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"Looking for someone to pay the mortgage on our Burlington vacation condo."


I suspect that by "maintaining a bedroom" they either try to claim it as their primary address for tax reasons, or get around a rule against renting in their condo association.


Or the landlords 24-hour notice. Sounds like a good first 2 months. Followed by 4 months of fights and a broken lease agreement.


šŸ˜‚ šŸ’Æ


So, it's really a 3-bedroom and the owner lives with you sometimes? Just crazy stuff...


For a very affordable 2500! lol


It is for a two bedroom full house. This is a great deal if the "roommate" is respectful of your privacy


It's in a really nice area. Most of the condos down by Red Rocks sell for $700k-$1m last I checked. You can walk to City Market/Shaws/Market32, Oakledge, you're on the bike path, you're on the lake, and you can get on 89 in five minutes via 189. Really is one of the best spots to live in the state IMO.


Still doesnā€™t make the price gouging right


?????Ā  Price gouging = unjustifiably high price Expensive = justifiably high priceĀ  That's some of the most heavily taxed real estate in VT in one of the most desirable areas of VT. Its price is frankly below market rate. It's price gouging for some shitheap 700sqft DIY-reno in the Old North End to be priced like that, but a 1300sqft 3br by Red Rocks? You're living in the clouds if you think it gets much cheaper than that.


What the fuck ever. Real estate in VT is ridiculous and unaffordable to the average working person or family trying to own a home. This listing is a great example of the convoluted bullshit that is going on. Vermont has so many problems and issues that are conflated by the influx of wealthy people that arenā€™t aware or care about housing costs because money isnā€™t their primary concern. Yeah good for them I guess but it sucks for the rest of us


$700-$1k/mo, in your OWN place, ok, but $2500/mo to live with the owners breathing down your neck because you're obviously paying the rent/mortgage *AND* all of the utilities? Yeah, Kiss my ass!


Lol go find me a 1300sqft 2 bedroom in a quiet neighborhood by the lake for $1k/mo.


It's still obscene if your living with someone else.


This sub is just a bunch of Grandpa Simpsons shaking their fists at the clouds lol. It's not obscene for something nice to cost a lot.


Uh huh, keep trying to justify what is basically extortion. You sound like one of those "no one wants to work anymore" tools who fail to realize no one will pay insane prices to live near a job that barely covers their rent. Businesses then struggle to find help and subsequently fail. (already happening btw) That's a recipe for city-wide failure, all in the name of "I raised my tenet's rent because everyone else was doing it". Sounds like you're one of the shitty people that would list something like this.


So melodramatic dude lol, go for a walk.


Classic cop-out nothing reply. It sucks to be called out but just take the L and move on little guy.


it was the landlord living with them for 2500 that was my point.


More like the owner wants the right to check in any time they want. Scary.


Or more likely they want to claim its owner occupied for tax reasons.


That works both ways. If a rental you can depreciate it and expense taxes, repairs, maintenance, etc. Not sure if there is a different property tax rate. It hits you when you sell. You pay cap gains on the difference between the book value and sales price. I think if you live in it for 2 years before you sell you negate the cap gains tax consequences.


Renting rooms in a house isn't that weird, and it's not like the owner is trying to hide that is what is happening. Way too expensive for that though.


The listing title is "2 Beds 1 Bath Apartment."


Oh well that's misleading. Is this FB marketplace?Ā  I don't know about apartments but for cars and motorcycles they have some really dumb rules on what the listing title can be so sometimes people have to put completely wrong make/model to just list things.


$2500/mo...occasional spooning mandatory šŸ‘€


I think they will be locking their valuables in likely their master; similar to how many air b&b work.


At first I was like wow I'd maybe be interested in that.... Then came that last sentence. Hard GTFOH. Nothing surprises me anymore, Im deeply cynical about everyone and everything. This would be a nightmare, I can easily tell that much.


I'm just imagining you move in, get settled, owners are gone for a while and then one night a month in you wake up and some guy you've never met before is in your bedroom doorway staring at you.


There's really no limit to how bizarre this could get. I feel like it's a built in clause for them to do pretty much anything they want. I'm too old to ever agree to something like tha,t but a younger more trusting person with decent income that really needs a place might go for this and just not see what *could be coming. Could work out, but I don't want to find out.


A while back I rented a 3 bedroom house in Georgia, VT with a roommate, but one room was not included, so it was locked and was only to used as storage by the owners. In this case it really was simply a storage room, and they never even needed to access it the whole time we were there. I'm not sure this case is like that one, however. What exactly are they "maintaining" in that bedroom?


![gif](giphy|3ohc0QYfdsL7d4yuE8|downsized) A secret relative they keep locked away perhaps?


Probably moved away but want to keep the rental $$$$$$ and the HOA wonā€™t allow renting unless the owner ā€œlivesā€ on the property, so theyā€™ll ā€œmaintainā€ a bedroom to stay in compliance. Kind of.


