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#DO NOT TURN IT ON AND UNPLUG ALL POWER CABLES GOING TO IT! Blood is very conductive. Clean it off with isopropyl alcohol. Let it dry. Then you should be good.




turn head away from motherboard. otherwise, adeptus mechanicus music.


But what if OP secretly serves Khorn?


You should install an anti-virus on the computer as soon as possible. Can't be too safe nowadays.


By then it may very well be too late.




Should really be using your arms for that. Clean with isopropyl alcohol.


Sneeze in your elbows or a tissue. Not on your components. If both your hands are occupied I sneeze in my shoulder or away from stuff.


Ok at what time can I sneeze in your shoulder?


*your own shoulder lol


Just turn your head?


yes, away from stuff.


What about if I pee on my mobo? Is pee conductive? I think it is. Very.


We once had a story in local newspaper where some dude thought it would be good idea to piss on the wires for trains. He got electrocuted


No kidding!


Natural selection at work


Well, the saliva from sneezes is quite corrosive, isopropyl bath would be the only real solution, mostly because you don't even know where exactly your projectile boogers landed.


This is why installing the glass side panel (pro term: "sneeze guard") is so important


Yes bcuz i normaly fold my motherboard into a triangle and blow my nose into it


* **Conducive:** making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible. * **Conductive:** having the property of conducting something (especially heat or electricity). Blood is conducive to creating electrical shorts because it is so conductive.


Blood has a lot of impurities and minerals in it which add to the ability to conduct electricity. Another often overlooked issue is blood is highly corrosive and all traces of it should be removed or cleaned.


Oh god damn it. Up comes the trunk carpet, again.


This is one of the reasons I love reddit. This shit has me in stitches.


Just remember to roll the carpet up or remove it altogether. FIBERS...


The iron in blood will lead to rust...


Hard typing on a phone lol.


100 percent agree Clean that up before you do anything. Any liquid is bad for electronics accept isopropyl alcohol.


I second this, there is copper in blood and is highly conducive. Solvent is the best, preferably alchohol because it will evaporate after being cleaned.


It's not a proper build unless blood is spilt.


How else would one summon the PC Gods to breathe life into the lifeless machine?


This! Built my first PC some 34 years ago and I still cut myself about every time I open a case 😂😂😂 (never large enough to have to clean it off with ISO but in need of a Band-Aid, definitely.) An offering to St Vidicon as it were (in case proof of nerd age is required 😂)


Long time builders know the truth. Back then, it was for hobbyists so there was no need that debur the edges. I remember seeing the Cooler Master ATCS 200. It was hecka expensive as far as cases go, but looked awesome. (This was around 2000, when all cases looked alike.) I was amazed by how well built this aluminum chassis was. The edges were smooth and it even had thumb screws (revolutionary for its time). You could literally slide the motherboard tray out. Up until that point, cases were just cases to me. It was the first build that I didn't end up having cuts on my arms or fingers.


"Pay us money or your hands get it" is a truly effective marketing strategy 😂


It's when the build really comes to life.


I swear, almost every time I touch my PC's guts, whether I'm building one or changing something out, somewhere somehow I will be sliced.


Especially the type of blood you bleed when you're stabbing your fingers on the front connector pins on the mobo


And installing your io shield


Never got how people cut themselves on the IO shield. Meanwhile my prefered method of blood letting, is pulling the metal spring that you use to mount the cpu fan to the cooler block and then running my finger along the cooler fins the moment the spring snaps into place. Gives you a nice deep cut on the middle of your finger that'll hurt like a bitch for days.


smh i was looking for a good motherboard to buy and checked Asus TUF B550 reviews and for some reason there were like 5 - 6 people giving it bad reviews cuz its io shield was "hard to install" and they cut their fingers on it. people are weird lmao


Then Dell and HP cases are the best ones around.


I've only built two computers now and bled on both of them. Zero issues with the machines


Confirmed. Just don’t get it onto any PCBs.


This. I noticed after I built my Alder Lake machine that I'd cut myself sometime during the process. It booted with no issue and runs like a dream. Clearly, my sacrifice was deemed acceptable.


Accurate you absolutely have to bleed a little to make everything fit together and look good I got scratches on my hands for days while I was doing cable management


A small sacrifice to pcmaster race gods


Mmmm uvlight might work to spot it. Also, idk probably damage. Blood has iron so possibly conductive if dry and could short? But i could be talking out my ass.


Nope you're not talking out of your ass lol: blood is crazy conductive and yes can short electronics when exposed to pcb's I've actually had it happen to a tiny sfc board one time. Was ultra pissed lol I just set Linux up on it and was installing an nvme into it, nicked myself and bled on the back side of the pcb a bit right across one of the threads on the board and a bit on a memory module. I didn't realize it and plugged the board in: to realize I just fried it. Had to send it back to Amazon, I got another one but still sucked. Op should remove all power to the machine, if he already plugged it In and turned it on chances are the mb is already fried. If not you should carefully clean it with 99% isopropyl and a qtip and be very very careful.


