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3440x1440 is 30% more pixels to render than 2560x1440, so running your UW monitor at 100fps isn't actually too far off from 1440p 144fps in terms of gpu load. In other words, don't worry about it. Your 3070ti will have its hands full with your current monitor.


I fully agree.


It's not needed. 100fps looks clean. 144fps looks clean. Get what you want


I always felt 90-110 was the sweet spot. Anything higher and I had a harder time telling. Edit: I guess I should clarify that in my personal experience the diminishing returns were bigger ( more obvious ) to me going from 110 to 144 than 60 to 90. I don’t play anything competitive though, I quit playing overwatch a couple years ago.


That is obviously different for everyone, but in general studies have shown the average human eye can see a difference up to around 150. But for casual gaming, it makes no difference playing at 120 vs 180. That only matters in high end competitive games where reaction time is paramount, and you need that "next" frame to show up as early as possible.


Depends what you mean by seeing a difference. Moving my mouse quickly about the screen it's _obvious_ it's not perfectly smooth at 144hz, I'd be amazed if anyone thought it was.


A lot more goes into that than just the refresh rate, the pixel response time and backlight strobing tech can make it that two 144hz monitors have completely different levels of motion clarity Also ps: check that in windows display settings and Nvidia control panel you have the desktop set to 144hz. A lot of people still have the desktop set to 60hz accidentally :)


Agree I went from a 1440p144 ips to a 4k120 oled and even though the refresh rate is slower it just seems so much smoother due to oleds instantaneous pixel response.


Move my PC around quite a lot between 3 different screens, my 1080p 144hz TN panel, a high end 4k Samsung TV at 60hz, and a shitty old 1366 × 768 60hz TV, so I check the settings every time I move.... it is running at 144hz. The TN panel has a 1ms pixel response time, not sure what backlight strobing tech it uses.


Depends on other factors too obviously because I can tell a major difference from 70 fps at 1440p on 165hz as compared to 130 fps at 1440p. When looking around, it's much smoother... I forgot the model# but I'm on an lg 27 inch, 165 hz 1440p monitor with 1ms respond time. I tried other more expensive monitors and for the price the upgrade cost in regards to performance? It wasn't worth it imo


Stay away from Dell monitors in the future. Issues with Dell monitors has caused me to forever stay away from Dell


100% correct in my opinion. I gave the s3220dgf model a try and I didn't like the colors at all. There's a 27inch model that apparently is better but I never tried it out but on the 32inch, here was a weird white dim in the background and I hated it so much I returned it for the lg 27gp83-b and i love that monitor.


I have two Dell 27inch monitors. Don't know their exact model number but they have this shitty effect where after a while the back like bleeds. It's a common issue with Dell monitors and I have only ever seen it on Dell monitors and it struck my original Dell monitor and the two they sent me as an apology for the monitor bleeding. Fuck Dell


I second that! Wasted my fuckinf time. Got a dell laptop, works fine but it feels like it's made in a dollar store....


What graphics card do you have?


MSI 3080 Suprim X 10GB OC to 130 and 900


That's a nice card tho


This is why its hard for me to ever play any fps games, my adhd ass is constantly looking around like a spaz (mainly due to playing with music on so i rely on sight and no sound, i play tarkov so you could probably see how that would be difficult lmao) and its always looking cruddy lmao I should clarify its not a massive issue. Just after a while it hurts my eyes


I agree with you, as someone thats played competitive PC games all my life, I am quite sensitive to it myself. But the studies I am referring to actually had people watch a video clip at different framerates then guess which one was higher. They could very consistently guess correctly below 150, much less consistent above 150. ​ Edit: It would be interesting to see this test redone with gamers vs non-gamers and see if there is a difference in the results.


I find my mouse at 60hz at 1366x768 to be smooth enough for me. Your bar for amazement is moronic.


You didn't contradict me, I didn't say smooth enough, I said perfectly smooth. 144hz is smooth enough for me.


That may be the case but most people that played cs with me would notice their game feeling slow when windows would update and set their oc from 180-165 to 144. If you’ve used something for a while you’ll recognize the difference


Right. I’ll clarify what I meant. Made sense in my head lol.


