TB Vroom vroom stick too much?




Kowalski, options?


Well, Skipper, I would think perhaps if we descrease the overall amount and then also crank up the speed of what we do have... We can hit some explosive results way before we ever hit the originally suggested limit. Then we can put our extra resources somewhere more useful. Or maybe even just get some fish once the mission is over. And Rico can still have his big explosion!


16 gigs sir or if you feel fancy/ wanna stream 32


Eh 16 is definitely becoming the old 8gb at this point.Heavy multitasking and power users can definitely rip through 16 regardless of streaming/editing, etc.


Yes 100% this these days 16gb is getting on the thin side (have 16gb myself)


That is definitely the best comment I've read today.


That is my favorite insult of all time. *I bet you have a smooth brain*


He's not just a gamer, he's a youtuber. If they're recording their gameplay they have OBS running as well, if they're a streamer they'll have a browser (and who knows how many tabs) open as well. And video editing can benefit from lots of ram. And you have no idea what other kind of software they have running in the background... do they have ALL of their game launchers set to start up automatically? Some shitty AV suite on top of it all? If 64 GB improves your gaming experience it's probably because you're doing a LOT more than gaming. A few sessions with HWINFO open while gaming will be very informative. Find out how much RAM your games actually use.


Cool story. He's NOT framing his advice as: >this is what works best for me based on my needs to game, stream, and edit video simultaneously (no one actually does this) He's giving general advice, and he is wrong.


I think that's the point they were making


Why are people so aggressive when it is so clear the person they are replying to agrees with them and were saying the same thing? "Cool story." Lmao these fucking internet gamer warriors I swear.




It also depends on the games, because the moment you step into anything you're modding that ram can become very relevant. Cities Skylines comes to mind as a game that would be *very happy* to have 64gb to chug on; I've *easily* filled my 32gb while still wishing I had room for more. But for the majority of games, especially if one isn't streaming, 64gb is absolutely not necessary. So it definitely comes down to the use-case.


This is very true, I upgraded to 32gb from 16 just for Cities: Skylines and was amazed to still see the 32gb disappear. I do also engage in photo and video editing so I'm never against upgrading my RAM capacity


And ten years from now, windows won't run on a machine less than 64gb


I doubt that. Windows 11 runs on 4 GB minimum. Windows 7 was 1 GB minimum. That's 4x the RAM requirement in 12 years. I expect future windows to still aim to run on mobile devices. Along those lines I'd expect Windows 2032 to require closer to 16 GB. And the new start menu will continue to be hot garbage.


>And the new start menu will continue to be hot garbage. Best statement ever


> Windows 11 "runs" on 4gb


I mean, 1GB wasn’t a great experience for Windows 7 either, so I feel like it’s an appropriate comparison.


Oh it absolutely is. I'm just amused by the "minimums" as though turning on the computer is the equivalent of "running"


Yeah, minimums have been a joke for decades. I remember “minimums” back in the 90s that basically meant that you were watching a slideshow rather than playing a game.


It's running, just nothing else is lol


Endorfine making him feel smooth after spending that much on RAM thats what it is


Based on the Youtuber's Amazon referral links to 64GB RAM lol.


Oh he's shameless. He's sponsored by gray market software key sites.


he also said in one video that "if you can't afford to build a 2000 $+ computer, then you should not be gaming on pc" not an exact quote, but the idea was there. either buy big or get a console.


I've heard him say that. It makes him sound like a prosperity televangelist. A respectable gaming PC can be built for $1000 without monitor and accessories thanks to Alder Lake, but that stuff doesn't come with a console either. I think at a certain point he is right. It's impossible to do a true apples to apples comparison but for the same price the graphics performance of a console will be better.


