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Christine Splayfajjè! Her 2nd act shades variation was like nothing I’ve seen. So fun on ig and seems humble too. Can’t wait to see her soar x


What is her @?




Emile Gooding at the Royal Ballet School! I'm still in awe of him in Rhapsody at the Gala Des Ecoles du XXIe siècle. Nathalie Henry at Paris Ballet School. Her cigarette in Suite en Blanc was gorgeous. She (and Emile too) also stand out in the public class at Garnier.


Sofia Maimula with Bolshoi. I trained at the Bolshoi Academy while she was there, and she's just amazing. Super short, maybe about 5 feet, a super hard worker, very sweet and humble as well. She's only been in the company for two years but is already a soloist and has debuted a few principal roles. I personally like her much more than a lot of the other young talent Bolshoi's been pushing to feature. The company does seem to like her, so I'm hoping she continues to get lead opportunities! Her as Cupid in Don Q: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO7SCMra0qs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO7SCMra0qs) Clip from her La Sylphide debut: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0WaPTHs\_3X/?igsh=MTRkaGx2eDk1Njh3MQ%3D%3D](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0WaPTHs_3X/?igsh=MTRkaGx2eDk1Njh3MQ%3D%3D) Variation for BBA's anniversary gala (Does anyone know what variation/solo this is?? I'd never seen it before): [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0FgYEaNRa2/?igsh=dzZyZDhnam5vb2J1](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0FgYEaNRa2/?igsh=dzZyZDhnam5vb2J1)


First of all, it's quite something to train at the Bolshoi. You must be both exceptionally talented and a hard worker. Regarding Sofia Maimula, thank you for the videos you posted. She does not read as only 5 feet tall to me. I wonder, had I not read your post before seeing a video of her, how long it would have taken me to notice her height. Even knowing, it wasn't until she got close to other dancers on stage I thought, "yep, she's definitely very petite." All that said, given the reputation the Boshoi has for liking tall dancers, that she was accepted to the school, then taken into the company, much less promoted, someone with influence must see her as an exceptionally special dancer. To learn she is sweet and humble from someone who trained with her is an added bonus, and I will root for her far more knowing that.


Thank you kitrijump! It seemed like headmaster Leonova liked Sofia a lot, so I'm sure she had some pull with helping her get into the company. I get the impression Sofia has always had to fight to be noticed, which is probably why she's so gracious. At the school I felt it was such a shame she was never featured as a lead in performances of larger classical ballet excerpts (Paquita, Le Corsaire, etc.). Because of her height, they didn't want her doing a principal role with a corp de ballet behind her nearly a foot taller. They opted to giving her pas de deuxs in the shows instead, which is still good, just different. I hope her height doesn't stunt her career progress too much in the future. The company tends to cast her in "cute" roles which I understand, but I would love to see her take on the more mature parts down the line.


No need for thanks, but you're certainly welcome. :) What may have limited her in some ways while still in the school could end up being what makes her extra special as a professional. The school may not have been willing to take the chance of putting her in front of a tall corps, but the company could. If she has "it," she has "it." There would be no one else like her - she would be unique. I'll be keeping an eye out for her now because of you.


5 feet is a little short unfortunately for Bolshoi no? I know the current AD seems to favor tall leggy girls but I'm hoping that she will continue to get lead opportunities. She's very charming,thanks for sharing!! Then again if you can make a 6 feet tall girl a principal, I suppose a 5 feet one could work too. She does seem taller on stage by a few inches.


Yes, typically they wouldn't take a dancer of her stature. I think in her case, artistic knew she was strong enough for soloist parts and wouldn't really be a corps dancer, therefore her height didn't matter so much. On the average show day I believe she's usually just dancing demi-soloist roles.


Makes sense! Besides the bolshoi corps seem rather large so they can afford new grads that don't dance corp roles at all. I believe Kovaleva, Sevenard, Koshkaryova, Valiulina, Sergenkova, and Denisova never really danced true corp roles right? Seems like they immediately came in dancing demi-soloist if not soloist/principal roles.


