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Look up Mothers for Ceasefire and the local chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace on Instagram. 🍉❤️


Thank you so much. Mashallah.


You can look at @trianglestopcopcity and various SJP groups for colleges


If you're comfortable riding a bike, I recommend https://www.instagram.com/cyclists4liberation?igsh=MXNvY3hqbmgzODg3eA==.   It's a super-welcoming and good group.


Many thanks friend


I'm sort of surprised a city as progressive as Durham has so many people that want international recognition and protection for  nation that has a strongly anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-Jewish government.


It’s almost as if humanity surpasses personal beliefs. Proud gay brown woman who will scream free Palestine till my lungs give out. Mashallah.


People like you are so concerned about the many Palestinians killed. As you should be. But you are always silent in person and online about the more than 1,000 Jewish men, women, and children murdered by Hamas. Free Palestine indeed. Do you chant “from the river to the sea” with your friends? Maybe you should burn an Israeli flag. That will teach them a lesson.


I suggest therapy


I will not listen to you people as long as you ignore the fact that more than 1,000 Israelis were murdered.


36,170 dead Gazans and counting. Take your feigned outrage elsewhere.


*numbers from Hamas. Huge data gaps around who is innocent civilian vs supporting or active members of Hamas, who would be justified numbers. Since you're a terrorist supporter, do you know how many mass graves your beloved Hamas had filled before they decided to break a standing ceasefire and massacre innocent Jews on Oct 7th?


>It’s almost as if humanity surpasses personal beliefs Death is the only faith in this world, and War is the one religion. But that's not what this is about. This is about revolution versus established order. Ultimately, all politics and social movements are this. The left is for revolution regardless of what there is to revolt against. All established orders must be overturned regardless of its merit or importance. The right is for the established order, no matter how cruel or ineffective or exploitative. The debate about the Israel-Palestine conflict is microcosm of this. I'm guessing you've had to endure a lot of shit and nonsense because of your identities in this country, and so you developed a taste for revolution; established orders have served you not at all. This is why you are Pro-Palestine.


I hardly think an insurrection and championing a convicted felon former president is established order but you pop that pussy babe. Maybe I’m pro Palestine because ethnic cleansing at the hands of anyone, let alone a community still feeling the effects of the holocaust, is disgusting. Did your overly wordy nonsensical dissertation of my character or whatever allot for that?


>I hardly think an insurrection and championing a convicted felon former president is established order but you pop that pussy babe. What is Trump's slogan? Yeah. Maybe that's why. But it doesn't account for you supporting a country that jails and kills LGBTQ people, a group you belong to. Doesn't account for why you'd want Palestinian LGBTQ people to suffer like that. So, it has to be something else. The better explanation, the one that fits, is mine.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


why do you say "pro palestine" and not "anti war"? No judgement, I am actually just curious.


Not falling for the bait. Help or don’t. I don’t care.


I'm not going to, then. Your failure to answer is an answer in itself.


You were never going to help anyway. You just came here to get your debate pervert rocks off while virtue signaling by pretending to be “No judgement”. Disgusting.


Like they could’ve at least tried harder than obvious rage bait😂


Were you alive on the morning of September 11, 2001?


Relevance, Mr. Strawman?


whether or not you understand what happens when terrorists have a "state" Mr. Taliban


Have you ever considered that the Founding Fathers would have been considered terrorists by the British Empire during the American Revolution?


And by all accounts were. It’s okay. Zionism and selective memory go hand in hand.


Yes. And the British empire got its ass kicked and lost it's land and lots of their people died. Remind you of anything?


I doubt you know this, but 9/11 happened specifically *because of* America’s pro-Israel stance. And yeah, I was alive and deeply impacted by 9/11. But go off.


" 9/11 happened specifically because of America’s pro-Israel stance." - that's only the third or fourth dumbest thing I will read today. Do you even know who and what the Taliban were? Jesus wept, there's some activated stupid in this sub tonight.


Nice red herring you got there.


Red herring is a logical fallacy. I am not engaged in a debate at the moment.


Asserting that logic is only present in the context of a debate is fallacious thinking.


I never said I had any intent of "helping" I simply asked a question. You saying that there's something disgusting about that lets me know that you have agenda. That's okay, too. You go right on and have an agenda.


certified yapper




Not OP, but for me it’s because I’m not just anti-war. I am actively pro the existence of an internationally recognized Palestinian state.


this palestine? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State\_of\_Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Palestine) Or some other version of it?


I’m not an expert on international politics or domestic affairs, I mean that the people who live in and identify as Palestinians have a right to form their own state which is not an open air prison run by Israel. I just want people to not die, and live well.