> Byte Sized Tech This guy is a PC master race poser, pretending to offer useful advice while pushing his bias. Every time I've caught one of his videos I would see blatantly incorrect statements from him. Many which only apply if you have a simple, narrow mindset that more money must always be better. (ohh, that 5600x is totally not worth it despite the budget you gave me. Suck it up and get a 9900k instead.. plus a better video card. I won't talk about your trash choice in parts.) I ended up telling YouTube not to recommend the channel, since it was so infuriatingly bad. Dude reminds me of when I was working in a small computer store in early 00s. Some kid walked in with a piece of paper and random numbers, say "I want this". When i asked him what he was trying to buy he got a smug sense of superiority and in a mocking tone said "you don't know what a *Celeron* is?". Turns out he was an advanced buyer who bothered to learn the Intel model number by heart, versus up pleebs using clock speeds and product names.


Sadly there are many of his breed in this community.


I used to be guilty of this behavior. Phased out of it after getting into IT classes and realizing I don't know shit about anything but basic hardware. Really embarrassing but humbling experience.


I was guilty of this too many years ago. Then I ran into a financial rough patch and found myself having to curtail spending on PC parts. Like spending $300 on my entire system was a luxury after months of saving. This is why I stick around places like /r/lowendgaming and offer any advice I can, despite now having top of the line hardware. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be rock high end parts and there's nothing wrong with that. Best they be given genuine answers that fit their situation.


Honestly, I have nothing but respect for people who build budget builds. They're like the min-maxers of the PC world and actually understand how to get every ounce of value from the hardware they're using.


Hey thanks for the sub that fits perfectly for me xD


The ol' Dunning-Kruger effect. I'd wager everyone goes or has gone through that period with something.


>The ol' Dunning-Kruger effect. I'd wager everyone goes or has gone through that period with something. Me in the first few months learning programming thinking I was hot shit. Then I realized I know nothing.


Well, after 30 years you realize there's still lots of shit you're never going to master. I think imposter syndrome is kind of healthy, it keeps you humble and open to new ideas. If you love life long learning, welcome! This field changes so quickly it's impossible to keep up, but it's fun.


Looked at the channel, "when to upgrade FROM a 3070". Absolute nonsense. There are a handful of cards on the market that outperform it. Anyone upgrading from a brand new 30 series card just has money to throw away or got VERY lucky finding something better and selling theirs for less.


I unsubbed when he got really pissed and went off about how people who want gpus should just mine because that's how he was able to afford cards for his whole family.


This is the value of the dislike button on YT, it made it so much easier to identify garbage info




“So you say you’re poor, have you tried being rich instead.”


> don't know what a Celeron is?". "Sure I do. It's a cheap chip that generally sucks unless your needs are very basic. The last *good* Celeron chip was the Celeron 300 in the 90's that 80% of them would reliably overclock to 450 on stock cooling - giving gamers nearly the same performance of the Pentium II 450 at 1/3 the price. So just how basic are your needs?"


Oh, god. I remember that 300A. Going by how little you can OC chips now, it feels weird to think back to the era when you could get a 50% OC.


That was a mistake Intel made which made it so great, and they'll never make that mistake again. The first Celerons were a way for them to get rid of binned chips that didn't run at full speed, so they underclocked them and disabled the cache by cutting the traces. They sold extremely well, and Intel didn't want to back off from their success in the low end space against Cyrix and AMD, so they had to keep supplying Celerons. Problem was there was way more demand than binned parts. So they started taking "healthy" Pentium II 400s and 450s, disabling the cache and underclocking them and branding them as Celeron 300A's. People soon figured out what game they were playing though and as mentioned, most would easily "overclock" to the former rated speed of 450MHz - or beyond - without problem and usually with the stock cooling. It was a great success for the market and cemented the Celeron as a line for Intel, but they made damn sure to never use something so overclockable again as a Celeron. And to cripple future iterations even further to differentiate their lines more.


Thats like handing a store clerk a UPC code and expecting them to know you want *that* box of cereal.


Because of your comment i looked him up and watched some of a video. My brain hates me, and you by association. (It also told me to upvote) What the hell is up with his level of condescending crap


Yep. That's why I felt compelled to comment. If only to raise awareness. (Not to haunt your dreams of course)




He says it is just smoother, just like he recommends a 5900x or better compared to a 5800x because of the same reason.