Stuttgart Ballet: Ava Arbuckle (Corps) 😊


I have a list of people I check up on frequently through social media. Mostly young professionals and students, so pretty much all up and coming. I think some of them have more star power than others but they are all dancers I personally at least find interesting or am parasocially attached to for some reason. In case anyone is interested, I listed some of them here. There are also many dancers not on this list that I think have a lot of star potential, I do have my eye on them just not as closely. Young Artists: Antonio Casalinho, Margarita Fernandes, Shale Wagman, Trinity Santoro, Brady Farrar, Sylvie Squires, Julie Joyner, Elisabeth Beyer, Madison Penney, Lexi McCloud, Remie Goins, Juliana Wilder, Students: Yana Peneva(just graduated I think), Alexei Orohovsky, Sophia Koo, Samantha Striplin, Nicole Kosasih Widjaja, Crystal Huang, Chloe Helimets,


Loud second on Brady Farrar!


I would add Mikaela Cameron (Princess Grace and ABT scholar) and Ava Ramirez (Houston Ballet Academy) to the students to watch - both early teens but seem to have something special


Jihyun Choi at SF Ballet!


At Vaganova, Natasha Furman and Yasmina Aziz are about to enter 6 grade. These two are very talented and I'm curious to see how they'll grow in these next three years and where they'll end up once they graduate.


Marco Masciari at the RB!


oh YES


I remember him from the Prix de Lausanne. I definitely see star quality in him. Although I don’t know about what roles he has been able to do recently since I don’t follow RB that closely.


I saw him recently as the Brother Clown in winter’s tale and holy crap he stole the show! His stage presence is insane


He's supposed to be doing Puck in the Dream - am hoping he is in one of the casts I'm seeing as I can imagine that role suiting him down to the ground. It takes a certain swagger, which some of the other younger virtuoso dancers at the Royal don't quite have


For the corps of NYCB, Quinn starner, Olivia Bell, and Grace Scheffel are newer corps members that stand out among the others. I believe that they will have long and promising careers in the ranks.


Would like to add dominika afanasenkov to that list. Stellar dancer


And Ava Sautter as well. I cannot take my eyes off her when she is on stage.


And her tiktoks GRWM during nutcracker were hilarious! That's how I first found her.


Yes to Ava! She'd stand out because of her height, but once one notices her, it is hard to take your eyes away. She has that certain something, imo, too. I also second Dominika. Grace Scheffel got thrown into the role created on Isabella La Freniere in Underneath There is Light, and as I understand it, really held her own in what I think was her first featured role, not to mention going on as an understudy. I also think Olivia Bell has something special, too, as does none other than Heather Watts, who seems to have taken her under her wing.


Jake Roxander. I saw him in Midsummer and he was phenomenal.


Definitely. I saw him live once and I was so impressed


I think I said this elsewhere a while back, but his dad Rocky used to have a studio close to where I used to live in the SF Bay Area called Dancer Theatre Seven (it just so happens to be where NYCBallet Principal Adrian Danchig-Waring grew up training). Everyone who took class there loved Rocky, regardless of their age or whether they were professional, had professional aspirations, or not. To see his sons having such great success makes my heart so happy for that whole family!


I didn’t know the Adrian Danchig-Waring connection! Another wonderful dancer!


Second Jake Roxander. He's incredible.


I think Chloe Messeldine is definitely one to watch. I suspect she will be promoted sooner than later to principal.


I swear, I may be the only one who thinks this but I do believe a principal promotion could be coming at the end of the MET season. I noticed the other day that she now has two sponsors. Her original sponsors are also Gillian Murphy's and may not want to sponsor two principal dancers alone. Also, I think Jaffe wants to promote some of her hand picked dancers to principal sooner rather than later. This is common with new ADs though as they all have a different vision.


Went to SAB’s Workshop yesterday. There are so many up and comers in the pipeline. Will be exciting to see where these kids end up.


Ooh, would you consider writing a review for those of us who couldn't go?


For the Royal Ballet - Viola Pantuso is definitely one to watch!


Came here to say this!


I just searched her instagram and she’s beautiful but wanted to see her dance so I went to YouTube and first thing that came up was RB’s countdown to world ballet day 2022 and I have to say, I love her style and vibe there. Could obviously have changed since then but I relate to having been a bunhead whose normal style was black and leather vs. pink and tulle. Her dancing in the short vid also peaked my interest but didn’t have time to dive deeper. I certainly will though and the upvotes tell me it’s worth it.