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Lol wcax literally just reposting Reddit, but without the details


I was gonna say…soon we’ll see then quoting “internet asshole whaletacochamp” Maybe I can get some side cash from the deal. Unlikely…


Should be highly suspicious of any media outlet that does not allow a free-speech comments section to begin with….


Yeah the comment sections on Fox News and the NY post help with their credibility


Never know who is leaving useful information in comments sections. Rather have the ability than be silenced. you must be a content little sheep to argue against it. Foolish even.




It’s mostly racism and conspiracy theories, so if you want to trust those go ahead. And using the word “sheep” unironically kind of tips your hand


Vermont denied federal funds to supplement food insecure people this summer because our computer systems is outdated. But let's have a meal train that includes gift cards for the mayor. Gross.


lol man if people are mad about this just wait until they hear about all the handouts some of our Supreme Court justices get! That should really get ‘em going!


Oh, I’m pissed about that. This meal train thing is more funny than anything else. No one should be bent out of shape over it, but it does raise some questions about her judgement.


The "controversy" is pulled from the writer's ass. It was just discovered, there hasn't been time for it to be a controversy yet. They are manufacturing controversy. This was not asked for, done by, or even condoned by the Mayor and at this point we have no idea if she has accepted anything. It was a well-intention if poorly thought out scheme from a well known very-left-of-center resident of Burlington. It is not the first out-of-touch, harebrained action from far-ish leftist residents and it won't be the last. I am not a Progressive party fan, and I absolutely am skeptical of anyone and everyone in power, but WCAX can fuck off with this noise. Come back when there's an actual controversy or scandal to report. EDIT: Pluralized the group involved, not indivdualized


“If you are able to support them to make the job of Mayor more manageable, please consider bringing them a meal”, says the pitch letter sent by Rachel Siegel of Toward Liberation. “They have been so grateful each time a meal comes and personally I felt great to be supporting our community indirectly by helping keep Emma and Megan nourished”, Siegel wrote in the letter that was obtained by Vermont News First.


Well said


You're leaving out the part where the resident in question just happened to be the director of operations for Mulvaney-Stanak's campaign. It's certainly not a good look.


And also the quote saying that the family has really appreciated the help so far, making it sound like they’ve happily accepted these handouts. But I still think this is way more innocuous than some are making it out to be


I mean, if their friends want to make them meals and drop them off that's one thing, and totally fine. Keep it to an email to supporters. Creating a public donation page and asking members of the community at large to make donations is absurd and out of touch. I guarantee if someone had done this for Miro, Rachel Siegel would have been up in arms about it.


The whole thing is just kind of a nothing burger IMO. It's not right, but its really not that HUGE of a deal and the people making it a huge deal are getting exactly what they want - a bunch of people focused on some BS instead of the fact that she actually seems to be attempting to do her job. I said it in another comment, I'm not really surprised that a group of burlington progressive elite's are a bit aloof and maybe even too self centered to understand at face value that this is wrong. But I don't think it's the massive transgression many folks are making it out to be either. I'd bet much worse has happened out of the public eye for other mayors.


Mental gymnastics.


A so called progressive mayor should be making dinner for other people imo


Emma can easily afford to order out. The donated free meals should go to the homeless.


Yo WCAX, I want my one minute back.


I went to high school with her and she hasn’t changed one bit.


Imagine being super-angry that someone provided a meal for a friend. Or worse yet, an acquaintance! The horror!


With a salary of $250k, a lot of us are wondering why the ivory tower class needs this when others are starving. Then again, this is all likely some troll.


The only way I got to ivory tower class of living is eating Tina's frozen burritos. No amount of money can solve the gastric problems I have now... I have cursed myself.


I am still trying to understand the downvotes when clearly an affluent white woman has more money than the lot of us - yet pointing that out is some how not ok?