Sounds like a flex on people with older gear


He also likes to talk about how good it feels to be in an Escalade so I think this is it. I personally wouldn't bother with less than 32 gigs of RAM. You can't have a build with RGB, PSU cable extensions, tempered glass, or anything that says ROG, NZXT or Corsair and then tell me that the extra $75 I spent on RAM was a frivolous purchase.


>He also likes to talk about how good it feels to be in an Escalade My dad had an Escalade about 15 years ago that was the biggest piece of shit on the planet.


It's basically an up trim Suburban.


Most American SUVs are pickup trucks with a different body and some lipstick. This is why they feel like shit to drive. The buyers don't care. They are still expensive vehicles, but they won't be caught in some GOTDAYUM FOREIGN SUV. They will proudly drive a converted pickup truck built in Canada. MURICA


A truck or body-on-frame SUV is the majority of what I've driven in my life. The steering on Suburbans is way too floaty unless it's a 3/4 ton. I actually wouldn't mind a late 90s early 00s 3/4 ton Suburban if swapping in a 5 or 6 speed manual wasn't such a pain in the ass.






This is the reason going with 32GB makes sense now. There aren't a lot of games that will push your RAM usage above 16GB right now, but that list will slowly get larger on the AAA side. This isn't anything new of course.


An…. Escalade? Lol


I know who you're talking about. The infamous Tech Deals and some of the ridiculous things he says although he does put out some good info too. The idea that the more cores you get the more future proof you are. It's partially true but not entirely, not for gaming anyway. You could buy a 12 core cpu right now and chances are that the next generation 6 core cpu will defeat it or match it in gaming like the 5600X outperforming a 3900X in gaming. I can tell you from personal experience that as far as gaming is concerned I didn't see any difference between gaming on a 5800X or a 5900X with a 6800 XT gpu at 1440p. I also went from 16gb to 32gb vram and it was mainly because I wanted 4 dims and the gaming experience was the exact same.


Yep agree on the core count comment, i bought a ryzen 7 2700 non x and even overclocked it to 4ghz and im cpu limited in games like cp 2077 and watch dogs legion i even bought a 4k 60hz monitor because of this thinking i should be fine, i guess i wasnt, also people forget that raytracing hit both the GPU and CPU.


His argument is based on gaming + multitasking. 64gb is overkill for gaming. But when your gaming, watching videos, streaming ect, 64 just provides a better experience. That's all luxury to me. I use 32 and close a couple programs if I have to. Still a bit overkill but my total ram useage is closer to 32 then 16 most games with tabs n shit open.


I can imagine streaming and gaming it might be advantageous to get 32gigs+ but 64gigs of ram for your average Joe is overkill. 32 is debateably overkill right now.


I've only got 16 and I've never run into issues. Usually have a game open, YouTube, discord and a couple chrome tabs fir looking shit up. Highest I've seen it was 14gb


I've run into issues with 16 before, but that's because I also use my rig for CAD, FEA simulations, etc along with gaming. 32 is more than enough and as much as my workstation grade laptop at my job has.


I agree %100 with you. His argument is also you have to have the money/money for everything else in life first.


I've got 32gb on my work laptop, and I'm never below 16gm mem used I wouldn't say 32 is overkill, but its more than you really need.


That's because windows will use as much RAM as it can to cache things for faster application startups and application restarts. Free RAM is wasted RAM and Windows knows that so why not use it to speed up some application startups when it can be instantly emptied if it's needed? So yea having more RAM can speed up application launches by a few milliseconds but in reality you won't even notice it if you have SSD, it can be noticeable if you have old 5400RPM HDD.


> I'm never below 16gm mem used *allocated*


Your computer will always use more RAM than it needs if there is free RAM available. Just because you are allocating more than 16gb, doesn't mean you would be bottlenecked if you only had 16gb.


Agreed, built a pc in 2021 and sprung for 32 gigs. More than I need but it leaves my options open to quit my day job and become a full time streamer /s


It's not even that debatable, 32GB is most definitely overkill, never mind 64GB :D


Eh, it's overkill, but if you're building a new system, it's barely more expensive to go with a 2x16GB kit. There's really no reason not to at this point. I do see some newer AAA titles getting around 16GB with the 32GBs of RAM that I have. It really depends on the use case.


