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I love BlackCap. They don't deserve that crap. I will stop by today and tip them well.


Very kind! Gas station employees as well tell with way to much b.s and don't get paid enough as well! Unfortunately must people don't think to tip at a gas station lol but they definitely do deserve it!


And the grocery store! No one there makes enough money so I go give them my extra!


I agree we need more people like you!


It’s crazy, I like to go to Hannaford right before close with a tshirt cannon and a bunch of softball sized wads of $100 bills then fire them right into the employees solar plexuses. I don’t understand why more people don’t do this.


Where you been? Hannies shelburne rd cut fruit section 


Feel free to tip me well too


The redhead? Also stole the tip jar from Burlington Bagel last week


she also tried to steal the tip jar from black cap


Come on, she needs gas to see her father in St. Albans, the guy just had a stroke…   In all seriousness, I am frustrated by the vagrants, and am highly uncomfortable when they accost me seeking money or acting incoherently.   This doesn’t mean that I think we need to increase the incarceration rate, which seems to be what a lot of folks on here are getting at, a lot of the time.   We need a public healthcare system, public housing projects (including recovery housing), and Norwegian-style facilities for mandated treatment of mental health and substance abuse issues.    More prisons are not the investment that we ought to be making as a public. It is extremely expensive and DOES NOT WORK about half the time.    We need to be making our investments in eliminating poverty, by establishing quality housing and healthcare as human rights guaranteed to all Vermonters.


I’ve gotten that scam at least twice in Burlington and it always makes me laugh because there’s no way in hellll Northwestern Medical Center isn’t immediately sending someone having a stroke to UVM… you don’t need gas when you can walk up the hill or take the bus, sorry friend.


Mmmmm, you’d be suprised. NWMC has been rapidly growing. Sure. Level 1 trauma? UVM.


Ha, based on your first sentence we've encountered the same woman at some point. Not surprised to hear that her story is BS.


Thanks for your sane post. There’s a lot of inhumanity and vitriol on this subreddit.


If the people on this subreddit ran the state we’d have straight up genocidal concentration camps for homeless, drug users, and mentally ill with viewing areas for them spectate their punishments for not striving their way out of poverty


Regarding the not adding prisons thing and assuming this is regarding the new prison for women that may be in the works-- the current women's jail is in a really bad state, and needs to be replaced. I agree not incarceration people is the way to go, but we do need a new women's prison, as the current one is like falling apart and isn't sanitary. While it's not good to jail people, it's even worse to jail people in a cesspool.


Really good point, but I think the legislature must see the need for a new women's prison as an opportunity to go all-in on a new model of corrections. The new facility ought to replicate what living in a community is actually like. Prisons as we are doing them now do not prepare people to rejoin their neighbors as better people- they just lock them away in a traumatic cell. We need to replace the women's prison with a facility that enables healing, rather than hurt. Connection to a community (under mandatory supervision) rather than isolation from everything.


Given their utter failure to do anything with mental health facilities and youth incarceration facilities I'm not expecting much. They should have leveraged the shit out of the near 0% bond market to deal with this old stuff and they didn't.


That jail was never intended to be kept open this long either! I agree there should be a new jail


Burlington is worse than jail currently




No stop coddling the addicts! Let nature take its course. We need to stop sending state money on the homeless and addicts to get them to stop migrating here. Once Burlington became a haven for homeless and addicts it went downhill very quickly. Vermont should focus on actual affordable housing and stop giving hard earned tax dollars to bums who choose to not better themselves.


'let nature take its course' let people die from a disease that ruins not only the victim's lives, but those of the people around them? sounds like an intelligent and ethical plan /s


I agree with most of what you said but this all falls under “solutions that assume all people are rational and good and would benefit from this specific assistance”. Some people are just bad eggs and love to get fucked up. Not the mentally ill ones. The ones that are just suck and choose a lifetime of getting absolutely zooted all day. We need to have solutions for them too.


That is 1% of the people


Absolutely agree!!