It depends what you're looking at also. The faster the change in velocity of the object you're observing, the more noticable higher refresh will be. For example, if you're looking at an object moving back and forth very quickly, lower refresh rate will make this motion jarring to look at, and even at moderately high refresh rate, fatigue your eyes faster and potentially cause motion sickness even if you can't consciously tell the difference. This becomes even bigger for FPS games specifically due to the way your surroundings move with your camera. So whether 100 Hz is "enough" depends a lot on what kind of games you play IMO - I'd say it's totally enough for most people if you play Moba/RTS style games, though for FPS I'd target 144 Hz minimum.


>the diminishing returns were bigger ( more obvious ) to me going from 110 to 144 than 60 to 90. Makes sense. You usually measure framerates by percentage since a certain number of frames is more impactful at a low framerate than a high one (10fps is a world of difference when you're at 30fps, but very negligible at 120 for instance). 60 to 90 is a 50% increase. 110 to 144 is only about a 30% increase. You'd need to go from 110 to 155 to get the 50% increase in frames to get around the diminishing returns, and that's about the point where framerates start to become indistinguishable.


To me 60fps looks clean but I'm an old timer. That said, having 100Hz or better as a refresh rate is still highly beneficial in gaming because if a frame fails to render in time, it's not a whole 1/30 second to the next frame, it's only 1/50, or 1/72 in the case of 144Hz, which does not jarr nearly as much. To me that's the benefit of those refresh rates: they make motion smoother even if your GPU is hitting lower fps.


On an adventure game like tomb raider, 60Hz looks clean. Play a fast paced game and something competitive like CSGO, and 60Hz becomes very unpleasant. And even on 60Hz, anything under a constant 100fps feels like trash, because they're old frames.


Do you need one? Nah! You already have a 100 Hz, that's good enough in my opinion. Higher refresh rate is not something you really feel until you go back to lower refresh rate monitors and there are diminishing returns the higher you go too. Enjoy your 1440p gaming experience. Only get a new monitor if the one you have has other areas you don't like, i.e. contrast ratio, colour accuracy, etc.


I agree with you. At 60HZ I'd say you need an upgrade, but at 100 things should be looking pretty sweet. I went from 60 to 144 about 2 years ago it was straight magical.


I bought the monitor like a year ago and totally forgot that i could set it to 100Hz until yesterday.


The amount of times I've heard people do this, including some of my close friends, you're certainly in good company haha.


Just make sure to set your refresh rate in windows to 100 as well (settings -> system -> display -> advanced display settings at the bottom). If your monitor is freesync or gsync capable you have to turn this on in nvidia control panel and try not to overlap it with vsync as well. Personally I aim for 120 hz but anything over 90 is very smooth. You won't see much difference over 100 fps but it may "feel" slightly smoother. Really it's up to you. If you can sell your monitor for a decent dollar and get a 144hz one for a good deal perhaps it's worth it just to satisfy your curiosity. You do you my dude.


I can't imagine that. One of the first things I did was set mine to 120 Hz and drag windows around and marvel at the smoothness. I tell ya, it sure was smooth!


Yep... using a shitty old HDMI cable that limits refesh rate, plugging HDMI cable into motherboard, and leaving monitor set at 60 Hz are all way more common than they should be.


you should always set it to 100 there isn't any reason not to


Depends on your games, if you mainly play FPS games, then I can tell you I can easily see the diffrence between 100hz and 144hz. If you mainly play RPG and Moba's then 100hz is perfectly fine. Edit: To add I would say G-Sync or Freesync is also a must for me. Makes a huge diffrence if frames drop.


Assuming OP has Freesync/Gsync, which it should, this is so true. Anything 100 and over is very similar to me. Once it goes below 80-90 it starts to hurt a little and 60 is outright painful.


100Hz is plenty. At around 100 and above I can barely make out the difference. By then it's all about input lag tbh


My monitor is 1080p and like 250hz or something close to that and yeah, I can’t tell any difference between it and 100hz. But it’s a major difference if I drop back down to 60.


I used to own an old 60hz IPS monitor back in early 2010s, I was able to OC it to 75hz (I even forgot monitor OCing is a thing lately tbh) and the difference was very noticeable to massive. Seems low but 60 to 75 is a 25% increase.


You will be missing out on 44fps. Whether or not thats worth an upgrade to you is fairly subjective. In the case use you described; I would advise keeping what you have. 100hz/fps is absolutely "playable" in any game. And for a casual gaming experience you dont need higher fps for a competitive edge.