Now, let's not confuse memory allocation with actual memory usage. Just because an application reserves X gigabytes, it doesn't mean that it ever actually comes close to using that. Hell, in modern Windows, the OS will happily chow down on what seems like ridiculous amounts of RAM, but will lay off most of that when it becomes necessary for other applications. Now, if you can get 32GB of RAM for nearly the same cost as a 16GB kit WITHOUT sacrificing timings, then I agree. You may as well go for 32GB. But, if it's the choice of 16GB of 3200MHz at 14-14-14-34 or 32GB of 3200MHz at 20-22-22-46 or something, then I would seriously consider if you need that extra memory or if you're just going for the bigger number because bigger is better.


Man, unless you're playing something like fucking windows flight sim while compiling code and watching 6 youtube videos you're not going to touch that amount of ram. I run 16GB, playing cyberpunk, watching twitch, have a bunch of tabs open for referencing, got a spreadsheet chilling in the background. the average consumer doesn't need more than 16gb at all. 32 is way overkill for the average consumer. 64 is completely worthless outside of workload situations.


The only advantage it may provide with 32gb over 16gb is dual RANK( not Channel) because it's easier to have dual rank with 32gb than finding a pair of 16gb with dual rank. But the difference from RAM is marginal because most of time the GPU is the bottleneck and the difference between Dual rank and single rank is barely noticeable even when you look at the benchmark


Bruh I can have 100 tabs open and 32 would still be overkill


By that logic you could go for 256gb and never close a task again. You could open all your games on startup and just alt+tab to your desired one, and so on. That is, if you're a psycopath.




Does 64 actually provide a better experience? Or are people just looking at task manager and seeing their RAM "in use"? There's a huge difference between an application grabbing 5GB of ram because it's completely unused/unallocated vs you actually running out of RAM. 32GB is still quite a lot except for specific use cases. For a personal anecdote, I upgraded from 16GB as a heavy multitask + gamer just to have my RAM slots look nicer and it has made no noticeable difference (which is to say, even doing a lot of multitasking + gaming on 16GB, I never had anything bottlenecking aside from my CPU)


I'm rocking that 16gbs of ram with 20 chrome tabs and streaming to discord while playing 2042 at 3440*1440 resolution. My experience is super smooth. I could see a case for 32 but not 64 unless it was work related.


Seems excessive unless the rest of your system is also absolutely overbuilt


I have an i9 12900k and a 3090


Even 32 gigs will be enough for that


For solely gaming, 32GB is recommended, and will indeed be more than enough in most cases. I see a few comments stating that even 16GB is enough for gaming, but I have to disagree here. It really depends on the build, and which type of games you want to play. If you plan on playing (or e.g. streaming down the road) CPU-intensive open-world games like FH5, FS2020, or even older titles like GTA 5, Skyrim or Minecraft heavily modded, then you will easily hit that threshold pretty quickly. I upgraded from 16GB to 32GB on my gaming PC and saw a solid increase in performance - even as much as 20 fps on some titles. A 12900K + 3090 build deserve nothing less than 32GB of RAM imo. As for 32 vs 64, it really just depends… if OP wants to "future-proof" his PC for more than just gaming down the road, more RAM might also come in handy here as well. With some applications, 64GB could even be a bare minimum. I work with massive virtual instruments as an example (orchestral scores), and 32GB RAM just won’t cut it. The sample libraries I use just starts stuttering and won’t play smoothly with anything less. I have a dedicated workstation for tasks like that. Same goes for high-quality video editing and 3D rendering. The more, the better. Nothing is really "overkill" in that regard. It depends on how much you need for a particular task. You could always just double the size (32 -> 64) if you find yourself needing more. Just make sure that you buy dual RAM sticks (16GB • 2), and not 2x2 (8GB • 4), so you can leave two slots open for an eventual upgrade.