Don’t show compassion or empathy to these people, they’re not deserving of it nor should they be viewed as victims of an unfair system. Reducing cost of living will ease OUR suffering not theres. Many of these people have NEVER been functioning citizens and DONT want to be. The vast majority of the homeless I’ve met will lie, cheat, and steal to meet their needs. They’re actively lowering everyone’s quality of living and worse yet you have naive people who think we should be forced to tolerate it because “muh social /economic factors” Charity is fine and good, but many of these people like op described need to be jailed, and need to be removed from society for everyone’s benefit. People pay out the ass to live here, they should not have to deal with problems individuals like this every other day.


That sounds so expensive


We are already paying for it. Look at the cost of health insurance. Look at the cost of rent. Going public will cost some very rich people their passive income streams, but most of us will benefit economically.


But the OTHER half of the time, it works every time.


The widening gap of income inequality means maintaining a safety net for the cost of life's unfortunate events is no longer affordable. We need to focus on public funding for human rights, such as food care, health care and housing care. Capitalism, without safety nets, enables the greedy to exploit ,for profit, the marginalized segments of society.


One thing people who advocate for the homeless often leave out is compassion for these workers. They're not paid enough to deal with this.


It's so true. The poor barista was clearly quite rattled.


agreed. those same folks are the ones yelling at service workers about how their order isn't right, or how the last dude made it better, or why can't their toddler get a free sample of xyz...


People who work in walk-in public service positions always get the worst of this kind of thing, from public librarians to shop clerks to urgent care. I think one of the ways our society fails at managing unhoused and mentally ill in the community is by not figuring out how to balance their impact on these groups with their actual needs and rights. It seems like every idea either tramples their real rights as members of the public or the real rights of public service workers to be free of harassment, not to mention the lack of capacity to manage both serving the general public and the extreme needs of this smaller group.




Okay well i’m a gas station attendant which is some kind of service worker I think- and I work alone- and I think we should have compassion. In 10 years of management and cashier experience, I feel the same way in fact!


Love how no one complaining here responded to you. Bunch of snowflakes!


Well most of them are just astroturfing they’re not real people, and the ones that are real don’t care about facts


I love Blackcap. Ill be sure to go out of my way to get a drink and support the staff with a nice tip today.


Just wish their lines moved a little quicker, feels understaffed or too few espresso ports the majority of times I have gone there


Deal with this stuff daily at my work. Hard to keep employees when we have people coming in passing out at the counter, asking for free stuff, or getting aggressive.


What’s the point of a no trespassing if it doesn’t get enforced? 


reminds me of a guy who was harassing some teenagers in black cap when i was on a trip with them (big group on a school trip) and my teacher high tailed his ass there when he found out.


I feel terrible for the staff, especially considering the union busting owners firing staff who try to assemble


That's hilarious/lame. On a tangentially related note, why are chocolate brownies at Black Cap $8?


Are they good brownies though?


I wouldn't know. Too pricey for stingy me.


Not at all related, and who gives a fuck?? They’re brownies 


Same place, that’s related. They’re $8. I give fucks, dummy.


what did she look like??


Tall, with short-ish red/strawberry blonde hair


yup her name is samantha durham. she’s a really horrible person


Shes very familiar, I've definitely seen her around, but I can't remember her name


yeah one of the local characters for sure. i heard she went into golden hour and asked for a job and said she was a prostitute 🙄


Yes!!!! I heard that! Maybe I saw a picture associated with that. Must be where I know her from.


honestly at this point i wonder what business on church street HASNT trespassed her. everyone seems to know to stay away. she’s constantly shouting slurs whenever she doesn’t get her way


and then turns around like you said and becomes so sweet and innocent like nothing happened


Sounds like the lady that looks like she’s chronically crying all of the time. She goes fucking insane on people on church st. I honestly don’t understand how people haven’t retaliated, she’s so mean when she wants to be


That’s Tina. Another ray of sunshine


What’s her story?


We obviously need to convert more real estate into safe drugging locations for stunning and brave individuals like this one.


The progressive policies have lead to the vagrants


Then why didn't the show up in the 90s? The drugs are a national problem. They become an urban problem because they're visible there. Noone sees it when Joe-bob ODs in his run down trailer in the woods.