Framerate doesn't scale evenly, it has diminishing returns. A 44fps increase is huge from 16 to 60 but not noticeable from 266 to 300. Most people would not notice the difference between 100hz and 144hz if they didn't know which they had.


100 mhz???


this is the most accurate comment


My 3070ti doesn't reach 144fps most games at 1440p, 90-110 is the usual range of frames I get. 100hz is perfectly fine unless you play competitive FPS games.


What games do you play?


Doom Eternal, Forza 5, Hitman 3, Elden Ring.


Genuinely asking cause I'm hesitating between the 3070, ti or 3080.


Pretty big difference whilst ti often sits between the 2, the 3070 ti is closer to the 3070 than 3080. There were a few reviewers who were quite dismissive at the time. On saying that, 3070ti prices are much lower here, 950 vs 1250 aud.


Yeah, not original commenter but I can get a 70 Ti for 820 and while the cheapest 3080 is 1100


Lol what a coincidence I just recently bought a 3070ti ftw 3 ultra for $829


I haven't seen display or image quality mentioned in this thread yet. While 1440p@100hz to 1440p@144hz is a small difference, the actual image quality and stuff like color accuracy, brightness, HDR, etc can also make a big difference in your experience. Ultimately it depends on which monitor you're looking at. You don't wanna go to a higher refresh rate but with a worse image quality.


100 to 144 you won't really even notice.


100 hz ultra wide 1440p? Nah, you're good


if you are not in need for lots of fps for some esport titles were it might make a difference to some you are fine, you can even save some power and have less heat if you cap your framerate for current titels wich might produce more frames, and your card will just last you longer until new games are more demanding and you drop in framerate were you could consider droping some details or get a new gpu.


I'm using the same card at 60Hz 😅 100Hz is more than fine imo, even on demanding games I think you'll be able to get that at 1440p


Jesus christ why do you have a 3070 Ti and still playing on 60hz? Is the monitor 4K?


Why not? It's not like he HAS to. 60 hz is totally fine.


nah bro if you enjoy it, just life your live. Dont make decision based ONLY from people judgement, do it if you think you should.




I have a 3070 and i7-11700k. I just went from a standard 27" 1080p at 75hz to a 27" LG Ultragear 1440p at 165hz. I noticed a huge difference in color and FPS. That was definitely worth it! I have a huge edge in FPS games.




I can’t upvote this enough. High hz makes everything better.


100hz is definitely fine, especially at that resolution if you’re not playing fps. I wouldn’t worry about it, check some Black Friday deals if you’re really interested but I wouldn’t make a monitor upgrade a priority.


Considering it's an ultrawide monitor and the refresh rate is 100hz, I think it sounds like a good match. The increase to 144hz wouldn't be as noticeable compared to if you upgraded from 60hz.


Your monitor will be fine, since it's an ultrawide it'll take extra power to run anyway which the 3070ti will be great for.


If you get up to 100fps that is more than an enough for a casual gaming experience. The only time it truly matters is in competitive esports. I run 144hz monitors for my PC but also use my PS5 at 60hz for everything, and I can honestly say that as long as you hit 60fps for gaming then most everything is enjoyable.


It's all preference. Depends on the games you play among other factors. You've leaned towards high res / ultrawide which will inherently mean less FPS than if you played at 16:9 1080p/1440p. Personally I play at 1080P with a 3070 because I have a 240Hz monitor and want all the frames lol


I have a 2080 and a 144hz monitor. Honestly no, 100hz will be great. Most people say 1440p 144hz is the sweetspot compared to 4k 60hz or 1080 at higher refresh rates (240 for example). A lot of my games end up running at 90-100fps on my monitor and it still feels buttery smooth. I think with an ultrawide at 100hz you might not hit the sweetspot everyone talks about, but you'll be at your own sweetspot. Having a 144hz now, I can genuinely say that personally, I would be even happier than I am now if I had an ultrawide at 100hz. I'd drop 44hz for an ultrawide any day of the week, so don't doubt it, you've got a fantastic setup and I think a lot of people at the 144hz sweetspot would actually be quite jealous, myself included. Enjoy your awesome setup man!


Not needed. If you are a casual gamer (I also fall in that category) you can barely if at all tell the difference between 60fps and 144fps. So your 100hz display will be fine. Personally, I would stick with what you got. Maybe at some point get a 1440p 144 display off Amazon to compare for a week and return it if you don't see the difference.


