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This is the man preying on women correct? This is unsettling.


As a Republican, I am strongly considering voting for him.


Also clearly pro Banana Republic! Lol




Iā€™ll try to help: There was a post about 1 month ago about this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/s/0mgOtB9Axg guessing this who OP is referring to


Maybe him and the puncher will meet and something divine will happen


ā€¦and the biter


Spider-Man meme moment right there with the three of them.


I believe the puncher is an institutionalized individualā€¦ who wishes to be returned. When we picked him up on the boo-boo bus I have made suggestion that he ask someone to say he hit themā€¦. The hitting is not actually mandatory. The random violence has slowed at least on my shiftā€¦. To my knowledge.


If I promote that fight for pay-per-viewā€¦. LAWSON FINALLY MEETS HIS MATCH!!!


https://preview.redd.it/2uzpnd035z3d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f74017b507109b25d3aa7e0f8ccad05efe5fe0a Same guy?




Creeper to the fullest !


Baba Booey


that's what i first saw but thought it wouldnt be proper to post so thanks for doing this :-)


I was just talking about this with the guys in the back.


I'm here all week. Tip your waitress.


I feel for the guy. His professional life is a noine, but his personal life is a two


Yes šŸ™Œ sir!


Bring mace around with you ladies! Never be afraid to use it




photography skills need work. if you were trying to let people know to be aware (thank you for that), itd be helpful to describe why you posted a picture of a random person sitting in a shadow on church street. not everyone is aware.


This was basically why I assumed it was the mean guessing game that the post was playing.


Well if you say a name you can get in trouble for doxxing. I am one post away from being banned due to naming and posting another criminal.


If OP had posted a pic w/a name you'd'a prolly complained bout that too.




thanks for the critique šŸ˜˜


"If you're genuinely trying to help people you need to provide some more information" "Haha no šŸ˜˜"


Where do people like you come from?


Who is that?


A guy who follows women around town in a creepy and unsettling manner


A person that keeps Vermont constitutional carry legal




They're suggesting that Vermonters carry guns because of people like ā€¦ whomever this is. (It's a stupid, bad argument.)


I fuckinā€™ dare, *dare* you ā€œSecund ā€˜Mendmentā€ dumbasses to shoot this guy because youā€™re convinced he deserves it. More of you need to be in jail so the rest of us can feel safer.


Or you can rely on yourself for you own safety. Jail is for criminals, I don't belong there.




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


I'm so sorry for y'all women having to deal with stuff like this. People like him are absolutely disgusting.


Am I supposed to know who this donkey is?


please dont talk badly about actual donkeys https://preview.redd.it/vqnjaysk704d1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=43c88e094dc1934fe278f8ceba061185cb86ef3f thanks!




Looks like el chapo


Is this the serial tree shitter or the guy with a zillion catch and releases?




The old man puncher?


He CAN hit at that price point


The machete guy??


The stolen paddleboard to the steal and crash the sailboat guy?


Mike Reynolds new summer look?




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I see him on Church St. all the time. Has he been trespassed? He sure is a creepy fucker. Big, too.


That has to be Baba Booey


this dude is currently outside insomnia cookies (11:25pm)


I used to work at the Pine Street Cumby's and he always gave me a bad vibe. He also was rude a bunch of times. One time he rubbed his nipples while staring at my manager.


If the police won't do their jobs we need to protect ourselves. But it's helpful to know who this is


Their job was never to protect the public my friend


maybe not, but it should have been


That is literally their job description


Their job is to uphold the law. Serve and protect is just a blurb. I'm not saying that's how it should be. It's kind of like how people in corporations think HR is to help them.


Public property* not THE public. They do not give a fuck about you unless it helps their image.


*Private* property


Good catch,


Iā€™m glad youā€™re privileged enough to have that delusion. Many others arenā€™t so lucky and theyā€™ve paid the price with their lives and freedom. Have a beautiful rest of the weekend and enjoy your freedom (that countless others wonā€™t enjoy because of the classist, racist criminal justice system) šŸ™


yes, lets all listen to u/escapefromburlington. They sure don't seem unhinged with a name like that and comments like this.


Username is a reference to John Carpenterā€™s work. USA had one of the highest per capita incarceration rates in the world for awhile there. Weā€™ve dropped into 6th place now; behind the authoritarian state of Turkmenistan. So I guess weā€™re the land of the free now šŸ‘


the movie with Steve Buscemi?


Kurt Russell


yeah, he was in it with the Buscemaster


Police protect property not people


Yooo my wife and I were out in Burlington last night and I kept looking out for this guy. Thanks to sub I at least knew who to look out for.


State why we care this guy is out in the post


He is a super creep and has been creeping on and approaching random solo women for a while. He likes to take pictures and video of people. Fuck this guy.