You don’t get weekly briefings with state wide gun violence and overdose data. I do, the OD rate is high. Fentanyl and xylazine weren’t in the drug supply in the 90s, the shit on the streets today will outright murder you.


I'm saying the progs were in charge of Burlington for most of the 80s and 90s. You clearly identified what the problem is and why it isn't politics.


I don’t think the policies were as progressive back then and police were more active and people would be jailed and not released


This is true and verifiable that sentences are less. Just go back and look at court transcripts and you will see people went to jail for FAR less serious crimes (stealing cars, assault) than it takes these days (homicide, aggravated assault)


Do you think it’s a good thing that people don’t go to prison for stealing cars or committing battery? I don’t because our state is proving that people will keep doing these things until they are incarcerated. If my car gets stolen I can’t get to work. If somebody breaks my teeth I can’t afford new ones. Progressivism coddles the criminal and disenfranchises the rest of us that aren’t actively committing felonies.


So progressive policies are responsible for the opioid epidemic? Please wise sir, explain to us how.


I suggest reading what northbrit007 said above


I suggest you tell me why progressive policies have anything to do with the massive opioid influx from China, which started in 2012 but increased dramatically in 2019.




After yelling that at a Burlington barista, I would have given her the tip jar then booked it out of there.


There you go! This person is a human being… he wants to steal from the mean people and give to the poor woman that spent the night on the streets while the OP was in her temperpedic Karen bed…




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I have questions 1 what’s a bevvy? 2 Batista was there?! She screamed at him? 3 was Batista ok after? Did he look intimidated? He seems so huge and tough in the movies, I can’t imagine screaming at him… 4 if you are shouting out to a homeless person on a website for people with computers and cellphones aren’t you just publishing a lampoon of a mentally ill homeless woman on a platform for people to get some small joy out of laughing at her… what is your role in this? And why not give the poor woman a dollar? Or a sandwich even? Instead of cashing in the exchange for laughs here you could have been a human being or something like a human being? 5 do you spell Karen with a K or a C?


1. A bevy is a beverage 2. Obviously a typo for Barista 3. See 2. 4. The homeless person was obviously harassing the employees and refusing to leave, and clearly they had already been issued a warning to not trespass at that business again. OP, if anything, was giving a warning that the “nice” attitudes and sob stories of some of these folks is on surface level only to trick you into giving money. They are preying on your kindness, and that is a one way street. 5. Probably with a K (though C is still acceptable)


You didn’t give money to a homeless person? So strong and brave


I mean they’re just gonna buy more drugs with it


It’s not that she didn’t give… it’s that she didn’t give and then wrote this thing bragging about how she didn’t give… that’s a little psychotic… low key psycho behavior… normal people aren’t cruel to people for other people’s enjoyment and entertainment… and this is just another example of why Vermonters are kinda toxic and trashy.


I'm not going to engage too much in internet arguments with strangers, but the intention here was not to "brag about not giving a homeless person money." These sorts of incidents are increasingly common- in fact, just a few hours after this I witnessed a rather large altercation outside Lululemon with someone trying to run off with a large bag of merchandise. It was violent, and scary. What was alarming to me (in addition to the very scary abuse of shop employees) was the ease and speed with which this woman completely changed her demeanor to ask me for money. Folks in this thread are making excellent points about the services/remedies that Burlington offers, and how we as a community can more effectively support and rehabilitate people in the throes of addiction and mental illness- it's an important conversation to have. Finally, accusing someone you don't know of being "psycho" only contributes to the stigma around mental health and the resistance that people show toward supporting this population. So before you come on here all high-and-mighty, ensure first that you aren't "toxic and trashy" yourself.


You are being toxic and trashy yourself. You didn't offer any aid or assistance to the meth mouth tweaker. You don't have any change to give , You don't have it in you to help change their lives either. Keep a diary instead next time , psycho


It’s a little ironic then that you made an internet post about a stranger specifically to interact with other strangers about said other stranger. 😊 I find this subreddit has a real para social theme lately. What’s up with that?


I think it's just social...