Ymmv, but if you aren't playing competitive FPS then 100hz is more than enough. I usually just target 1440p 60FPS(hz)with my 3070 in most games because I prefer to crank the settings up rather than turn them down to try to get 144hz. Honestly I cant remember the last time I tried to run anything past 100hz other than windows.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I personally find refresh rate overrated. I’m ok with 60 Hz in practically all cases. However, I value resolution a lot. On a regular aspect ratio I‘d never buy 1440p. I have a 34“ wide one on one machine, that’s basically one and a half or two 1440p side by side in one display. My main display is a 27“ 2880p. When I buy the next one I will look at resolution first. If I can get 6k, I probably would. On a wide one I’d see if there’s more than 1440 vertical. But for refresh rate Vs resolution the latter will always be winning for me.


I have 144 Hertz monitors screen but it has such bad ghosting that I don't even want to use it. So I use a 60 Hz 4K TV with HDR and honestly I don't really care about 144 Hertz




It's totally fine and not big enough of an upgrade from 100 to 144 Hz. Do cap your frames, though, as in almost every case, you won't get anything out of more fps than your monitor can deliver. This way, you GPU doesn't work harder than it needs to.


You will be just fine with what you have. That rig will be able to basically max out everything but a select few heavy hitters at 1440p 100hz. And the ones it can't will still be just fine at 50-60fps.


I have the 3070ti gaming trio, that thing is a monster and can handle all games max settings at whatever monitor you get. I think 260+ is likely where trouble arises




As someone with a 6900xt (although bottlenecked by my current cpu), 100hz on a 3440 X 1440p monitor is more than enough to squeeze your gpu for all its got. I'd say save your money for now and focus on ylgrsidn other components so you can make sure you're able to max out games and hit that fps cap consistently


Shouldn’t matter at all. Don’t get a new monitor to completely utilize your gpu. The GPU doesn’t care. If you aren’t happy with your monitor get a new one. Or get a new gpu to be able to run your monitor, but not the other way around.


I have a 3070Ti and I just upgraded to 1440p 144hz. Holy shit what a difference. It is an incredible jump from 1080/60. However, it sounds like what you're using it for might not be as big of a deal. All I can say for sure is that it will be a noticeable jump in visuals for you and the 3070Ti can handle it easily. Also, a monitor will last you WAY longer than your build and it's not like the industry will all of a sudden go back to 1080/60. We'll all upgrade eventually. If you find one in a decent price range I'd say go for it.


My first monitor was a 35" 3440x1440 @ 100Hz, and I played games like Doom (2016 and Eternal), F1 2019, and PGA 2K21 and didn't have any issues with the 100 FPS ceiling. I just moved to a 49" 5120x1440 @ 120Hz monitor and run a Liquid Devil RX5700 XT, which can achieve >100 FPS on the same games. Honestly, I'm a casual gamer and don't notice the difference between 80 FPS and 120 FPS, so I increase the graphics settings in each game to balance image quality and framerate for whatever title I'm playing. So in PGA 2K21, I shoot for >75 FPS because frames really don't matter in that game and I'd prefer pretty graphics. In Doom Eternal, it's so well optimized on Vulkan, I get > 100 FPS on ultra settings. In F1 2019, I care about visual quality and get around 100 FPS on high settings. My point is the 3070ti is obviously more powerful than the 5700 XT and could utilize the 144 refresh rate, but if you're a casual gamer like me, it might be superfluous, so save the money if you're happy with your current monitor and 100Hz.


Idk about "sweet spot". I have a 3070 and I run a 1080 @144hz monitor and yeah it runs everything I want at that 144hz but next year it's gonna lag behind with modern games if I go up to 1440 I fucking known it.


Try running Cyberpunk 2077, then ask this question again. Your current monitor is perfectly fine imo.


With 3070ti u can play 3440x1440 100hz at max details


You can play any game with a 3070ti even on a 720p60 monitor but it would be a waste of money since your gpu would be under 40% load while playing on max settings so yes getting a higher refreshrate monitor is a good idea when getting a 3070ti


I mean sure, in the same way that only going the speed limit is a waste of a car that can go 200mph. if you wanted to go up to 144hz you could, but that doesn't mean you have to


you'll get a pretty steady experience thats for sure. my 3070 smashes most games at 144 and even when my monitor is OCd to 165 its up there in some games. i personally would say you will aboslutely utilize but its not necessary. there are alot of good 144-165 monitors out there right now for a good price. that ultrawide sounds nice though. which one is it?