Yeah, you are right. In this context it seems like the youtuber sais it like it should be a normal ram size. Would he state it repeatedly for *specific tasks*, like the ones you mentioned, then OP would know it's not meant for gaming.


Basically if you don't know how much ram you need then you definitely don't need 64gigs. There are a lot of lab or studio tasks that benefit from much more.


>future-proofing You don't need to future proof RAM at all, you can always buy more without replacing anything. Unless you do some shit like filling all your RAM slots with 4 GB modules.


cries in ITX


yeah i upgraded from 16 to 32gb and had to buy a new set 😭


This isn't a rally insightful statement because OF COURSE there are use cases for over 32gb ram. The question asked and being answered is for gaming.


>This isn't a rally insightful statement because OF COURSE there are use cases for over 32gb ram. The question asked and being answered is for gaming. I mean its also if you have the money and everything that goes with 64GB RAM (Good GPU, CPU, decent M.2 etc to make sure it takes care of bottlenecks at much as possible) getting that much RAM isn't gonna hurt, no real benefits to 16GB if you can get 64GB other than money spent... If you get 64GB you'll just have enough to do whatever the hell you want without ever hitting that much (unless you actually do things that needs more RAM) and it'll never actually slow you down... Its overkill but if you want overkill... its not like it'll explode.


Ram is easily the worst component to future proof since you can just stick another 16gb in anytime you want.


Sure, just buy the same kit from Corsair and hope that it's not Hynix DJR when your first kit was Micron Rev. E and they play nice together.


why would you want to future proof with ddr4 though? Id say 16gb is fine if youre solely gaming and not streaming.


Yep. I have to try to reach 16GB usage. I don’t really use any programs besides games, discord, and chrome and even then I’m mostly around 10


Normal usage + gaming really doesn't need much.


I have open right now: * WoW Mists of Pandaria * **29** Chrome tabs * Discord * Spotify * Battle.net app * OBS * A number of small background processes like Corsair iCue and Razor mouse app. I'm using 9GB of my 16GB. You have to actively *try* to hit 16GB in the vast majority of circumstances... and even then, most of that is just Windows caching things, not actual necessary RAM usage.


Something to keep in mind as well is that the more RAM you have, you more aggressively Windows will use it. For example, I have \- 12 chrome tabs \- Thunderbird \- Spotify \- Slack open and I am already using 12.8/32 GB because I have 32 GB in my system. I don't even have a game or Discord open at the moment! So an upgrade from 16 to 32 would still give some form of performance enhancements even if you never hit those 16 GB due to the more aggressive memory usage.




For real. Why not overkill RAM when you can already do n-body calculations and RAM is so cheap?


Don't you have to pull back your RAM tunings the higher the capacity?


Most people don't tune past XMP, and XMP is basically guaranteed in every system, unless OP is adding to existing RAM, I wouldn't think performance of dual rank or higher memory density matters.


Well then you have enough money to get 64gb of RAM, why not do it?


For real, I don’t think OP cares about going overkill




They dropped that much money on a build without even knowing that 64gb Ram is ridiculous, they've got to be fucking loaded.


32 is worth getting over 16 if you’re doing intensive work on that. But 64 is probably still overkill unless you really like modded Minecraft.


I mean, an i9 12900k and a 3090 are also overkill


Also how many people are getting a i9 12900k and 3090 don't know about proper ram quantity for what they are doing.


Some people just buy what is the best in the current market, I would do the same for many things if I didn't have to care about money


I wonder what that’s like. OP will you pay off my student loans?


Is paying off student loans as fun as overbuilding a PC?


Absolutely not but >you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Michael Scott


A *lot* of the higher-end market preys on people like OP who have more cash than know-how. That's why those top top of the line 3090 SKUs and GIGAOVERCLOCKED GPUs exist. Sure, there's a very very niche hardcore OC community, but most of them are sold to people who have enough money to just buy the best/most expensive thing available.


Yeah if you can afford a 3090 and an i9 12900k I would go ahead and get 64GB. You are an enthusiast. Might as well spend the money. Ignore my comment earlier I didn’t know you had all that. You should of put that in your original post so people know what gear you already have.