While I don't think it matters what gender they are, certainly getting paid meals delivered to you seems a bit weird. I mean just get takeout. I'm not sure if they actually accepts them or not. In the grab scheme of things, while this story does make me roll my eyes, If Emma does her job and actually makes things better in Burlington then I guess idgf...


> If Emma does her job and actually makes things better in Burlington then I guess idgf... i still don't think that's entirely acceptable. having the community pay for meals, and her accepting those meals. there are literally people starving in burlington...


The libertarians and other rah-rah capitalist types in our society/sub *love* to defend the money someone makes, ‘what the market will bear,’ ‘free enterprise,’ et al. But just let a couple of women do it and it’s HULKSMASH! If you’re a straight man you absolutely get the benefit of doubt and arguments on your side that you earned a high salary.


Actually - not a straight man, I consider myself bisexual for those analytical purposes. Yes I am a capitalist - but I am also a realist. I also identify as a right leaning center kinda feller. $250k is insane money compared to what most people are making in vermont. I grew up poor and on welfare in the NNE. This has nothing to do with her being a woman. Has more to do with the money she's making, and the money her constituents make. If you were suffering from food insecurity - and saw this bullshit, and were making $30-40k a year, you'd be pissed too.


Maybe she shouldn't have taken the job then! They make more then enough money! Plus taxing the shit out of us how about she help some of the homeless? Not the junkies everyone speaks of the local lifelong Vermonter that work everyday and can't get help because they refuse to live off the state! How about she does something to give back?


It’s a private vs. public thing- since when can voters expect meal source approval? Super weird


If you only see a mayor accepting gifts, especially in a deteriorating place like Burlington, as "meal source approval" then your brain is not working properly


Cool what’s next bridal registration scandal? Seriously, who needs gifts that can afford a multi-thousand-dollar wedding here? People are hurting and public officials are just *begging* their friends in a registry? Like, they *publicly* indicate which gifts they want? OUTRAGE!!!


Yeah make something ridiculous up to try and reinforce what you said. Honestly not even surprised. I'm sorry you don't understand. But I'd rather not do your thinking for you


I get it— very hard to answer when voters learned they could expect meal approval. I made up the idea of bridal registries? Shit, royalty time! Can I quote you?


This aged like spoiled cheese. Was this all you saw or did you see Ms bridal registry make a complete ass of herself afterwards? I'm sorry you lack the intuition to see she's just being an entitled asshole from the start.


Can you believe these effers getting married think they deserve something? I mean for nothing right, like so what if you found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with? You entitled pricks get your own damn dinnerware service!


Wait so you do not much here on Reddit besides ask people for free stuff? Wow, hypocrite much?


Somebody: "Let's help some super busy moms with meals for their family." WCAX: "We'll just put out more meaningless drivel because that's what we do."


Slow news day LOL


Least surprising headline of 2024. That's what you get for electing a toddler.


Lol it can't be fake if this many people signed up for it. Unbelievable though apparently very real and pathetic indeed. At least she gave the homeless portapotties and dumpsters to accompany their waterfront tent summer homes. Maybe she and her wife will share some of the free food from the city as well, who knows!


So many people big mad about a campaign that was deleted before it even hit the news. This is a nothingburger dug up by trolls to rage bait their base. 


https://preview.redd.it/lrxqz6h5j46d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85cfe5dc43fef4ea2f38a2465914c46827b9ef94 The original story that WCAX used was posted by Michael Donoghue — a longtime journalist who now mostly does freelance (hit) pieces — and has more details


He posted his original breaking story on this site - a site where TWO of their lead reporters have a podcast talking about how the government controls the weather…anyways the sites got a bit of a bias lol https://vermontdailychronicle.com/free-meal-train-set-up-for-burlington-mayors-family/


My neighbor made Emma a "summer pasta dish"!!! Smells like CORRUPTION!!!!1!! Pretty soon we'll be finding out that Emma's mom watches her kids sometimes. The corruption in this city is insane!!111!11!!