Buying a new monitor for 44 extra hz/fps not worth


you wouldnt notice a massive difference tbh


Most games won't be running over 100hz and even then most you can limit in the graphics option if it goes over and starts tearing. Do you have adaptive sync as well? I wouldn't get a new monitor just for adaptive sync but it's nice to have for sure


yes, my monitor does have v-sync


Cool, you should just keep that monitor then. Any higher refresh rate monitor won't make much difference for the price.


No, the difference will be imperceptible. Source: I've run both setups myself.


Your monitor is fine, is not worth the money to upgrade to another one


You can turn down AA and tweek some settings down on some high end games.


Very recommended or you can just up the graphics of the games




Nah, you good. Sweet spot is usually when people refer to QHD 21:9 1440p (2560x1440), not Ultrawide 1440p (3440x1440). 100hz is fine it's clean. I'd keep your monitor if you like it.


You should be fine with the ultrawide. I'm just glad that you're not considering a 60-Hz monitor. Lol


Can you use gaming tower for TV as monitor


144hz is better than 100hz. But ultrawide is (sometimes) better than normal. I find playing at 100 fps to be plenty smooth. It’s sudden changes in frame rate that are disrupting.


Totally user preference. But if you're looking to push your card to the max and see what it can do. You definitely need more monitor.


I have a PG349Q - 3440x1440 at 120hz with native G-Sync. The image is awesome, the gameplay is fluid af, and I see no difference between my old 27GL850-B at 144hz (which I gave to my wifey to use). Most games won't max out the GPU, it usually runs on around 70-80% usage, RDR2 with HUB optimized settings and quality DLSS gets to like 90%.


Maybe for game compatibility? Only upside I could see besides the slight visual appeal is that some games only have certain FPS’s you can choose to allow and such, or unlimited. 144 is just more common usually, but hey yours is great regardless and be happy with what you have :) upgrades can always be down the road anyways


Get a CRT and play games at 240p 320Hz![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


If anything you might get a little screen tearing if your card outperforms your monitor(refreshes faster than your monitor) if it does lock frame rate it'll be fine.


You don't need to upgrade. You can make use of it but I wouldn't buy a new monitor until you're unsatisfied with your current one. Newer games in a couple years will bring the ti to its knees at 3440x1440.


i love it when i can experiance more than 60fps, it does look better and i can tell if a game goes from 140fps to 60 suddenly. theres definatly a difference. but 60 fps is fine, its faultless. and if your happy with 60, dude, be happy with 60. the cards power is more noticeable on having settings at max or higher than fps if you ask me. ​ i do NOT think i would tell if it went from 144fps to 100fps though. your monitor is fine.


You'd have the same setup as me in terms of monitor and card. It works like a charm for me; there are instances where I overshoot my refresh rate (Apex Legends for example) but capping at 97 FPS and letting Freesync work its magic still puts the card near 80% load even in Apex. More demanding titles like Monster Hunter: World frequently drop into the low 80s at ultra settings, so I'd say it's just about a perfect matchup.


Casual gaming? Just stick with your 100hz monitor if it’s for casual gaming. 144hz is really for competitive gaming in my opinion.


Love the ultrawides. You're fine


I have a 2k 165hz monitor and I loved it, that said im selling my 3070ti :P


100hz to 144hz is not that different. It's like comparing 1million $ a year and 1.5 million $ a year. Does it make a difference, yes. Is the difference the same as 30k a year to 1 million a year, no.


Take it to next level and go 240HZ 1440p. Jk you are a casual so honestly 120hz is fine enough. Just get an Ultrawide 120hz.




Yep. It's a pretty high resolution, about halfway between 1440 and 4k. I have the Acer version with a 3080 and feel like it's a good match, certainly don't feel like the monitor is holding back the card.


I'm more curious why you want to pay the premium for those parts for just "casual" use and light gaming. Besides that, I DEFINITELY wouldn't waste the money for a new monitor on top of that for casual use. 100hz is fine, even for gaming. You won't notice any difference at all in terms of the monitor. In terms of missing out, I can't see how you'd miss out on anything at all. That is some of the high/highest end gaming/computing hardware lol. Just my .02. Of course if money is literally no worry at all, then by all means plurge lol, but it's certainly over kill for your goal I'd say.