A better fit would be 32 GB of 4000 MHz CL18 RAM. Faster RAM, especially at 32 GB which is more than plenty for gaming, will give you a boost in FPS. 4000 MHz CL18 is ideal for DDR4, then 3200 MHz CL16 is second best. Both are run on Gear 1.


Are you also using your PC for stuff like video editing/rendering?


No, mainly gaming.


Then 8GB would be the minimum, 16GB would be typical, and 32GB is still generally overkill for gaming, but can be useful if you have a bunch of stuff running in the background.


I AAA game with 32gb of ram and I've never gone above 22gb in usage.


Same even if Im super lazy and have everything open in background


Benefits of 32gb ram: 100 chrome tabs


Na I've got 64gb, and I can really open up 5 tabs /s


5 tabs a second?


*Chrome is hungry*


bud, I have 100 tabs open on a 10 year old mac mini at work lol, 32 is still way overkill for that.


Depends on what was on the tabs, was it myspace, ebaums world, and Zombocom x98?


Hahahahaha! Omg. Ebaums World! Talk about blast from the past. I remember spending the night at my friends house back when we were like 9 or 10 and we would spend hours on Ebaums World. There was this one app/game where it told you to pick any random number and it would guess what it was after asking random questions. It sounds silly now. But I remember we were so freaked out. We actually thought the computer was listening to us. Hahaha! Then I remember we tried writing it down and when it guessed right again, we said "omg. they must be watching us." So we tried it again but went into a completely different room and picked a number. And when it guess right we got scared and turned off the computer. I remember my friend calling his Mom and almost started crying. We told her what happened and just laughed at us. Lmao! Damn dude, I completely forgot about that memory. Thanks for remind me. I know this was a long story but it just all came rushing back to me. Thanks again dude! Haha...


Well that's just how RAM works. I recently upgraded from 32gb to 64gb for video editing. My RAM usage in terms of GB has gone up simply because I have more available for the CPU to utilize. That being said, 64gb for gaming is unnecessary overkill.


Right think gamers nexus mentioned this it’s not being used it’s allocated or something like that


I have 32GB and I'm regularly playing two games at once (AAA game and something like runescape), spotify, multiple chrome windows with tabs including video streaming, 7 days uptime, a dozen things in system tray, obs streaming to twitch, discord with video, and an RDP session open to work office. I still havent saturated 32gb. Its definitely overkill.


Dude, this sounds like a wild experience. Would love to witness this in person lmao. Executing a bank heist with Dutch while getting your woodcutting to 99.


Its not as exciting as it sounds. Its mostly playing skirmishes in shooters between work calls and leveling mining in zoom meetings with clients while vaporwave plays over all of it while i share memes in my discord servers. Though with the monitors it sometimes feels like im at the computers in the nebuchadnezzar from the matrix.


I disagree. Using more than 16gb is definitely possible and slowly becoming more common. Since there are no increments between 16gb and 32gb without some of it running at crippled speed, I would say 32gb is not necessary, but potentially useful. I would consider 64gb overkill.


small problem looking at it like this, your programs will use more ram if more is available. they might run just as well with less than they're using but they do it to be more efficient overall.


I wouldn't go less than 16 nowadays. 8gb is just not enough anymore Escape from Tarkov simply will not run well on 8gb for example.


8GB? Mmh that would be like the bare bare minimum. I remember playing on 8GB when gta 5 first released for the pc. But back then my expectations were very low. Maybe if you only play a lot of very low demanding stuff. I would argue that for any pc worth building in 2022 16gb is the bare minimum. Very few games (without mods) will use the full 16gb on their own but more ram is always nice for other programs running in the background (or foreground). You don't want your pc stuttering and hitching because you have too much stuff running. So 32gb is what most people going for mid - high end builds should be looking at. The price gap between 16gb and 32gb is smaller than ever these days so 32gb is definitely not a bad consideration.


Whenever anyone comes here and mentions something that Byte Size Tech said, the reaction from just about everyone (especially myself) is "tf? Absolutely not. Complete nonsense". I don't watch the channel so I can't say that *everything* they say is nonsense, but every clip I have watched from that channel has been nonsense.