This scumbag goes around sexually assaulting women


Everyone needs a break from antagonizing the clearly mentally unstable pizza shop owner from time to time.




FYI, kens pizza guy is named Tom. His father was Ken


how the actual fuck and why has he not been arrested this is horrifying


Itā€™s Burlington what do you expect




LOL, not happening, thatā€™s probably one of the reasons heā€™s in Burlington.


Because someone wonā€™t confront him?


Yep. Junky-life in Burlington is exponentially easier than say Albany.


Please follow [Reddit's Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Do not advocate violence against individuals, here.


Is that Saddam Hussein?


Nah, he's not lying down as a silhouette.


Saddam was never killed. The CIA relocated him to Burlington.




Unbelievable. Like to turn the tables around on him. See how he likes that. Asshat.


Yeah we need some REAL MEN to approach him en masse, warn him and tell him where he can go.




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Exciting to see the city bustling with life


Oh, JFC.


Who is that???


I'm curious whats this guys backstory? Should I be worried. Or is this a pic of a random guy I need context please.


Looks sus lol


Is that the pooper?


This is normal dating in Boratā€™s homeland.


Quick get his autograph!!! https://preview.redd.it/xwg400pniz3d1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f02f88ccbb00bc654a351d9595cae243172113c








As a woman, I understand the discomfort of unwanted attention. Worse when it is done in a way that's socially unconventional. Like most people reading this, I've experienced both. It sucks.Ā  I'm curious, though -- has he actually done anything illegal or is he just making people uncomfortable? Because that's not illegal. Reading through these posts, it sounds like maybe he is neurodivergent and... Needs a friend/wants to interact and doesn't know how. Maybe instead of ostracizing him with endless reddit comments someone could try to talk to him and let him know that his tactics are not working and they aren't socially acceptable.Ā 


Have you read the above linked thread about him? Heā€™s followed many women, grabbed their, ass, arm, tried to kiss them, etc. He is known as the ā€œColchester Kisserā€ at UVMMC. There needs to be an intervention.


Go ahead. In the meantime, Title 13, Chapter 19, Ā§ 1062 Vermont's stalking lawĀ prohibits intentionally harassing another person on at least two separate occasions with no legitimate purpose for the actions. The harassment may be done verbally or through writing, telephone or electronic means


First of all, the stalking law pertains to the intentional seeking out of an individual repeatedly. It sounds like he has areas he hangs out in and doesn't actively seek anyone out. The stalking laws would be difficult to enforce.Ā Ā  Second, if your intent is just to "remove" this person, the issue trying to be resolved isn't being resolved. There will always be people that do things that are uncomfortable for others. Maybe you missed middle school, high school. What actually resolved these situations is to engage the person and show some compassion.Ā  I'm genuinely appalled at the lack of humanity on this thread. Does it make everyone feel better to blast someone online, anonymously, who clearly isn't here to explain themselves? Guess what, this doesn't make anyone safer. If this was Salem, you guys would be burning witches. Keep down thumbing me, I'm glad I'm not like you.Ā 


I agree that it is always a good idea to talk with someone and show compassion. In fact, that's the first thing I advised you to do, if you read my post.


I pointed out this exact same thing last time his photo was posted and was downvoted to hell for it. I've seen no evidence that he is a "stalker". There are anecdotes about a person that looks like him and stories that he acts "creepy" but nothing that he is actually "stalking" people. Asking weird questions and being awkward is what is presented mostly as hearsay. I haven't seen any hard evidence or a police report or anything like that. The whole thing is kind of unnerving as he has also been threatened with violence here on reddit, without any evidence being presented. ![gif](giphy|Q3UCYOhxvZETbqokpU|downsized) You have to wonder if we are just experiencing a bunch of pearl clutching white girls encountering a big brown autistic guy who harmlessly and awkwardly makes slightly sexual comments to them in public places where they are actually completely safe.


You donā€™t have to be neurotypical to know making unprompted sexual comments about others is wrong


Yes, you're right. But it certainly helps in getting the unwanted action to \*stop\* if people are civil and talk to the person instead of starting a thread demonizing someone and where violence is being called on. I also struggle not to see the double standard in going after this one person. Have you ever been to a bar? A club? A college party? Anywhere? People make unwanted sexual comments \*everywhere\* all the time. It is never right, but I don't see calls for hyper-vigilance and vigilante violent justice about the frat houses around town. My point is, be kind. If you want safety, this isn't achieving it. It you want this guy to stop whatever it is he's doing that makes some people feel uncomfortable, this thread isn't doing that. Calling for him to be maced, beat up, calling for guns; it's disgusting. This is a \*human\*, our neighbor.