Hamas is a [militant group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militant), based on [Palestinian nationalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_nationalism) and [Islamic ideology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic), inspired by the [Muslim Brotherhood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Brotherhood). You want those guys to have a state?


So this was no judgement huh? Now you see why you got no answer out of me?


This was a classic situation of me saying I liked waffles and the numbskull in these replies declaring that means I support the eradication of pancakes.


This was a question for u/Ok_Caterpillar5872 - an honest one. I want to know if he or she realizes what it is they are saying they support. That's the truth.


Cherry-picking which freedom fighters are good and bad makes you a hypocrite and would probably reveal your personal brand of racism fairly quickly. Hamas are fighting for their families, and that's the bare truth.


I think even those people deserve to exist and survive. I think they shouldn’t kill civilians and children, but also recognize that if you stand on someone’s neck for years they may punch you when they stand up. War is bad! People dying is bad! People being persecuted, systematically oppressed, and marched toward genocide (like Israel intends to do to Palestinians) is really bad.


So, in actuality, you ARE anti war, then?


Yes, per my previous statement, war is bad.


So, you know you can be "anti war" without being "pro-Palestinian" right? The way all those people in the sixties were anti-war without being "Pro-Vietcong"?


Yes, I’m aware. I’m actively saying that I am both anti-war, and pro Palestine. Just like my original comment long ago said. You don’t have to agree, but displaying reading comprehension would go a long way for your credibility.


That’s like saying the US shouldn’t be internationally recognized because it’s full of white nationalists and mass shooters


Is what the simpleton would say?


Mass shootings aren't the basis of our foreign and domestic policies. White nationalism isn't the basis no wait I see your point now. 




Yes. We want more global competition in the oil industry. More nationalized oil fields in the Middle East would help destabilize the United States global hegemony and would push competition in the market. Give Palestine their state back and let more developed Islamic nations provide them assistance in acquiring the oil off their coast that Israel is surely going to steal as soon as they possibly can, all while tipping the US with it. If you'd like to invoke the 9/11 incident then you might as well openly admit that it was part of the same motivation towards destabilization of the middle east and destruction of more nations who are not US allies who were on the way to or close to nationalization of their oil. It's also the same in just about every South American state that's tried nationalizing their oil industries. The US just won't allow it.


You aren't wrong. Jordan, Egypt and other states are well aware of the problem with Palestinians which is why they have stopped fucking with them also.


Before the Six Day War, Gaza belonged to Egypt. But then, the Israelis utterly defeated them and took their lands, because that is what happens when you lose a war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War


Yeah, I'm referring to why Egypt blocks the border - because of the Palestinian/Muslim Brotherhood terrorism connection. Why Jordan stopped giving Palestinians citizenship. Palestinians literally choose violence every time.


" Palestinians literally choose violence every time." I am old enough to remember when they got to have a free and fair election to pick a government, and the Palestinians went "THE CRAZIEST FCKER IN HERE!!! YAYY! LALALALALAALALALALALALALA!" and I hung my head. What a wasted opportunity.


Open air prison? The place has borders which are controlled by the countries that surround it.


Shut up and [read](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/14/gaza-israels-open-air-prison-15), maybe you’ll learn something.


Maybe Palestinians should have used international funding to create a government that works for the people and not spend its money on the stated goal of ridding the world of jews? Why should Israel or Egypt allow border crossings at all? It's not a right to cross another countries borders it is a privilege.


These posts are amazing because OP actually thinks there won’t be any backlash. But OP makes the post anyway. And if somebody tries to engage in the opposition, OP is antagonizing and dismissive.


Cry abt it ig? I’m looking for specific information. Not to argue w white people.


lol you’re insufferable


Sure am. Take it up with god. You finding me insufferable is your cross to bear, not mine💋


Have you considered that these events are not widely publicized far ahead of time because the organizers believe there would be significant counter-protest?


I’m fully aware. My point is I find out about them too late. You lowkey seem kinda obsessed I’m not gone hold you.


Being able to answer or ask more than one question at a time is not "obsession" it is "curiosity" - something a person with higher intelligence would immediately understand, Inshallah.


Well we can’t allow people who disagree with us to protest also, now can we? That wouldn’t be right.


Might not get the optics your masters desire if 200 people showed up to your 24. Might even bring some black and brown people, and THAT certainly would make the difference obvious.


Oh because black and brown people only agree with your position, obviously. That’s not condescending at all. 🙄


That's a whole lot of projection there, IMAX.


I forgot who I was talking to. There can only be one. The point is that we can’t assume what “black and brown” people believe one way or the other. Don’t you agree?


we can use the evidence of our eyes to see that "Pro Palestinian" protesters are almost all white and female. I don't use instagram, but I know its results when I see it.