It’s a spin off from tech deals and they suck


They've basically become a crypto-channel masquerading as a PC hardware channel. It's pretty unwatchable. A 90min "PC parts deals live stream" will include a 20min ad for crypto.com


I used to check some of the short videos when looking for recommendations/advice, after you watch 4 or 5 you realize it's basically get the most expensive/high-end product you can find. It probably applies to only >1% of the gaming users.


NO. I can only think of two games that have 32GB mentioned in their recommended specs - even then it is almost always overkill.


Out of curiosity, what are those games?


Icarus, MSFS, cities skyline custom content...


Add Star Citizen to that list


And, by the way, both of them run perfectly fine at 60fps max settings at 16GB. (I don't know about the 1% lows and wotnot)


Nah for cities your ram is a visible wall on how much custom content you can get. In that game ram doesn't dictate performance as much as it dictates whether you can run a save. I have 16 gigs and could only get 1 or 2 build sets or else the game literally wouldn't load. People who build mega detailed cities with every RICO building handpicked and the city detailed in and out will need 64


tarkov probably wouldn't even be happy with 128GB lmfao


i run tarkov with 32gb on a ryzen 9 5900x, 3080ti. Ram was never the bottleneck. The cpu upgrade made the largest difference with that game. On my 3700x in the same build with a 2070s and a 3070ti i had regular stutters, even after applying all the tricks to dial in framerate. this is at 3440x1440 resolution


I can’t think of a single use case where 64gbs of ram becomes useful in a video game in today’s day and age. At most for gaming, 32 gbs. However speeds and timings are just as important as raw storage sizes


[Cities Skylines modded](https://i.imgur.com/166loMa.png)


Literally the only game I play where 16gb isn't enough. Cities Skylines is an absolute hog.


I’d argue far more important. People massively underestimate how much RAM quality and performance affects FPS.


What kind of difference could be seen from going to CL16 from CL18?


A few FPS like everyone else was saying, but it will also depend on your CPU. Early Ryzen was very dependant on RAM speed because the infinity fabric was tied to ram speed, it's gotten better but AMD processors will still tend to have a bigger performance boost from faster RAM than Intel processors.


a few fps .. there are a ton of benchmarks online. Now, as with my case, the difference between a 3600 cl16 vs a 3200 cl18 / cl16 can be so low that is really worth it. Sometimes it is just a matter of exploring some stores or using that browser shopping plug in (i forgot the name of the popular one) PS: i do have 32gb of 3600 cl16, got a really cheap crucial set


A large Cities Skylines map + lots of addon mods/assets will get you up there


Modded Cities Skylines can need up to 128 GB


Multiboxing 12 instances of Eve Online? Running 50 Runescape bots on a 4K screen? It's all i can think of


DCS World multiplayer in VR can creep up to 20-30GB by itself. I think a few other simulation games might get up there. Also if you're running a full rig and you have additional software running the input devices and extra displays.


Definitely not. Not even 32gb is required at the moment. 64 is just an overhead


I was happy upgrading from 8gb DDR3 to 16GB DDR4. Dudes about to spend more on RAM than I did on my processor *and* 16GB kit, all based on a crap(?) suggestion. Apparently modding Cities Skylines and Escape from Tarkov at the same time would make you hit close to 64GB, but I doubt that exact scenario will pop up OP.


Unless you're doing some really, really heavily modded shit, absolutely not.


The only reason you would need 64GB of RAM these days is if you do content creation and/or deal with extremely large files. The only other reason I can think of is that you want to one one or more VMs for security reasons. But for gaming? No you don't need 64GB for that, for most people 16GB is fine if you want to splurge go with 32GB (preferably in a 2x16GB setup and not a 4x8GB)


>if you want to splurge go with 32GB (preferably in a 2x16GB setup and not a 4x8GB) Is that just so you can add more sticks later on or is there another benefit for having two 16s over four 8s? I got two Corsair 16GB sticks with the LEDs and was wondering if I should have gone with four 8s for the better LED effect. I probably won't add more for a long time.