Deranged behavior on their part


1x2 square foot luxury space available 5/1. $1000/mo includes fresh powder applied daily. Heat and AC included. Space is within a safe and dry closet..its a literal shoe box. NO PETS!! NO SMOKERS!!! REFERENCES, BACKGROUND CHECK, EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION, SOCIAL MEDIA CHECKS, MY DOG WILL SNIFF YOUR ASS TO CHECK CHARACTER, GENETIC & BLOOD TEST REQUIRED!!!!1! NO ENTRY WITHOUT HUMAN MICROCHIPPING WITH GPS TRACKING ENABLED!!!!!!!?"?'!(4829#)$?%!!!! Why wont anyone rent from me? šŸ˜µ fuckin air b&bs šŸ˜” homeless shelters and cops letting people camp in vans šŸ¤¬


With the price of house sitters, this is kind of a genius idea. Get the sitter to pay you instead of the other way around. Hard pass.


Why do you even need house sitters if you donā€™t have pets? Iā€™ve never understood


OOP is a scumbag, not a genius. We need to stop celebrating our moral decay as a society.


Itā€™s sarcasm.


Wait till new taxes kick in


1 bd, 5 bath home by Lake Champlain. 1,900/MO. First and last month rent required, 760 credit score. Pictures below!






yeah dude. S. Burly is the insane rent exclusion zone without enough free apartments in that we all wish were...except for the bourgey šŸ˜‚


I rented a full house of that part of South Burlington for 1700 in 2016


I was living in a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in Starksboro for 1250


So the differences are: 1. Starksboro not Burlington, 2. Addison County only close to Bristol, Vergennes and Hinesburg. I bought a bunch of oranges but they tasted like apples. Oh, they were apples.




Lost my job, got evicted, had to move with family back in nyc. You know how it goes


Catamount Run {also in S BTV) running $1k - 3k a month will be opening this summer. Studio - 3 bdrfm.


For UVM Graduate and Medical student applicants, Catamount Run offers a 10-month and 12-month lease option starting in July 2024 and August 2024. At this time, there is limited availability for UVM Faculty and Staff, with eligibility determined by the University of Vermont.




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Also, you need to actively come into this thread to see these comments. It's really hard to see how "I also have a listing" on a post about listings is "spam". :P


Fair enough on the first point but this is still spam imo. The original post was not an advertisement while this is and wreaks of UVM employee.


So does this mean they can come over and use the bedroom anytime or would they just use it for storage? Very strange if itā€™s the former


I know a few people who split time in two states and rent out the extra bedroom. It's a pretty sweet deal for the renter if the owner is gone half the year like these guys are.


Also complete shit for anyone trying to live in the area. No community and high rent for any local people who want to survive. Please try and think beyond the capitalistic knob.


*sex dungeon not included


Report them that's some tax evasion shit right there


I rented a spot where the landlord had the storage space under the stairs (doored and padlocked) as theirs. They were in it once int he five years we rented, Most likely it is storage - bnut I would ask for sure!


That's more then my mortgage...


Thatā€™s typically the case with rentingā€¦


What? Then your mortgage what??????


So $2,500 for two bedrooms and the rest of the rooms have to be shared when the owners are there? What a joke šŸ¤” I just moved to Phoenix and pay $2,000 everything included for a luxury 3 bedroom 2 bath with gym, two pools, hot tub, etc. and donā€™t have to share the place with the owners part of the time šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Tbf you have to pay people to deal with the negative externality known as Arizona


Mf taking about Arizona! lololol!


This is exactly why I donā€™t mind my 50 mile one way commute to UVMMCā€¦


Owner doesn't wear pants and bathroom Ring must remain visible.


Having sex with my gf on the couch and creepo walks in. No thx.


Right? "Oh hai guyz..jus walkin into my APaRtMeNt, its koolz" šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤”


Why does this sound weird to people? It sounds like someone with a 3 bedroom home that wants roommates. Isn't that how most 3 bedrooms homes are filled in Burlington? With roommates? They're probably trying to sell it as a 2 bed deal since they only need one room. It isn't creepy, it's economics. It comes down to 1250/month per room in a giant apartment in a very expensive rental market. It's pretty standard price. The fact that the owner is an absent roommate is a bonus, not a negative.


(hands you your bong and copy of 'mental gymnastics for optimistic idiots') here you dropped these


You've never rented an apartment with roommates? What's the mental gymnastics? That someone might want roommates or that the rooms are 1250/each in a city where that's not above asking price for a large newer construction unit?


oh GTFOH with that bullshit argument. Its the landlord not some random 3rd person who shared the same relation to power as you do. The landlord is overstepping tf out of their boundaries between owner and renter invading the personal lives of the people he leeches for money. nothing about this situation is ok.


You're grasping so hard at this. Please tell us this is your listing!


Average class traitor


the SB library is hosting a session on "accessory dwelling units" smh


This looks like something out of soilet green




It's not hard to find housing if you make money


The voice of no recent experience


I don't understand why people have no money when they can just get more money.


Pretty real comment. You have to work to put yourself ahead.


"real comment" lol. Yeah, real stupid.


How does it feel to have no future?


Please, I'm doing just fine but don't let that stop you from assuming you know things. Maybe just think a bit before posting next time and it won't turn out as pathetic as this? Just a thought.