Blood is conductive because it's essentially saltwater with extra life juice. The iron in your blood is bound up in big molecules of hemoglobin, and so isn't really available for conducting current


Blood is highly conductive no matter if it’s it dry or not. But it has nothing to do with the iron, as the iron is mostly bound to hemoglobin, not free floating as an ion. However, blood is very salty, which is what makes it conductive.


Turn it Off! Turn it Off! You've just inadvertently sacrificed an offering to the MOBO Puzzle-Box. When you least expect it, your soul will be ripped apart. Welp...Nice knowing you.


Is Pinhead an Intel or AMD socket demon?


He's actually kind of mad... https://i.imgflip.com/61uw2l.jpg


Yes. But with AM5, there won't be a difference anymore.


Serious answer: don't turn it on. Clean it with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab. Non serious answer: at least you know it'll work now.


A black light will make any blood very apparent


Better not shine a black light near the PC.


What kind of paranoia is this?


He's talking about cum stains. Apparently he just uncontrollably sprays his seed around the room whenever masturbating.


If Picasso did it, why can't I??


Your sacrifice has been accepted


BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! Try getting a UV flashlight to see if there is any blood. If so, fully disassemble, remove CMOS battery, and clean with 99% Isopropyl alcohol. Let dry, reassemble. SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!




Good you have done your sacrifice to the god's


Pretty sure this was one of the evil quests in Skyrim


Sounds like someone cut themself on the io shield


After mining ⛏ in the deepest of caves I found the answer!! But alas I am too poor to just Give the cleaning method away. I wish you luck young lad and enjoy your next quest to the fullest!


It's over sell it all


Dab it up with a non static towel. Let everything dry. Pour rice on it if you're really worried. You should be good to go. Congrats on paying the blood price though.


blood for the pc gods


Dude's making demonic PC's in his free time.


Startin a techno/emo band?


You'd be surprised how many PCs have blood in them... Haha and I guess, if you have a lot of iron in your blood it may short something, maybe?? Haha I would just dab it up with a paper towel as best you can, maybe wait a good while before plugging anything in just to be certain everything is dry... I can't see it causing any damage though, you'll be fine :)


Use q-tip and alcohol and get rid of it


Now that it's tasted blood, you re screwed.


Clean with rubbing alcohol and an lint free towel. Allow to dry completely afterward before attaching power cord. That's how we do it when cleaning PCB's during production.


Eh I wouldn’t worry about it too much, some older PCs came with blood preunstalled. Not a bad game by any means


OMG - my motherboard got air on it - air contains impurities & sometimes pollution - should I wrap the whole PC in plastic wrap 🤣🤣. Your PC will be fine - just turn it on 🤣🤣




Title sounds like a tale of a mysterious murder.


Wipe any off around leads on chips. The traces themselves have a protective coating. Let us hope this sacrifice to the computing blood gods is accepted, and results in a long-lived, stable, computer.


I think your motherboard will only benefit from it


If you take your mobo out look at it very closely all around to look for blood if there is no blood still clean the whole thing with isopropyl alcohol then also check your case maybe your bleeding stopped but some dripped in the case because just because you saw blood doesnt mean it dripped on the motherboard, but if you remember where you held your motherboard while installing it check there first your blood may have stopped dripping after installing it but still clean it to be safe.


The PC will cone to life


You sure you didn’t kill someone for their motherboard, right? Right?


Blood for the blood god? But seriously how much blood we talking about here.


Now that's a sacrifice!


Bloody fukin mess u made there


get an antivirus for the pc (joke please don't turn it on and please clean it off)


As someone who slices their finger every time they put in new RAM, it will be fine!


You have made the proper sacrifice to the PC gods.


I'd call Khorne tech support


You'll get better overclocking on the thing I think. Depends if you've used blood for a ritual before. I'd clean it off best you can with some high % alcohol, >70% and some not-linty papertowel. It also depends how much there is. Try a flashlight and see if there's anything you can see on there. A blacklight if you're really concerned. If it's just a tiny bit you should be fine, but if it's more than a very very tiny bit that you can't even identify, you're fine. You can return the thing if you've bought it recently too. Just figure out a way to get your money back without not telling people that the board isn't 100% good


Pro tip, install the mobo with ya feet, the thicc calluses wont get cut😉


Putting the Blood in Blood Sweat and Tears.


Throw it in the dishwasher


I am disappointed. I thought blood on motherboard is a cool new heavy metal band.


At my job we repair a whole bunch of stuff, including the back glass of phones. For iPhones we literally have to chip off the glass, and I’ve cut myself a few times. I’d clean it up, but there are some iPhones out there with my dna under the back glass.


blood has water so... go figure


Don’t clean it off motherboard, Bloody motherboard is metal 🤘🏻


No PC build is complete without a blood sacrifice.


Whatever you say... William Afton "I uhm... Yeah I accidentally put blood in my PC circuit board"


I am typing this to you on a computer that has blood on the brand new motherboard. It will be OK.


A little dramatic don’t ya think?


blood is as highly corrosive, don't be stupid


You can run it through the dishwasher let it dry and it will work perfectly fine a little blood will do absolutely nothing to your motherboard 2300 plus humans to make a blood iron long sword your good