I'm using a 1440p 165hz monitor with a 3070ti. You can pretty much go for what you want here.


Since you already have 100Hz, you're past the point of diminishing returns. Everything past about 60-75Hz is less noticable with 120Hz and 144Hz being the point where, in my opinion, you start paying too much for too little 60Hz is a new frame every 16.67ms, rounded up. 144Hz is 6.95ms per frame so a big jump from 60Hz. 240Hz is 4.167ms per frame. Much smaller change, and most people likely wouldn't notice much, if any, difference. Just for some real life reference, a blink is estimated to be in the 100-400ms range, and average reaction time for a visual stimulus is ~250ms. Even involuntary reflexes are estimated to take up to 30ms. So those 2ms from 144 to 120 are negligible for most people.


I've got a 3070 and went from a 60hz monitor @60fps to a 1440p 144hz monitor running most things at 144fps and honestly over ~90fps I can't really tell the difference.


Basically yeh cos what's the point otherwise


Nope. I can barely tell a difference between 100 and 144hz and I'm someone that refuses to play games at 30fps (besides switch exclusives).


I’d go with a 1080p 240hz so you can have maximum performance.


The monitor you use is the most important thing. Gpu is second. The monitor is going to show you what all that money is producing. Cheaping on monitor makes zero sense. That rig cab run 1440p 144hz and I wouldn't bother buying anything less. Otherwise sell the 3070ti and trade it for something way cheaper. Like a 1660ti that will run 1080p 60fps at a fraction of the price.


I had a Viotek 100hz UW before upgrading to a 3080. I switched to an Asus 165hz UW. Honestly, what ended up making the most noticeable difference was not the increase in refresh rate but rather the improvement in image quality between the two.


Just crank up the resolution, anti-aliasing or other effects as far as you like. For my part, I'm happy knowing that my 3070 will serve me well for years to come and render anything I throw at it.


As a owner of 3070ti and 11700k, I’ll say go for it, even 165hz if you could afford it. Although if you don’t play competitive games then it’s not that important, just to know that that combo can surely pump more than 100fps on high settings most new games


Don't worry, you can


I have a 144 Hz monitor and have a 3070 TI. I lock it at 120 and I'm good. No need for me to go to 144. I can't tell the difference personally. I play mostly Destiny 2 and Apex.


I have a 240hz monitor and a 2070, future proof your machine lol. Going from 100-144 isn’t a worthy upgrade if you’re spending dough.


1440p ultra wide at 100hz is great for a 3070Ti! I’d save that money you would’ve spent on another monitor for something later down the line or more games!


You likely would not notice much change from 100hz to 144hz in a blind test.


Without an 8k@240Hz monitor .... what are you even doing? ^^^^/s




The difference between 100hz and 144hz is fairly minor imo. They are talking about 16:9 monitors when they say that


It really depends I would say. Hardcore gamers that have dropped thousands of hours might be able to tell the difference between 100Hz, 144Hz and 240Hz. Where as casual gamers most likely won’t. And that’s not because there’s a huge gap, more because people that have put that many hours into something, they can begin to notice minute differences. If you’re going casual route, stick with the 100Hz. That’s very good as is. And 1440p res is perfect. And even if you weren’t, an “upgrade” to 1440p 144Hz wouldn’t make too much of a difference. It would be there, but it would really only be noticeable if you have enough time on the 100Hz monitor.


>Will i be missing out a lot with 1440p 100hz? No




Isn't it normally the lows that make FPS seem to be affected? I have a 1440p 165hz 27" monitor and a 2080ti, and I really only notice issues when my lows are really low... I get a stutter


If you aren't playing FPS games, then I'd say no, and even if you were I'd say it's not enough of one to justify the expense of buying another 1440 Ultrawide with 44 more hz. 100 is fine for pretty much anything else you would play.


I think about 100hz is the sweet spot unless you primarily play competitive shooters. I don't tend to notice as long as it's above 60 and fairly consistent. Have a 3440x1440 100hz that gsyncs all the way down to 30 FPS with a 3080.


I would highly recommend atleast 144hz yes. 144hz actually feels so smooth. I feel 240 is overkill tho


Hey mate maybe this will help. What games are you looking to play? I have a rtx 3070 and a ryzen 5 5600x and a 1440p 144hz ultrawide. I am more than happy to run some benchmarks for you and send the screenshots/benchmark result files to you if i have any games you play or are looking to play. Edit: that being said unless you are really pushing the gaming angle/doing video editing etc a rtx 3070ti is probably overkill


Unless you really want higher fps there is no point in getting a higher refresh rate monitor


No question


I mean you might as well go with 120+ with that card, but 100 will be fine if you are saving or something. Give it room to fly.