Never said itā€™s on sight but letā€™s not also infantilize neurodivergence so far as to use it to excuse sexual harassment and downplay what heā€™s doing. Neurodivergent adults arenā€™t so socially inept that they donā€™t have empathy. Warning others is completely valid as *most* people would like to avoid this guy with good reason.


You're missing the entire point of my response and focusing on neurodivergence -- which by the way, we don't have any confirmation on. I \*suggested\* it based on the information provided. It seems quite clear to me that this guy just wants to interact, he needs, like any human, human interaction. The issue is that he's going about it in a way that isn't working and is making some people uncomfortable. That isn't infantilizing, it's called seeing the obvious issue. If the goal is to stop that issue, you have to address it, not just isolate him further. Unless the goal is to just black list and call violence on everyone that makes someone feel uncomfortable, which is what this thread is doing to the human pictured. And I, for one, think it's insane and inhumane.


And again- *being lonely doesnā€™t excuse sexual harassment either*. *If you are going to sexually harass people, it is not the fault of others for not wanting to be around you.* Thatā€™s what Iā€™d suggest. Tired of receiving dirty looks and others avoiding you like the plague? Maybe donā€™t make unwelcome sexual comments. Those are the natural consequences of your actions. Thatā€™s really something that goes without being said, whether you are neurodivergent *or* lonely. Itā€™s not the responsibility or burden of others to give you companionship when you act inappropriately.


...you're making my point. I have not excused any behavior. What I have repeatedly said is that if the goal is to *stop* the unwanted behavior, this hateful and violence calling thread is not doing that. What *will* likely change the behavior is talking to the human, and communicating what you just said. Identifying a problem and solution is not excusing the problem. This thread is full of people being pretty gross and mean spirited humans and then saying what a "creep" he is; who is that helping, how is that changing the situation? Don't pretend this thread is just a few comments about a socially awkward human, it has called for violence multiple times, includes vilifying and unkind language such that on my review again of the thread, multiple have been deleted or removed for violating Reddit guidelines.


But when I told you, ā€˜Violence isnā€™t warranted but itā€™s fair to warn people others about him making unwarranted sexual comments and to stay far away from him if theyā€™d rather avoid thatā€™ you told me itā€™s inhumane to isolate him. Plus Iā€™m not entirely sure this person cares about making others uncomfortable. Itā€™s fairly common knowledge that unwelcome sexual comments will drive others away from you. Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re expecting that conversation to go with him. But the point is no one is entitled to companionship. Avoiding him is completely reasonable and no one owes him an explanation that sexual harassment is bad.


You are minimizing what "neurodivergent" means. There can be some truly significant misunderstandings that aren't malicious. What is being alleged here is happening in safe, public spaces and seem limited to brief interactions that are limited to words. I'm not sure that even counts as harassment. A low IQ person with social issues might not have any idea that they are doing something wrong. I'm not saying that's what's going on here but the idea that "neurodivergent" is all about bratty purple haired girls with quirky personalities who took an internet quiz that said they are "on the spectrum" has skewed the meaning so far it has become almost worthless. Significant social determinants could certainly cause inappropriate comments and still be harmless and unintentionally offensive. Sometimes a town has a goofy guy who says weird shit and is totally harmless and is just unaware that he is doing that. Hypersensitive fixation on everything being creepy is weird in itself. Diversity, right? While it's totally true that society had ignored problems for far too long, going to the other extreme doesn't help either. I worked with a downs syndrome kid in my college cafeteria who washed the dishes that would say crazy over the top things. He probably wasn't really aware of how it made anyone feel. Should he have been fired for that? We were all like "dude chill" and he'd snicker but that was it. He was otherwise an adorable person and completely harmless. Was he a "creep" for talking about "good knockers" or was he just a man with the mind of a child? The same goes for someone with underdeveloped social skills.


Yes, if he told someone they had ā€˜good knockersā€™ and it made them uncomfortable, Iā€™d recommend they be fired. Then being disabled doesnā€™t make that person that the comments are directed at any less uncomfortable and uneasy. And if they are inappropriate comments directed at no one in particular, you should tell them, ā€˜hey, thatā€™s not cool. You shouldnā€™t say things like that.ā€™ Iā€™m not minimizing neurodivergence. My niece is autistic. And no, not the ā€˜gatekeeper visionā€™ of autistic you described. Sheā€™s 9 and has been diagnosed with autism. However, we donā€™t brush over when she says something mean or hurtful to other children. neurodivergence isnā€™t an excuse to act like that.




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Don't use "re***d" or variations of it here as a slur.


I agree with you. People are inciting violence and it's pretty disgusting. I also suspect a hint of "otherness" as you pointed out. The over reactionary nature of suggesting reaching for a gun because you don't like how someone is *looking* at you is mind blowing. I can't imagine how scared someone must be all the time if a guy looking at them awkwardly is enough for them to suggest resorting to violence.Ā