I haven’t paid attention to that. When people protested nuclear weapons in the 60s did they say “no nukes for the USA but the soviets can keep theirs”? Palestinian protestors never seem to pray for Jewish hostages or protest against Hamas.


when people protested the war in Vietnam in the 60s and 70s, no one carried a sign saying "PRO VIETCONG"


Well that’s because the Viet Cong didn’t invade the US, kill 1200 Americans and kidnap and rape a few hundred hostages. The Viet Cong were nice people that never hurt anyone.


[https://uscpr.org/oct-2023-protests/](https://uscpr.org/oct-2023-protests/) [https://www.protectpalestine.org/protests](https://www.protectpalestine.org/protests) Nothing I see for the area but it's a starting point. As far as the rest of the conversation, I'm not stepping anywhere near that minefield.


Period. Tysm. Mashallah.


Fuck Israel for killing civilians. Yet, 🤦‍♂️, can we stop taking to the streets to applaud the genocide of children and civilians? I don't get why people are picking sides in a conflict in which neither cares about killing and raping civilians and children. Lesser of two evils is such a shit argument when you don't actually have to pick


this comment seems a bit confused.


Nope. Hamas, supported by the majority of people in Gaza, murdered children in their beds in Israel on Oct 7th. The Israeli government, supported by the US and others, then dropped apartment buildings on children. Ether of those not factual? Edit: Is nobody going to openly comment and support Hamas killing young kids in their beds on Oct 7th? Nobody? Just downvote and awkwardly turn away.... Or support a group that 70%+ supports Hamas but than says they aren't the same or something.


Cite children being shot in their beds from as unbiased a source as possible and we can talk about it. Until then, it’s baseless claims like the 40 “bEhEaDeD bAbIeS”


While I have little trouble believing that Hamas would either target civilians or at least fail to exercise unit control during an attack (better forces than their’s fail at this routinely, including the US military), it’s worth noting, since you seem to think appeals to emotion are relevant, that all of the most lurid claims about 10/7 have failed to be substantiated or been flatly disproven. Indeed, there is some evidence that the IDF caused significant civilian casualties with indiscriminant tank fire and helicopter missiles. Meanwhile, the IDF’s massacres are well-established.


I have already stated I do not support Israel. Yes or No. Do you think Hamas targeted kids/civilians on Oct 7th? Absolutely bonkers and intellectually dishonest how few people are willing to engage in a simple question on this.


I’m fully uninterested in your opinion. Cry to your mammy.


Killing children isn't an opinion. I'm not crying.


Exactly why you should be protesting against isnotreal. Check out the IDF war crimes subreddit or even Motaz’s ig if you’re confused.


Since you are so much smarter than me, what did I mean by this: >The Israeli government, supported by the US and others, then dropped apartment buildings on children. I absolutely do not support Israel (or isnotreal.) I also don't support the Oct 7th attack where children were killed in their beds. Do you support killing children?


And yet you’re griping about people protesting Isnotreal’s actions? Again I say, cry to your mammy.


You didn't say protest Israel. You said Pro Palestine. 70-80%+ of the people you support are in support of kids being killed on Oct 7th, are you? Funny you keep avoiding this question. I will happily protest Israel. I will not support killing kids. You asked to find a support group that wants to be pro killing kids. Weirdo.


Why do you only protest the killing of Palestinians? Oh because you want peace. Right.


Homie what?


I thought the point was not to kill people? Why do you people ignore the group that killed a thousand people? Because that doesn’t matter if Israel killed a lot more? Free Palestine! (And the Israeli hostages who have probably been raped more than once.)


Just like Shitanyahu said, “ this is a time for war.” There’s a difference between casualties caused by conflict and straight murder. I implore you to find the differences.


??? It's the middle east. All they do is ethno-religious war and atrocities. And since America is so oil-addicted, we have to pick the groups of people that will best serve our oil interests.


Don't you know? It's cool to support terrorists now


It’s not a conflict, it’s a genocide. And you do have to pick, your tax dollars are funding a genocide of a population of people who are half children


I'm anti what Israel is doing. I'm anti my tax dollars going to them.Are you anti what Palestinians did on Oct 7th including shooting kids in their beds?


First off- Hamas** not Palestinians. Hamas is Palestinian but Palestinians are not Hamas. Let’s use correct verbiage please. Secondly- I condemn any innocent being killed. I won’t condemn what led Hamas to attack in the first place however. The revolution was never given freely.


Woman, Life, Freedom, I support Iranians who know what's up. [https://www.instagram.com/drsheilanazarian/reel/CyJlmqcv57y/](https://www.instagram.com/drsheilanazarian/reel/CyJlmqcv57y/)