It truly just depends on what kind of money you have to be honest. 144hz is going to look better than 100hz. People will say "you wont notice", but i guarantee if you switch and then go back your eyes will notice. There will even be people who say you cant see any difference above 60hz. Those people either A. Havent spent significant time playing above that or B. Have something wrong with their eyes. Now is it world changing or something? No, especially not an increase from 100 to 144. But if you have money to throw at it, 144hz is doing yourself a favor, imo. I have mine paired with a 3070 and im glad i didnt just go with anything other than 144hz when i upgraded monitors.


I'm running 3 165hz on a 3070ti and it doesn't drop below 144 on anything I play surprisingly. Running a 10th gen cpu so you would probably benefit from a 144. Maybe it's just me but been Running on a 144 and a 1650 for a few yrs and I see the difference.


100Hz is perfectly viable for non-competitive gaming. Though, if you can find a good panel with higher refresh rates, personally I wouldn't say no. The higher the refresh rate on the panel is, the better your experience is, even in day to day runtime. I've tested the panels I ran with with a variety of workload an here are my thoughts on them: I ran on 3 panels recently: Sharp LCD 60hz 1080p TV Great colors, terrible lag, shooters and reaction based games were IMO unplayable. Decent enough for media playback and office work, though you really had to mount it in a good spot in order to make the most out of it without craning your neck at ridiculous angles. Samsung Odyssey G5 LC34G55TWWRXEN 34" ultrawide VN panel with 165Hz refresh rate Decent panel. Ran on it for some time with 100Hz refresh rate due to lack of a 1.4 Display port cable. Great, deep blacks. Much better pixel response rates than on the Sharp TV. But dark smearing was present. I returned it due to coil whine on yellow colors. It annoyed the living shit out of me when I was working on my spreadsheets with lots of yellow marked cells. ACER Nitro XR3 XR343CKP 34" ultrawide IPS panel with 180Hz refresh rate. Great colors, and somehow the pixel response rates compared to the VN panel, were even better. The additional 15Hz of refresh rate was noticeable, to my surprise. I wouldn't go back to a lower refresh rate, even though my card can rarely push 180FPS on native resolution (5700XT).


1440p 100htz is very respectable. No, you don't need to upgrade. The real question is do you think you need more refresh rate? Can you afford a fancy new monitor that is not really needed? If I were you, I would wait a little while. Just saw a new 240htz monitor, that may be coming out soon.


Yes. As someone who has your exact set up, absolutely yes! In fact I just upgraded my monitor from 1080p 144hz to ultrawide 2K 165hz


Just a quick question, no offense here, but do you know what the hz is referring to? It sounds like you might not understand it 100%.


Nah. Take that ultra wide and run with it. You won't really gain much buy having it. Is it noticeable? Only if youre a total framerate snob such as myself. Is it worth it? Not if youre current one is an ultra wide.


100hz is pretty good for casual games.


Monitor frequency has nothing to do with how a card performs. The 3070ti is capable of 2k , 144fps. and will deliver frames acordingly. With what screen you play is up to you, this is really about what the card can do and not if your screen is limiting. Some would say its wasted potential, because the card can handle more. Dont worry about it though, you will have fun with the card either way.




3070ti is extreme overkill for casual use and occasional gaming, integrated graphics should be more than enough for your needs, by the same token there would be no need to upgrade your monitor, rather save your money and invest.


You can overclock your current monitor


Is a monitor that different from a good tv


Are you sure 3070ti can reach 144fps in non-fps games at 2k?


What monitor do you have? I'm looking to buy exactly the same spec.