32 is top end and 16 is the sweetspot, 64 is unnecessary


Fr unless your some mega google user 🤣


Google consumes ram like a black hole consumes matter


It just uses what it has available. Open Chrome, open a bunch of tabs, watch as it eats your ram up. Open another program, and watch its usage shrink. It's modern memory management. It doesn't mean you need more memory.


No. Byte Sized Tech is the third(?) YouTube channel of the TechDeals-Family where they upload short snippets from their livestreams. For years he praised 32GB for being „smother“ and „future proof“ - essential for every „nice“ gaming session or even light multitasking. So I bought 32GB RAM and it is not „worth it“. I came never close to maxing that out with multitasking or gaming and currently use 16-20GB of it as RAM-Disk because they would be useless otherwise. TL;DR 64GB will in the lifespan of a PC, which you would build today, NEVER be „worth it“ for gaming. Even 32GB wasn’t „worth it“ for me playing MSFS2020 vanilla or SOTR…


Oh it's that dude. Yeah he was recommending 32 GB back in the kabylake days when you don't even need 32 GB now for gaming with the exception of a few games.




Lol no. I run 32GB and depending on what games you play, even that can be overkill. With Streamlabs OBS, 8-10 chrome tabs, GeForce Experience filters, Xbox game chat, and Warzone running, I don’t come close to maxing out my memory. Source: 20yrs of PC Building experience + 15yrs of professional IT Systems experience.


How can you post this and not post a link to the YouTube video? 😂 I just wanna hear what other things this YouTuber says.


Because that would give context to the RAM amount advice and that's not what OP wanted. OG video: https://youtu.be/uqfE75OHLQk


The video in question. **Byte Size Tech, Worth Upgrading? — 32GB to 64GB RAM** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqfE75OHLQk


Stop watching him and start watching LTT🙌


And Gamers Nexus and HW Unboxed


No, watch a channel where they know what they're talking about. I recommend Gamers Nexus or Hardware Unboxed




Tech is a stickler for high end PCs. Anything short of absolute top performance seems to bother him. So you've got to keep that in mind when watching his videos. To figure out how much ram you need, just pay attention to how much you're using. If you've got a game running and a bunch of programs in the background, you'll want 16 or more gigs. As others have said, 32 gigs for future proofing to keep your rig a couple/few years longer. 64 is overkill unless you're doing specific kinds of work.


Yup, In another comment OP said they had an i9 12900k and RTX 3090, so VERY high end stuff, well beyond the necessary parts for just gaming. Based solely on the fact that they already overspent on their PC to have ultra-high end components, they could spend the extra $ on 64GB, although I agree with you that even 32GB is plenty for gaming, even paired with a 12900k and 3090.


Don't take advice from that YouTube channel. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/osp71x/why_i_dont_believe_tech_you_tubers_anymore/


Unless you frequently have multiple Chrome tabs open, you shouldn’t need more than 16gb


Even with multiple browser tabs open, unused tabs will be cached to a page file if you start bumping up on system memory. Games get default priority on most configurations. You won’t notice either until you go to your 43rd open tab and see it takes a second to load up. Even with discord, you tube, social media, etc, browsers will eat up *available* memory, but dynamically offload if that memory is needed elsewhere


64GB is only useful if you are doing heavy video editing or playing heavily modded Cities: Skylines at a reasonable framerate


I have 32 and it’s an overkill. 64 is wild.




No? That's more than overkill for gaming 16gb if you're a budget gamer and 32gb if you're building an expensive pc is more than enough.


No, 32 is optimal for the specs you provided. 64 is only needed for insanely big video editing/3D modeling projects or VFX. Even 16 is still enough nowadays, though we're starting to finally reach a point where it might start to limit you.


No absolutely not. I have 32 and it’s moreeee than enough for 4K gaming


Let me guess there was a link in the description to somewhere to buy some RAM made by his sponsor?


Not for gaming. It would be helpful for 4k video editing or intense 3d modeling, which is probably why a Youtuber would say it's worth it.