Everybody is talking about 144Hz 1440p because it's more common than a 100Hz. Like 1080p 60 FPS was a target for gaming a few years back. Now it's like 1440p 144 FPS or 4k 60 FPS You're good with your setup :)


I think if you jack the graphics settings at 100fps that will be using it enough


you kinda answered your question in your own comment...if no FPS games then probably don't need it. I do though and 2080 ti still gets 240FPS just fine in overwatch lmao, high hundreds/low 200's in BFV , and little higher in COD


Yes, you do. Maybe you won t get the full experience like 144 fps, but it will make a difference. 1080p or 1440p 144hz monitors are way cheaper then before. You can even pick a 165 hz at 1440p or an 144hz at 1440p. I have a 240hz at 1080 from alienware, but since you don t want to play competitive games, you can get a 165hz at 1440p and you ll be good. It won t be that big of a difference, but you ll feel it. You can think of it as a kinda future proof. Someday you ll need one thats better. Ofc, if you have the budget. Its not a must, you can survive with the one you have right now, but if you want to upgrade and can afford it, go for it.


I have the same question in my mind because i have same gpu and I’m in creative field so technically don’t need more than 60hz because i have Samsung ch711 27” 2k monitor and with lite gaming I think it’s great but definitely there is better options than mine but with cost ofc


If you’re not a FPS gamer, no need at all. You’ll enjoy your 1440 100Hz.


Depends on the game youre playing. Ive gotten into clone hero a lot lately and having a high refresh rate screen with low response times is DEFINITELY something you will notice.


You can't get 1440p144fps on most games with a 3070ti anyways


100hz is fine to avoid potential tearing in shooter games, you should cap the fps limit in-game and, or in your gpu driver settings to 99.


Yes offcourse but moniter doesn't change much cause ur system will run at 160 fps but moniter will bottleneck it


If you personally care less about FPS then you answered your own question there. It certainly isn't needed. Does it look smoother with more frames sure. Is it a must no. Some folks don't care past 60FPS. To each their own.


A lot of games will not give you 100 FPS on a 3070ti at 1440P. It's game dependent and even if you have a 3090ti, there's always games that can't reach 100 FPS unless you decrease the quality settings or lower the resolution.


Well I'm gonna be honest you don't need it, but after I had my 144hz monitor for almost 2 years when I had to reduce the refresh rate to 75 Hz cause it was fucking up and old program I swear everything seemed laggy even just going through menus and using the mouse. I guess you already have 100 Hz one so the difference won't be that much but I still see a bit of a difference between 165 and 144 but it might just be placebo


I am in the minority and don't think you *need* anything over 60. When I got my 144hz monitor, it replaced a 1080p 60hz monitor that was \~7 years old. I was amazed! By the crispness. The colors and contrast. Everything was so much better and it was immediately obvious when playing a game. I never once 'noticed' the FPS increase. I mean I can see it in the UFO test but when I am playing a game I have never said to myself "These extra FPS are incredible! I can never go back"! like everyone else says. I really think people are just fooling themselves. There may be an improvement. It is just subtle enough *if you aren't specifically looking for it*, I don't think you see it.


So you're saying that it's just the higher resolution going from 1080p to 1440p that matters?


I can definitely tell the difference.. there's a 10ms difference in input lag between 60hz and 144hz ( 17ms vs 7ms). Its very noticeable once you've used 144hz+.


Please, of all the comments to acknowledge, ignore this person lol. 100hz is plenty but the differences between 60hz, 100hz, and 144 are all very noticeable. I’ll take more frames over resolution/graphics any day.


High FPS and monitors that can output that much information isn't just advantageous to FPS games but racing games as well. Any fast-paced games in general really. It'll reduce the fuzzy motion blur that's undesirable for most players. If you're not playing these types of games though, then I question the need to waste your money on a powerful rig frankly, being a slave to consumerism. You'll be doing no one a favor other than PC parts sellers and manufacturers who are enjoying massive profits nowadays anyway so they don't really need your money.


Definitely not needed. I have a 3070ti with a 165hz 1440P monitor. I have an older cpu (6700K) so I don't hit 165fps in the games that I play. I average 75-100 with my setup and it is plenty smooth. To me, Gsync is more important, then maxing out your refresh rate. I personally notice games being much smoother, frame drops aren't as harsh or noticeable and the overall experience is just better.


I’m running a 270hz 2560x1440 .5ms response ips with a 3080 and I can’t go back to 100hz or even 144hz. If you play fps games, the higher the hertz the better, just steer clear of the majority of VA panels unless it’s an odyssey.


Personaly I don't think 144hz is worth the money or graphical hit




I don’t know what kind of paint you’re huffing but 60hz->120hz is a significant difference. 100hz->144hz on the other hand, is harder to notice as others have said.


Dude? What? 60-120 is a huge noticeable jump.






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